Star Wars: Traits Of Descent

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Star Wars: Traits Of Descent Page 7

by Madman007

  Chapter Six


  ... Everything going as planned. Controlled the HoloNet press with Rousch on Nal Hutta. He died a coward, just like father said he would. It wasn't my first kill, but it was the sweetest.

  ... Went on to Lianna for Lohl Ch'la His death was necessary, but unfortunate. He managed to escape Black Sun's hold on him. He should have been honored. Gave him an honorable death.

  ... Sent Jedi message through Ch'la. Used universal transponder receiver to get to the comm on the Space Run shuttle. Handy item father had. Informed the Jedi through Ch'la of my intentions. They have been warned. Logic dictates they will not comply. In the end, it won't matter.

  ... Went on to Rhen Var. HoloNet press was already there. Perfect timing. The Jedi arrived not long after. Note: Mara Jade has entered the game. Seeing her brought back so many memories. She was very young when she found us. She caught a glimpse of me then, though I was disguised well. She has her own beliefs about finding me. Let her have her beliefs, no matter how inaccurate.

  ... Getting into Thar Nolog's home was too easy. Pretended to be Rhen Var security. Killed the rest of the guards with ease. Father's technique with Mon Calamari worked like a charm. Terrible way for any being to die. Thar deserved it.

  ... The Jedi presence on Rhen Var worked to my advantage. It proved that I can act right under their noses. It was almost all over, however. Mara Jade came in quicker than I could imagine. She couldn't see me. Once again she caught a glimpse of me and I was disguised. Just like old times. I threw a dimonium cap at her and disappeared over the cliff with extended grapple. As expected with Jade, she called for a watch on the space port. Too bad she was having security look in the wrong place.

  ... Decided to throw Mara off my track. Spoke to her through her comm by vocoder. She remembered me. Told her about my plan for retribution. She knows all about killing in the name of duty, though she'll never admit it.

  ... Left Rhen Var and on to Damphine. I will beat the Jedi there.

  ... New development! Skywalker is changing the rules. Interesting. Adaptation is essential, father always said. This could make my mission easier. No! Not easier. I can hear father tell me now. Nothing is ever easy even if you know what you are doing. Nothing is that certain.

  ... One thing is certain. There will be more deaths. I will find out where they are heading. It shouldn't be hard. I am closer than they think. The ex-Vigos who escaped their justice will pay with their deaths.

  ... The Jedi? They are a more difficult dilemma. Now that Mara Jade has aligned herself with the Jedi Master, getting through them will not be easy. If I keep my distance and pace my steps carefully, I will succeed. The Jedi are as much a culprit in father's anguish as Black Sun. The Vigos sacrificed him for the greater good, and the Jedi allowed it to happen. They will both find a new brand of justice.

  ... Found them. They are all now right where I want them.

  On Rhen Var - The Jade's Fire main lounge

  "You lied to us about finding Skarce Voxan," Corran shouted.

  Mara Jade replied calmly from her seat behind the main lounge table, "I did no such thing."

  "Then explain how you know our killer."

  Mara stated, "Technically, I don't."

  Corran scoffed. "Luke just told me that you were talking to our killer like you were friends."

  "Not friends. Adversaries."

  "Then he is related to Voxan."

  "I'm not sure."

  Exasperated, Corran looked over at Luke sitting on the opposite side of the table. "Can you make sense of this woman?"

  Luke gave a half smile and replied softly, "She told us before that she never found Skarce Voxan. She neglected to tell us that she tracked down whom she thought was Voxan's son. And she may have spoken to him but she's not sure if our killer is the same person."

  Mara turned to Luke and said with sarcastic flair, "You know me so well, Skywalker."

  "Not yet, I don't."

  "Perfect," Corran voiced. "Next time I'll call you when I need a Mara Jade translator."

  Luke gave no reply but he leaned closer on the table across from Mara. "Who exactly did you track down back then?"

  Mara shrugged. "You're right. I tracked down the last known residences of Skarce Voxan. There were many. Almost all were dead ends. Much of the information from the old Jedi Order hadn't been very accurate. I did find in my research that there was talk of a son Voxan had not long after the Clone Wars. It was speculated that the son was the reason for the lack of Voxan's performances after that point."

