translation of Convivio, 176n., 192n.;
summary of contents utilized, 176-91.
Jacopo Alighieri. See Alighieri.
Jahrbuch der Deutschen Dante-Gesellschaft, 270n.
edition of Lombardi’s commentary on D. C. published at, 227n.
edition of D. C., printed at, 214.
John I, Marquis of Montferrat. See Montferrat.
John XXII (Pope, 1316-1334);
attempt on life of, by Visconti of Milan, 101-3;
Dante’s aid invoked as a sorcerer, 102;
uncle of Cardinal Bertrand du Pouget, 232n.
Jubilee of 1300;
date of action of D. C., 197.
Kannegiesser, K. L.;
translation of Dante’s lyrical poems, 247n.
Kirkup, Seymour (1788-1880);
helps to discover Bargello portrait of Dante, 132;
account of it before restoration, 133-4;
facsimile, tracing, and drawing of it, 134-5;
sale of his library, 134n.;
account of the three masks of Dante, 136-7;
letter to Charles Lyell as to mask, 136n.;
presents mask to Oxford Dante Society, 137n.;
letters to G. Rossetti as to discovery of Bargello portrait, 267-70.
anecdote of Dante and, 156.
Kraus, F. X.;
Dante, Sein Leben and Sein Werk, 270n.
Lacaita, G. F.;
editor of Benvenuto da Imola’s commentary on D. C., 223, 272.
La Vernia;
tradition as to upheaval of rocks of, at Crucifixion, 48n.
lady mentioned in Son. xxxii., 165n.
Lana, Jacopo della (d. aft. 1358);
author of first complete commentary on D. C., 222, 271;
his work erroneously attributed to Benvenuto da Imola, 271n.;
editions and MSS. of, 222, 271-2;
Latin translations of, 222-3, 272.
Lancia, Andrea (c. 1290-c. 1360);
author of Ottimo Comento on D. C., 223, 272.
Landino, Cristoforo (1434-1504);
mentions Giotto’s portrait of Dante, 131n.;
commentary on D. C., 131n., 196n., 214, 225-6, 273;
notice of Dante, 131n., 278.
Lando da Gubbio;
proclaims amnesty to Florentine exiles, 98;
Villani’s description of, 98n.
Lapa Cialuffi. See Cialuffi.
Lapo Gianni. See Gianni.
exiled Whites at, 90.
Latham, C. S.;
translation of Dante’s Letters, 251n.
translations of D. C., in, 224n.
Latino, Brunetto (c. 1210-1294);
relations with Dante, 64;
his Trésor, 64;
Giotto’s portrait of, 131, 268, 269.
Leghorn. See Livorno.
Leicester, Earl of;
owns MS. of Convivio at Holkham, 192n.
Leigh, Edward (1602-1671);
Treatise of Religion and Learning, and of Religious and Learned Men, 279n.
edition of V. N. published at, 167n.
Leland, John (c. 1500-1552);
saw copies of G. da Serravalle’s commentary on D. C., at Oxford and Wells, 224n.
Leo X (Pope, 1513-1521);
authorizes removal of Dante’s remains from Ravenna, 113-14, 117.
Leon Poggi. See Poggi.
Leonardo Aretino. See Bruni, Leonardo.
Letters of Dante;
mentioned by Bruni, 54n., 57n., 86n., 91n., 95n., 251;
by Villani, 249-50;
by Boccaccio, 251;
by Filelfo, 252;
account of, 246-52;
discovered mostly through exertions of Witte, 246n.;
Witte’s editions of, 246n., 247, 248, 249;
numeration of, in Oxford Dante, 246n.;
Torri’s edition, 251n.;
doubtful letters, 251-2;
English translations, 251n.;
to Cino da Pistoja, 50, 248;
to Princes and Peoples of Italy, 93, 248;
to Florentines, 93-4, 95-6, 248-9;
to Emperor Henry VII, 94, 249;
to Italian Cardinals, 97, 249-50;
to friend in Florence, 98-9, 250;
critical text of, 99n.;
to Can Grande, 195-6, 250;
utilized by F. Villani, 250;
to Niccolò da Prato, 246-7;
to Counts of Romena, 247;
to Moroello Malaspina, 247;
letters quoted, 54n., 93-4, 195-6.
