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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

Page 11

by Emily Bex

  When they got back to Bel Rosso she asked, “No swords tonight?”

  “Not tonight. There is more to being a warrior than just weapons. We will add the skills I think will be most useful to you. You’re making good progress, I’m pleased, Kate.”

  He was wrapping up their session as the day broke. Though he was in a somewhat lighter mood than when they started, he was quieter than usual. Their conversation from earlier that night still rang in her ears. His loneliness was the price he paid to protect her, and that seemed like too steep a price. She walked back to the bedroom to shower and pulled the phone out of her jeans pocket as she undressed, scrolling through the contacts. Shannon. Should I call her? Invite her back? No, this needed to be his choice. She wrote her number on a piece of paper, put her clothes back on and walked back to his door. She tapped lightly, and he answered, his brow furrowed.

  “Is something wrong?”

  She caught his gaze and held it. “There is a lot wrong, but nothing that can't be fixed.” She put the piece of paper in his hand. “Shannon. That's her number. Call her.”

  She turned and walked away, back up the stairs, with her fingers crossed.

  He took the paper she placed in his hand, as he looked at the phone number written there. He closed the door again. That was one stubborn woman. He started to throw the paper in the trash, but then he looked at it again, folded it, and slid it into his pocket. Shannon, he could see her face in his head. He could still smell her perfume. Maybe.


  As Shade stood on the field watching the warriors, he was impressed. They were learning rapidly, he saw a few new recruits and it pleased him that their ranks were growing. It did his heart good to know his people would be so well protected. He had begun to worry about this master named ‘Angel.’ He was one mysterious fucker and that bugged him. He did a little investigating while here and found no one who seemed to know who the hell he was.

  As Marco and he discussed which warriors would be returning with him to Virginia, Shade was busy from sunset to sunrise, making sure the warriors he had chosen had time to prepare. He got no resistance. Most of the warriors had been with him a long time and were eager for a new assignment. He left behind his most trusted and strongest leaders. They must remain here to keep the home front safe and protected and continue the education of the young warriors in his legion. He knew the camp would feel the loss of the warriors he took back with him, but it would help develop them as new leaders as well. He had always tried to move the most promising warriors up in the ranks, giving them a chance to advance, and prove their worth. Marco was the best person to help him make those choices.

  As the two old friends sat, Marco was restless to get outside and move. Hell, they might be the oldest of the lot here, but they were still warriors to the bone.

  Marco watched as Shade stood and paced. “Marco, I have chosen seven, but I want eight warriors. I had a particular warrior in mind, but I have not seen him in the camp. I need to know where he is and what he’s up to. I will make my final choice once I have had the chance to review his skills. Where is Marcello?”

  “So, you fucking bastard, you take Luca out of our ranks, and now you want his cousin as well? Son of a bitch, you will end up with our army over there instead of here! I promoted Marcello. He is out on the Siena border. He’s not Luca, but he’s getting there. He needs some discipline, but if you want some muscle, Marcello is your boy. You need to watch him with the women, boy likes to hunt a bit, one of the reasons I sent him out there. He isn’t into the feeders like Luca. Wildcard that one is, a bit like his master. But he has calmed down since being out there. He’s doing well leading the others and I have had no problems. You want your boy, take him. I will change it up here and send someone else to cover Siena. Now get the fuck out of my sight, I got some pup ass to bust!”

  Shade had one more stop to make in the camp before heading out to Siena. He walked down the long row of barracks to the last building and tapped lightly on the door. Cory jumped up to answer, expecting one of the warriors seeking custom leathers. His face lit up when he saw his master.

  “Cory, all right if I come in?”

  He eagerly swung the door wide, welcoming Shade into his workshop. Shade walked in to find the room even more crowded than his last visit. Patterns tacked to the walls, a large workbench with leather being cut, and stacks of fresh, new leather waiting to be crafted. Cory cleared away a stack of leathers waiting for repair to make a seat for Shade.

