Lil Mama From The Projects 2: Love In The Ghetto

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Lil Mama From The Projects 2: Love In The Ghetto Page 5

by Mz. Toni

  “Maybe you're right, which is why I plan on helping her with the kids, getting a nanny so she can still have a life outside of us and the kids. I don't know if we will work out, but I know I ain't gonna throw the towel in, I don't know why I'm even tripping,” he said flipping the script.

  “Well whatever you decide, I got ya back,” I forced myself to say. I thought maybe I could play off his emotions, but that didn't even work. I don't know what her young ass did to this nigga, but he wasn't going nowhere.

  “So where is Cherish now?” I asked.

  “She should be home,” he said.

  “Oh ok. Well call her and let her know you were thinking of her, we women like that sort of shit,” I said with a laugh. Picking up the office phone, he dialed her number, and when she answered, he had the biggest smile on his face.

  “Stop eating all them pickles,” he said before I walked out. I couldn't handle my man talking to her ass. After a few hours of work, it was time for my break and I couldn't be any more amped as I walked into his office to tell him I would be leaving.

  “Hey Jason, I have to make a run, but I will be back before my break is over.”

  “You don't have to come back, I'm taking Cherish to her doctor's appointment and I’ll be spending the rest of the day with her. Have a good day Jayda,” he said before I headed out. Hopping in my car, I drove to the house Jason and Cherish shared, and sure enough, her car was parked in the garage. Parking down the street, I threw on some sneakers I kept in the car and jogged up the street to their house. Looking at her nice little Benz pissed me off. Here I was almost twenty-five years old and I ain't never drove a fucking car that nice and her young ass got one handed to her, pussy must be made of gold. Pulling out my keys, I scratched little lines all over the driver’s side of her car. When I was done, I went back to my car with a smile on my face. If I couldn't have his ass, and I couldn't get rid of the bitch that had him, then I would at least have my fun with her. On the way home, an idea popped into my head that would top all this shit. As soon as I got home, I rushed inside to talk to Ashley.

  “Bitch, I need a favor!”

  “What’s up, you got that sneaky look on ya face, so I know it’s good,” she said with a smirk. Giving her the rundown of exactly what I wanted for her to do, her eyes were wide, and her mouth had dropped down to the floor.

  “Bitch you scandalous!” she said, laughing loudly.

  “I don't give a fuck!”

  “So you doing all this for a nigga that don't want you?”

  “He does want me, but if you don't want to do it, I’ll get somebody else to,” I said with an attitude.

  “Cut it out, you know I got you. I can get one of my boo’s to do it, but I'm just saying, why go through all this, you a bad bitch and you can get any nigga.”

  “I don't want any nigga, I want him.”

  “Alright then.”

  “See that’s why I love you!” I said kissing her passionately. See I knew she was in love with me, but all I saw her as was a friend and somebody who would do anything for me.

  Chapter Ten


  Things with me and Mega have been weird as hell since the night of Camille’s party. I tried to explain to him exactly what I meant and that I wasn't trying to compare him to my step dad, but he wasn't trying to hear that. We have been so distant with each other that it’s starting to feel like we’re roommates instead of lovers. I don't want to push him away with all my baggage, which is why today I'm seeing the therapist in hopes that she can help me get better. I haven't been driving my car because Mega’s ass been so over protective lately, so I had to wait for Camille to come pick me up.

  “Mega, you seen my studs?” I asked as I searched the house for my favorite earrings. I couldn't find them anywhere and it was pissing me off, they belonged to my granny and everybody knew how much they meant to me.

  “Naw did you check your jewelry box?” Mega asked.

  “I looked everywhere, I can't find it!”

  “Calm down Cherish, I’ll check your car damn!” he snapped back.

  “I’ll check it myself!” I snapped before stomping to my car. Today just wasn't my day. These babies got me having the worst heartburn known to man. I stayed up last night because it felt like they were having a party in my stomach. I ate pickles all night and been farting since I woke up. Whoever said pregnancy was awesome, or them bitches walking around in high heels and shit, let me be the one to say that shit is a lie. I was miserable and taking all of it out on Jason, I didn't mean to, but I was.

  “Oh my God, Megaaaaaa!” I screamed from outside.

  “What’s wrong!” he said as he came running out of the house in nothing but a towel.

  “Look at my car!” I snapped on the verge of tears. I couldn't believe someone had the nerve to do some shit like this. I don't bother anybody, so I needed answers.

  “Damn, that shit fucked up,” Mega said with his fist to his mouth.

  “I know it’s fucked up you ain't gotta say it, but what I need to know is who the fuck did it and why!”

