Too Hexy For Her Wand

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Too Hexy For Her Wand Page 7

by Susan Hayes

  “Fucking hell, woman. Did you…” He raised a hand to cup a newly naked breast and then rolled his hips just enough to rub his lower body against hers. “I’m starting to see the perks of having a magical ma—match.”

  She reached between them, bold as brass, and wrapped her hand around the impressive length of his cock. “And I’m starting to see some advantages to getting wicked with a big, bad wolf.”

  Orion groaned and raised his head to grin at her. “You like Mister, do you?”

  “Mister?” She pumped her hand once, wanting to make him groan again. It was the sexiest sound she’d ever heard, all male, with just a hint of a growl and a whole lot of heat.

  “Mister Big.” Orion’s grin grew wider. “As in the Big O.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. The moment she’d seen him, she’d wanted this, and now she was in his arms, it was all she could think about. She was so turned on, it was like she’d had the perfect amount of champagne, enough to lift her spirits without fogging her judgment. She knew exactly what she was doing, and who she was doing it with, and holy Goddess, she wanted to be doing so much more. “Is that a promise?”

  He leaned in until their mouths were the barest breath apart. “Buckle up, my beautiful angel, this ride is about to go from interesting to orgasmic.”

  This time, his kiss wasn’t tender or playful. It was a full-on sensual assault. His lips slanted across hers, and when she moaned he slipped his tongue into her mouth and took the kiss to levels she hadn’t known existed. Need surged through her like some sort of temporary madness, and she twisted herself around so she was straddling his thighs, her fingers still encircling his shaft as she moved her hand in time to the thrust and parry of their tongues.

  She could smell his cologne, a heady scent that wrapped around her, and he tasted even more incredible than he smelled. She wanted to devour him. If they hadn’t been in the water, she would have started her meal on her knees, but since she didn’t have gills, that was off the menu…for now.

  Instead, she let herself get lost in his kiss while she used her free hand to explore every part of him she could reach. She’d been right about his abs. There was a six-pack of them, and his chest could have been sculpted by a master artist. He kissed like a god, had muscles, a motorcycle, and he could cook. Goddess in go-go boots, she’d hit the hookup jackpot.

  His hands were as busy as hers, and everywhere he touched her, he left a trail of heat she could feel despite the warmth of the water.

  “You are so damned sexy. When I saw you today, I thought an angel had walked into my place. All white and pure and beautiful,” he whispered between kisses.

  “I’m no angel. There’s nothing pure about me.”

  “Which is even better. I like you just the way you are, Fern Summers. Wild and a little wicked.” He nipped her lower lip and she quivered as a rush of raw need thrummed through her and set off a personal fireworks display that made her gasp.

  She knew it was just the heat of the moment making him say such things, but she liked hearing it, anyway. They were strangers stealing a few moments of pleasure. He didn’t know her at all, but that was okay. She didn’t know herself right now either.

  “You think I’m wild?”

  He went still and quiet, his eyes glowing in the last of the twilight. Something in his gaze made her feel seen in a way she’d never experienced before. “Do you know what I see when I look at you?”

  “No. Tell me?” She hadn’t meant to make it a request, but that’s how it came out. Like maybe if she heard him describe her, it would help her understand who the hell she was.

  He reached up to cup her cheek in one strong hand, his thumb stroking slowly beneath her lower lip. “I see a beautiful woman who had the courage to come back to a place she has no memory of, just because she got a message from some crazy witch telling her that’s what she needed to do. I see a powerful witch who is worried she isn’t going to be able to save a town full of strangers, even though she can’t even remember who she is yet. I see you, Fern. And you are fucking amazing.”

  “I…” she trailed off as words failed her. Instead, she released her hold on his cock to throw both arms around his neck and kiss him like it was the closing scene of a romantic movie and everything was about to fade to black.

  The heat between them was high enough she was surprised the water didn’t start to boil as he stroked a hand down her body until he reached the promised land between her thighs and a chorus of pixies sang a rousing hallelujah in the back of her mind.

