The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 15

by Emily Bex


  Waking hours before sunset, Shade lay in their bed. His sweet bel had rolled off her usual perch on his chest and was curled up next to him. Her hair was spread across the pillows, encasing her head like a fiery halo. He lay and stared at her, his mind already filling with the many things he needed to attend to, but he didn’t let it steal him away from this quiet time alone with her, to just look at her and absorb all the beauty that was truly his.

  He had so much to ask her, and some of those questions floated through his mind. She was running now? His eyes slid across her body, observing the changes. She was doing much more than running. Though, whatever it was she was doing, he rather liked the results. Not to mention, this physical conditioning would assist her through the turning when the time came.

  Now she had brought Shannon into their lives. He had met her only briefly, and he knew how close Kate was to her. He felt bad she had separated herself from all she knew in the mortal world. But there was always a risk, and she had brought another mortal into this house. He preferred knowing ahead of time and being present. He didn’t trust all mortals. He would need to talk to her and find out how much Shannon knew, and if he needed to do some damage control. Yes, mi amore, we need to have a talk before I walk out that door tonight with my warriors. “Mi amore... wake up. We need to talk, and I need a kiss. If you don’t wake up, I shall take it.”

  She opened her eyes to see him staring back at her.

  “Buonasera, mi amore. Sleep well, I assume?” He smiled softly at her. “Do I get a kiss, or do I have to seize it?”

  She leaned in and kissed him. She loved his lips, and the feel of his beard growing in, rough against her skin. “I think you should do both and that way I get two kisses.”

  “Smart woman you are, minx.” His hand slid through her crimson hair and pulled her on top of him, kissing her thoroughly, letting their tongues play, sucking her tongue into his mouth, then nipping her lower lip. His hands dropped across her ass and he left them there. “We need to talk.”

  “What would you like to talk about? I have missed your voice, so talk to me.”

  He chuckled. “So, I have been gone three nights and all you miss is my voice?”

  He felt her wiggle beneath his hand and heard her soft laugh.

  “Seriously, there are a few things I want to check on. First of all, if you have any problems with the warriors being disrespectful, you come to me, si?” He slapped her ass lightly for effect.

  “Of course. But I don't anticipate any problems. And Marcello! Luca was so happy to see him. Did you see that? Did you plan that?”

  “Si, in a manner. I checked on Marcello’s progress and he had gained skills as a leader since last I was home. Had he not been ready, I would not have chosen him. But Luca needs family here. I know it’s hard when nothing is familiar.” He skimmed his hands over her back and up her shoulders, as he cradled her face in his hands and looked into her eyes.

  “Did you have issues with Luca while I was gone? Anything happen you want to tell me about?”

  What is he implying? Does he know about the training? “Issues? With Luca? Luca has been nothing but helpful to me. He stayed right outside my door when I slept, just as you asked him to. I couldn’t ask for a better protector. Why do you ask?”

  “Good, I am counting on Luca when I’m away. This was my first time away for any period of time, and I want to make sure you got along. And another damn thing, what is with the running? You need to tell me more about this, mi amore.”

  She knew these changes would not go unnoticed, not to his eyes, and certainly not to his hands. “Lover, we don't talk about it much and I don't want to talk about it, but I needed to do something after the baby. At first, I was just so sad... so broken. But then I was angry, and I started running. Luca runs with me, he never leaves me unattended. He would never let me run, even on the property, without being there. I do other exercises as well, not just running. At first, it was just an outlet, somewhere to put all the anger. But now, I just like the way it feels.”

  “I like it, mi amore.” His tongue slid along her collarbone, nipping her shoulder. “I am proud of you, bel. You take anger and grief and make it work for you, not against you.” His hands continued to explore between her legs, as he nuzzled into her hair. “Now, tell me about the visit from Shannon.”

  Listening to the sound of his voice was seduction enough. But his roving hands created an even bigger distraction. ”Now, lover? You want to talk about that now?” She pushed his hand away, so she could think, and he chuckled.