  Corran asked, "What was his name?"

  Mara gave a slight chuckle. "There were several."

  Corran replied, "So we just call him Voxan, Jr."

  "You can call him a rancor's uncle for all I care."

  Corran sneered. "You don't seem to be taking this too seriously, Jade."

  "Because this is turning into an interrogation, Officer Horn."

  "You seem to have information about our investigation that you were withholding. I just want to understand why."

  Mara rolled her eyes and turned back at Luke, silently beckoning him to reply. Luke explained, "Mara isn't one to freely release information that she can't prove, Corran."

  The door to the lounge slid open and in appeared Lieutenant I'hela Broadwater. She had obviously been running in the frigid Rhen Var climate and she took a few moments to catch her breath. She finally exclaimed, "I just had to interrupt my conversation with the press. I was just asked a question about Mara Jade actually speaking to the murderer of Thal Nolog. I had no clue what they were talking about. Maybe you can shed some light on it, Ms. Jade?"

  "News travels fast in the press," Mara commented.

  "You better believe it," I'hela shot back. "Do you know our murderer, Jade?"


  "What do you mean maybe?"

  Luke cut in to calm I'hela down and he took some time to tell her about Mara knowing a possible identity of the murderer being the son of a famous hitman.

  "You mean Skarce Voxan, don't you?"

  "Why do you say that?" Luke asked.

  "I told you it's the rumor that's going around everywhere. The press won't let up about it now. Of course, nobody believes it's the actual Voxan. He would be dead by now. It could be a copy or a relative."

  Luke admitted, "It's possible. But I would like it if this part of the investigation is kept between us, if you don't mind, Lt."

  I'hela nodded in agreement and then asked Mara, "If you spoke to him, do you know where he is?"

  Mara answered, "Long gone by now. He may have had a starship close by away from the spaceport. By the way, who invited you on my ship?"

  I'hela stood erect and answered in a commanding voice, "This is a joint effort between the NRS and the Jedi. I would think you would be more cooperative."

  Corran uttered, "You don't know Mara Jade well, do you?"

  Luke glanced at Mara and said, "Actually, I would like a better understanding of where our murderer is going."

  "To his next target," Mara answered.

  "Which is where?"

  Corran reached for a datapad and called up the list of the ex-Vigo's locations and announced, "The closest from here is Damphine. And that's a distant close."

  Luke remarked, "They sure pick the most obscure systems. Away from the public eye, I guess."

  I'hela supplied with, "No, they wanted to keep away from any trade routes. Less temptation to fall back into their old ways."

  Mara replied, "Nice deduction, Lt."

  Corran remarked, "I'm sure Rousch was thrilled to be back on Nal Hutta to meet with Meeko."

  I'hela asked, "What was the purpose of that meeting? It didn't say in your report."

  Corran snapped, "It's classified." He shot back at Luke, "Did you just give everyone a copy of our report?"

  Luke shrugged. "I gave one to Mon Mothma. I'm sure she gave one to I'hela's NRS supervisor who let her read it." After I'hela nodd
ed to confirm, Luke turned to Mara. "It would be too late to try and beat him to Damphine."

  "More likely he was calling from a remote in transit."

  I'hela thought to suggest, "Can we trace the receiving transponder codes on your comm?"

  "We can but in all probability, he's changed them already," Mara answered.

  Luke sighed his reply. "Which means Voxan Jr. will be always a few steps ahead of us."

  Corran cried out, "Can we call him something besides 'murderer' and 'Voxan, Jr'?"

  Mara suggested, "One of his assumed names was Mahc Teirnan."

  "Then Mahc he is to us now."

  "Until we prove otherwise," Luke added.

  Mara said, "It would definitely throw off the press if we give them that name."

  Corran asked, "Can't they research that back to Voxan?"

  Mara scoffed. "The press can research the name all they want. It will never lead them to Voxan Jr, I assure you."

  Luke uttered, "We need some time to research it more without allowing him to kill again. We need to stall him."

