Murder Mysteries #5

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Murder Mysteries #5 Page 30

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  By the time Dan returned Cathy and Marsha were both there doing their jobs. Ben said it looked like Roger had been shot in the heart. Stacy was on her cell talking watching the next door lady with the hip kid creep towards the door for a look see. Dan saw and intercepted her. She smiled exposing her non-Pepsodent teeth and turned around. Stacy hung up and came over to Dan. Dan filled her in and Stacy's' spirits rose higher. "So we're looking for a dark colored car with a 'thug' driving it. We'll send out an APB for a dark car with a thug driving it. Let's not forget he's armed and dangerous. That gives us something to work with. Cathy will have her staff dust for prints, but lord it's probably full of prints from the last ten years. If what Elmira Grey says is true, that he was in and out in five minutes, his prints will not be had."

  "I wonder if Marsha can do the post soon so we can have a glimpse of what the gun size was."

  "Yes, and in Dirk's bedroom he had a small caliber hand gun, but my money is on Felix for at least for the time being."

  Cathy and Marsha both came out. Marsha said, "I'd say around noon to 1 pm. You could split the difference and be might close I think. Isn't this guy one of the workers at the club?"

  "Yes, he's Roger Sparks. He was the clean up guy who loved to watch women work out. A creepy sort of guy, but I always thought rather harmless. Well somebody really didn't like him or maybe Roger knew something he shouldn't have known."

  Cathy said, "From what I've observed the victim was facing the shooter. He was shot in the heart which turned him around while falling to the floor."

  "That rings true with what Dan found out from the old lady across the parking area. She said the shooter was in the house no more than five minutes and back out. So, Marsha, when can you schedule this victim for your busy table?"

  "I'll do both the power lifter and this peeping tom tomorrow back to back beginning at 9 am. Be there or be square. Got to run guys."

  "She seems happy Cathy," said Stacy. "That new guy must be doing something she likes."

  "I'm happy for her, but wish my guy walked around with stiffy and not flaccid. I know that's a terrible thing to say, but damn it's true. I'm back to loving my vibrator again"

  On the way back, riding with Dan, because Stacy wanted to hear every detail the old lady had to say. "She is kind of spry and gets around without any assistance. I noticed her window to the courtyard was clean as a whistle. It's obvious she spends a great deal of time watching the neighbors. I probably need to go back and ask her about what she'd seen in the past few months or so. For example, was this the first time she'd seen a big dark colored car in front of Roger's unit?"

  "Good idea Dan. Remind me to ask Ben about Dirk's computer to see what e-mail friends he had. Those letters from Portland bother me somewhat. I also need to have Rory check out the health clubs in the Beaverton area for the initials WIC. She might be an employee or a club member. It doesn't seem like it but we've two homicides in one day with a connection, which if I don't miss my guess, reaches from Portland area to here and maybe branches off to someplace else."

  Back in the office sitting at the round table, all sat back to take a breath. Emma and Sharon came in with snacks and drinks. Glasses with ice and real fruit drinks sat on the table. Dan said, "Somebody was thinking ahead. Where the hat I want to chip in for the next time." All smiled and laughter was heard.

  After the snack break, Stacy called Rory who must have been sitting on the phone he answered it so fast. "Hey Tall Man, check around the fitness clubs for an employee or a member with the initials WIC. She's been writing letters to our first victim."

  "You mean there's been another one?"

  "Yeah. The clean up dude Roger Sparks was shot in the chest at his motel-apartment unit around noontime. We do have a lead from an unreliable old lady, but she did see a dark colored car with a big husky thug driving it."

  "Beware of them thugs Super. By the way, I'm going to send you some information about those names you sent me earlier today."

  "Thanks and by chance, before I read it, were any of those guys members of the same Hightone Fitness Center?"

  "As a matter of fact yes there was. In addition to the Pete Poncy guy, Felix Warner, Boyd Riggins and Shawn Little were members of the Hightone Fitness Center."

  "Thanks and that is good work Rory. We've some good leads to follow. Find that person who is WIC. She's the key to this puzzle."

