Cambridge (U.S.A.) Dante Society;
Annual Reports, 82n., 91n., 161n., 221n., 224n.
Cammino, Gherardo da (d. 1306);
reference to, in Convivio, 175.
Campaldino, battle of (1289);
Tuscan Ghibellines defeated by Florentine Guelfs, 53-62, 67;
Dante takes part in, 53-4, 57, 61, 62, 74;
alleged account of, by Dante, 57n., 251;
Villani’s account of, 57-60;
Buonconte da Montefeltro killed in, 60, 61-2;
reminiscences of, in D. C., 61, 62.
Campi, G.;
commentary on D. C., 229.
Can Grande. See Scala.
Canaccio, Bernardo;
friend of Dante at Ravenna, 100n.;
his epitaph on Dante, 105-6;
supposed until recently to have been written by Dante himself, 106;
identity of writer discovered in MS. in Bodleian, 106;
translated by Fynes Moryson, 106n.
Cancellieri family of Pistoja;
Black and White factions originate from feuds of, 75-7.
Cancellieri, Focaccia de’; occasions hostilities between two branches of Cancellieri family, 75-6.
Canolati, Bartolommeo;
dealings of Visconti with, as a sorcerer, 101-3.
Cante de’ Gabrielli. See Gabrielli.
MS. of Convivio at, 192n.
Canzoni e Madrigali di Dante, 160.
Canzoniere. See Lyrical Poems.
Caponsacchi, Cilia di Gherardo de’;
wife of Folco Portinari, 46n.;
her eleven children, 46n.-47 n.
Dante present at capitulation of, 62.
Carbone, G.;
translation of Blanc’s Vocabolario Dantesco, 230.
Cardinals, Italian;
Dante’s letter to, 97, 249-50.
Carducci, G.;
Rime di M. Cino da Pistoja, 49n., 50n., 108n.
Carlyle, J. A. (1801-1879);
printed Italian text of Inferno with his translation, 216.
Carmina Illustrium Poetarum Italorum;
Dante’s Eclogues first printed in, 253.
Carpenter, G. R.;
Episode of the Donna Pietosa, 161n.
conclave at, 97, 249.
Carroccio, Florentine, 15;
Villani’s account of, 17-18;
at battle of Montaperti, 21;
capture of, by Sienese, 24;
flagstaffs preserved in Cathedral of Siena, 24n.;
Dante’s uncle in charge of, at Montaperti, 42.
Cartolario, A.;
notice of Dante, 276.
Cary, H. F. (1772-1844);
printed Italian text of Inferno for first time in England, 215;
his translation of D. C., 219;
notes on D. C., 229.
Dante in, 92-3.
Casini, T.;
commentary on D. C., 36n., 229;
edition of V. N., 166n., 167n.;
chapter divisions in, 167n.
Cassino, Monte. See Monte Cassino.
Castagno, Andrea del (c. 1390-1457);
his representation of Dante, 143n.
Casts from human face;
art of taking, known to the ancients, 135n.
Cat, anecdote of Dante and, 156-7.
translation of D. C. in, 217.
Cavalcanti, Cavalcante, 33-4.
Cavalcanti, Guido (c. 1255-1300);
marries the daughter of Farinata degli Uberti, 34;
Dante’s friend, 36n., 47n. ,50, 81, 159, 164, 170;
replies to Dante’s first sonnet, 45, 50, 159;
his reply translated by Rossetti, 159n.;
friend of Manetto Portinari, to whom he addressed a sonnet, 47n.;
poetical correspondence with Dante, 50-1;
one of the Whites, 81;
exiled through Dante’s means, 81;
death of, 81-2;
his last poem, 82n.;
Taddeo Gaddi’s portrait of, in Santa Croce, 141;
Dante’s V. N.dedicated to, 164;
his lady, Giovanna, 170.
Cavalcaselle, G. B.;
version of Kirkup’s letter to the Spectator on the Giotto portrait of Dante, 133n.;
opinion as to the portraits of Dante, 142n.
Cavicciuli, Antonio di Baldinaccio de’; member of the Adimari family of Florence, rescued from death by Dante, 43n.
Cayley, C. B. (1823-1883);
translation of D. C., with notes, 229.