  “Man, it was probably some bad ass kid around here,” he said, blowing it off. True, although where we lived was a suburban good neighborhood, it was filled with children and they have been known to do things like ring your doorbell and run, but I have never known them to do some shit like this. This right here was some bitch shit that a grown ass petty bitch would do. I couldn't even come to terms with what I was looking at.

  “Jason, you are usually a smart man, so please tell me why you think some damn kids would key my car!”

  “Why the fuck you making it into a big deal like I ain't gonna have it fixed by later, you don't even drive the shit!”

  “I don't give a fuck if you could magically fix it, this is my car and I don't appreciate somebody fucking with it!” I screamed. For him, it didn't mean anything because he was use to having shit. Me, I appreciated everything I had, every meal I ate and everything I owned.

  “I know babe calm down, I really think you're just being paranoid. When is your appointment?”

  “Don't talk to me like I'm some crazy person imagining shit, Mega, don't do that. I'm going today and you're ass ain't taking me!”

  “Why the fuck you acting like this, and why didn't you tell me it was today? You got me out here acting a fool in a towel!”

  “Well take ya ass inside!” I said, walking into the house.

  “Yo, you being real fucking childish!”

  “I am seventeen so…”

  “You know what, I ain't doing this dumb shit with you!” he said, walking into his closet to get dressed. Sitting at the edge of the bed, I kind of felt bad for snapping on him, but I wasn't gonna tell him that. Maybe it was childish of me, I don't know, but right now I don't even care.

  “I'm out!” he screamed before starting to walk out the room door.

  “So that's how you gonna be?” I asked, pouting my lips.

  “Man what!”

  “No hug, no kiss, no I love you.”

  “My bad lil mama, you just make a nigga mad as hell sometimes,” he said kissing my lips softly.

  “I know, but I don't mean to,” I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “I love you,” he said before heading out the room.

  “I love you too!” I screamed. When he left, I finished getting ready and called Camille.

  “Hey boo, I will be there in about five minutes,” Camille said when she answered.

  “Alright I’ll be outside waiting,” I said before hanging up. When I got outside, I didn't even want to look at my car because it pissed me off just to see it. Standing outside, I scrolled through my newsfeed on Facebook while waiting for Camille’s late ass. Remembering that I wanted to check the car for my granny’s studs, I walked to unlock my car door. As I was bent over the driver's seat looking through my car, I felt strong hands yank me out.

  “What the fuck!” I screamed, only to be met with a masked man.

“Shut the fuck up!” he said yoking me up.

  “I got money, you can have it all!” I screamed, scrambling to hand him my purse.

  “Didn't I say shut the fuck up!” he said while trying to drag me to his truck where a driver was waiting.

  “Why you taking me? I said you can have everything I got, just don't hurt me, I'm pregnant,” I said as tears fell from my eyes. I noticed a sympathetic look in his eyes and decided to try my luck.

  “Please, you're gonna hurt my babies, you don't have to do this!” I said while he continued to drag me. I wasn't gonna let anybody hurt my babies, so I wasn't getting in that truck without a fight. Getting frustrated with me, he put his gun to my head and through gritted teeth told me to stop fighting him. After killing my mom, my step-dad and my friends, I thought that life would get normal for me; I didn't understand why everybody was out to get me. While walking to the car, a series of gunshots rang out, causing the masked man to let me go. Rushing down to the ground, I protected my stomach to the best of my ability. I watched as the masked man hopped into the truck and the driver pulled off quickly.

  “Oh my God, Cherish, are you ok?” Camille asked, helping me up. I couldn't even say anything, I was in complete shock.

  “Who were them niggas?” she asked.

  “I don't know,” I said through tears. Pulling out her phone, Camille called Mark and Mega, and in no time, they were at the house.

  “Are you ok?”

  “I'm so tired of this shit Mega, why can't I be happy?” I said as my body shook.

  “Maybe she needs to go to the hospital,” Mark said with a worried face. Picking me up, Mega took me to the car, gently placing me in the back seat. When we got to the hospital, I was taken back and examined quickly, and not one time did Mega let go of my hand. The nurse strapped me to a machine to check the babies heartbeat.

  “The babies seem to be fine and in no distress, but your blood pressure is through the roof,” the doctor said as soon as he walked in.

  “So what do we do, how can you treat this?” Mega asked.

  “She needs to be put on bed rest, I don't want her doing anything strenuous,” the doctor said.

  “You hear him, so that means chill out and stay in bed.”

  “I am not staying in bed, he said strenuous activity, which means heavy lifting and stuff like that,” I said.

  “That also mean no stressing mentally or physically,” the doctor corrected.

  “Ok, I can do that,” I said rubbing my belly.

  “Good, now I don't think there is any reason why you can't be released right now, so I will print out your release form,” he said before walking out.

  “Did you recognize them niggas?” Mega asked while grinding his teeth, something he always did when he was upset.

  “No, they had mask on.”