  "I'm on it right now. I'll be back to you when I know something. By the way, Rhonda has the background reports on those guys you sent her. She'll fax very soon, she said."

  "Ben, any news on the laptop of Dirk Cassiday's yet?

  "Ben had been sitting there listening and also thinking about why someone would murder Roger Sparks. Cathy was doing a thorough search of his apartment, but a cursory search had not revealed any drugs to speak of. A small pipe was discovered and a very small gram bag of pot didn't suggest Roger was a big time drug dealer. No, drugs were not the reason he was killed. It was probably something he saw or heard that was dangerous to prying ears. But where would he have heard something he should not have, or seen for that matter? The health club was the answer to both of those questions. From what he heard from Stacy talking to Rory, their definitely was a connection between Beaverton and Eugene. All of the suspects had come from Portland area and were members of the same health club in Beaverton. Pete Poncy as well.

  "I'm sorry Stacy what did you ask me?"

  "The PC of Dirk's for discovering his communication with friends or associates."

  "Ah, let me call and see what Salem has to report. I'd best hurry as we're closing in the quitting 5 pm hour."

  The Final Day's Report

  Ben came back from his office to report on Dirk's PC. "Nothing yet Stacy, but by late morning tomorrow he said. Apparently some advanced encryption was a little difficult to access. He'll call when he has it open. Also nothing yet on Felix whereabouts. He's not checked in at work or home. I've instigated a West coast APB. I think the suspect has either fled the area or is hiding somewhere up in Portland."

  Stacy gave what Ben said some serious thought. He's not stupid and knows we are looking for him. He also knows driving is not a good idea so he's hiding out with a friend probably in or near Portland. Stacy scratched her forehead in thought. What if he also knew this WIC person and is hiding at her place. Never mind for now. Let's move on. "Okay, Let's do this to keep the hook into our suspects. We call both Boyd and Shawn to ask for another appointment to ask some more questions for tomorrow. I want the both of them to not take a breather. Let's keep the pressure on. I'll call Boyd Riggins and Ben you can ring up Shawn Little. Dan, go back and chat with any neighbors at Rogers's apartment to see if any other neighbors saw or heard anything concerning a black car or any other car recently. Maybe your new friend Elmira had a sudden flash back that will reveal something for us to work with. I'll catch a ride with Ben and fetch me same time as usual tomorrow Dan."

  Everybody realized Stacy was zoning as usual putting the complex puzzle together. She would go home and walk around in deep thought. They also knew she was getting close to seeing what the crime was all about. Emma said good night and Sharon too, as she and Ben walked out for the night.

  A Walk About

  Stacy began her walk passing by the health club that was dark with crime scene tape the only bright thing visible. The evening was neither warm nor cold. Stacy had a on a windbreaker and with her blue jeans, that was quite sufficient for an evening inland from the Pacific Ocean.

  The walkway was a twisty affair through lovely flower and shrubs. The landscapers had done a great job and now the groundskeeper was even better keeping it pristine in appearance. April was a blooming month, but Stacy was not enjoying the flower gardens, but trying to deduce who killed Dirk Cassiday and Roger Sparks. She needed to find the motive and then close in on the perpetrator or make that perp plural.

  First thought that came to mind was what did all of the suspects have in common? That one was easy as they all worked ou
t at a fitness center. In the beginning or somewhere along the line, they became acquainted and that location was probably in Portland in general and most likely Beaverton specifically. But then how did they all eventually move to Eugene and why? Stacy thought Pete Poncy would have an idea about the move south. Next was their prime suspect Felix gone to ground? Why would he flee and better yet, how did he fit into the scheme of things. After Felix come Boyd and Shawn who claimed a relationship to each other and to the victim as mere acquaintances, was a piece of the puzzle to fit into a difficult location on the board. And what about the red corvette that came visiting Felix; and what about the black or dark colored car with the 'thug' who blatantly killed Roger? Lastly was the elusive female 'supplier' WIC.