  He played her body like a musical instrument, his touch as deft and confident as the man himself. He lifted her high on a crescendo of exquisite need and then let her tumble down into an orgasm that left her trembling and as limp as an overcooked noodle.

  She dropped her head to his shoulder and tried to gather her wits, which had abandoned her to go zipping off like a litter of kittens chasing butterflies.

  Orion nuzzled her neck. “Need a minute?” he asked, his tone smug.

  “It wasn’t that good an orgasm,” she lied and lifted her head to look at him. Hell, she’d damned near seen stars, but she wasn’t telling him that.

  “Then I guess I’ll have to do better this time.” He winked and then shifted his hands to her hips. She expected him to get right to the point, but instead, he held her a few inches above his lap and leaned in to kiss her, almost tenderly this time. “Nothing happens without your permission, angel.”

  Goddess have mercy, that might be the sexiest thing a man had ever said to her. “Permission granted.”

  “Thank the moon and stars,” he almost growled the last word as he guided her into position. His next kiss was wild, hot, and hungry as he eased their bodies together, letting the head of she-was-so-not-calling-it-mister-big press through the gates of her personal wonderland.

  “Oooh-rion. Yes.” She moaned against his mouth as he claimed her.

  “I like the way you say my name. I bet I’ll like it even more when you scream it.”

  She flexed her body around his and laughed. “Shut up and take me, wolf.”

  “To the moon and back again.” He pulled her against him at the same moment he snapped his hips up, burying himself to the hilt.

  This time, she did see stars.

  He didn’t go for the slow buildup. There were no tentative motions or waiting for her body to adjust to his more than impressive length. He took her hard and fast, sending water sloshing over the sides of the jacuzzi with every thrust. He wasn’t a wolf. He was a cyborg, a machine made for doing wild and wicked things, and by the Goddess, she wanted to do every single one of them with him before the night was out.

  She threw back her head and gave a whoop of pure joy, her nails sinking into his shoulders as she clung to him, surrendering herself to the moment and to him. It was something she rarely did, but tonight, she didn’t want to be in control. She wanted to let go and enjoy the ride. And what a ride it was—an X-rated rollercoaster of ecstasy.

  “New plan, hold on.” It was all the warning he gave her before she found herself being lifted off his lap.

  “What? But we’re not done yet!”

  “Damn right we’re not.” He winked at her. “Patience, angel, this is just the intermission. Magic up a couple of thick fluffy towels for you to lie on. Will you?”

  Understanding dawned and she flung out a hand. Green and gold sparks shimmered, and a pile of extra-fluffy towels appeared beside the jacuzzi.


  He settled her in the middle of them and then took hold of her ankles and drew them around his waist. He was still in the jacuzzi, but now the angles were…oh so promising.

  He held out a hand and she took it. And then intermission was over.

  They gripped each other tightly as he powered into her, his free hand reaching between them to do things that made her brain cells melt. She raised her head so she could watch him, enjoying the sight of his well-muscled body and the look of primal pleasure on his fac

  When they rose to the crest of the final rise and started the headlong descent into orgasm, she kept her gaze locked on his and let the world fade away until there was nothing left but mutual bliss and the gleam of desire in his amber eyes.

  “Oh fuck, yeah. Come for me, angel.” His words were raw and husky, his rhythm unsteady as his control started to break.

  He pressed a finger against her joy button and she flew apart like dandelion fluff in a gale. For the first time in her life, she lost control of her magic and it exploded out of her, green, black, and gold fire erupting into the evening sky like a miniature fireworks display.

  Orion’s shuddering climax hit a few seconds later, his fingers tightening around her hand as he raised his voice in a cry that morphed into a haunting howl that blended with the fizzle and pop of her overflowing magic.