Lindsay, Lord (1812-1880);
account of Giotto’s portrait of Dante in History of Christian Art, 133n.
Rossetti’s picture of “Dante’s Dream” in Walker Art Gallery, 170n.
edition of V. N. published at, 167n.;
edition of D. C. printed at, with false imprint of London, 214;
editions of Venturi’s commentary on D. C. published at, 227n.;
Torri’s edition of Dante’s letters, 247n., 248n., 249n., 251n.
Lombardi, Francesco Baldassare;
commentary on D. C., 227;
editions of, 227.
Lombardi, Pietro (d. c. 1515);
Venetian architect entrusted by Bembo with restoration of Dante’s tomb at Ravenna, 106-7;
part of his work still existent, 107.
edition of D. C. with false imprint of, 214;
earliest editions of D. C. printed in, 215-16;
Rossetti’s Comento Analitico alla D. C., 216, 228;
Foscolo’s Discorso sul testo delta D. C., and edition of D. C., 216, 228;
centenary edition of D. C., 217.
Longfellow, H. W.;
translation of D. C., with notes, 229.
Lonsdale, Countess of (Augusta Fane, 1761-1838);
second English edition of D. C., dedicated to, 215.
Lowell, J. R.;
quoted, 104.
Lubin, A.;
commentary on D. C., 229.
quoted in V. N., 66.
Dante’s attachment to lady of, 71, 97;
captured by Uguccione della Faggiuola, 97;
Dante at, 97;
Venturi’s commentary on D. C., first published at, 227.
Luiso, F. P.;
Chiose di Dante le quali fece el figluolo, 70n., 222n.;
Tra Chiose e Commenti Antichi alla D. C., 70n.
Luni, Bishop of;
Dante’s negotiations with, on behalf of Malaspini, 92.
Dante in, 91-2.
Lyell, Charles (1767-1849);
Poems of the Vita Nuova and Convito of Dante, 136n., 160n.;
letter from Kirkup as to mask of Dante, 136n.;
translation of Dante’s lyrical poems, 160n.
editions of D. C., printed at, 214;
first edition of D. C., printed outside Italy, executed at, 214.
Lyrical Poems of Dante, 165n.;
mention of, by Villani, 159;
by Boccaccio, 159-60;
earliest printed editions, 160;
English translations, 160n.;
Santi’s edition, 174n.
Lysistratus Sicyonius (c. 320 B.C.);
according to Pliny the first who took cast of human face, 135n.
Macrì-Leone, F.;
edition of Boccaccio’s Vita di Dante, 45n., 68n., 69n., and passim. See Boccaccio.
Maffei, Rafaello (1451-1522);
notice of Dante, 279.
Maghinardo da Susinana (d. 1302);
though Ghibelline by birth supports the Florentine Guelfs, 56n.
Malaspina Currado (d. c. 1294);
“foretells” Dante’s visit to the Malaspini in Lunigiana, 91-2.
Malaspina, Franceschino (d. bet. 1313 and 1321);
Dante’s host at Sarzana, 91-2.
Malaspina, Moroello (d. c. 1315);
Purgatorio said to have been dedicated to, 92n., 266;
first seven cantos of Inferno sent to, by Dino Frescobaldi, 210-11;
Dante with, in Lunigiana, 211;
urges Dante to complete Inferno, 211;
letter of Dante to, 247;
F. Novati on, 247n.
Dante’s relations with, 91-2.
Malavolti, Catalano de’; Guelf, appointed joint Podestà of Florence, with Loderingo degli Andalò, in 1266, 30n.
Manardi, A.;
edition of alleged Credo of Dante, 260n.
Manetti, Giannozzo (1396-1459);
mentions Giotto’s portrait of Dante, 130-1;
Vita Dantis, 131n., 277.
Manetto Portinari. See Portinari.
Manfred, King (c. 1231-1266);
helps exiled Florentine Ghibellines, 16-17, 18-19;
defeat of his German horsemen, 19;
reinforces the Ghibelline exiles at Siena, 19-21;
defeated and killed at Benevento, 28-9, 34, 35, 36.
Dante at, 100-1, 257;
edition of D. C., printed at, 214;
statue of Dante at, 260n.
their reverence for Virgil, 110.
helps in search for Bargello portrait of Dante, 133;
retouches the portrait, 133, 269.
