Sandpaper Kiss

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Sandpaper Kiss Page 26

by Angel Wedge

  Amerikanjie: Tourists, people not working.

  Bengai: Outsider.

  Boasźevhe: Impostor. Commonly used as a pejorative for Benedicteans.

  Brwance: A long machete made from lacquered wood, used for cutting lumber and clearing paths in the thick jungle.

  Beestute: The right type of person; the type of person you would expect to be here.

  Botofìen: Surprising.

  Hantala: “Where the spirit walks”, holy ground.

  Ibaru: Tomb.

  Imatribi: Holy trinity. The word is used both by priests of the traditional tribal belief system, and those who have converted to Christianity.

  Magitopo: A curved knife with a chisel-like point on the handle. Used for carving orbajen.

  Maita: Full.

  Maitaha: Short for Maita hantala Sousa, ‘filled with spirit’. Sacred, or touched by the gods. One of the various classes of people revered by the traditional faiths. Some tribes use the word to mean a prophet or holy man of any religion.

  Omhatri: The wise man and political leader of a tribe.

  Orbajen: Carved wooden rings or totems, commonly mounted on a cloth strip and worn as bracelets or around the upper arms. A particular triangular style, orbaje hatata, are worn only by the omhatri and are treated as if they were items of immense value.

  Orbaşa: A style of kilt, made of loosely woven reeds and weighted at the bottom with orbajen.

  Otalya: The double-helix spear of a maitobo.

  Oylambwe: Literally ‘going forward’. More commonly used as a mild curse, or an interjection. Used on its own, could loosely be translated as ‘I’m impressed you can do that, but I wish you wouldn’t’, sarcastic congratulations.

  Pal Maitobo: False priest.

  -pehusa: Honorific for a tactician, or one who teaches warriors.

  Yaihena: Help from an unexpected source.

  Yier: Literally ‘those people’ or ‘them’. Used on its own without context, implies that the speaker wants somebody to stop and introduce themselves.

  By the Same Author

  Whispersmiths and Other Stories - A selection of short stories about the Whispersmiths, who have the power to control rumours, and direct the decisions of governments.

  A Dozen Curiosities - The first of several compilations of short stories, this one dealin with a dozen different magical items, and the people who come across them.

  After Hope - Superheroes don't exist. They were all wiped out, and the survivors have been purged of their powers. These short stories tell of a few who slipped through the net.

  For Mature Readers:

  Walter’s Choice - Walter Blake has to choose between a glamorous Internet dominatrix, and the demure and innocent Clara, but neither is quite what they seem.

  One Day - Four snapshots of a growing relationship, as a hypnotist and his friend experiment with feelings of control and submission.

  Soul Alloy - Azonia is a proud warrior woman, willing to do anything to save the people of her tribe from a tyrannical sorceror. But will she stick to that promise when selling her body might be the only way to get the magical armour she needs?

  Fifteen Years Later - What would you think, if a man told you he was a traveller from the future? If he's going to be your husband in fifteen years? If you find yourself helpless to change history from what he says has already happened?

  About the Author

  Angel spends most of his life writing now, but still has no shortage of ideas. He's written a short story every day for the last 322 days, posting many of them on Google Plus. There should be an anthology or two available at the end of the year, though many of the stories will need some editing to bring them up to publishable standard. He enjoys all kinds of creative pursuits, and has tried his hand at drawing, painting, composition, and tabletop roleplaying. So far, writing is the only one of these that is really bearing any fruit. He also wonders if anyone actually reads the copyright notice in the front of these books.




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