  “Shannon? You remember her. You met her briefly at the restaurant that night in D.C. We worked together at the Brunswick Agency. We went to college together. She was my best friend. You know I’ve shut myself off from my mortal friends and family. I’ve only spoken to her on the phone since moving here, and she thought I lived in London. While you were gone, it felt so lonely here. The house feels so empty with you not in it. I just called her on a whim. I had her come here because I knew if I left I would have to take Luca, and I didn't know how to explain that. So, she came here. Originally, I told her I was in town on business, and you let me stay at your house, but she noticed the ring on my finger and I confessed we were engaged. I acknowledged I live here with you. She met the staff. Reynaldo fixed us lunch. We laughed and talked all day. I hadn't realized how much I had missed her.”

  He lay still as she spoke. “You invited a mortal into our home. Okay, I can handle that, bel. Did you tell her anything?”

  “Nothing. I told her you were out of town on business, that you owned vineyards in Europe. She saw or heard nothing she would think unusual. I was very careful.”

  Closing his eyes, he let out a deep breath. He couldn’t lock her away forever, but he didn’t like this at all, and he knew she had little time left to be with mortals before she was immortal herself.

  “Bel, just explain something to me, make me understand this because it confuses the fuck out of me. Why would you do this when I am not here? And tell me Luca was around because I will bust his ass good if he left you alone for one second!”

  “Lover, I don't understand. You never told me I couldn’t invite mortals here. I would never have invited her if I thought, for one minute, you didn't want her here. I invited her because I was lonely. And of course, Luca was here. Luca never left the entire time you were gone. He met her, along with all the staff. Please, I never wanted to make you angry.”

  Realizing he was raising his voice, he leaned in and cuddled her to his chest and stroked her hair. “Bel, shh, I am sorry. We rarely share our world with mortals. I am simply being protective.”

  “Would you like to meet Shannon again? Maybe you would feel better about her if you got to know her.”

  “Of course, I want to meet her, mi amore, if she is this important in your life, I would like that. And perhaps once I meet her, and you wish her to be here when I am away, I will feel more comfortable about it.”

  He saw the sky darken and knew his new warriors were waiting when he heard Luca in his head, ”Retract those fangs and put your cock back in your pants. I got eight warriors ready to rip the fuck out of anything that moves. I suggest you get a move on if you don’t want them bombarding the house, master. Marcello and I are in the staff quarters.”

  Damn! What time is it? “Cazzo, bel I need to get moving. The warriors are ready, and their leader is lying about. You stay on this floor until we leave, si? That is an order, minx.”

  “Am I not safe with them here?”

  “Bel, listen to me please.” Shade got dressed while he talked. She sat naked on the bed and listened, her hair tousled, and the bed sheets pulled to her bare breasts. He hated he had to leave her there. “Until these warriors are settled, I don’t want you out before I leave. They will never harm you. Hell, they would lay down their lives for you, mi amore. But they are hungry for the hunt and that attitude in a group can be dangerous.”

  “I understand, lover.”

nbsp; “I’m late, can you tie back my hair?”

  He sat on the side of the bed and she ran her fingers through his hair, pulled his locks back into a loose ponytail, and secured it with a leather cord. She kissed his exposed neck, and inhaled deeply, relishing in the scent of him.

  “There... go now. I can tell you’re itching to get moving. I’m so glad you’re home, and that you return to me at sunrise. So go, warrior, and be sure you take my love with you.”

  Her words gave him all he needed, as he kissed her hard. “Ti amo, mi amore. Luca will be here, and this warrior of yours will return to you, as I have always promised. And tonight, your heart goes with me, your soul protects me, and nothing will ever make me stop loving you... ever!”

  Walking out the door, he teleported to the staff quarters. His warriors were fired up and ready to take out the rogue population of the most powerful city in America... Washington fucking D.C.


