Southern Discomfort

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Southern Discomfort Page 3

by Burns, Rachel

  Nathan entered her more gently, too. He closed his eyes and his head went back as he concentrated on making love to his wife. The feel of her around him was pleasing to him. Then he remembered that the sun was out and he could look at her body in daylight. He looked down at her. Her eyes were closed.

  His eyes were free to roam over her body. He watched her breasts as he thrust into her. They moved with the rhythm that he controlled. He thrust a little deeper and faster. She responded with a little quiver and a moan. He continued his pace until watching her breasts move, did him in. Nathaniel filled her once again with his seed. He hoped that he would give her a baby that grow inside of her. He wanted to see her swelled with their child. He wanted to give her lots of children.

  She was already liking this new sensation. He made her feel warm and loved when he did that.

  Nathaniel got up and poured water into the basin. He washed himself and then he tipped the water out of the window. He poured more water as she watched him. First this morning did she really understand what part of him had made love to her.

  “You can wash yourself now.” He looked over at her. He really liked to look at her.

  “Can I wash myself after you have left?” She had pulled the blanket up high, practically to her nose.

  He went around the bed and sat down next to her. He was still naked, and not at all shy about her seeing him. “Emily, this is a good time to have a talk.”

  She nodded at him.

  “I want you to understand what I expect from you. These are the rules as my parents taught them to us. There are only four of them. You can remember four rules right?”

  She nodded again.

  “We call them the four D's or don'ts. The order isn't important just remember them. Number one.” He held up his pointer finger. “Disobedience. Number two.” His middle finger joined his pointer finger. “Disrespect. Number 3.” His ring finger rose. “Dishonesty, and number 4 is Danger, meaning anything that could put you in danger. Do you understand?”

  She nodded again.

  “Good, repeat the rules.” He sounded so strict that she was a little afraid of him.

  “I may not be disobedient, disrespectful, dishonest or put myself in dangers way.” She was taking him very serious, and he could tell that.

  “Very good. You just follow those rules and we will get along just fine. Here comes the first thing I am going to tell you. I don't want you hiding your body from me. You are very pleasing to the eye, and I want to see my beautiful wife, even if she is just washing herself and I have just had you. Now get up and wash yourself.” He stood and moved away so his red-faced wife could get up.

  She slowly pushed the blankets back and stood up. She had wanted to lay the blankets back when she saw the blood stains on the sheets. Her hand flew to her mouth covering it up in her shock. Tears were pricking her eyes.

  Nathaniel moved forward to see what was disturbing her. No wonder she had cried so. He had spilt a lot of her blood. He wrapped his arms around her. “I'm sorry, darling, but it didn't hurt at all this morning, did it?”

  She remained silent. She was still in shock.

  “Emily? Look at me.”

  She slowly turned and looked at him. She was very pale at the moment.

  “Sit down, darling.” He helped her to sit. She wasn't worried about him seeing her body anymore, she was too worried about the blood.

  Emily hung her head and looked down. She had blood in between her legs too. She wanted to wash up now. After a bit she looked up at him and nodded. He helped her to her feet and over the washing table. She started right in washing herself. He talked to her as she worked.

  “You can lay out your hairbrush or whatever else you need there. Don't be shy about it, darling.” He got dressed as she cleaned her most intimate area. The amount of blood had shocked him too. He had never been with a virgin before. If he had then he would have been obligated to marry her. He was a gentleman and she was his wife. He was responsible for her in every way now.

  Emily was finished and had picked up the bowl of bloody water and was walking with it to the window.

  He stopped her and took the bowl from her. “No one cares to see my naked form at the window, but yours only I get to see. Either let me do it or wait until after you are dressed.”

  She nodded again. She went to her trunk and opened it. He was curious about what she had in there. Her dress yesterday and the presents had all said that she had money but the lightness of the trunk said it wasn't that full. He walked toward her and peeked inside. He just saw some clothes in there. She removed a pretty dark blue dress that was simple but of the finest of cloths. She got out fresh underthings too.

  He watched her dress so he would know how to get her things off her later. Once she was dressed she got out a brush and did her hair. He just stood there watching her. She tied a matching ribbon in her hair. She looked lovely. This would have been a good dress to wear to church.

  “What are you planning on wearing to church tomorrow?” he asked strictly again.

  She knelt down and pulled out a green dress that was pretty but very serious. A perfect choice for church. He nodded his approval and she packed it away again. He took her hand and led her down to breakfast. She was shaking again. He would make her feel at home here. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  Everyone else was already up and at the table. They all stared as the newlyweds walked down the stairs hand in hand.

  Emily blushed because these were married folks who knew what had happened between them last night. Emily said, her good mornings without meeting anyone's eye.

  Nathaniel pulled out her chair for her. She was a little sore from all of their love making. Her face was still blushed. She kept her head down. Nathaniel was filling his plate as she timidly reached for a piece of toast. She spread a bit of marmalade on it and took a bite. She chewed slowly and listened to the others talk.