  She came to a center circle where benches sat around a water fountain surrounded by a rainbow of flowers. Stacy had a seat. Looking up at the darkening sky with the first stars just becoming visible, a thought entered her complex brain. Like the circle she was sitting in, Stacy smiled thinking they had been doing the same thing with this case: going in circles. Stacy rose and went around the water fountain twice to make sure she had a major part of the missing pieces. There was still more work ahead, but with a spring in her step, made for home.

  Rory Adds A Small Dash

  Stacy, after she entered her house, turned on her cell. At the same time her house phone rang. It was Rory on the other end asking, "You turned your phone off Super. You've been out walking?"

  "A stroll through the park Tall Man. What do you have to add to my recipe for a fine tasting lead in our fitness case?"

  "Rhonda faxed all the background checks on those fitness freaks. I got lucky and tracked down your mysterious WIC person. Her name is Wendy Iris Carson. She's a trainer at Hightone Fitness Center here in Beaverton. I went there but didn't talk to her. I did talk to the resident manager, Rodney Fleming. He seems a nice guy and then I gave him a line of BS. I told him my lady friend was looking for a personal trainer to help her get fit. He pointed to a really shapely young woman who was working with a client. I asked her name and he told me who she was. I asked for an application and we chatted about how many members. Hard to believe, but he said more than three hundred with two-thirds women. He gave me a tour and it's complete with pool, weight room and so on. The locker rooms he showed me have lockable storage and believe me well equipped."

  "Lots of cute girls – huh -- Tall Man?"

  "My eyes were feasting for sure. Some were wearing skin tight outfits that your old dead buddy Roger would eat his broom handle just for a peek."

  "As my father would say, 'I think you hit the nail on the head'."

  "I did," he asked. "What did I say that struck your fancy Super?"

  "Let me sleep on it and tomorrow see if you can locate Felix Warner hiding out at Wendy Carson's residence. Okay, time for my dinner. When this case is closed and put to bed, I might let you inspect my sensuous lips," she said coyly hanging up.

  Rory lamented his location at that very moment. He thought she wanted him and Lord did he ever want her. He relished the fact she had moved off center with their relationship since Christmas time. He flashed on Candy and wondered if she was still with the publisher. He could not blame her for leaving if he was talking in his sleep about Stacy when Candy was nestled in his arms. One thing he missed was having someone around to spend the evenings. Candy was good company and they had mutual likes for movies. Like him, she loved popcorn and seemed to enjoy similar likes for movies and music. Also, she was not a bad cook.

  It was since he first met Stacy and her father, Ray Foreham, former Chief of Police in Bandon, seeing what a fine cook his was, Rory made a concerted effort to get into cooking. He started watching the Sunday cooking shows, bought a Betty Crocker cookbook, went shopping for spices and all sorts of items one might need for the kitchen. His mother told him to follow the recipes exactly until he reached the point of seasoning to taste. Well, that 'point' was a long way off in his opinion. He went to the kitchen and after scanning the stores, decided a toasted tuna with supermarket potato salad would suffice. He did feel a little guilty about not making a nice dinner, but cooking for one sucked big time.

  Stacy, he knew, really didn't want to learn how to cook well like her father and Fran. They were into making good home cooked food and Stacy was into eating it, not making it.

  She laughed as she peered into her fridge scanning the mostly empty shelves. Even after Sharon and her went shopping, oh my, she thought, that was months ago. Make a note Stacy to have an instant replay of supermarket shopping. She decided on an omelet with ninety-nine percent fat free ham. Lucky for her she had some frozen whole grain bread for toast. They she spied some cream cheese to grace the toast. In no time she was in front of the TV flipping channels and trying not to think about the case.

  Stacy must have fallen asleep as her phone startled her awake. She said hello rubbing her eyes. "It's only 8:30 daughter of mine. You sleeping in front of the TV like I do huh?"

  "Yes, you caught me dozing off in front of the tube. How are you and Fran doing?"