  “Of course! I heard you were in the camp. Is there something I can do for you? Would you like me to make a set of leathers for you?”

  Shade smiled at his enthusiasm for his work. He had only heard good things about Cory.

  “Maybe later. This is a quick trip for me, so I don’t have time for a fitting. Besides, looks like you have your hands full.”

  Cory beamed at him. “In the beginning, it was just the young warriors who came to me. Luca, before he went to Virginia with you, Marcello and of course, Raven.” Cory laughed. “I think Raven is my best customer. But then they all started coming. The older ones just came for repairs at first, and now they all seek me out for new leathers.”

  Shade smiled back at him, he looked healthy. Shade slapped him on the back. “You look better, not so damn scrawny. So, you’re eating… And still not letting anyone feed from you?”

  “No master, no one feeds from me. I eat human food, and I go to the feeders. The warriors let me work out with them sometimes. I’m no match for them, of course, but it has helped build my strength, helped me to maximize the vampire skills I do have. I went with the young warriors to hunt once, but I don’t have the speed or skills, so I’ll stick with the feeders. Besides, I don’t have the instincts for the hunt.”

  Shade heard the pride in Cory’s voice, but inside his head, he realized this would have been the kind of life his bambino would have been limited to, had he lived. And while he, too, took pride in the path Cory had taken and what he had achieved in such a short period of time, he knew this was not the life he envisioned for his own son. The decision to switch out bel’s pills flashed through his head, and he knew the choice was made to save her life. But in doing so, he destroyed that tiny life inside her. He destroyed the bambino that would have always been ‘less than.’ His baby would not have been fully vampire, nor fully human, and not capable of inheriting and managing the Medici legacy.

  Shade chatted a while with Cory before standing, giving him a big hug, clapping him hard on the back before leaving. “As long as there is a Medici coven, Cory, you will have a home. You are welcome here, son and you have made me proud. Marco speaks highly of you, and trust me that fucker speaks highly of very few.”

  Cory accepted the embrace, surprised at how much it meant to him. Surprised at how much he craved this man’s approval. “I won’t let you down, master.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt.”

  Shade left the workshop and headed back across the training field as Cory watched him walk away, wondering where he would be by now, if Shade Medici had not intervened in his life. Easy question, he thought to himself. He had been close to being dead and he knew it. Shade Medici gave him his life back, and one with a future.

  Shade teleported to the ancient walled city of Siena, unchanged in centuries. It was one of the many Medici outposts in Tuscany. He had his outposts located throughout his territory. The outposts provided maximum protection for his coven, and gave his warriors an opportunity to learn additional leadership skills. He rotated them around, giving them some experience and independence. He wasn’t surprised Marcello made it here quickly. He was slightly younger than Luca, and Shade didn’t have the pleasure of training him personally, but if Marco had assigned him to Siena, he was more than worth Shade’s time to check him out. Shade also had an ulterior motive. He wanted to surprise Luca. He deserved to have someone at home, his only surviving blood family, and near his own age. Maybe loosen him up a bit. Luca had fit so well into their life, and he
could tell the bond between Luca and bel was building. He entered the central Piazza del Campo and went to the post, seeking out his warrior.

  Shade stood in the narrow ally that opened onto the courtyard, and watched as Marcello led the small league of warriors. He shadowed his presence, wanting to watch without intimidating any of them, and he liked what he saw. Marcello was forceful yet respectful in commanding the warriors and the warriors responded well to him, respected him. His fucking sword skills astounded Shade. Yeah, I can use you well, my warrior, very well indeed.

  Unshadowing himself, he walked out onto the courtyard and immediately, warriors stood at attention in his presence. They weren’t expecting to see him way out here. As he walked among them, he shouted, “At ease.” And let them relax. Shade pointed out a few things he was impressed with to each warrior. As a master, he must always reward growing warriors. He was stern on discipline but recognized theirs was a lonely life, and he must always give them reason to strive for perfection. He left Marcello till last. As he approached him, he nodded and gave him a fist bump. “Marcello! Kicking some ass out here. I like what I see.”

