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Beyond the Masks (Beyond Love Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Nicky F. Grant

  “Jacob,” she breathed.

  “Yes, Lovely?” His hot breath on her skin caused a tide of tremors to curl her toes.

  “Please. Please, Sir.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  He loved this game. Liked when she told him what she wanted, loved making the anticipation last. Wringing out all the pleasure from her wanton body.

  “Touch me, please. Lick my pussy.”

  A low rumble from his chest was followed by a wicked tongue lashing along her folds, lingering at her clit. His tongue swirled unhurried. Her legs bucked, pushing against the restraints, hands gripping the sides of the stool. She panted, unable to contain her shameless desire.

  “More. Please, Sir.”

  He shifted her hips, placing her ass on the edge of the seat. His wet tongue lapped the creases of her folds toward her opening. Her arousal mixed with chocolate permeated the air.

  “Mmmm, Chocolate Mocha Shane.”

  “God, yes.”

  Her hips and body shook as he fucked her with his tongue. The edge was near.

  “I’m going to come,” she rasped. He rose from his kneeling position on the floor. Frustration rippled from the loss as a grunt escaped her. Her abandoned clit throbbed.

  “Not yet. You still need your punishment.” She could feel his self-satisfied smirk.

  “You’re a cruel man.”

  “Cruel? I beg to differ.” The straps around her feet unraveled, and she rolled her ankles. “Let’s get you on the table, flat on your stomach, propping your beautiful ass in the air. Understood?”

  “Yes,” she responded and paused, knowing he would want her to call him Sir, so she refrained. It thrilled her to hold out.

  He pinched her chin between his fingers. “Would you like to see the paddle tonight?”

  She tried to shake her head. “I meant yes, Sir, I understand.”

  He praised her by taking her mouth in his, nibbling on her bottom lip. His strong hands caressed her back and down her front, and he slipped a finger into her wet folds, teasing her. She moaned, her head spun, and she gripped his muscular arms.

  “Before we get too carried away, punishment first.”

  He lifted her to her feet. In one quick movement, her dress was discarded and hit the floor. He sucked air through his teeth. The cool air kissed her naked skin.

  “Jesus, Shane. Is it possible you’ve gotten more beautiful?” Fingers slid down her face, neck, and breasts. “I’ve missed this.”

  “Me too.” So very much. The admission slipped before her mind could stop her tongue.

  “Oh, Lovely. You’re making it hard for me to carry out your punishment.”

  He kissed her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Her hands threaded in his hair as he propelled her into the clouds. This was more than a free pass. The dance their tongues made ignited the dying ember of their relationship.

  “W-we could skip the pain and go right to the good stuff.”

  He chuckled, biting her bottom lip. “You’re not getting out of it that easy.”

  He led her to the table and pushed her shoulders flat. Her nipples pursed from the cool wooden tabletop.

  “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  She lay bent and sprawled on her belly, her earlier high beginning to fade as she waited for him to return. What did all this mean? Should she give him a second chance? Her mind reeled, and she buried the thoughts quickly. The man was a master sexually and always in tune with her. It was natural to feel something. Right?

  “Lovely, are you with me?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m with you.”

  “Good. I want you to take this as a lesson and remember who’s in charge.” A warm hand rubbed her ass and squeezed. She jumped. “Relax. This will be over before you know it. One spank with my hand and twice with the crop.” He dipped a finger inside her, her muscles squeezing at the invasion.

  “Still fucking greedy. You’re soaked. I’m beginning to wonder if this is a punishment for you.”


  She yelped at the impact. The imprint of his hand seared like fire.

  “There it is. Your ass is turning my favorite shade of pink. I never thought I would see this again.”

  The crop scraped the table. The leather keeper lazily caressed her behind. “I can’t wait to be inside you. Your permission has made me the happiest man.” He swatted once with such force, she bit the inside of her mouth.

  “Darling, you’re so quiet,” he teased. “I want to hear you scream. Guess I’ll have to try harder.”