  A few minutes later she raised her head and looked at the people who were talking even though she didn't say anything. She was warming up to them.

  After breakfast the men went out to do chores. Emily admitted that she had a bit of laundry to do. Bessie offered to help her. Emily was beet red again.

  The two women went out to the pond with their laundry and went to work. Emily tried to hide the fact that she was washing her virgin blood out of the sheets. She had a lot of scrubbing to do with that. She hung the sheets on the clothes line and then she washed her husbands things, then her own.

  Bessie talked to her explaining this and that. She and her sister hadn't been married for a year yet either. This ranch life was new to them too but they had grown up on a farm.

  “That's nice. Two sisters marrying two brothers.” Emily smiled at Bessie, who was being so kind to her.

  “The only sad thing was that Nathaniel didn't have anyone, but now he does. Now we are complete.” Bessie said this as if they had waited years and years for her to show up.

  Emily was starting to feel very welcome here.

  Katie was ringing a bell.

  “We have a bit of time before the men get here. I'll show you around.” Bessie linked her arms in Emily's and showed her the chicken coop and the barn and the stable.

  The men rode into the stable and got down from their horses.

  Emily blushed as she saw Nathaniel again.

  His eyes were on her too. He went to her and offered her his hand again. Bessie moved over to Charles too. They talked and walked into the house.

  Edward hurried in to his wife, too.

  Emily and Nathaniel walked in slowly as they stared at each other. Emily was surprised that he somehow looked better today in his work clothes than he did yesterday in his Sunday clothes.

  “You look prettier than I remembered.” Nathaniel's words had her blushing again. “A blushing bride. Now I know where that saying comes from.” He brought her to the table and sat proudly next to her.

  The family talked as they always did and Emily
just listened. Everyone was starting to feel more comfortable with everyone else.

  Nathaniel liked not being the odd one out anymore. He held Emily's hand whenever he could. He loved her already.

  It was Saturday that meant the whole family had to have their bath. The idea of just bathing on Saturday scared Emily a little. She had bathed practically every other day back home. The servants had brought in a tub and then buckets of water. She wondered what form bath time would take on here.

  Emily helped clean away the supper dishes. She was surprised when Katie and Edward walked off hand in hand with a towel and their pajamas. They went out the kitchen door. First coming back an hour later.

  Then Bessie and Charles took off hand in hand.

  Emily was sitting in the parlor area reading a book as was Nathaniel. She peeked at him again and again. He was really an especially good looking man. She was glad that he wasn't old. That had been her biggest worry, but she never dreamed that he would be practically perfect.

  Nathaniel peeked up at her too only he was better at hiding it. Men just had more practice at these things. She was blushing again. He wondered what she was thinking about, hoping it was about him. He liked the idea of being married. Why any man would fight against this, was just plum crazy.

  He wondered about her again. He knew what he how was profiting from their marriage, but what was she getting out of it?

  Nathaniel promised himself not to ask, her but it was getting harder not to think about different possibilities. He pieced together what he did know. She had come from money, or she had spend her last dime to make it look that way. Her father was dead. A mother wasn't mentioned. She was so extremely shy, that she couldn't have been around a lot of people.

  His brother had been right, she was a mystery. Tongues would be wagging tomorrow after church. He hoped that they only talked nicely about her. The thought of someone hurting her made him tense up with worry. He would defend her.

  Bessie and Charles came back in and went up to bed with a quick goodnight.

  Nathaniel stood up, reaching his hand out in front of Emily.

  She looked up at him and hesitated. She bit her lip as she reached out to him.

  He stifled a chuckle, she was being brave again.

  Nathaniel led her out the garden door. He had picked up a towel that had been laid out for them and slung it over his shoulder. He had never bathed with a woman before. She had never bathed with a man either, of that he was certain. He was the only man she had ever seen before. He loved her sweet innocence.

  She was worried and scared. He had said they would make love every night. It would be dark soon. Where was he taking her? He stopped at the pond. He was grinning at her. She wondered what he was up too.

  “This is where we bath.” He pointed to the pond. He watched her waiting to see how she would react.

  She looked around uncertain. Anyone could see them she thought. “Is this really safe?”

  “Emily, if you are with me then you are safe.” He was using his accent against her again. She wondered if he knew what effect it had on her?

  Emily shyly began to undress. She was beet red and looked around a lot.

  Nathaniel was undressing too. He watched his shy little wife undress. She moved close to the edge of the water. She had already removed everything but her corset and her knickers. Nathaniel watched her shyly look around again before she removed her corset and threw it over to her little pile. She stepped out of her knickers and threw them too. Then she darted into the water.

  Nathaniel bowed his head and laughed. Then he joined his wife in the water. He swam over to the rock where the soap was hidden. He took it back to his wife. “Should I help you wash your hair?”

  She turned to him unsure. Her breasts were visible under the water.

  Nathaniel couldn't help himself. He was staring.

  She followed his gazed and then covered herself with her hands.