  He lowered himself over her, his lips finding hers for a kiss that triggered a set of sexual aftershocks and left her gasping all over again. Without withdrawing, Orion gathered her back into his arms and settled them both in the jacuzzi again. They stayed that way for a few magical, breathless minutes, watching as her pyrotechnics turned into a shower of tiny motes of light that fluttered back to earth before fading away.

  “You are….” Orion looked at her and then kissed her again, sweet and gentle this time. “Amazing,” he finished after the kiss was over.

  “Right back atcha. That was…” She waved her hand at the now empty sky. “I’ve never done that before.”

  His grin was smugger than a cat who’d eaten all the cream, a couple of canaries and was about to hit a kilo of catnip for dessert. “No?”

  “Never.” She brushed a lock of wet hair back from his face. It was almost dark now, but she could still make out his features. Goddess, he was gorgeous, but that wasn’t his best feature. It was his kindness. He’d been gentle with her when she’d needed it and rough when she wanted it. She allowed herself a tiny, contented sigh and sent a prayer of thanks to the Goddess for sending her the perfect distraction.

  He was exactly what she’d needed.

  “So…” he paused, and she braced herself for the excuses and apologies that were sure to come next. She had yet to meet a man who actually wanted to stick around for post-coital cuddles and conversation.

  “If you need to go, I understand. This wasn’t why you came back tonight. Or was it?” She leaned back a little, putting some space between them and dropping her gaze so she was looking at his shoulder instead of his face. “Why are you here?”

  “Because I was worried about you. I ran into Breeze. She’s another witch in the coven that’s supposed to protect this place. She was concerned about you, and once I’d explained things, I… I wanted to see you again. She’s coming around tomorrow morning to introduce herself, by the way. She’s nice. You’ll like her.” He placed a hand on her chin and lifted her head until she was looking into his eyes again. “And I don’t need to go anywhere, angel. I’m here as long as you’ll have me.”

  There was a weight behind his words that made her heart flutter, but she pushed the feeling aside. Now was not the time to get Disney levels of twitterpated over a guy. Still, if he wanted to stay for another round or two of decadent distraction, what harm could it do? “Top of the stairs and second door on the right.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Directions to my bedroom.” She blushed and then grinned. “Hey! I remember where my bedroom is! I’m making progress.”

  Orion waggled his brows. “Certified orgasm therapy. A few more treatments and you’ll be right as rain.”

  “That sounds like a plan.” She kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Ri.”

  His goofy grin faded, replaced by a look so intense it made her breath catch. “You never need to thank me for anything. I’m there for you, always.” His lips quirked into a lopsided grin. “Especially if you keep calling me Ri. I like it.”

  “That, I can do.” She was going to have to send the Goddess a fruit basket or something after this. Her Gloriousness hadn’t just promised to send her a little help. She’d delivered. Maybe, just maybe, things might actually work out after all.

  Chapter Nine

  Orion might not have magic of his own, but right now he was certain he could fly. He’d heard sex with a mate was something special, but he still hadn’t been prepared for how good it was…and it would only get better. Fur and fangs, he hadn’t even bitten her yet. And he wouldn’t, not until he’d told her they were mates. She wasn’t a Shifter, so she couldn’t know yet. If she did, she would have never assumed he’d leave after their little poolside tryst.

  He’d tell her in the morning. She needed some time to come to grips with all the changes in her life before he added another one to the list. He was pondering how exactly to break the news when he realized that while the house was almost totally dark, someone was playing Nickelback’s “Burn It to the Ground” at a volume that could not be safe for health or sanity.

  “What in the name of the Goddess’s G-string is that noise?” Fern asked as they approached the house.

  “That is your familiar expressing his disapproval. Loudly.”

  Fern winced. “Oh dear. Shazzy. I forgot about him…again. Do you think he heard us?”

  He grinned at her, remembering her fireworks display and his howl. “I think half the forest heard us.”

  He opened the door and then stepped aside to let her enter first. “After you, angel.”

  She walked through the door and snapped her fingers. There was a brief spark of light, and the music died. “Shazzy?”