  “How many?”

  “Two, one driving and the one that grabbed me.”

  “Did they say anything?”

  “No, I tried to give him my purse, but he didn't want it, he wanted to take me,” I said as tears fell from my face.

  “I don't understand why the fuck somebody would try and take you, but imma find out.”

  “Please, just leave it alone.”

  “I can't do that, but until I do find out what’s going on, I need for you to be cautious. Don't leave the house without someone with you and when you're home, keep the alarm on.”

  “Ok Jason,” I said. When we finally got home, Mega was out the door in a hurry. He left Camille to stay with me and even hired somebody to keep watch outside; he really wasn't playing no games when it came to me and his babies. Me and Camille laid on the bed in the guest room on some Netflix and chill type shit; we were having a good time. I actually felt better after what happened today, that is, until there was a knock at the door.

  “Somebody supposed to be coming?” Camille asked.

  “I don't think so,” I said with a scared face.

  “Girl, don't be scared. I got my baby on me and we ain't playin no games,” she said, pulling her gun out of her purse. When we walked up to the door, we weren't expecting to see who we saw on the other side. I thought shit couldn't get any worse, but it could.

  Chapter Eleven


  “What the fuck kind of fuck boys did you get to do this!” I snapped at Ashley.

  “They said some bitch came and was busting like a nigga.”

  “I don't wanna hear that shit, why didn't they shoot back? Shit, or they could have shot Cherish’s ass, I would have been ok with that.”

  “You really want that girl dead, Jayda?” she asked.

  “I don't give a fuck what happens to her, I just want her gone!”

  “I think you taking this shit too far, I'm all for you getting ya man, but damn.”

  “I asked you to do one simple fucking thing, just one thing!”

  “Bitch don't be mad at me, shit you asked me to get somebody and I did that, you just mad cuz shit got all fucked up!” she snapped at me. I had some fucking words for her ass, but before I could speak, my phone started ringing.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Hey Jay, it’s me Mega, I need you to handle shit, I'm taking some days off.”

  “Ok, but is everything alright.”

  “Naw, some niggas attacked Cherish.”

  “Oh my God, is she ok, are the babies good?” I asked, praying that he said they were at least dead.

  “They’re fine and so is Cherish,” he said.

  “Thank God, imma go check on her, just make sure she’s ok,” I said.

  “Naw, I don't think that’s a good idea.”

  “I know she doesn't really like me, but I wanna check on her.”

  “I appreciate that Jayda, but I don't know.”

  “I will go and make sure she knows that you didn't send me,” I said.

  “Aight that's cool,” he said before hanging up. Hopping up, I made sure I looked flawless before heading out the door. When I pulled up in front of their house, there was a fucking bodyguard standing outside the door, like come on now, it ain't even that serious, fuck her.

  “Hi I'm Jayda, I’m here to see Cherish,” I said.

  “Go ahead and knock,” the guard said. Knocking on the door, I waited for someone to answer. I knew when she came to the door she would surprised, and that's exactly what I wanted.

  “Jayda, what are you doing here?” she asked when she opened the door.

  “Jason told me what happened and I just came to check on you.”

  “Ummmm ok, well you checked,” she said smartly.

  “Can I come in?” I asked her rude ass.

  “I know you from somewhere, what school did you go to?” Camille said from behind her. She continued to stare at me with curious eyes

  “I went to school in LA!” I said rolling my eyes at Camille. If there was anything I hated most, it was a nosey ass bitch, and that was Camille.

  “Look, I know you don't like me, but I really just wanted to make sure you were ok,” I said.

  “I appreciate you coming Jayda, I really do, but let's keep it real for just a minute, you and I both know you want my man, so knock it off. I'm good, the babies are good and you can go!” she said, slamming the door in my face. That ignorant bitch, I swear I don't know how Jason tolerates her ass because I would have been slapped the shit out of her. Getting back into my car, I pulled off feeling like I didn't accomplish shit. I didn't even get to come inside to check it out. When I arrived to my house, I walked in only to be met by the biggest blow to my face.

  “What the fuck!” I screamed, holding my face.

  “Where the fuck is our money!” a man said holding a gun in my face.

  “Nigga, I don't even know you!” I snapped.

  “Yeah, but this bitch do,” he said, moving out the way showing me a badly beaten Ashley.

  “What the fuck is going on Ash?” I asked.

  “This the nigga I got to kidnap Cherish,” she said through tears. />
  “You didn't even kidnap her right, but you at my fucking crib drawing guns and hitting bitches, all for money you don't deserve,” I said spitting blood out my mouth.

  “Fuck all that, how was I supposed to know that some crazy bitch would show up busting?”

  “I don't know, but that ain't my problem!” I snapped.

  “You got a smart fucking mouth!” he said looking at me seductively.


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