Cecco d’ Ascoli (1257-1327);
Quirini’s defence of Dante’s memory against imputations of, 108;
anecdote of Dante and, 156-7.
Cerchi family of Florence;
leaders of White Party, 76;
feud with Donati, 77-81.
Cerchi, Ricoverino de’; wounded in broil in Florence, 81.
Cerchi, Vieri de’; at battle of Campaldino, 58, 61, 76;
leader of Whites in Florence, 76, 79, 80.
Charles I of Anjou (1220-1285);
defeats Manfred at Benevento, 28-9, 31, 34, 35, 36;
receives lordship of Florence for three years, 34.
Charles II of Anjou (1243-1309);
in Florence, 55;
aids Florentines, 56;
mentioned in De Vulg. Eloq., 241;
supposed to figure in Bargello fresco containing portrait of Dante, 268.
Charles of Valois (1270-1325);
representative of Boniface VIII in Florence, 82-3, 124.
Charles Martel of Hungary (1271-1295);
Dante’s acquaintance with, 140n.
Charles the Great (742-814);
Dante’s error as to coronation of, 237n.
Chaucer, Geoffrey (c. 1340-1400);
translations from D. C., in his works, 218.
Checcacci, G.;
opinion as to portraits of Dante, 142n.
Chiswick Press;
single volume edition of D. C., printed by Whittinghams at, 216.
Church, Dean;
quoted, 3-5.
Church, F. J.;
translation of De Monarchia, 239n.
Cialuffi, Lapa di Chiarissimo;
Dante’s stepmother, 37n., 38;
second wife of Alighiero, 38;
mention of, in document, 38n.
Ciccarelli, L.;
first editor of Boccaccio’s commentary on D. C., 223, 272.
Cicchetti, Pietro;
editor of first single volume English edition of D. C., 216;
his mistaken claim in respect of it, 216.
De Amicitia studied by Dante, 65, 67, 182.
Cinelli, Giovanni (d. 1706);
biographical notice of Dante, 136;
reference to mask of Dante, 136;
Kirkup’s statement that he mentions Giotto’s portrait of Dante, 267.
Cino da Pistoja (1270-c. 1337);
friend of Dante, 48;
canzone on death of Beatrice, 48-9, 107;
translated by Rossetti, 49;
canzone on death of Dante, 50, 107-8;
replies to Dante’s first sonnet, 50, 159;
his reply translated by Rossetti, 159n.;
poetical correspondence with Dante, 50, 107;
Dante’s letter to, on subject of love, 50, 248.
Cittadini, Celso (d. 1627);
Italian translation of De Vulg. Eloq., 245.
Civezza, M. da;
joint editor of Serravalle’s commentary on D. C., 273.
Clement IV (Pope, 1264-1268);
invites Charles of Anjou to take possession of Sicily, 28.
Clement V (Pope, 1305-1314);
death of, 97, 249, 250.
Codronchi, Mgr., Archbishop of Ravenna;
mention of the hiding of Dante’s remains, 114.
editions of Costa’s commentary on D. C. published at, 228n.
Dante’s reference to in V. N., 48, 193;
dedications of, 92n., 195;
completed at Ravenna, 100;
divergent opinions in it and Convivio, 175;
Italian language brought to highest perfection in, 176;
account of, 193-206;
by Boccaccio, 193-5;
by Villani, 195;
echoes of, in Villani, 195;
its origin, 193-4;
Dante’s account of its subject and aim in letter to Can Grande, 195-6, 250;
its title, 196n.;
number of lines in, 197, 213;
date of action of, 197;
duration of action, 197-8;
dates of composition, 198;
scheme of, 198-206;
Boccaccio’s story of lost cantos of Paradiso, 206-8;
and of unfinished Inferno, 209-11;
why written in Italian, 211-12;
Dante and his rhymes, 213;
statistics of MSS., 213;
of printed editions, 213-14, 226;
editio princeps, 172, 191, 214;
French editions, 214;
selections printed in England, 214-15;
English editions, 215-17;
translations, 217-18;
English translations, 218-221;
statistics of, 219-20;
lectures on, by Boccaccio, 223;
by Benvenuto da Imola, 223, 225;
by Buti, 223-4;
by Filippo Villani, 250;
commentaries on, 41n., 98n., 101n., 103n., 131n., 146-7, 221-9, 271-4;
Cent. XIV, 221-4, 271-3;
Cent. XV, 224-6, 273;
Cent. XVI, 226, 273-4;
Cent. XVIII, 227;
Cent. XIX, 227-9;
English commentaries, 229-30;
indices, 227, 230;
dictionaries, 230;
concordance, 230;
the work quoted, 48n., 101n., 129n., 175n., 196n., 234n.
