The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series

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The Turning: Book Two in The Medici Warrior Series Page 17

by Emily Bex

  “And then he asked my permission to take a shower or something and addressed me as ‘my lady,’ and that was it. I don't even remember what I said after that, but he stormed into the shower and then teleported out of the bedroom. That is the part that pushed me over the edge. He always just... walks away.”

  Luca looked over at her. “Part of that is Shade and his own stubbornness, and part of it is to protect you, and him, because he doesn’t want the beast to confront you.”

  Kate looked back at him as she ran. “I know this might be hard to understand, but I would rather confront the beast than be left standing there. I hate that. I hate when he walks away.”

  “Then tell him. Tell him what you have just shared with me.”

  “Well, that's easier said than done. He's so busy now, with whatever is going on in D.C. I'm lucky to have five minutes with him for a conversation. That's how this whole thing started last night. He was walking away in the middle of a conversation.”

  “Talk to him. Find the time.”

  “You're right. I know you're right. Speaking of which, have you talked to him about Shannon? She called this evening. Right before I came down, she said she hadn't heard from you.”

  “No... not yet. I'm pretty sure I know the answer anyway. But I’ll talk to him.”

  “Don't give up, Luca. I haven't said anything to him because you asked me not to. And I won't bring it up. And don't worry... If the beast shows up, I'll save you.”

  Luca laughed out loud. “And why do I not doubt that statement one bit?”

  They ended their run back at the house, and he put her through her paces again with sit-ups and push-ups and free weights. Then he tore down the weight bench and returned with the bow. He set up a target for her again and they practiced for hours until all of her shots were landing in the target circle, and half her shots were in the bull’s eye.

  “What's your goal here? Do you want me to have every arrow in the bull's eye?”

  “My goal? First of all, it is not my goal, it’s your goal, little warrior. And your goal is to split the first arrow with the second arrow. To have such control over the arrow you can hit your target exactly where you want it, every time, or what is the point? The difference in a kill shot and an inconvenient wound can be a mere inch.”

  “Kill shot? But I'm not planning on killing anything, Luca. This was just... an exercise... sort of. I mean, I'm not a real warrior.”

  “Really? Because I only train real warriors, even little ones.”

  He took the bow from her hand and slid the quiver of arrows over his own shoulder. Pulling one arrow out, he shot it into a tree. Then he pulled a second arrow and shot it. Kate watched as it split the first arrow and it dropped to the ground. His third arrow split the second arrow, and he repeated it, time after time, landing his arrows in the exact same spot.

  “Just like that. Just like master taught me. And now I teach you. That is your goal.”

  “But... I'll never be able to do that!”

  “I think I said those same words to master when he was teaching me. Time and patience, little warrior. We will get there. Time, we have plenty of, but patience?” Luca just looked at her and shook his head, “That is another story. Now go, we are finished for the night.”

  Kate headed back inside and upstairs to shower, just as the sky was starting to lighten. He would be home soon.


  Shade was happy to be getting home a little early. It had been a good night, the kills increased every night and they were starting to feel like they were getting ahead of the rogues, finally. He hadn’t left the Dead House, working the command post all night, so he was more mentally than physically tired, and decided to have a smoke before heading inside to bel. She knew he was here, and knew he would soon join her. After their blow-up earlier, he needed to figure out how to manage his time and be with her more. He didn’t want to have his beast flaring up every time she wanted her way, but he got the message, and so did the beast. Lighting up, he saw Luca approaching.

  Luca stepped outside on the patio. “Mind if I join you?”

  Shade threw him the pack of smokes. “Nope. You don’t need to ask. You’re probably cranking for a smoke. Everything go well tonight?”

  Luca caught the pack of cigarettes, tapping one free and removing it with his teeth before lighting up and tossing the pack back to him. He sat down across from Shade.

  “All good. No problems.” Luca thought he seemed calm, so this was probably as good a chance as any to bring up this topic. “You got a minute?”