Martin, Theodore (1816-1909);
translation of V. N., 173n.
Florentine bell so called, 17, 18, 21, 24;
captured with Carroccio by Sienese at battle of Montaperti, 24.
Marvellian stanzas;
translation of Purgatorio in, 220n.
Masson, Jean Papire (1544-1611);
Vita Dantis, 280.
Maurolico, Francesco (fl. c. 1550);
notice of Dante, 279.
Maximilian of Bavaria (1573-1651);
presents MS. of Dante’s letters and De Monarchia to Pope Gregory XV, 247.
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805-1872);
editor of Foscolo’s edition of D. C., 216, 228.
Medicean Academy at Florence;
urge removal of Dante’s remains to Florence, 117n.
Medici, Cosimo de’ (1519-1569);
destroys Taddeo Gaddi’s portrait of Dante in Santa Croce, 141.
Medici, Francesco I de’ (Grand-Duke, 1574-1587);
removes font broken by Dante from Baptistery of Florence, 43n.
Medici, Lorenzo de’ (1448-1492);
attempts to obtain Dante’s remains from Ravenna, 112.
Mehus, L.;
Vita Ambrosii Traversarii, 276;
edition of Manetti’s lives of Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio, 277.
name under which Dino Perini figures in poetical correspondence between Dante and G. del Virgilio, 100n., 209n., 254-6. See Perini.
Mezzano, Menghino;
friend of Dante at Ravenna, 100n., 105;
his epitaph on Dante, 100n., 103n., 105, 107;
his friendship with Dante attested by Coluccio Salutati, 100n., 105n.;
statement as to date of Dante’s death, 103n.;
close student of D. C., and reputed commentator, 105n.
Michel Angelo (1475-1564);
offers to design and execute tomb for Dante’s remains, 113.
Michelino, Domenico di. See Domenico.
Dante present at coronation of Henry VII at, 94;
edition of Dante’s lyrical poems printed at, 160;
edition of Convivio, 191;
edition of D. C., 214, 222, 271;
editions of Jacopo della Lana’s commentary on D. C., 222, 271;
edition of Stefano Talice da Ricaldone’s so-called commentary on D. C., 225, 273;
Biagioli’s commentary, 228n.;
Costa’s commentary, 228n.;
Tommaseo’s commentary, 228n.;
MS. of De Vulg. Eloq. at, 246.
Milanesi, Gaetano;
Opere di Vasari, 141n., 143n., 145n.;
report on portraits of Dante, 142n.;
edition of Boccaccio’s commentary on D. C., 272.
Milotti, Fiduccio de’; friend of Dante at Ravenna, 100n.;
the Alphesiboeus of his Eclogues, 100n., 255-6.
Milton, John (1608-1674);
lines from D. C., translated by, 218;
reference to Boccaccio’s account of De Monarchia, 233n.
Minutoli, C.;
Gentucca e gli altri Lucchesi nominati nella D. C., 98n.
Missirini, M.;
Vita di Dante, 281.
edition of Convivio printed at, 191.
Modern Language Review, 173n., 219n., 223n.
Modern Quarterly of Language and Literature, 278n.
Monarchia, De;
condemned to be burned by Cardinal Bertrand du Pouget, 102, 232-3;
account of, 231-9;
chapter divisions in, 231n.;
Villani’s mention of, 232;
Boccaccio’s account, 232-3;
date of, 232, 233-5;
no reference to Dante’s exile in, 234;
mention of Paradiso in some MSS. of, 234;
analysis of, 235-8;
Cent. XV Italian translations, 238;
English translations, 238n.;
editio princeps, 238-9;
the volume containing it probably seen through press by John Foxe, 239;
quoted by Foxe in Book of Martyrs, 239;
Oporinus’ mistake as to author of, 239;
MSS. of, 239, 247.
Moncetti, G. B.;
first editor of Quaestio de Aqua et Terra, 257.
Montaperti, battle of (1260);
Florentine Guelfs defeated by Sienese, 37n., 39, 42.
Monte Cassino;
anonymous commentary on D. C. by monk of, 223, 272.
Monte Catini, battle of (1315);
Tuscan Guelfs defeated by Uguccione della Faggiuola, 98, 253;
the event suggested to Dante by G. del Virgilio as subject for Latin poem, 253.