  “We talked about this already. I want to see you.” He swam closer to her and laid his hands on her breasts. “You are very beautiful. Don't deny me the sight of you.” He kissed her deeply drawing her closer to him

  After a long kiss, that left them both wanting more, he pushed her over to the side of the pond as he continued to kiss her, as he carefully laid her down on the bank, running is hands all over her body. He loved the soft feel of her.

  She was very nervous again and shaking. He had his hands all over her. His hands were rough on her soft skin. He laid down on top of her again. She could feel a hardness against her leg. He stuck his finger inside of her again then he entered her. She cried out again, surprised at how quickly he could do that.

  He thrust into her rougher than yesterday, but she didn't mind anymore. She was even making soft noises. He smiled at himself, she was enjoying him. He was sure enjoying her.

  She laid her hands on his shoulders as he rocked in and out of her. It felt so good to be with him this way. She was glad that she married him.

  He fell on top of her again, panting loudly. He was so out of breath from their long love-making that he couldn't speak, just yet. But he felt a need to thank her for being his wife, and for being so perfect. He kissed her face to show his gratitude.

  Nathaniel pulled out as she whimpered. Emily reached out to his wet shoulders, trying to grab hold of him, and trying to hold him in place.

  Nathaniel grinned at her and moved back into the water, pulling her with him. He took the soap and washed her all over as she sighed in pleasure. He gave her the soap and watched her wash her long dark hair.

  “Will you wash me now?” he asked her uncertain.

  She shyly moved to him and ran the soap over his body. Her face was red with embarrassment, but she smiled as she washed him. She liked to touch him.

  He took the soap from her and washed his hair. He ducked his head back into the water. She looked at his strong chest. He really was very strong.

  He got out of the water and beckoned for her to come to him. She slowly did. The water ran from her body. He felt himself getting ready to take her again. “Come here, Emily.” He waited with a hand held out to her.

  “I think we forgot our pajamas,” she whispered in his ear.

  He laughed again. “We are the last ones. The others are in bed already they won't see us.”

  He took her hand and pulled her close to him. He dried her off and then himself. “You sure are pretty.”

  She blushed and hung her head, trying to hide the smile of pleasure on her face.

  Nathaniel brought her into the house along with their clothes. He laid their things on the chair and he laid her down in bed. He went around to his side and wrapped his arms around her. He gave her a kiss good night and both settled in to sleep, as if they had never slept apart from each other.

  Emily thought about what had all happened the last couple of days. She wouldn't go so far as to say that she loved her husband but she did like him. She also liked being with him, as a husband and wife can only be with each other.

  She had a good feeling about her marriage.

  Chapter 4 Sunday

  She woke up before he did. Nathaniel's arms were still wrapped around her. Should she get up and start getting ready for church? She wanted to look especially nice today. She didn't want to embarrass him in any way. Her shyness was already a problem. She had been an embarrassment to him on Friday. They had all been shocked because she had behaved so badly.

  “Emily, is something wrong?”

  He startled her. She hadn't noticed that he had woken up. She looked up at him, looking him in the eyes. “I'm a little worried,” she admitted.

  “About what?” His words dripped with concern. He didn't like the idea that his little wife had problems.

  “I'm worried that I will do something to embarrass you at church.”

  “Why would you do something that would embarrass me?” He was thoroughly confused.

  “I wouldn't do anything. I worried about what I won't do.”

  “Darling, what exactly are you worried about?”

  “What if I get so shy, that I can't talk again?” Her forehead wrinkled up.

  “That wouldn't embarrass me, darling. Just hold onto my hand. I'll be there for you. If you don't talk this week than maybe you will next week. Don't worry. Let's get ready for church.” He jumped out of bed and went to the wardrobe.

  She looked at his body he was so sleek and lean like a tiger on the prowl. She longed to pet him. She pushed those thoughts to the side and also got up and went to her trunk. She had to make a good impression on the town's people. She really didn't want to embarrass him.

  He pulled out his Sunday suit. It had been washed and ironed. He looked down at her kneeling on the floor. Had she done that? “Emily you can hang your things in the wardrobe too. You don't need to be living out of your trunk.”

  “Thank you, Nathaniel.” She laid her Sunday things out on the bed.

  He realized that she wouldn't have ever done it if he hadn't offered. He was learning things about his little wife. This trait of hers would keep him on his toes. He would have to anticipate what she needed. She wouldn't tell him. He watched her washing herself quickly so he wouldn't have to wait.

  When she was finished she stepped aside so he could have his turn. She sat on the bed and brushed her long hair.

  He had to remind himself that now wasn't the time but he had never seen anything more enticing than his naked wife, sitting on his side of the bed brushing that long hair of hers.

  She finished and laid her brush back down, careful not to touch him. She went around to her side of the bed and started getting dressed. When she was finished, she smoothed her dress down with her hands and looked up to see if he approved.

  “How do I look?”

  Nathaniel was standing in front of the little mirror he had hanging on the wall as he tied his tie. He turned to look at her. He somehow forgot how pretty she was but when he looked at her again he could see it. “You are the prettiest thing I have ever seen.”


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