  "Good luck there. We already know where he's going. Like you said, he'll be a few steps ahead of us," Mara replied.

  Luke had a thought. "Maybe we can change the locations on him."

  "What do you mean?" Corran asked.

  "What if we can get all of the ex-Vigo's in one anonymous location. Preferably one that's mobile. Like a star cruiser."

  Mara put in, "That might make his job easier."

  "Not if he doesn't know the location."

  Corran warned, "We would have to keep the location a secret. Not let many know."

  "We'll have to use a powerful encrypt," Luke suggested. "I'll have to speak to Mon Mothma about it. She has each ex-Vigo guarded now and it shouldn't be a problem to bring them all in one spot."

  Mara interjected with, "Sorry if this is off the subject, but didn't you say that Rousch's Vigo chit was taken?"

  Thinking suddenly back to his report, Luke replied, "Yes, it was."

  "So where is Thar's chit? I didn't see Mahc take anything unless he took it earlier. Did someone check his neck for a necklace?"

  Corran muttered, "You mean what was left of his neck?"

  I'hela added, "Maybe he didn't keep it on him. There could be something he placed it in still inside his house."

  Mara turned to the Lieutenant and suggested, "Why don't you find Cizler and see if they found something? I'm sure he's still researching the house."

  For a few seconds, it looked like I'hela was about to refuse Mara's suggestion with a pained look of disappointment. I'hela hesitantly nodded and slowly left the lounge without a word of protest.

  After I'hela was gone, Corran looked at Mara. "Nice way of getting her out of the way."

  "Like you said, we can't let many know," Mara said innocently.

  "You don't trust her," stated Luke.

  "I don't trust anybody, Skywalker. You should know that. Besides, I feel that you don't trust her either."

  Luke smiled and wanted to compliment her on her attention to his feelings in the Force. But Mara didn't take compliments well, especially in front of others. Luke went on and said, "It's not that. It's just...something strange. Do either of you sense her?"

  Confused by the question, Corran answered plainly, "I feel her presence."

  "Anything else? Feelings."

  "Not really."

  "Maybe we can't get through to her feelings. She may be blocking them," Mara said.

  Luke thought it ironic that Mara could suggest something that she has done herself. "Why do you say that?"

  Corran smiled. "I get it. She's a soldier."

  Luke was confused this time. "What does that have to do with anything?"

  Corran explained, "Luke, do you know where most of the recruits of the NRS came from? Many of them were to become stormtroopers. The stormtrooper boot camp was on Coruscant and they had to go there before they were shipped to Carida." He turned to Mara to confirm. "Right?"

  She nodded and added, "It was later on in the stormtrooper regime. Carida was becoming too vast to support the numerous applicants so Palpatine devised a screening system in Imperial City. If you passed you were sent to Carida. Failed, and you wound up as a security guard at the Opera House. I heard rumors that Mon Mothma must have given them a second chance in the NRS. Their standards were not nearly as strict as the Empire's."

  Corran added, "Yep, not all of them could be in the 501st. The cops in the NRS today are probably sons and daughters of those under qualified stormtrooper wanna-be's."

  Luke repeated his question. "That doesn't tell me why we can't read the Lt's feelings."

  Corran chuckled, "You haven't known many soldiers, have you?"

  Luke's eyes widened. "Uh...Rebel Army. There were many soldiers there."

  Mara sniffed. "Rebels. Common folk turned to freedom fighters. People who weren't trained officially in combat. A true soldier is not trained to have feelings. They're trained to be focused and ready for anything at a moment's notice."

  Corran finished her thought. "Soldiers are harder to read in the Force."

  Luke gave a blank stare as he thought of his title of Jedi Master. Some Master he was. He felt he was still learning about the Force everyday. Perhaps when one is seeking the vast knowledge of the Force, they are a constant student.

  Corran interrupted Luke's thoughts. "Now that I'hela is not here, what exactly is this plan of yours? Are you thinking of using a space transport and just picking up the Vigos?"

  "Not exactly," Luke replied. "I was thinking of using something more obscure. That way we can spend some time researching this Voxan for more details. Even if this Mahc finds us we can defend the ex-Vigos."