Montefeltro, Buonconte da (d. 1289);
Ghibelline leader, killed at battle of Campaldino, 60-1;
relates to Dante, in Purgatory, the fate of his body, 61-2.
Montefeltro, Guido da (1223-1298);
father of Buonconte, 60.
Montferrat, John I, Marquis of (1276-1305);
mention of, in De Vulg. Eloq., 241.
Montfort, Guy de (c. 1243-1288);
vicar in Florence after battle of Montaperti, 34-5.
edition of Costa’s commentary on D. C., published at, 228n.
Moon, spots on;
Dante’s different theories as to, in Convivio and D. C., 175.
Moore, Dr. E.;
account of opening of Dante’s tomb, 116-17;
critical edition of Convivio in Oxford Dante, 191;
owns MS. of Convivio, 192n.;
Studies in Dante, 197n., 221n., 222n., 258n.;
Time References in D. C., 198n.;
Contributions to Textual Criticism of D. C., 213n.;
editor of Oxford Dante, 217n.;
and of centenary edition of D. C., 217n.;
identified Italian translation of Graziolo de’ Bambaglioli’s Latin commentary on Inferno, 221n.;
on Quaestio de Aqua et Terra, 258;
Dante and his Early Biographers, 276n., 277n., 280.
name under which G. del Virgilio figures in poetical correspondence with Dante, 254-6. See Virgilio.
Mordani, Filippo;
mention of hiding of Dante’s remains, 114.
his attempts to discover Giotto’s portrait of Dante, 132.
Morla, C. di Guglielmo di;
father of Gentucca, 97n.
Morla, Gentucca;
identified with Gentucca mentioned in D. C., 97.
ancestor of Dante, 38n., 40.
Moryson, Fynes (1566-1630);
translates Bernardo Canaccio’s epitaph on Dante, 106n.;
transcribes Bembo’s inscription on Dante’s tomb, 107n.
Moutier, I.;
edition of Boccaccio’s commentary on D. C., 272.
Mozzi, Andrea de’ (Bp. of Florence, 1287-1295);
hospital of Santa Maria Nuova endowed by Folco Portinari at his suggestion, 47n.
Murray, John (1778-1843);
publisher of Rossetti’s Comento Analitico alla D. C., 215-16.
name under which Albertino Mussato of Padua figures in poetical correspondence between Dante and G. del Virgilio, 255.
Mussato, Albertino (1261-1329);
figures under the name of Muso in poetical correspondence between Dante and G. del Virgilio, 255.
Henry VII marches against, 96;
bronze bust of Dante at, 141;
editions of D. C. printed at, 214;
editions of Lombardi’s commentary on D. C., 227n.;
of Biagioli’s commentary, 228n.;
of Costa’s commentary, 228n.;
reprint of Quaestio de Aqua et Terra, 257n.
Naples, King Robert of. See Robert.
Negroni, C.;
editor of Stefano Talice da Ricaldone’s so-called commentary on D. C., 225, 273;
of Gelli’s lectures on D. C., 226, 274.
Neri. See Blacks.
Niccola Pisano (c. 1205-1278);
destroys Guardamorto tower at Florence, 11n.;
contrives to spare Baptistery, 12n.
Nicoletti, Marcantonio (1536-1596);
notice of Dante, 280.
Nidobeato, Martino Paolo;
edition of D. C., with commentary of Jacopo della Lana, printed by, at Milan, 222, 271.
connection of, with Beatrice, 164-6.
Norton, C. E. (1827-1908);
On the Original Portraits of Dante, 128-40;
translation of V. N., 162n., 173n.;
remarks on V. N., 162-4;
translation of D. C., with notes, 229;
review of Tamburini’s translation of Benvenuto da Imola’s commentary on D. C., 272.
selections from D. C., translated into, 217.
Novati, F.;
Epistolario di Coluccio Salutati, 105n., 196n.;
on Dante’s letter to Moroello Malaspina, 247n.
Nuremberg Chronicle;
notice of Dante in, 278.
Okey, T.;
translation of V. N., 159n., 160n., 173n.
Oporinus, Joannes (1507-1568);
printer of editio princeps of De Monarchia, 239;
his error as to authorship of treatise, 239.
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