  Shade watched him closely, something was on his mind, and he wondered immediately if it was about bel. Chuckling. “Well, after this morning, I’m not so sure anymore, but I always have time for you. Give it up.”

  Luca didn’t know where to start. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the folded piece of paper that held the number for her cell phone, no name. He handed the crumpled paper to Shade.

  Shade creased his brow as he accepted the piece of paper that looked like it had seen better days. He saw it held a phone number, but not one he recognized. Wracking his brain, he couldn’t imagine what the hell this meant. Raising his eyes slowly to Luca, he leaned back in the chair, crossed his leg over his knee as he twirled the paper between fingers. “Female?”

  Luca nodded. “Yes, Shannon, I want to call her. I haven't. And I won't, unless you give me your permission.”

  Shannon? Am I supposed to know who the fuck... Oh, Shannon, bel's friend. What the fuck? “Let me get this straight, I’m holding Kate’s friend, Shannon’s phone number in my hand? You have some explaining to do, get talking.”

  “I'm not sure what to explain. I mean, my lady invited her over when you were in Florence. I met her, briefly, and I don't know how to explain this because it has never happened to me before, but I liked her. I mean, I really liked her, a lot. And I think the feeling is mutual. She asked me to call. Like I said, I haven't, but I want to.”

  Shade sighed. “Luca, I’m not going to get upset, I’m not going to take you down, but there are a few things you need to consider here.” Uncrossing his leg and throwing both feet on the ground, he leaned his elbows on his knees and lit up another one. “She know you’re vampire?”

  Luca shook his head. “No. I only spent a short time with her and all of it in my lady's presence. And my lady says she has not told Shannon that any of us are vampire.”

  Shade stood up, ran his fingers through his hair, and tossed the unfinished cigarette to the ground as he stomped out the butt.

  “Well, let me get this off my chest first. You didn’t tell me there was a mortal female in the house with my mate. I was away, and I already spoke to bel about this, I didn’t like it. Still don’t. Two things that are dangerous, females and mortals. Bel doesn’t fully understand the consequences, but Luca, you do. I know you were with her the whole time, but you made a mistake. You should have told me. Last night, you came out to challenge my beast for bel's safety. That also was a mistake, so let me ask you this.” He turned and looked at him. “I want you to bond with bel, but if you’re getting so close to her that you can’t think clearly, protect her properly, you need to tell me, si?”

  “Master, I understand my obligation to my lady. I never lose sight of it. It remains my honor. And yes, I overstepped my boundaries yesterday, but it is now instinctive for me to try to protect her, even from your beast.”

  Shade chuckled softly. “I understand. Bel is hard not to love. But it is what it is, she is mortal, and I will remind you, so is this Shannon. Believe me, I fought it a long time before I realized I couldn’t fight it any longer. Being with Kate was my destiny. So, there is something I need to bring to the table here about Shannon. What is your intention with her? Feed? Fuck? What? Tell me honestly, I need to understand what the hell attracted you to a mortal female? Is it curiosity?”

  “It’s more than a sexual connection. I can get that with a feeder. And I don't think it has anything to do with her being morta
l. I mean, from the moment I saw her, believe me, it doesn't make sense to me either. Like I said, this has never happened before. I've never, you know, I've only been with feeders, and I had a strong affection for the one in Florence, but this is something else. I want to use the word love, but I know I don't even know her, so it just sounds crazy to me. But she’s in my head all the time.”

  Shade threw back his head, roaring with laughter, and slapped Luca on the back. “Welcome to the world of females, Luca. They will fucking absorb your damn mind and make your cock like steel. But this reinforces my point for several reasons, so hear me out. You know my damn rules, warrior. Females are off limits for a reason. You are telling me one of those reasons right now, you can’t get her out of your head, and once you get some attention from her for that sword between your legs, it only gets worse. If you think it’s bad now, wait till you get a taste of her, feel her wrapped around your cock and you make her moan, a sound you won’t ever forget easily. So, that brings me to another point. You protect my mate, how the hell do you expect me to trust you can do this when all you think about is this female in your head? Think about that.

