Blood Dreams

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Blood Dreams Page 14

by Mlyn Hurn

  Hunter reached out and covered AnnaBelle’s hand. “Good thing I bought all those tickets round trip, huh?”

  Chapter 16

  Iain walked home from his evening lecture slowly. It had been a month since AnnaBelle had left for Paris. Every day had seemed endless. He had thought eternity was long, but it had paled when compared to the last month. A minute with AnnaBelle flew by so quickly, but since she’d left him even a minute seemed longer than a day.

  As he continued the path to his house, his thoughts returned to the morning following the so-called rescue at the club. He had shown up at the loft that next morning, expecting to straighten things out with AnnaBelle. The shock of finding out she was gone had quickly disappeared beneath the pain of realizing that he had fallen in love with her. It seemed only fitting to take his anger out on Fauster.

  “Damn it, Fauster! Give me AnnaBelle’s phone number! Why the hell did you let her leave?”

  Fauster glared at Iain. “I’ve been up all night trying to sort through the mess my laboratory is in, and I didn’t hear AnnaBelle leave.” He turned his back on Iain, walking towards the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, he growled over his shoulder at Iain. “Who put all this damned health food in here?”

  Iain watched as Fauster pulled out milk, orange juice and the carton of eggs. Folding his arms across his chest, he sat in one of the chairs at the table. “AnnaBelle went to the store a few times. Just give me AnnaBelle’s phone number and I’ll get out of your hair, Fauster.”

  Fauster ran one hand through his thinning auburn hair. “Why did you have to turn her?” he asked the younger vampire wearily.

  “You never told me your plans. Besides, it’s none of your business why I did it, Fauster.”

  Fauster turned from breaking eggs. “I hope you aren’t going to tell me that she asked you to turn her. AnnaBelle would never do that. She’s been raised a hunter, and had no idea about anything else.”

  Iain leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. “What else doesn’t AnnaBelle know about her family? I didn’t tell her about you, or that I knew you. I didn’t realize what a hell of a mistake it was to stay silent. The minute I learned who she was I should have told her the truth.”

  “Simon admitted that he told her. Which reminds me—can you imagine the trouble we would have had if she’d let Simon complete her turning? I didn’t think any woman could distract you from your path once you’d decided—”

  Iain stood and walked away to look out the window. The sky was overcast, which suited his mood. “It was a mistake and I corrected it. Now, before I call AnnaBelle, is there anything else about your family or your plans that I should know?”

  Silence followed his words, so after almost a minute, Iain turned. Fauster was standing at the stove, stirring eggs, but staring straight ahead. Iain crossed the room again, coming into the kitchen area and leaning against the counter. “Hey! Fauster! You’re drifting.”

  Fauster turned, looking at Iain. “Look, Iain, you’re the one who left Europe for the brave new world. You weren’t interested in the old ways, but wanted to explore your psychic and telepathic talents. Granted that I and countless others have been grateful for your achievements in overcoming or replacing the blood lust, but the family didn’t remain static after you left.”

  Iain watched as Fauster dumped the scrambled eggs onto a plate. “What have you been up to, Fauster? You were still in Europe when you invented the blood test. When did you move here?”

  “I could say the same thing about you, Iain. I’m willing to grant you the first couple of hundred years, but communication has improved the last hundred, as have methods of travel.”

  Iain took a deep breath. “I seriously doubt that you’ve kept in touch with everyone in the family at the time I left.”

  Fauster set his empty plate in the sink. He started walking towards the darkroom. He paused after opening the door, looking back at Iain.

  “There is no one else left of that time, other than you and me. And of course, there was Simon. Take that worried look off your face, Iain. I wasn’t alone for long. I began doing what you did, studying and learning from the scientists of the times. The new society of hunters was actually my idea. Although very few people know the truth—counting you and myself, only five vampires know the truth. I trust three of them to keep the secret, and I believe the fifth will not reveal anything in order to protect someone. Now, I should get back to work on that film. I’m quite pleased that AnnaBelle didn’t turn it over to Simon after all.”