  Fuck. He would always outwit her. She squeezed her eyes closed and gripped the side of the table, waiting for the last blow.

  The crop smacked her on the pussy. “Jesus!” she screamed as she pointed her toes. She held her breath, allowing the sting to tingle until it turned to warmth. Yes…there it is.

  “While Jesus is great, my name is still Jacob.” He laughed, dropping the crop on the floor. “I need to see you fall apart.” He took her wrist and pulled her to her feet. Fluid dripped down her leg as she stood. The pain still throbbed on her backside when he untied the blindfold. She blinked. “I want you to see me unravel. I want you to see what you do to me.”

  “I want to see it too.” Her hands ran through his beard.

  His lips bruised hers. His powerful touch swept her up, aching for him all over. Her body. Her mind. Her heart.

  “God, Shane. You’re so…oh god, I’ve missed you.” Pain flashed through his eyes. Regret triggered her mind.

  “Only tonight, Jacob,” she reminded him.

  He breathed out, chest heaving. “Undress me.”

  Her fingers stopped functioning as she fumbled to get through the buttons fast enough. Finally, she slid her hands under the shirt, allowing it to fall from his shoulders. She drank him in as she caressed the soft tuffs of hair on his chest. Her hands traveled over his ripped abs all the way to his defined vee. He flexed at her touch, sucking air into his lungs as if she’d burned him.

  The zipper of his pants sounded, heightening her awareness. She would see him again. All of him. Slipping her hands under his waistband as she undressed him fully, she kneeled, staring at the size of his penis and licked her lips, her eyes pleading.

  “Yes, you may.”

  In one swift move, it hit the back of her throat. Soft skin, the tang of pre-cum, the fullness in her mouth, the smell of his manhood. She was starving. Ached in areas she’d forgotten.

  He clenched his teeth. “Easy, Lovely, easy.”

  She held him in her mouth, enjoying the feeling of velvet and stone along her tongue. She savored each inch when she drew off. He fisted her hair and pushed her forward again, hips circled, taking control.

  “Your mouth was made for me.”

  She yelped at the prickling of her scalp, her pussy pulsing as he thrust in and out.

  He let go as she gasped for air. “On the table.”

  She rose, and he propped her on the edge. He narrowed his gaze. “This will be hard and deep, as you requested. Hold on.”

  Her fingers curled on the table’s edge as he spread her legs wider. Eyes uniting, longing for the connection they had so long ago, he pushed in. They gasped in unison. Her body curled toward him as he stretched her insides. It was glorious. He fit perfectly. Tears bubbled to the surface as her heart expanded. Her love.

  “Look at me, Jacob. Please.” She lightly brushed the side of his face with one hand and pushed his damp hair back with the other.

  He welcomed it and opened his eyes. A shudder released as she found the vast ocean of his soul. Playtime had ended.

  “Shane,” he muttered with a sexy smile. “You’re perfect.”

  His thick, long cock withdrew to the tip until the crown nestled in her cleft, and he thrust back in, making her close her eyes.

  “Not so bad…fuck…so good…yourself.”

  “Keep them open,” he said with a chuckle.

  They fluttered open, meeting the green abyss. In and ou
t, he pursued, his eyes never leaving hers. The stirring in her belly and the electricity in her pussy sent her down the path to her climax.

  “I’m close,” she said.

  He grunted, trying to meet her there as the table screeched with each impact of his hips to her ass. “Come with me, Lovely.”

  The command tipped her over the edge into bliss. White appeared behind her eyes as they rolled back. Heat released from his cock, pumping into her, long streams going on forever. She floated through her orgasm as her muscles clenched, milking him. He groaned into her neck as he emptied. As a last tremor from his body released, she wrapped her legs and arms around him. Afraid to let go of the moment.

  “Please, Shane. Be with me,” he whispered in her ear.

  The words hit her heart in all the right places.

  She released him and stroked the hair from his eyes. “Give me time, Jacob. This…only this right now.”

  “Anything you need...”