  “I never let you go, Luca, I was selfish. I didn’t give you the chance to explore what was out there, and I cheated you. I have to live with that for the rest of my life. If you think you need to leave here and explore, like your brothers have done, tell me, because it’s done. I won’t like it, but it is for your own good. Damn it, Luca!”

  Shade paced. “You saw and felt the hell bel and I went through with the loss of the bambino, how I fucking struggle every day to make her understand this world. It’s hell sometimes, and I still have to make her immortal, put her through that change, bring her back to me and I could lose her doing it, is that what you want? Do you want to live through this pain and hell? You haven’t even gotten to know this female yet. I’m just putting it out there.”

  “Master, I have watched that struggle between you and my lady. We all have. We have lived it firsthand. We watched your pain and hers, and even shared in that pain. We have watched your battles. And all I can tell you is, my lady always says she would change nothing, that her love for you surpasses all. And so, I ask you, would you change it? Do you regret you fell in love with a mortal?”

  Shade hung his head, kicking the dirt softly with his boot. “No, Luca. I love Kate. I will love her till I die. But I fought with myself a long time about her being mortal. I didn’t just follow an impulse. I thought long and hard. You are young, Luca, I am not. I had given up finding my mate, and believe me when I tell you, I never thought she would be mortal and I have been with many. Something inside me, my beast, screamed for her, wanted her like no other female ever. I just don’t want you to take this lightly. Don’t go too fast, think about it before you jump. That is all I’m asking. In our world, love is a serious matter, mating is for life, forever. If you ever doubt me, walk to that grave marker and feel that sorrow and brokenness, and remember the love that brought us through it together. Is she capable of that kind of love? Is she capable of giving up everything for you? Can you still protect the life of my mate and give your life for my mate over hers?”

  Luca put his head in his hands. “I did not seek this out. And I honestly don't know where it will go. But my heart says to follow. Maybe it will be nothing. Maybe she’ll run in the other direction when she discovers what I am.”

  He looked back up at Shade. “And I understand my obligation as my lady’s protector. It is something I also wrestle with. I understand I must respond to my lady's safety above all others, and I’m prepared to do so. That is my honor as a warrior. If I fail at that, I fail as a warrior, I fail as your warrior, and I will never fail you.”

  Shade walked to him, sat down beside him. He felt his angst, the hell he was fighting. Shade had been there.

  “You are far from a failure, Luca. You are my familia, my warrior, and you make me proud every single day. I am not going to say yes.” With a sigh he continued, “and I’m not going to say no. I need to think about this, talk to bel.”

  He slid the paper into Luca’s hands. “Call her, get to know her some. But here is my rule, you don’t stalk her or watch her. You do not meet her. Make it a phone call, hear her voice, see what’s inside her a bit. By then, I will have my answer and you will know if you still wish to continue with Shannon. I would never let another do this, but I have discovered lately, too many people I love have hidden their love from me, and if you do that, it will kill me. Be honorable, be a Medici warrior, make me proud. Just come to me before you make any decision.” Standing, Shade hugged him to his chest.

  Luca tucked the folded paper back into his pocket. This was not the answer he had expected. He was prepared to have him say no. At least he got a maybe. Luca returned the hug to the man who was the only real family he had ever known. As Shade released him, Luca watched him return to the house, and to her.

  Luca walked back to his room and picked up his cell phone, then set it back down. Now that he had Shade’s permission to talk to her, he had no idea what to say. He didn’t need to have a conversation with a feeder. He talked to his feeder in Florence, but since he had been in the States, he had not been with the same feeder twice, and there was little, if any, conversation. It was a business transaction. But this was a mortal girl. What did he talk about with her? He would ask Kate, but he knew she was with master now. Besides, Shade would say if he couldn’t figure this part out how the hell did he expect to be with her? He paced the room before picking up the phone again and pulling the paper from his pocket, quickly dialing the number before he could change his mind.