  Shade pulled him aside, and they walked and talked well into the night. Marcello said he was anxious to go abroad. Shade had to remind him of the conditions and differences in the States, but was convinced Marcello would do well there. Damn, he reminded him so much of Luca in many ways.

  As Shade headed back to Castello, he had a good feeling about his selections. He felt confident now that he had his eight and they would be kicking some ass in D.C. He wanted this damn hell over with. He wanted to spend his fucking nights with bel, not a bunch of damn warriors. Although it had been his life, at some point, every warrior must find something more meaningful that makes all the hell they had been through worth the struggle. Otherwise, a warriors’ life was nothing more than a series of battles, gaining territory, losing territory, and racking up kills.

  That had certainly been his life, and then she came into it. He realized with clarity, he would live out his life now with bel, in Virginia, and if he had anything to do with it, surrounded by bambinos at his feet.

  Teleporting inside his bedroom at Castello, he showered and laid naked in the bed, sunrise was soon upon him. There was only one thing on his mind now, his minx, and he moaned thinking about that crimson hair surrounding his face as he nuzzled into her neck. Soon, mi amore.


  Kate returned to her room, feeling tired from the new exercises Luca had thrown at her. This was the time of day Shade would be coming home. But not today. And there would be no distractions to take her mind off him, like yesterday. She stood under the hot shower, then slid between the sheets, holding Shade's pillow. She had asked Theresa not to change his pillowcase when she changed the sheets, so she could still pick up his scent. It was a poor substitute, but she would take whatever comfort she could find. She tossed and turned in their bed, sleeping fitfully. She slept, she woke, she read, she fell back to sleep. She felt lost without him. She had stayed on his schedule, sleeping during the day and being awake at night, so their routine would not be interrupted when he returned.

  The day passed slowly, and she felt agitated and wanted to get up, get going, and do anything that would make the time pass. As soon as the sun started to fade, she was out of the bed and getting dressed. She opened the door to head downstairs and almost tripped over Luca's legs, as he sat on the floor with his long legs stretched across the hallway.

  “Luca, really... you don't have to stay right outside my door. I hate that you spend your day here.”

  He jumped to his feet as she stepped from the room and walked with her, as they headed down the stairs and into the kitchen.

  “It is what master instructed. And that is what I will do.”

  His words reminded her that despite the bond between them, Shade was still his master, and he would be careful as to how far he pushed the boundaries. “And yet, you have pushed the boundaries with me. You kept my secret when I was hiding away in the nursery, and when you helped me burn everything.”

  “Yes, I did. But you hid away to deal with your pain. He had his own pain and his own way of coping. It didn’t serve any purpose to burden either of you with more pain. And your actions were not putting you at risk. So, I felt I was meeting my obligations to you as your protector, and I was not betraying master. If he had asked me, if he had seen something that raised his suspicion and asked me outright, I would have told him. I will not lie to him.”

  She gave him a sideways glance. “And the training?”

  “The same. I know why you seek this. It’s an outlet for your anger, your frustration over the loss of your baby. Losing the baby was a situation where you had no control. The training gives you control. It occupies your mind, it tires your body, there is no room left for grief. But like I said, if he asks me, I’ll tell him. I’ll tell him why, but I don't kid myself. He will not approve. Not about what you are learning... that is not the issue. He’ll be angry because he wanted to train you, and he’ll be angry because I went against his order.”

  “And Shannon?”

  Luca sighed. In his head, he could hear Shade shout ‘woman!’ at her. It’s what he called her when she pushed too far, when he felt frustrated with her, and Luca had to bite his tongue not to use it now. He took a deep breath and considered his words. “I understand your intention, Kate. I do. Your heart is in the right place, but that’s a line I won’t cross. Not without talking to him.”