  He kissed her madly, his hair tickling her face. Drained of the last bit of energy she had, she ran her fingers through his long hair, enjoying this moment, kissing him like it was the first time. Lips and tongues meeting in urgency, his cock stirred as they continued embracing.

  “Need you again,” he murmured. He carried her to the couch, still connected. The soft couch cushions met her back and slow thrusts tingled each nerve ending of her core. It was loving this time around. Everything she remembered him to be. No more mental struggles of power.

  Screw the past and forget the future.

  This was now, and he was all she wanted.

  A blaring phone woke Shane. She tried to collect her bearings as she rose from the bed, the sheet slid down her naked form to her hips. She rubbed her eyes and peered over to see Jacob on his stomach, fast asleep. It rang again as she padded out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.


  “Where in the hell are you?”

  “Oh, David. Hi, sweetie.” She was in trouble. How was she going to explain this to him? To herself?

  “Doll, honestly. I’ve been worried sick. I’ve been trying to text you!”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear my phone.” Jacob was a complete distraction from the outside world.

  “Are you okay? Are you home?”

  “Well…not exactly.”

  “You little slut. I saw you with him. You ended up in bed together, didn’t you?” he accused in a joking voice.

  “Um…” She peered down the hall. “You could say that.”

  “Shane Marie. Am I going to have to pick up the pieces for you again?”

  “One last romp won’t kill anyone.” She covered herself with his shirt from the floor. “We agreed there were no strings, no expectations.”

  “Agreeing and committing are two very different things, doll.”

  “I’m fine,” she tried to admit to herself. “But can I tell you something?” She pulled the shirt closed and perched on the stool by the breakfast bar.

  “Does the pope wear a funny hat?” He laughed.

  “Depends on who you ask.”


  “I don’t think I’ve felt that exhilarated with him. Ever. It was like we were two different people. Letting all the pressure and tension go allowed us to enjoy the sex. Like nothing I’ve ever experienced.”

  “Oh no.” He paused. “You got it bad.”

  “What? No way!” Her belly did a flip thinking about last night. “It was a one-time thing. Well, maybe four times.”

  “Four times! Jesus, Shane!”

  “We were making up for lost time.” She absently made figure eights with her finger on the marble island. “But seriously, I’ll be fine.”

  “Keep telling yourself that. Be careful, please. You’ve come so far from his train wreck years ago. I don’t want to see you hurt again,” he pleaded, concern dripping off every word.

  “Don’t worry. I have to go, though. I want to get out of here before he wakes up.”

  “Good plan, the walk of shame. Later, Coyote Ugly.”

  “Whatever,” she said killing the call.

  She rested her face in her hands. The entire evening burned in her memory. Him inside of her physically and emotionally. Sifting through her heart and capturing areas she’d closed off. What was I doing?

  She peered down the hall as her body vibrated with the echoes of lovemaking in her head, prickling nerve endings blazing with want. Maybe one more romp? No!

  Time to get out of his penthouse of pleasure and take time to decide what was the right path. She couldn’t string him…or herself along.

  She quickly ditched his shirt and shoved the wrinkled dress over her head. It would have to do. She turned, with clutch and shoes in hand, and walked straight into Jacob.

  “Going somewhere, Shane?” A playful gaze danced in his eyes. A hand landed on his heaving chest as her eyes scoped out the drawstring pants hanging low on his narrow hips. Hair in disarray. Thoroughly fucked and gorgeous.

  “Um, well...” Get it together! “Yes, Jacob. I have things to do. Thank you for a fun evening.”

  He moved until her back hit the breakfast bar, trapping her. Leaning over, he nudged her nose.

  “Stay,” he said softly.

  She laughed. “I think we had enough, don’t you?”

  “Your body’s telling me different.” He kissed her lips. She responded, pushing against him. His kisses were her demise. He could get her to do anything with them. Hadn’t changed one bit. She caught herself falling. Not this time, buddy.

  “I have to go.”

  He paused for a moment before moving to the side. “Fine.”

  Strangely disappointed, she walked to the door, and when the knob turned, he called, “Consider this the first of many.”