  As the winter weather began to ease in D.C., the spring had started to fight its way in, and the days were warmer now. Rissa’s schedule was light for the day, so she decided to go for a run instead of being cooped up inside the gym. All the things Alec had spoken to her about remained ever-present in her mind. She needed to stop blocking him so much, watch her time away from home, and to be mindful of how much time she spent at the gym. These were all clues to him. But she did remember his warning to keep constantly alert.

  She was feeling a bit restless, and she hated passing up this nice weather, so she made a quick decision and drove about an hour outside of D.C. and the surrounding gridlock into the Virginia countryside. On a whim, she took the Occoquan exit off of I-95, a small village on the Occoquan River. It would be safe to run here, no one would recognize her, and there would be no damn press and flashing cameras in her face. She could run along the river, concentrate and think, and maybe clear her head for a few hours. Pulling into a parking lot, she got out and stretched before she started.

  She began slow, at a walking pace, and then blasted it for miles, going full out, non-stop down a narrow footpath that ran through the wooded area along the river bank. She felt such freedom to run without caution, to go without someone constantly following her. She got lost in her thoughts as she jogged. She looped back toward the village, slowing her pace as she re-entered the quaint town, and began to walk through the streets to cool down. She looked at all the small shops and art galleries, the restaurants where mortals mingled, and no one noticed her. No one noticed Senator Alec Canton's fiancée, the Darling of G-town, event planner to the royalty of D.C., Larissa Benneteau. She was just some woman in a tracksuit, out for a stroll, and that made her laugh out loud. If they only knew!

  Glancing at her watch, she realized she had been gone far too long and should be heading back. She had a ways to drive and traffic would be picking up in D.C. Jogging back to the car, she got back on the interstate, but she could feel her body slowing, her heart rate sluggish and she stepped on the gas. She knew what this meant. She hadn’t fed for a while and her body had used up too much energy, with the heavy gym workouts and now the run. Damn it, Rissa!

  Slamming her hand down on the steering wheel, her foot on the gas pedal, she moved as fast as she could, but she had to maneuver through the never-ending gridlock of traffic around D.C. It took almost two hours to get home and she felt weaker by the minute. She parked the car and saw Alec wasn’t home yet and for that, she was grateful. Getting into the house, she fumbled with the key in the lock, her coordination affected by her waning energy.

  Finally getting inside, she went straight for the Midnight. Her hand began to shake as she tried to pour the glass full but spilled the Midnight on the bar. Giving up, she put the bottle to her mouth and began to drink, hoping it would give her enough strength before Alec returned home.

  She headed upstairs, walking to the bathroom. She could feel the small jolt from the Midnight as it began to work, but her system was so depleted the effects were short-lived. In her head, she knew she should signal Alec. Let him know she needed him, needed to feed, but she feared his anger. By the end of her shower, she was feeling light-headed and sluggish once more.

  Lying across the bed to rest, hoping for the Midnight to sustain her, her eyes began to droop, and she thought she may have waited too late. She tried to reach out to Alec. She desperately needed to feed from him. She felt the death slumber drag her down, and she could no longer fight to stay awake and wait for him. She had waited too long without feeding.

  Alec left the Senate office building after Shade's call, feeling like they might, at last, be able to get this situation under control, and had Alto drive him home. He knew Rissa was already home. He saw her car when they pulled up, but the house was eerily quiet. Maybe she was resting. She had been working out every day. He headed to the study for a drink and a smoke and to maybe check the news. The local TV news had all the D.C. political gossip. As he walked into the study, he saw the open bottle of Midnight on the bar, the half-empty glass, and the Midnight spilled on the counter.

  Alarm bells went off in his head. Rissa never left a thing out of place in the house. A speck of lint on the carpet was a freakin’ emergency. She would never leave this mess, something was wrong here. He headed through the house looking for her, calling her name, but didn’t get an answer. The rogues flashed through his head. He ran up the stairs and into the bedroom. She was draped across the bed, deathly pale, and it hit him. She had not fed, and she had been pushing herself in the gym. Expending energy, but not replenishing it. He shook her, called her name. “Rissa, Rissa, wake up so you can feed.”