  Mara suddenly burst out, "Wait a moment! I said I'd help you with the research on this investigation, not play babysitter to a bunch of ex-gangsters."

  Luke kept his voice at a soft even tone, knowing that his controlled patience unnerved Mara, especially after one of her outbursts. "Do you have other pressing issues to attend to, Mara?"

  "As a matter of fact, I do. Karrde has me recruiting new clients now that the Smuggler's Alliance is fading away."

  Corran uttered, "Karrde has plenty of people who can do that."

  Mara emphasized, "I can do it the best."

  Luke sighed inwardly as he didn't have time to argue with Mara. "Maybe Corran and I will be on guard duty while you do the research. My point was that when we get the Vigos in one mobile starship, it will be harder for our killer to act."

  Corran put in, "That depends on what kind of ship you have in mind. A space transport would stick out like a sore thumb. A Corvette would be too obvious, not to mention the smaller size for, what, eleven Vigos and several NRS guards. Where were you planning on putting these former gangsters, Luke?"

  Luke smiled as deviously as he could and said with pride, "In the very last place anyone would look. With a former competitor."

  Realization sunk into Corran and he gasped, "Luke, no. Let me count the ways how much of a bad idea that is. Besides, he'll never go for it."

  "He may if Mon Mothma ordered him. It worked with Bel Iblis."

  Corran countered, "Bel Iblis has more respect with his organization than Mon Mothma."

  Luke asked logically, "He wouldn't refuse the Chief of State's last request in her last remaining days in office. How would that look to the new Chief of State?"

  Mara sounded surprised. "You are thinking ahead? What have you done with the real Skywalker?"

  Luke let her comment alone and said, "I have to get a message to Mon Mothma quickly. You mind if I use your holo-projector?"

  "By all means," Mara cheered.

  Corran sighed. "I suppose you're wanting me to recruit for our rendezvous?"

  "Why, when we have the greatest recruiter on board already?" Luke bemused, gesturing to Mara.

  It was Mara's turn to sigh. "Me and my big mouth."

  Corran smiled. "It'll get you in trouble every time."
  "And I still don't learn."

  Corran asked Luke, "What do we tell I'hela? She's going to want to tag along."

  "And we can't exactly tell the NRS they're not invited." Luke considered. "Don't tell her anything yet. We can wait to give her the coordinates at the last possible moment."

  Mara suggested, "We can set up several small jumps first before the final one to mask our trajectory. Actually, that will throw off the press as well."

  "Good idea," Luke said. "I'd like to keep this plan between us for as long as possible."

  Corran sneered. "I'hela's going to love that."

  Luke shot back, "She doesn't have to like it. Just tell her it's for security reasons. She'll understand. I'll let you handle that one, Corran."

  Corran rolled his eyes. "Perfect."

  Mara questioned, "Do you really think Mon Mothma will go for this?"

  Luke gave his voice a drastic tone. "I don't see any other choice. We can't just keep chasing this killer after he keeps murdering his targets. No, it's time we change the game plan on him. Let's go, I want to get to Mon Mothma now." Luke stood and headed for the lounge exit towards the cockpit.

  Mara turned to Corran and said, "What's up with him? He so into taking charge now. Different for him."

  Corran admitted, "I know. Scary."

  Jade's Fire cockpit after the primary hyperspace jump

  "Where are we heading?" asked I'hela through the comm of her SIE patrol ship, Horizon Star. She had followed the initial jump into hyperspace after the Jade's Fire jumped first. Once each ship was back in real space, I'hela could speak to the Jade's Fire again.

  Corran was the lone occupant of the Jade's Fire cockpit at the moment, and he reached for the comm to answer the Lt. "That's on a need to know, Lt. We only have one more small jump to go in...," he checked the nav-com readout, "...five standard minutes. You'll get the coordinates for the final jump after this next one."

  "You don't trust me, do you?" Her voice wasn't as accusatory as it was filled with low confidence.

  Corran assured her, "It's not like that, I'hela. It's for security. Sometimes the press can catch the nav-com coordinates through sensory channels on the HoloNet. They can only catch one set of coordinates at a time. So when we set up several jumps like this it confuses the channels and they get gibberish."