  Iain’s mind was working furiously sorting and understanding everything Fauster had just revealed. He pushed it all to the back of his mind, and crossed to the dark room to ask for AnnaBelle’s phone number once again.

  “Damn it all!” Fauster appeared in the open doorway again, looking angry and rattled. “The film and all my negatives are gone! AnnaBelle must have taken them with her.”

  Iain held back the smile that threatened to curl his lips. It appeared that AnnaBelle was quite a force to be reckoned with after all. In taking the film, she had leveled the playing field herself. Obviously, Simon had destroyed the notes that led to the development and creation of the film. So in order to reproduce the film, he was going to need a sample of the original. The person he had manipulated and lied to was the one who now held the power.

  Fauster crossed the room to his phone, irritated to discover it had not yet been repaired. It only took a moment for Fauster to think before he shouted.

  “Lamenta!” The word sounded harshly loud in the quiet of the room. Without a word of explanation, Fauster turned and left the apartment. Iain followed him, not saying a word. He did think it odd that the phone once again was not working. Thinking back, he was pretty sure he recalled Lamenta stating she could have it repaired for AnnaBelle, even over the weekend.

  * * * * *

  Lamenta opened the door to find two disgruntled men demanding entrance, asking questions and wanting to use the phone. She smiled at the men, knowing that sooner or later she’d be seeing them both today.

  “Hello! What a nice surprise! I can guess why Fauster is here—it has been a long time hasn’t it, my big, bold stallion.” Lamenta smiled as Fauster flushed and grumbled, moving past Lamenta into her casual living room. Her smile changed to a grin when she saw that Iain was trying to suppress his amusement at Fauster as well.

  “Fauster, dear, the phone is lying on my bed, and yes, you may use it. Now for you, young man, come and sit down.”

  Lamenta sat a few cushions away from the handsome, blond psychic vampire. He was definitely the most frightening vampire she’d ever met. And even though she’d only become acquainted with vampires in the last twenty odd years, since meeting Fauster, it was Iain’s quiet determination and his intellect, which scared her the most. But she wasn’t scared now—not after her long chat last night with AnnaBelle. She smiled again at Iain, thinking of all the fun these two young people were going to have as the years passed. There was no doubt in her mind that even though Iain was technically centuries older than AnnaBelle, only now that he’d met her would he truly begin living.

  * * * * *

  “Damn it all!”

  Fauster came back into living room. He practically fell down onto the cushions beside Lamenta. His head came to rest on her lap, and Iain watched in near disbelief as Lamenta began stroking his long hair to calm him.

  “What’s wrong, my dearest?” she asked him gently.

  Fauster closed his eyes as Lamenta continued to caress his forehead and hair. Iain could see by the soporific look slowly covering his face. It was obvious that Lamenta’s touch was calming the older man down.

  “AnnaBelle didn’t answer her phone.”

  “Did you call her parents?” Lamenta prodded gently.

  “Yes, but they are of no help. They had no idea where she was either, and they refused to call Hunter for me.”

  Iain did not miss the strained and irritated look on Fauster’s face as he spoke. “Why
don’t you call Hunter?”

  Fauster glared at Iain, and then turned away. “I can’t believe I have such a stubborn brother.”

  Lamenta smiled at Iain, continuing to stroke and soothe Fauster. “Apart from the fact that he isn’t really your brother, did you leave a message for AnnaBelle at her apartment?”

  Fauster’s lips twisted into a mockery of a smile. “Hell yes! She will think twice before taking something from me again.”

  Iain shook his head. “Shit, Fauster! That has to be the stupidest thing possible to leave on her machine.”

  “Ahh!” Fauster shot him a glare, followed by his totally self-satisfied smile. “My message should scare her into coming back immediately with my film. That will be the last time she defies me…Ooww!”

  Fauster’s head hit the floor with a thud. Lamenta had shoved him off her lap. She had hopped to her feet and was halfway across the room as Fauster spoke. “What the hell was that for, Lamenta?”

  Lamenta straightened her back, shook her head and made her glossy black ringlets bounce. “Because you can be a complete ass, Fauster! I can’t believe you would leave such a wretched message on your niece’s phone. Have you no heart? No shred of human decency left inside you?”