  She was too depleted to pull out of the death slumber. He couldn’t arouse her. He removed his cufflink and pushed back his shirt sleeve, biting into the skin of his wrist and holding it to her lips, holding her lips apart with his other hand, sliding his fingers into her mouth to force her mouth open, and letting the blood flow into her. “Drink, Rissa, swallow!”

  Moaning softly, she felt a single drop of life hit her tongue and it was an explosion. She let it slide down her throat and felt more blood, slowly dripping into her mouth. Her body responded, and her heart jump started. More! Her fangs punched through and she grabbed his wrist, sinking her teeth into him, taking his blood, gulping like a starved animal. She felt him surround her, fill her, flow inside her and she took more.

  Alec was relieved to finally see her respond, and to drink heavily from him, but he was angry she had allowed this to happen. He would deal with that later. Right now, she needed to feed. “Take what you need, Rissa. Take all you need.”

  His voice rang loud inside her head and she sighed, her body alive but still slow. She retracted her fangs, licked his wound lovingly and curled into him, ashamed of her actions, her need of him so desperate. “Master.”

  Alec ran his hands through her silky blonde hair as she curled against him. “Rissa, what were you thinking? We just had a conversation about the rogues and being tracked and how careful you need to be, and you let this happen? I know we play games. I withhold and control. It’s what I like, what we both like. But I expect you to be responsible. You have increased your activity, going to the gym every day. If your body needs to feed, then you must tell me. If I can't trust you to make good decisions, then the protector is the only solution. I can't have you vulnerable right now. You know what’s going on.”

  Her heart wept, he was so upset with her, yet his touch conveyed what was truly in his heart, worry for her safety. Wrapping her hands around his waist, she laid her head on his lap. “Alec, please, I’m begging. I’m careful. I need an outlet. I ran today and I shouldn’t have done so.” Shaking her head. “I will do whatever you wish. If I need you, I will tell you. I have been pushing the exercise to build my strength. I haven’t forgotten that, I cannot handle these rogues. I’m not trained to fight at their skill level. ”

  Alec sighed in frustration. “I have no issues with you working out, Rissa. But you understand how this works. When you expend more energy
, it must be replenished. You were careless, not careful. My age allows me to go longer without feeding. I sometimes forget the needs of a young vampire. Are you so afraid of me, you fear approaching me?”

  She lifted her head and locked eyes with him, “No, master, no!”

  “Then I expect you to behave more responsibly. You walk in the shadow of my power, but you are centuries away from having my power. You are far too confident for your own good, and I say that knowing your confidence is one of the things that attracted me. But you push too far as a young vampire, my darling. There are those among us who would cut you down in a heartbeat. So, I will not say it again, be careful, or you will find yourself with a protector. This is your last warning. I can't deal with pulling off my role as a mortal in this power-hungry city and battling this rogue master who seems intent on taking this territory, and worrying about your safety all at the same time.”

  Rissa sat up, pulling her legs under her and laid her head on his shoulder. “Thank you, master. I will follow your guidance and know I must listen. I’ll do as you request and ask to feed when I need it. I’ll be on my guard always. Thank you. I love you, Alec.”

  As she laid her head on his shoulder, he turned his head and exposed his neck to her. “Do you need more? Drink your fill if you need it.”

  Letting her fangs punch through, she breathed on his neck softly, traced his vein with her nail and licked it gently, then sank her teeth deep, drawing his nectar into her mouth. Her hand slid up his chest as she held onto his shoulder and fed. It was heaven to have him so near her, to feed from him at leisure, she had been too depleted to feel the sexual pull from this feeding. This was a master giving his progeny what she needed, out of love and protection.


  Shade made his way home with the warriors, leaving them in the staff quarters and directing Luca to get them settled in. He laughed to himself, yeah, his warriors had stamina, but working inside the confines of a warrior camp was nothing like running the streets the entire night, your senses on high alert, knowing all hell could break loose any minute. He knew that lot would be in their slumber before too long.


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