  "I see. Where is Mara Jade and Master Skywalker?"

  Corran said casually, "They're indisposed right now. Taking advantage of the extended trip."

  "Oh! I didn't know they were a couple."

  It took Corran all his effort to not laugh at her remark. He failed.

  I'hela sounded embarrassed. "I take it I misinterpreted your words."

  Corran calmed and said, "I'm sorry. I guess I said that too casually. They're busy training."

  "Oh, yes. I remember reading that Mara Jade had been trained by the Emperor. I see Master Skywalker is trying to train her to be a Jedi."

  "Emphasis on trying."

  "It must be nice to have the Force at your disposal."

  Corran stifled his own comment. To the world outside of his wife and the Jedi Council, Corran Horn was merely a former CorSec agent turned Rogue Squadron fighter pilot. Someday, maybe the galaxy will know of his Jedi traits. Corran just wasn't ready yet for the galaxy to gain that knowledge. He changed the subject before the nav-com set their next jump. "Did they find Thal's Vigo chit on him or in his house?"

  I'hela answered, "No, but they did find a small treasure case. It's locked and I thought that Master Skywalker could open it somehow. But you guys left so quick and I didn't get a chance to tell him. I brought it with me."

  "Good thinking. Here's hoping Mahc won't want the chit so bad that he'll start chasing us."

  "Does Mara really believe he is Voxan's son?"

  "She's not sure yet. She didn't get a good look at him and she said he was hard to read in the Force."

  "But she spoke to him."

  "He spoke to her mostly. Basically, he was just telling her that he knows we're on to him."

  "He's playing us, then."

  "Maybe. But we're changing the rules now."

  "How are we changing the rules?"

  Corran admired the woman's gumption. The NRS was still such a young organization compared to the Jedi Council and the New Republic. He could imagine its members didn't see much action lately. Corran remembered being that young and ambitious starting out as a CorSec agent. I'hela looked to be in her fifties, yet she seemed to retain a youthful desire for knowledge. Just as he had once, and maybe could again. He answered her in a tone that told her he caught her trying to pry. "Good try, Lt. You'll soon find out. We're almost ready for the next jump."

  "Roger that. Horizon Star out." Her comm then went silent.

  Soon the Jade's Fire sped into the molted star lines of hyperspace and the Horizon Star followed right after.

  Lower hangar deck of Jade's Fire

  A large room had been designed next to the medium-sized hangar of the Jade's Fire that now housed the Space Run, Luke and Corran's borrowed New Republic shuttle. The large room was originally set up as a barracks for guests and pilots to rest themselves while their ships were nestled inside the hangar. As Mara Jade had no intention of using the hangar for random guests or pilots crossing her path, she converted the room into a training area. At first she kept all of her various weapons she had collected over the years and stored them in the room. Lately, she had now dubbed the space her practice room. Since she had been freed from the mental bonds of the Emperor, she decided to continue her training in the Force. At one point early on, she received help from the Jedi Master himself. She soon discovered that what Luke was teaching her were the basics that Palpatine had already gone over with her. She, therefore, left his Jedi Academy and began to train herself in the Force.

  Since the last leg of their trip was over eighteen hours long, Luke and Mara decided to take advantage of the time and use it to train. They challenged each other to a duel and soon Luke and Mara were ready in a sparring match.

  Luke held his green lightsaber in a low defensive angle while Mara clenched her grasp on the handle of Luke's old blue-white saber...his father's. Mara suddenly lunged a thrust forward but Luke calmly parried. Blue clashed with green in sparks of super heated energy.

  "Your focus is on the blade," Luke critiqued after they each released their sabers from each other.

  "Yeah, funny thing, that's usually where my focus is in a duel."

  "But your focus is only on the blade. And I blocked it rather easily."

  "You're too quick."

  Forgetting the fact that she just gave him a rare compliment, he further analyzed her reaction. "Don't think of it as quickness, Mara. I countered it because I knew where your next move would be going. I focused on what you were planning, not where the blade was going to end up."