Compagni, Dino (c. 1260-1326);
his Chronicle quoted, 77-8.
Conrad the Salic (Emperor, 1024-1039);
progenitor of Swabian Emperors, 2.
Conrad III (Emperor, 1138-1152);
defeats Henry of Bavaria at Weinsberg, 2.
Conradin of Hohenstaufen (1251-1268);
intrigues of Guelfs with, 28.
Constance, Council of (1414-1418);
G. da Serravalle at instigation of two English bishops writes commentary on D. C. at, 225.
incorrect title of Dante’s Convivio first used by Biscioni, 173n., 191.
reference to Dante’s exile in, 88-9, 91, 175, 177;
Kirkup makes drawing of Giotto’s portrait of Dante in copy of 1531 edition of, 134n.;
reference to V. N. in, 161;
Biscioni’s edition, 173n., 191;
account of the work, 173-92;
correct title of, 173n., 191;
editio princeps of, 173n., 191;
Cent. XVI editions, 173n., 191;
MSS. of, 173n., 191-2;
attempts to identify missing canzoni in, 174;
division into chapters, 174;
Villani’s account of, 174;
Boccaccio’s, 174-5;
date of work, 175;
perhaps composed at Bologna, 175;
meaning of name, 175;
wherein it differs from V. N. 175, 176;
reason why written in Italian, 175, 177-8;
analysis of work, 176-91;
English translations of, 176n., 192n.;
printed editions of, 191;
critical editions, 191;
supposed reference to De Vulg., 241;
the work quoted, 42n., 48n., 66n., 69n., 173n., 174n., 175n., 197n., 234-5n.
Corbinelli, Jacopo (fl. 1570-1590);
printed editio princeps of De Vulg. Eloq., 245, 246, 276, 280;
first printed Serdini’s notice of Dante, 276;
his notice of Dante, 280.
Franciscans so called, 48n.
Cornell University Library;
copy of editio princeps of Quaestio de Aqua et Terra in, 257n.
Corrall, C.;
printer of Pickering’s diminutive edition of D. C., 215.
Corsi, Domenico Maria (Cardinal, 1686-1697);
restores Dante’s tomb at Ravenna, 107;
engraving of tomb as restored by him, 107n.
Corso Donati. See Donati.
Costa, Paolo;
commentary on D. C., 228;
editions of, 228n.
Credo, Dante’s; alleged origin of, 150-2;
MSS. of, 259-60: assigned by some to Antonio da Ferrara, 260;
editions of, 260;
English translation of, 260n.;
another Credo, 260n.
besieged by Henry VII, 94.
Cronica Generale dal 1321 al 1470;
anonymous notice of Dante in, 278.
D’ Ancona e Bacci;
Manuale della Letteratura Italiana, 72n.
Daniello, Bernardino (d. c. 1560);
commentary on D. C., 226, 274, 279;
notice of Dante, 279.
translation of D. C., in, 217.
Dante Alighieri. See Alighieri, Dante.
Dante, Jacopo di. See Alighieri, Jacopo.
Dante, Pietro di. See Alighieri, Pietro.
Dante da Majano (fl. 1290);
replies to Dante’s first sonnet, 159;
reply translated by Rossetti, 159n.
Dante e il suo Secolo, 98n.
Dante e la Lunigiana, 247n.
“Dantinus” at Padua, doubtfully identified with Dante, 91n.
Dartmouth, Countess of (Frances Finch, 1761-1838);
second English edition of D. C., dedicated to, 215.
Davidsohn, R.;
Geschichte von Florenz, 40n.
Dayman, J.;
notes on D. C., 229.
Del Balzo, C.;
Poesie di Mille Autori intorno a Dante Alighieri, 276n.
