This Savage Love: A Bad Boy Romance Boxed Set

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This Savage Love: A Bad Boy Romance Boxed Set Page 107

by Kathryn Thomas

  She ran a hand through her hair. “A story in exchange for a place to stay, Jason? Does that sound like a fair deal? I can’t stay at my place and I need a place to crash. It’s possible that my presence here may be dangerous for you, so think carefully before you answer.”

  Rather than answer, he grabbed her arm and tugged her inside. After dumping the bag in one corner of the foyer, he turned and took her hand in his. He lifted it to his lips. “You’ve intrigued me beyond measure, darling. Come, have a cup of coffee, and tell me everything. Don’t leave out the tinniest of details.”

  Keeping her hand in his, he led her inside into his study. She glanced at the trophies that lined the wall. Jason was a world-famous director. He’d directed some of the most fascinating movies that were released in the past ten years. Although he lived in LA part of the year, the rest of the time he was in Boston. They met many years ago when she helped him buy this property. Tania was a beginner at her work and he was already well on his way to earn the fame that he enjoyed now. But they hit it off and even dated for a year. It was a mutual decision to part ways; he was never in town for long and she wasn’t interested in a part time relationship. But he was always someone that she could count in.

  Seeing the gleam in his eyes, she sighed. “Fine, I’ll tell you everything, but please…make up your mind only after you’ve heard my sad and pathetic tale.”

  “You could never say something that was sad and pathetic, darling. Why don’t you take a minute to relax while I order some coffee for you?”

  He went out and she took a seat. Tania leaned back and closed her eyes. How had she have gotten to this state? It still amazed her to know that she got entangled in this mess that had nothing to do with her. It was Riley’s fault. The bastard! Asshole! Jerk! She couldn’t wait to see him and exact her revenge. He would suffer. Oh, how she would enjoy watching him squirm.

  Images flitted through her mind, but rather than see something that showed her inflicting damage to Riley, she saw his hands on her body, his lips on hers, and his smooth skin when he rubbed his body against hers. Immediately, she opened her eyes. No way was she going down that road again. Once was enough. She would never give him the opportunity to lay his hands on her.

  Jason walked in and put a cup of hot, steaming coffee in front of her. He sat on the edge of the desk and stared. “It started weeks ago,” she began. Tania told him the tale from the moment she set eyes on Riley. He was handsome and delightful, and although they were at loggerheads at first over the property, they quickly made a truce and decided to keep each other in the loop as the deal progressed. They started to date. Unknown to her, he went behind her back and finalized the deal and made the purchase. It made her look like a fool. She lost her job and when she confronted him, he tried to kill her by blowing up that damned place.

  Tania didn’t leave anything out. She was honest and direct. It wasn’t fair to ask for sanctuary when she knew perfectly well that it might land Jason in a lot of trouble. The kidnappers wouldn’t be far behind. They would want to bring her back. She couldn’t hide here forever and, whenever she stepped out, Jason might also become a victim.

  After she finished talking, he stared at her as if he couldn’t quite believe her. He finished his coffee and walked behind the desk. She picked up her cup and took a sip of the coffee that had now gone cold. As if on cue, someone walked in the room, carrying a tray. “Some more coffee and cookies, as you ordered, Mr. Jason,” said the Spanish housekeeper whom Tania had met earlier.

  “Hello, Mrs. Rose. How are you doing?”

  Mrs. Rose put the tray down, shook her head at the cold coffee, and swept the cup away. She replaced it with a hot cup. “I’m good, dear. And you…you look too thin. You haven’t been eating well.”

  “And now is your chance to change the situation, Rose,” said Jason. “Tania will be staying with us for a few days and I want you to make sure that she regains her strength and energy.”

  Tania turned to face him while the housekeeper slipped out after a quick nod. “Are you sure about this, Jason? You could be in danger simply by association.”

  “I’ve written a lot of action movies and I’ve directed many more, but this is the first time that I’ve met someone who is actually deeply involved in something so exciting and intriguing. Your story has everything: a little bit of drama, a lot of action, and barrels of romance and betrayal. I want to know how it ends.”

  “It might end with a murder – Riley’s,” she announced in a firm voice. “He played me and then tried to kill me.”

  “Did he?” Picking up his cup, he took a sip. “Are you sure that he’d something to do with the warehouse explosion? You said that he was shocked to see you there and that he leapt over you, so maybe he was as surprised as you.”

  She licked her lips. It was so convenient to blame Riley that she hadn’t considered those facts. He didn’t lure her to the warehouse. Rather, she went there to look for him. So, perhaps, he didn’t actually intend to kill her – but he got her kidnapped and held against her will. “They would’ve murdered me if I had stayed at that place.”

  “And you are sure that he was aware you were being held?”

  “Of course; he had to know! He is in cohorts with those people.”

  Jason smoothed a hand over the edge of the desk. “Never mind, then. We’ll get to the truth sooner or later.”

  She couldn't accept that he would think Riley wasn’t to be blamed for anything. “He rigged it all. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to be there, but he did intend to betray me all along. And, of course, he was part of the gang that kept me prisoner.”