  "You mean you anticipated my move?"

  "Not exactly. Anticipation still implies a form of guessing. Focus on where my thoughts will take my moves and you will be a step ahead of me. If you want to beat me to the finish line, simply be there already. Understand?"

  "I think so."

  "Good. Let's try it again." Luke repositioned his stance in an attack form with his lightsaber hovering at a high angle. He could feel Mara focus on his thoughts, yet he could also feel her conflict to focus on the blade too. Luke stayed dormant for several moments until she completely focused on him. Luke then made a series of sudden slashes and thrusts from various angles and Mara met each one with an almost automatic precision.

  He stopped and unlit his blade. He glanced at her and froze in a distant memory. Mara wore the same surprised accomplishment as he did after Ben Kenobi taught him to "see" the remote with his feelings on board the Millennium Falcon all those years ago. He resisted to tell her that she had just taken a small step into a larger world. Mara Jade didn't take to such sentiment. He was about to acknowledge her feat when he felt her notice that he had been listening in on her thoughts. Insta
ntly, her mental walls went up and he could feel nothing from her. Typical Mara, he thought.

  Mara didn't speak of it, of course, and she went on to say in a monotone voice devoid of emotion, "That seemed to work."

  "Of course it did. Do you still believe that I can't teach you anything new?"

  She shut down her lightsaber and said, "Stop the chrono and it's officially twenty-nine standard hours before you ask me back to your Academy."

  Luke mentally cringed. "Would it be as bad as you think?"

  "We've been down this road before, Skywalker. You know how I don't like repeating myself. I don't need remedial classes in the Force."

  "Don't trivialize this, Mara. When it comes to the Force, even the most experienced Jedi are still students. Myself included. You just experienced an alternative way to duel. You should have seen your face once you realized it. I could feel your exhilaration."

  Mara warned through gritted teeth, "I've told you to stay out of my mind, Skywalker."

  "How can I enter it when you have it blocked? You shut yourself down and deny yourself so much, Mara. You can't even allow yourself the thrill of learning something new."

  Mara's tone turned indignant. "And I suppose you're the only one who can save me?"

  "No. I can't do that."

  "Why not? You saved your father."

  "My father was deep into the dark side. All I did was show him the light within himself. In the end, it was he who saved himself. And me. If he hadn't had acted...if he had shut down his emotions like you are, I would have been dead and the Empire would have lived on. And you would still be the Emperor's Hand playing the puppet that he made you into. You would still be alone. No friends. No emotions. No soul."

  Mara turned away swiftly and walked over to a tool bench. She dropped her lightsaber on the counter. "Don't try and analyze me, Skywalker. Your head will hurt."

  Luke shrugged casually and stated, "My head does hurt but I think it's from playing substitute babysitter for my niece and nephew last week."

  Mara let out, "And stop with attempts at humor."

  "So much for lightening the mood." He glanced at the counter and asked, "Do you know why I gave you my father's lightsaber?"

  Mara turned to face him. "Because you didn't feel like making one for me?"

  "Nothing of the sort. I gave it to you because I believe that someday you will earn it. You have so much potential for greatness, Mara. It seems to me that your throwing it away."

  Mara suddenly snapped, "What if I don't want that greatness? What if I'm fine where I am now? I will never have the amount of Force ability that you have, Luke. You are the son of one of the most powerful Jedi in history."

  "It's not about being the most powerful, Mara. This is about you moving on. You've been alone for so long that you don't know how to adapt."

  "I know how to adapt, Skywalker," she hissed.

  "Maybe to things outside of yourself. But you can't adapt to you. The real you. Every time we're together I catch a glimpse of your true identity. The closer I get to it, the more you shut it off. You block out everything that would allow your true identity to come through. Maybe over the years of blind servitude to Palpatine you've forgotten who that is. Don't be afraid of being yourself, Mara."

  Abruptly, Mara grabbed her saber off the counter and exclaimed as she stormed out, 'If I wanted a psychological eval of myself, then I would have gone to a professional, Doctor Skywalker!"

  The door to the hangar swished closed. Luke muttered to himself, "Thanks for proving my point, Mara." He sighed heavily and shook his head.