Del Lungo, I.;
Beatrice nella Vita e nella Poesia del Secolo xiii, 43n., 46n.;
Dante ne’ tempi di Dante, 51n.;
Dell’ Esilio di Dante, 71n., 84n., 95n., 98n., 112n., 113n., 115n.;
Dal Secolo e dal Poema di Dante, 74n ;
Dino Compagni e la sua Cronica, 97n.;
monographs on Dante, 281.
Delizie degli Eruditi Toscani, 276n., 278.
Della Corte, Girolamo (fl. c. 1560);
notice of Dante, 279.
Della Torre, A.;
critical text of Dante’s letter to Florentine friend, 99n.
Dino Compagni. See Compagni.
Dino Perini. See Perini.
Dionisi, Giovanni Giacomo (1724-1808);
first printed Dante’s letter to
Florentine friend, 250;
reprinted Dante’s Eclogues in his Aneddoti, 253.
D’Israeli, Isaac (1766-1848);
anecdote of Dante in Curiosities of Literature, 156-7;
subscriber to Rossetti’s Comento Analitico alla D.C., 216.
Divina Commedia. See Commedia.
Dolce, Lodovico (1508-1568);
notice of Dante, 279.
Domenichelli, T.;
joint editor of Serravalle’s commentary on D. C., 273.
Domenico di Michelino (1417-1491);
his representation of Dante, 143;
formerly attributed to Orcagna, 143n.;
notice of, by William Barker, 143n.;
inscription on, translated by Ed. Wright, 143n.
Dominican Schools of Santa Maria Novella, 66n.
Donati family of Florence;
their houses back to back with those of Alighieri, 67n.;
leaders of Black Party, 76;<
br />
feud with Cerchi, 77-81.
Donati, Corso (d. 1308);
Podesta of Pistoja, 58;
at battle of Campaldino, 58, 59, 61, 67, 76;
leaders of Blacks in Florence, 76, 80, 83;
Giotto’s portrait of, 131, 268, 269.
Donati, Forese (d. 1296);
friend of Dante, 39, 51, 67;
poetical correspondence with Dante, 39, 51, 86.
Donati, Gemma;
Dante’s wife, 37n., 67;
her family, 67;
Boccaccio’s description of her, 67-8;
Dante’s relations with, 67-9;
identified by some with the “donna gentile” of V. N., 67n., 161;
separation from Dante, 88n.;
survives Dante, 71;
conceals Dante’s writings when he was condemned, 209-10;
claims back her dowry from Dante’s confiscated property, 210.
Donati, Manetto;
Dante’s father-in-law, 67, 86;
security for debt of Dante, 86, 87.
Donati, Maria;
Dante’s mother-in-law, 67, 86;
her will, 86.
Doni, Anton Francesco (1513-1574);
first printed Italian translation of
Dante’s letter to Henry VII, 249;
alleged letter of Dante to Guido Novello da Polenta first printed by, 251n.
Donkey-driver, Dante and, 150.
Dupré, G.;
opinion as to portraits of Dante, 142n.
translation of D. C., in, 217.
Eastlake, Charles Lock (1793-1865);
friend of Bezzi, who helped to discover the Bargello portrait of Dante, 267.
Eclogues of Dante, 100, 172;
account of, 252-3;
Boccaccio’s mention of, 252;
MSS. of, 252;
Latin commentary on, 255n., 256n.;
editions of, 253;
analysis of, 253-6;
English translations of, 253n.
English editions of D.C. published at, 216.
Edizioni del naso of D. C., 226n.
Edward III (1327-1377);
failure of Bardi banking house through his default, 46n.
Dante’s supposed descent from, 41n.;
situation of their house in Florence, 41n.
ancestor of Dante, 38, 40.
Eloquentia, De Vulgari. See Vulgari Eloquentia, De.
Ghibelline council at, 27.
supposed visit of Dante to, 92-3;
editions of D. C., printed in, 215-17.
English commentaries on D. C., 229-30.
English editions of D. C., 215-17.
English Historical Review;
account of opening of Dante’s tomb, 116-17;
article on unknown biographical notice of Dante, 278n.
English translations of Canzoniere, 160n.;
of Vita Nuova, 173n.;
of Convivio, 176n., 192n.;
of D. C., 218-20;
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