  “Why don’t I show you to your room? You’ve been under too much stress and now need to rest. I should tell you one thing, however,” he said as he led her out of the room. “I would like to have first chance to hear this story when it comes to a conclusion.”

  She couldn’t stop the laughter that sputtered out of her mouth. Here she was talking about kidnapping, lies, betrayal, and possibly all sort of other crimes and all he could think about was his story. The man was obsessed with his work. “Fine, Jason. I promise to tell you everything as it transpires, but listen. I want you to be careful. Don’t think of this as a joke. It isn’t.”

  Much to her surprise, he put a hand on her cheek and gazed into her eyes. “You just take care of yourself and don’t worry about me. I know how to take care of myself. This place is very safe. We’ve got security cameras and around the clock surveillance. If you get out, take my car and chauffeur.”

  “I don’t want to impose on you so much.”

  “Don’t be silly.” He removed his hand. “We’re friends, and this is the least I can do. While you are a guest in my house, I want you to feel right at home. But just out of curiosity, how are you intending to find that man? I assume that is what you want to do?”

  “I do.” She hadn’t given the idea much thought. “Tomorrow I’ll go to his apartment, and maybe contact a few of his friends.”

  “A classic mistake, my friend.” He shook his head. “When you want to confront someone, you want to make sure they are on your home ground. That won’t happen if you go looking for him. No. You have to lure him in to this place so that we can question him at length without worrying about his friends joining in to lend their support.”

  She wrinkled her brow. “Lure him in? How would I do that?”

  His eyes twinkled. Tania didn’t like that look. She had seen it often enough and knew that it meant trouble. Jason was planning something nefarious and she wasn’t sure if she would be comfortable with whatever idea percolated in his mind. The man was devious, and he was intelligent. It was a deadly combination, and she was just glad that she had him on her side.

  “I’ve got some ideas, darling. But now is not the time to discuss them. We will talk some more when you are rested.” Pushing open a door, he led her inside. Her bag was already sitting in one corner. “This is your room. I’ll see you for dinner. If you need anything, let Rose know.

  Impulsively, she gave him a hug. “Thank you, Jason. You’re a true friend.”

  “Oh, I’m so much more than that, darling.” He kissed her brow and then stepped away. “See you in a while.”

  After he walked out, she dropped on the bed. Thank God! For now she was safe, and it was all that mattered. She didn’t know what Jason planned, and Tania was aware that whatever scheme he hatched up would be just perfect. Jason was a resourceful man, and he could make things happen. Coming here was the right choice. He would help her sort out this mess – and then when she had Riley exactly where she wanted him, she would take her revenge.

  It would be perfect. Everything would fall into place – and, perhaps, then she would be able to pick up the pieces of her heart and start to put them together. Maybe then, she would be able to breathe without experiencing pain and, perhaps, she might move on with her life. Only time would tell as to how it would play it, and she was game for the rest of it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Riley was going mad. He hadn’t found Tania anywhere. She wasn’t in the city. He’d been to her house, visited her friends who claimed to have not heard from her in days, and she wasn’t available on her cell phone. Was she alive?

  She’d escaped from the Devil’s Mafia Brotherhood, but no one knew what happened to her afterwards. What if a truck had hit her? What if she lost her memory? What if she was in a hospital dazed and confused, or, worse, dead? Even though he didn’t want to, Riley checked all the hospitals and morgues. She wasn’t there. He was relieved but deeply concerned. Devil’s Mafia Brotherhood wanted him to find her and bring her in. He wanted to see where she was. Yet, she eluded them all.

  As he prowled his apartment, Riley resisted the urge to hit his hand on the wall. He’d done it once and had the bruises to prove it. Where could he go next to look for her? He was contemplating registering a missing persons report but, if he did so, his gang would get into trouble and they wouldn’t like it. Riley wasn’t scared of them and if he ran out of options, he would have to do it. Up until now, he’d wanted to sit tight and see if he could trace her through some other means.

  It was nearly midnight. He’d prowled the streets, looking for her at her favorite haunts, restaurants, and bars, but it was as if she disappeared by magic. How far could a lone woman go? Tania was, of course, a very resourceful girl. If she set her mind on not being found, he wouldn’t find her. But what if she were in trouble? What if she needed his help and he couldn’t give it because he was unable to reach her? The thought killed him.

  Finally, restless and tired, he lay down on the bed. Tomorrow, he would go to the police station. He didn’t have any other choice. The police would help him look for her. They had better resources. If they tracked down her credit cards or her phone, they would discover where she was and what her last movements were.

  Riley closed his eyes, but he couldn’t sleep. His mind raced with thoughts. What else could he do? Surely he hadn’t exhausted all the options. What else could he do? Where could he go other than contacting the police? Nothing came to his mind. He tossed and turned, unable to clear his thoughts. Worry gnawed in the pit of his stomach. If something happened to Tania, he would never be able to forgive himself. He loved her. Why the hell didn’t he tell her this when they were together? Why didn’t he take her in confidence?