  Fauster came to his feet slowly, and his anger, mingled with disbelief was apparent on his face and in his voice. “This is family business, and I’ll thank you to stay out of it! I don’t want you gossiping about this either.”

  Lamenta’s head snapped back as if she’d been physically slapped. Her spine was now ramrod stiff and straight. “Get out of my apartment, Fauster Blue. I will call you if I decide we are to see one another ever again.”

  Iain started to rise, but he stopped as he saw the anger fade from Fauster’s face. The older man was still obviously surprised, but slowly he turned and left Lamenta’s apartment without another word. Iain turned to look at Lamenta and was stunned to see the woman was smiling as if nothing had just happened. She came over and sat beside Iain.

  Iain cleared his throat. “Is there anything I can help you with, Lamenta?”

  She shook her head, reaching over and patting Iain’s thigh. “Well, I don’t really think you mean that the way I’d be willing to take it. Don’t you fret, young man. When AnnaBelle was here last night, she was in pain, but I have no doubt once the pain fades, she will return here to deal with her anger. She was disillusioned, of course, but I feel that once she accepts her future, she’ll be back to work things out with you.”

  “How can you be so sure Lamenta?”

  “Because I read her future before she left, and even though AnnaBelle doesn’t know it yet, you and she will soon be making history.”

  “I don’t mean to belittle your powers, as such, but no matter how much I may want AnnaBelle, I can’t see us finding a way to be together. I wouldn’t blame her if she never forgave me.” Iain shook his head, confused somewhat by the overwhelming feeling of sadness he experienced as he spoke the truth. “I want you to know, Lamenta, that I had no idea about Fauster’s crazy plans. I can’t explain why I didn’t know he had attended a couple of my lectures.”

  Lamenta shook her head. “Be patient, young man, and don’t go chasing after her. You must wait here for AnnaBelle’s return to you. It is important that she decides to come back or not. Don’t call her home phone, or her parents. When she has made peace within her heart, she’ll come back to finish her battles and make peace with everything else. There will be much for her to look forward to in her future.”

  “You sound pretty sure about AnnaBelle and how she is going to deal with all of this stuff.”

  Lamenta paused for a few seconds before she spoke again. “I am a witch, Iain,” she told him simply, as if that should explain everything. “Now, it’s time for you to resume your life as it was before you met AnnaBelle.”

  Iain walked with Lamenta the rest of the way to the front door of her apartment. “Are you sure you will be all right, Lamenta? What if Fauster comes back? He sounded pretty pissed when he left here.”

  Lamenta laughed as she opened the door. “Don’t fret, my dear Iain. I imagine Fauster is watching and waiting for you to leave so he can come back over here. He’ll bluster and stammer about, striking his chest a few times to prove he was right. I’ll give him the cold shoulder for a bit, and then I will let him apologize and come back. Fauster is the noblest of all vampires.”

  Lamenta threaded her arm under Iain’s, and started walking him towards the door. “Fauster may seem crazy at times, and he really needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut. Listening and patience have never been his strong points.”

  Iain shook his head. “I’m worried if he comes back, still so angry, that he might—“

  “Injure me? Take too much blood in his anger?” Lamenta finished his thought. “Don’t worry, Iain. Fauster is a pussycat. I’ve always let him think he has the power in our relationship. But I think after this latest fiasco, I’ll keep him off-kilter for longer than usual. He thinks he can control me. The truth is, Iain, he’s just never met a witch as powerful as I.”

  Lamenta didn’t look the least bit worried, Iain thought as she continued. “The problem is that you old vamps think you know everything there is to know. The day will come—“ her voice trailed away suddenly. “Never mind the ramblings of an old witch. Now run along so Fauster and I can begin our newest forgiving dance. I still have your cell phone number, in case I need anything.”

  Iain smiled and leaned over to press a gentle kiss on Lamenta’s cheek. “I’m beginning to feel sorry for Fauster. He doesn’t have a chance.”

  Lamenta winked wickedly as she shut the door, which only reassured him that she probably could handle that old vampire after all.