  She smiled and turned. “You said this was a free pass.”

  He leaned back on the island with a smirk. “A free pass to our future.”

  She swallowed, unsure of where this would lead them. “Whatever. I’ll call you.”


  J: Our night was beyond incredible. I know you felt it.

  A zip of pleasure mixed with uncertainty ran through her. What the hell had she been thinking? She’d longed for Jacob to come back and now…? She shook her head. The unclear future of where she should be ached in her chest. Why couldn’t things be easy?

  “Are you okay?” David stood in the doorway.

  “Oh yeah. These reports are about finished.” She stacked them neatly in the corner of her desk.

  “No, I mean you’ve been off since the Jacob incident.”

  “Is that what we’re calling it now?” She snorted and walked over to grab her coat. “Yes, I’m fine. Your girl has this.”

  “Has he called?” He leaned against the doorjamb, arms crossed.

  “Called, texted, emailed. I gracefully declined any invitation to see him.”

  Their night together was incredible, but one thing she knew for sure, seeing him would reawaken feelings she wasn’t ready to face. She was too raw. Emotions clambered their way to the surface.

  “Good idea. He lost you a long time ago, and it’s natural to feel turned around. But you need to remember your boundaries.”

  “I will.” She fell against him with a hug, a good cry coming to the surface.

  He slowly released her and clapped his hands. “So now we drink.”

  “I’ll pass. A hot bath and sleep are calling my name.”

  His hazel eyes narrowed behind his glasses. “You forgot, didn’t you?”

  “Forgot what?” Her mental calendar flipped through any upcoming events.

  “Tasha’s birthday! We’re all heading to the karaoke bar on 35th.”

  “Oh, right…”

  “Doll, you can’t bail on her. She’s turning the big two-five. Plus, it’s always good when the big boss makes an appearance. Please? For me?” He stuck out his bottom lip. The attempt to persuade her with guilt worked every time.

  “Okay, fine
. But one drink.”

  “Sure, whatever you say.”

  The quaint vintage bar, not far from the office, made Shane wonder if she’d stepped back in time. Old microphones were mounted on the walls. A retro jukebox with 45s stood in the corner. A small stage sat at the back of the room with a large monitor installed behind a lonely microphone. David scurried over to greet Tasha who was surrounded by other Omega employees.

  Shane smiled as he jumped, yelling, “Happy Birthday!”

  The pure enjoyment he got out of life impressed her. She should take a cue from him and stop dwelling over Jacob and her self-inflicted worries with Gavin.

  She approached the group and gave Tasha a hug. “Happy Birthday, Ms. Williams.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Vaughn. It’s so nice to see you.” Her dark brown hair with a hint of hot pink angled toward her face. Her light mocha skin and dark eyes beamed with excitement.

  “Shane, please. And it’s my pleasure. I wouldn’t have missed it.” She handed over her corporate card to the bartender. “Whatever they want is on me.”

  “Ms. Va— I mean Shane. You don’t have to...”

  David chimed in. “Tash, baby, if the boss lady wants to pay, you don’t argue.”

  “Thank you,” Tasha said right before David led her away.

  “A martini and Blanton’s, please.”

  She turned toward the deep male voice ordering her drink of choice.

  Gavin stood tall, perched along the wooden bar, one leg propped on the brass footrest. He flashed a smile, stirring the resting butterflies in her stomach.

  She sarcastically commented, “Mighty presumptuous of you, Mr. Mayne. Perhaps, I wanted a margarita.”

  “A margarita instead,” he called to the bartender, a slanted brow lifted for approval. He didn’t even make a fuss over it. He simply changed course. Maybe they’d moved into a solid understanding and respect for each other.

  “Much better.”

  He handed her the drink the bartender left on the bar. She licked salt from the rim of the glass as his eyes followed the swipe of her tongue. He cleared his throat. Why the brief fascination with her margarita? Her lips twisted as her eyes met his, which darted away. What’s gotten into him?

  “I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”


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