  If he had done so, she would’ve been safe. She wouldn’t have come to the warehouse looking for him and she wouldn’t have been kidnapped. It was his fault. He blamed himself for everything. And now there was nothing else to do but wait for another morning so that he could resume his search.

  Riley heard a click. Someone slowly opened the door. He sat and was astounded when he saw Tania slide into the room. She looked gorgeous. Her hair, silky and soft, framed her face. A big smile lifted her lips as if she knew perfectly well the hell she put him through and relished the idea of it.

  He couldn’t move, couldn’t shift. Was she real or a figment of his imagination? Of course, she was real. He could smell the perfume she wore. It permeated the room and filled his nostrils. “You?”

  She sauntered closer, remaining tantalizingly out of reach. “Yes, it’s me. Were you expecting someone else?”

  “Of course not.” He blurted out the words. Although he should’ve been angry that she put him through so much misery, all the anger faded away as he feasted on the sight of her glowing face. She looked resplendent. It was only now that he noticed that she wore a silk, cream nightgown that reached down to her ankles. It swished around her as she moved, taking baby steps as she came closer to his bed. “Where were you?”

  “Here and there, sweetheart.”

  She used the endearment that he often called her. His lips lifted in a smile. She was all right, and she didn’t lose any of her sass. He was happy. Seeing her, his heart filled with joy. He forgot all his earlier ire with her. It didn’t matter where she had been, what she’d done, and why she didn’t contact him for days. She was here now, and that was enough to make him the happiest man on earth.

  He lifted his hand. “Come here.”

  After a brief moment of hesitation, she put her hand in his. Her skin felt warm and smooth. He tugged her closer. With her hand in his, he felt the familiar desire build inside his body. His veins contracted as passion careened through them at high speed. His blood boiled as if he were on fire. Need was a strong tempest that consumed him. “I love you,” he said.

  She raised an eyebrow. “Now you say it. After all this time.”

  “It’s not too late, sweetheart.” He brought her hand to his lips and deposited a kiss on her warm skin. “I love you,” he said again.

  “You drive me mad, Riley, but I love you, too.”

  His heart bloomed. He’d longed to hear those words but never thought he would do so. Tugging her forward, he made her drop in his lap. His fingers caressed her smooth cheek and his lips claimed her. The kiss was hot, wild, and passionate. He put his feelings into it, letting them soak into her with all the fervor that he could manage. It was so long since he felt her body in his arms. She fit perfectly; they were made for each other and, now that he found her, he wouldn’t let anyone tear them apart.

  His tongue dove inside to taste the recesses of her mouth. She was sweet, and he relished each moment as he took his time. Her breath was hot as she matched him stroke for stroke while their tongues engaged in an erotic dance. His arms slid up her bare arms until he reached the straps that held her gown. He slipped them off and she slipped out even while their lips remained fused together.

  Finally, she drew away to take a deep breath. Her breasts lay naked in front of him, and he couldn’t help running his fingers over their firm contours. Her nipples swelled as his fingers played with the hard buds that begged for his attention. Bending his head, he captured one nipple in his mouth. She gasped and arched back, giving him more access. He sucked on the bud greedily, hungrily.

  His hand squeezed her other breast while he played homage to her bud. Desire exploded in his gut. His lips trailed a line down her taut stomach. The gown got in the way and, with a quick move of his hand, he ripped it off her body. She gasped and laughed as he quickly shrugged out of the shorts he’d worn to bed. His cock was hard already. He longed to plunge it in her body and make her squeal with desire, but he was determined to take his time.

  Her body, lush and sexy, spread out before him, like a bouquet of delights. He wanted to take full advantage of it. His lips trailed a line of kisses down her torso until he reached the tangle of curls that guarded her pussy. He could smell her arousal, the musky, sweet smell of it, and it served to heighten his own need. His balls tightened and hardened but he didn’t want to find release yet. Instead, he wanted to savor and plunder every inch of her body.

  Riley put his hands under her buttocks and positioned her so that she laid spread out before her. Pushing up her legs, he allowed himself a moment to gaze down at the beauty of her pink pussy.

  “Riley, please,” she beg

  As if responding to her command, he bent his head and licked her pussy. She shuddered under him. Her wetness filled his mouth. She was ready, and he was eager to please her. He took his time, caressing and fondling her lips until she was vibrating under him. When she began to moan and pant, he pushed his tongue deep inside. With a scream, she exploded and the scent of her climax hit his nostrils.

  As she shuddered under him, he slid over her body until his cock was positioned on her mouth. He rubbed the tip of his penis over her soft, luscious lips and she parted them with a sigh. Accepting the gift he offered, she opened her mouth wide while he pushed his cock deep inside her throat. She sucked on it, fondling and caressing it with her mouth until he thought he’d come in her mouth. His hips moved up and down as he put his knees on the bed. In and out, he jerked until finally he was quivering on top of her. Her tongue twisted over his cock and rubbed his balls until his blood boiled. Riley had enough. He pulled himself out.


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