  "I just wanted you to hear the feedback on that table you suggest I laminate with myrtle wood. It took me almost four months to complete it. The guy was in no hurry so I had some other little project to take care of. Anyway, he was so pleased and when his rich banker friend had dinner on it, the banker would have been one-upped. He wants one only bigger and a coffee table to match it. I need some help," her father said laughing.

  "I think maybe Rory can help dad, but me I'm an idea girl and not a hands on person like you. However," she said being coy, "I've mastered the yellow legal pad and yellow Dixon Ticonderoga pencil action on my desk. Dan is the only one who knows what I'm doing with the sliding my fingers up and down the pencil, then reversing it on the blank legal pad. Actually it took a little practice to get the hang of it, but now I'm a pro. So, what else is new?"

  "Not a lot. We're still packing the restaurant every day were open. Flo is permanent on the entry desk. Everybody loves her and she is good at the job. Fran sends her love and soon, if you remember, we'll get married come June is our new scheduled wedding month."

  "Let me know the exact date so can plan ahead. I think I can wrap this crime we're working on in a week or so. If that's the case, then I'll come down, if Rory can drive me. Or, no, I thought Dan could drive me but Emma is going to deliver soon I think. Anyhow, bye for now as I'm sleepy dad. I love you," she said with compassion.

  When she woke up the next morning, groggy was too good a word to describe how she felt. This is what it must feel after a night of partying and waking up hung over big time, she thought, as she staggered to the bathroom. A hot shower was first and after brushing her teeth, letting the hot water make her skin feel like all her blood had rushed to the surface, she killed the hot and turned on the cold to give her body a shock like never before. She was jumping up and down sucking in air like there was no tomorrow. She would have liked to say the cold was five minutes, but in reality, maybe two minutes until she engaged the hot side of the faucet.

  Looking at her watch, seeing about fifteen minutes before Dan picked her up, she popped in some toast and dug out the cream cheese. Afterwards she bounced down the stairs feeling good all over. Stacy gave Dan a big smile with a good morning and said, "We don't seem to get tired of the drive through breakfast Dan. How's Em this morning. Maybe we should get her something special?"

  "She seems fine these days Stacy. The growing front end bothers her when walking or bending over. Some backaches, but I guess overall she's doing about normal for growing a baby inside a body. I realize it's something that happens many thousands of times an hour, but I still think it's pretty amazing stuff. Pretty soon that little baby will pop out and have a distinct appearance along with its own special personality. We've over seven billion on this planet and they're all different with their own makeup."

  After the arches took her money she said, "I can't imagine me having a baby just yet. However, I can see you and
Em just fine. Nothing is ever perfect in a relationship, but you two seem to be happy."

  They were almost to the office when Dan said, "We've had some rough periods, but nothing we couldn't talk out. With her being older than me, she seems to have a better feel for how things work in our lives."

  Sharon had hot water and a pot of coffee brewing. Emma was sorting through the background checks that Rhonda had sent down. Ben had left a message he'd be over later after a state police meeting.

  All were gathered around the kitchen table having breakfast and discussing what a fine April day it was. Sharon said, "Marsha called to remind us that the post mortem is scheduled for both murder victims."

  "Wow! I almost forgot about that. Thanks Sharon and Marsha. I'm thinking after I look at the background checks on Boyd, Shawn and Felix about driving north to visit the Hightone Fitness Center in Beaverton. I'm also waiting for Rory to call about what he discovered at our mysterious WIC letter writer. She's a fitness trainer at Hightone. I suspect she's hiding Felix Warner. Okay Sharon please bring me those background checks and Dan follow me when you're finished." Dan was on her heels and he thought she was walking tall like when she was close to solving a case. He grinned thinking that working with her was a real learning opportunity. Now if he could do well with his schoolwork, in a few years time he'd be a fair investigator in his own right.

  Stacy read Felix Warner's background check. She skipped the educational part and focused intensely when he arrived in Portland. He worked for a major stockbroker firm and had a favorable work record. He transferred to another major firm and with that same firm, relocated to Eugene about a year ago. His income was in the ballpark according to Rhonda. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary about Felix. He was a member of Hightone Fitness Center dating back almost five years.


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