  Chapter 17

  AnnaBelle’s first stop upon returning to New York City had been to visit Lamenta’s apartment. The two women hugged tightly a moment after Lamenta’s door opened.

  “I knew you would come back, dear!” Lamenta dabbed at the tears welling up in her eyes. “Come inside. We have so much to talk about.”

  AnnaBelle was seated on the mound of pillows, sipping the herbal tea Lamenta had made when the older woman joined her. Lamenta shocked her with her next words.

  “Did you return for your heart or your baby?”

  “Oow!” AnnaBelle cried as the hot liquid splashed onto her hand as she jerked back in surprise. “I’m not pregnant!”

  Lamenta smiled, dabbing at the spilled tea. “I had a brief vision the last time you were here, but this time I am sure. If you aren’t pregnant yet, then you will be before too much longer. Have you told anyone else?”

  AnnaBelle shook her head. “I need to speak to Iain first. I’m not sure what will happen between us.”

  “I understand, dear. Finish your tea and then we’ll go and see Fauster.”

  AnnaBelle vigorously shook her head from side to side. “I’m not sure that I want to even see Uncle Fauster.”

  “I know, AnnaBelle, but family is all we have in this world. It’s time to mend fences. And I assure you, my dear, Fauster is something of a changed ‘vampire.’ He would deny it, naturally, but I think you will see the changes.”

  “All right, let’s go then.”

  “Not just yet, AnnaBelle. I have a few things I want to give you first.”

  AnnaBelle looked surprised and confused at Lamenta’s words. “I don’t understand, Lamenta.”

  “I know, my dear. There are a few more facts I would give before sending you forth to face the lion in his den.”

  * * * * *

  “Hello, Iain.”

  Iain’s head jerked upwards at the voice greeting him. He couldn’t believe his eyes and shook his head to clear it. But AnnaBelle was still sitting on his front step. Her hair was loose across her shoulders and down her back. She was dressed in jeans, T-shirt and jeans jacket. Beside her on the stoop were a large suitcase and her backpack. His heart soared upon seeing her suitcase. But he held back, not wanting to jump to conclusions.
  “Hi, AnnaBelle. Have you been sitting here long?”

  AnnaBelle shook her head. “I’ve had a busy day. I went to see Lamenta, and from there we went over to saw Fauster.”

  “I bet that was an interesting meeting.”

  AnnaBelle grinned, holding her hand towards Iain. He took the hint and helped her stand. Not wanting to rush things, he started to release her hand. Suddenly her fingers closed around his, and using the element of surprise, she jerked on his, pulling him forward. Flinging her arms around his shoulders, AnnaBelle kissed him hard.

  Iain stayed still under the onslaught for perhaps a millisecond before kissing her back. His arms pulled her closer even as their tongues met and stroked each other in a hot, wet greeting. Iain groaned with desire, but that quickly turned to a gasp of surprise when AnnaBelle’s hand curved over his hard cock beneath his trousers. AnnaBelle’s hand followed him as he stepped back in astonishment, refusing to release its hold.

  AnnaBelle grinned at Iain as her busy fingers released the snap and then started tugging the zipper down on his trousers. Iain’s goal of keeping a low profile would be blown if he didn’t slow AnnaBelle down.

  “AnnaBelle?” Iain caught her hands in his.

  “I’m in the mood for love—“ AnnaBelle sang to him loudly, off key.

  “Inside, woman! Now!” Iain released her hands and grabbed her large suitcase, moving over and unlocking the door.

  * * * * *

  AnnaBelle laughed out loud as Iain grabbed her, kicked the door shut and spun her around. Her feet barely touched the floor before he was kissing the breath right out of her chest. AnnaBelle didn’t resist at all and threw her arms tightly around Iain’s neck and shoulders. After several long moments, he lifted his head to look at her face. AnnaBelle grinned at her lover.

  “We need to talk, Iain. I shouldn’t have run off without straightening things out between us.”

  AnnaBelle saw the happiness fade from Iain’s face. She reached up and curled her hand to the side of his jaw, lightly caressing his skin. Feeling his day old beard, she wondered what that might feel like rubbing across her skin.


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