  “And what do you think he will say?” There was no sarcasm in her voice. She was asking the question openly.

  “I think he will say no, Kate.”

  She grabbed his arm and pleaded, “But if I talk to him...”

  “Please, don’t. I’ll ask him. I’ll talk to him. But his decision has to be his own. I have to know he reached it on his own and not because he felt pressured to do so. Otherwise, he’ll always doubt his choice. If I’m to have a mate, then he must approve it and feel it’s the right thing for all of us. I know you don't understand that right now, but I’m asking you to respect it, please.”

  They entered the kitchen where Reynaldo had breakfast laid out for her. “You're right, I don't understand it. And I think you’re wrong, I think he will approve. But I’ll respect your request.” She sat down at the counter to eat and Luca sat next to her.

  Luca looked at all the food Reynaldo had laid out for her. Eggs, steak, fresh fruit, toast, juice, coffee, and he shook his head as she consumed it all. “I don't understand how such a little person can consume so much food.”

  “Trust me, you’ll burn it all off me by midnight. And I’m not gaining weight. But look, muscle!” She flexed her arm for him.

  He reached over and felt her bicep, and yes, there was muscle in her slender arm. He had to hold back a laugh. “Yes, you’re a regular powerhouse.”

  Laughing as he mocked her, she punched him in the shoulder. They both stood and walked from the kitchen. She shouted her thanks to Reynaldo, as they headed outside.

  “So, what torture have you devised for me tonight?”

  “Run first, then exercise. Then torture. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  She was glad to have her happy Luca back. They warmed up in the chill night air before they started their run, listening to his instructions again, trying to run more quietly, and learning to hone her skills of observation. The ten miles that seemed so tortuous before, now went by quickly, painlessly. They completed the loop and after a short cool-down, he had her doing the sit-ups and push-ups again. He increased the size of the weighted ball and made her keep her heels off the ground as she sat on her butt, shifting the weight from left to right. She could feel the burning in her abs, as he directed her to do more reps. When she thought she had reached her limit, he pushed her with just ten more.

  She collapsed flat on her back when he took the weighted ball from her. She was trying to catch her breath when she heard him barking out more orders. “On your feet, warrior. Toni
ght, we climb.”

  “Climb? That's what we did last night.”

  “That was play... for practice. Tonight, we will really climb. You’ll learn to scale real rock walls, not play toys like at the gym. You’ll learn to climb the sides of buildings. You’ll see hand holds and foot holds where you never saw them before. No ropes. No harness. No pitons. Free climbing. Now, let's go.”

  She could feel her heart rate pick up, as he described his plan for the rest of the night. She would say, ‘Are you kidding me?’ But clearly, he was not. Climbing the rock wall at the gym was fun. But there were padded mats on the floor. Climbing real rock walls... if she fell...

  “Are you sure I'm ready?”

  He looked at her with a smirk. “Your enemy doesn’t ask if you’re ready. Your enemy looks for your weakness... and your fear. Are you afraid, warrior?” His question was issued as a challenge. He was trying to push her, and she wouldn’t give in to him.

  “No... I'm not afraid. Bring it.” Oh yes, I am very afraid!

  Little one, I can hear your heart beat faster, I can smell your fear, but I love your defiance! He smiled to himself and shook his head. He wouldn’t let her fall. He could reach her before she ever hit the ground. But she wouldn’t know this. She would need to climb unassisted, and rely on her own wits and strength, overcome her fear of heights and falling. Once she was turned, the falling would be a non-issue.

  As they walked through the wooded area, he walked silently, and she was getting better. She was still too noisy, her footfalls still too easily detected by the wildlife, and certainly, easily detected by vampires, but at least she was able to move with enough stealth that most humans would not detect her. Progress, little warrior. They reached a sheer cliff wall that scaled the side of the mountain and he stopped. She halted beside him and looked up.


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