  “Do not let that defiler into our home!” the cat wailed from somewhere inside the house, his voice weirdly muffled.

  “Shazam-alanga-dingdong Summers, no one defiled anyone. I’m a grown woman, for Goddess’s sake.”

  Another wordless wail sounded for all the world like someone was playing the bagpipes underwater. If Shaz was this upset about him doing the poolside tango with Fern, the cat might need counseling before he accepted Orion was here to stay.

  That idea took a moment to sink in. Two years ago, he’d been reading a newspaper someone had left behind the bar at the Shifter club where he worked. He hadn’t seen a paper in ages, never mind read one, but his phone’s battery had died mid-shift, leaving him with nothing to do on his break. The real estate ad had appeared on the first page he’d scanned, a fixer-upper restaurant in the backend of beyond. It was everything he and Hunter had dreamed of—a place of their own somewhere they could put down roots and make a life for themselves. When Hunter had found his mate, Orion had taken it as a sign they were in the right place. And now… He looked over at Fern. Now it was his turn.

  He tightened his grip on his angel’s hand. When he had arrived in Wyrding Way, he’d buckled down and done whatever it took to make things work. He could do the same thing for Fern, help her and make sure she succeeded because his fate, and his future, were tied to hers in more ways than one.

  They found Shaz hiding inside a hastily constructed pillow fort in the far corner of the living room with his head jammed under a cushion covered in needlepoint rainbows.

  “You’re being ridiculous,” Fern informed the cat.

  “I most certainly am not. What I am, my beloved witch of dubious judgment, is traumatized,” Shaz peeked his head out, took one look at the pair of them and wailed in horror. “Ack! You’re naked. Merciful Goddess, strike me blind and bring on the brain bleach. I can never unsee that.”

  “Oops.” Fern did a little flick of her fingers and their neatly folded clothes appeared on a nearby table. “Thanks for reminding me to bring them inside.”

  Shaz vanished under the pillow again. “Please, just tell me the defiler is departing our abode and you are going to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a busy fucking day. We’re both going to need our rest.”

  Orion couldn’t resist poking the hornet’s nest, even if it did cost him a hairball in his shoes at some point. “Actually, the defiler is planning on taking y
our witch upstairs and making her scream again. Snuffy told me you were welcome to crash at his place tonight. Maybe you should take the raccoon up on his offer.”

  Shaz mewled and shoved a paw out, somehow managing to flip him off with his middle claw.

  “Impressive dexterity. I’m still staying the night. Sleep well, Shaz, and remember that if you mess with my stuff, no more desserts,” Orion warned. “Oh, and speaking of such things, there’s a box of pastries on the path at the side of the house. Bring it in before you go?”

  There was a long, muttered stream of profanities and then a sigh. “Very well. I will be back in the morning, Fern. After the wolf has departed.”

  Yep, the cat is definitely going to need therapy to deal with his new reality. Satisfied his bike and his shoes were safe, he turned to Fern and scooped her into his arms. “Second door on the right?”

  “And straight to bed until morning,” she said with a delighted laugh.

  He ignored the retching and wailing coming from the cat as he carried Fern upstairs. When he reached the right door, he stopped outside it. “You haven’t been up here yet. Right? So, what colour are the walls in your room?”

  She frowned. “Not yet. And why does it matter?”

  “Just answer the question and don’t overthink it.”

  Fern closed her eyes. “Um. Green. No, not just green. There’s a mural. A…a forest! My mom painted it for me.” Her eyes flew open again as she beamed. “I remember!”

  “I think you’re right. All your memories are back. You’re just having trouble sorting through them all. If you think about one specific thing at a time, you can recall it.”

  “You are a very smart wolf.”

  He winked at her. “I have my moments.” Now wasn’t the time to tell her that he and Hunter had both struggled in school until a teacher had realized that they didn’t process information the same way most kids did. One of the techniques she’d taught them was to focus on one thing at a time instead of trying to understand everything at once.


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