  Shannon pulled her phone from her pocket but didn’t recognize the number. She was almost ready to discard the call but decided to answer. “Hello?”

  He heard her voice and could see an image of her again, as clearly as if she were standing in front of him. He could visualize her blue eyes looking up at him, and feel her hair against the back of his hands, and the smell of her perfume. It all came rushing back and he caught his breath. “Mia bellezza.”

  Shannon heard his voice and almost dropped the phone. “Oh... Luca, I'm so glad you called!”

  “So, you remember me, mia bellezza?”

  “Remember you? I have thought of little else. I thought maybe you had forgotten me.”

  “That would be impossible. And I have thought often of you as well. I’ve been very busy. It’s a poor excuse, I know, but my work here... my obligations...”

  “Yes, Kate told me Shade was home from Florence and he had brought some business associates back with him.”

  Luca thought for a minute. Business associates? Ah, the warriors. “Yes, business associates. I'm not sure how long they will be here, but we have all been very busy.”

  Trying to dance around the truth was giving him a headache. He had never been around mortals in this capacity, having to shield what he was, think about his words before he spoke them, and consider what information he might accidentally share.

  Shannon questioned him, “That seems unusual, doesn't it? To have them at the house? I mean, why don't they just all go stay in a hotel?”

  Fuck! This was so much harder than he thought. “They have meeting rooms here. They can meet whenever they like. And Shade likes to extend his hospitality.”

  “Yeah, well, I look forward to officially meeting the Italian Stallion. I saw him once, briefly, when he and Kate first met.”

  “The Ital... oh, you mean Shade?” He suppressed a chuckle. Not sure master would appreciate being called the Italian Stallion. “Might I suggest you not call him that when you meet him?”

  Shannon laughed. “Oh god, no! I would never do that. I was just teasing Kate about him, since she disappeared from the face of the earth after she met him. You know, like, what's going on with you two that you can't find five minutes to call me? So, will that happen to me?”

  “Scusi? Will what happen to you?”

  “If we go out... will I disappear for six months too?
Will all my friends wonder what happened to me after one date with Luca?”

  “Mia bellezza, I work for Shade. I’m not Shade. I live in this house, I don’t own it. I’m afraid I don’t have the ability to sweep you off your feet in that way.”

  “Oh, Luca... I've got news for you. You have swept me off my feet already.”

  His heart skipped a beat at her words. “But you understand. I work here.”

  “Yes, I understand. We all have to work somewhere, and being a personal trainer slash personal assistant slash bodyguard for the rich and famous sounds like a pretty good gig to me.”

  Luca thought to himself, he was none of those things. Well, maybe protector could translate as a bodyguard in the mortal world. “Yes, I love my, what did you call it? Gig?”

  “And I look forward to hearing more about it, and hearing more about you. So, are you asking?”

  “Asking, mia bellezza?”

  “A date, Luca. Are you asking me on a date?”

  “I... there is nothing I would like better, but right now, my schedule is not flexible. If I call again...”

  Shannon corrected him. “When you call again.”

  “Si, when I call again, when things quiet down here, and if I were to ask you on a date, your answer would be?”

  “My answer would be yes.”

  “Until then, mia bellezza.”

  “Until then, Luca.”

  As he ended the call, he realized his heart was pounding, and he wiped the sweat from his hands onto his jeans. He took a deep breath. How can one small mortal woman make me feel this tied up in knots?


  It had been some time since Kate heard Shade arrive. He’d let her know he needed to talk to Luca first. She was hoping he wasn’t avoiding her over that stupid fight. She finally heard his footsteps on the stairs and he entered their bedroom. “Shade? Is everything okay?”

  “Si, mi amore. I just needed to talk to Luca.” He flopped down on the chaise and patted his lap. “Come, bel, I need to feel you.”


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