  After the final jump inside the Jade's Fire cockpit

  The molted star lines started to dissolve into real space. Corran and Mara looked through the Jade's Fire viewport and saw ahead of them the distinctive red shape of the former Imperial II-class Star Destroyer now named the Errant Venture. As they continued to gaze at Booster Terik's creation, Luke entered into the cockpit.

  Before he could speak, Mara glanced at him. "What have you been doing all this time?"

  "I was in a Jedi meditation trance in the rear lounge."

  Corran quipped, "You should know by now, Mara, that is Jedi speak for taking a nap."

  Mara gave no reply. It had been hours since Luke's talk with her before she stormed out on him in her training room. At that moment in the cockpit, there was no evidence within the woman that his talk ever took place. Had she listened to him? Or was she ignoring him? Either way, he couldn't tell. Her barriers were well in place. Luke decided to temporarily quit while he was behind with Mara Jade. "I sensed our approach and came up."

  Corran noted, "Your timing is perfect. She's right where she should be." Corran gave an exaggerated sigh of disgust. "Ah, just where I wanted to be after what I've been through in the past the presence of my father-in-law."

  Luke assured him, "We shouldn't be here too long. If this goes as smoothly as I plan, we'll have no problem in weeding out our killer."

  Corran remarked, "There's your first mistake, Master. Smooth and Booster Terik are two words that don't combine."

  Mara added, "You should have heard him when Mon Mothma ordered him to do this."

  Corran said, "Believe me, I can imagine."

  As they approached closer to the Errant Venture, Mara uttered, "I can't believe that shade of red. Booster actually made a literal mockery of something the Empire made. Somewhere Captain Drysso is turning over in his grave."

  Corran snickered. "If you think that's bad, you should see the inside. He's got a gambling casino in there that'll rival any on Ryloth."

  Mara noted, "He did say he has a full house."

  Luke gasped. "He has guests in there now?"

  Corran replied, "I'm sure he does, Luke. Booster's got to eat and pay his crew too."

  Mara sneered, "As well as paying for the upkeep of that hunk of durasteel. That thing was on its last legs even when it was in the Empire's service."

  Luke cursed himself. "I didn't realize he would have guests at this time of the season."

  Corran said, "Relax, Luke. Probably all middle class anyway. Trader's Alley would be getting all the attention. I doubt anyone would know we're here."

  "That may be, but it'll be harder to see who's coming and going." Luke sighed. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

  Mara shot back, "You always say that."

  The comm gave a short burst of static and then the voice of Lt. Broadwater appeared and said, "Horizon Star to Jade's Fire. Do you read?"

  Corran reached for the comm. "Acknowledged, Horizon Star. Welcome to the party, I'hela!"

  "What system are we in? I don't read any planets in the vicinity."

  "Because our destination isn't a planet, Lt. It's straight ahead."

  "What? That's an Imperial Star Destroyer!"

  Corran joked, "I see they teach Observation 101 well in the NRS. And just for the record, how many Imperial Destroyers do you know of that aren't colored flat gray?"

  "What are we doing here?"

  Corran glanced at Luke and switched off the comm. "Would you like to take that one, Master?"

  Luke nodded and Corran switched the comm back on. "Lt., this is Master Skywalker. I'm sorry for our secrecy before, but it was necessary that very few knew about this. I made arrangements with Mon Mothma to bring all the remaining ex-Vigos on board the Errant Venture courtesy of Booster Terik."

  I'hela wryly asked, "And Booster complied with no complaint?"

  "I wouldn't say that exactly. Nevertheless, he has complied."

  I'hela replied, "You're using the Vigos as bait."

  Luke admired the way I'hela cut through to the essence of his plan. "In a sense, I am. With Mara and myself on board we can protect them long enough to lure the killer here."

  "Smart. Who's going to tell them that?"

  "I am."

  "I don't envy you having that conversation. Are they all on board yet?"

  "Not sure. I don't think we're in their comm range yet."

>   Mara took a glance at the console and uttered, "Oh, we're in range all right. They're probably listening in already."

  Corran switched frequencies on the comm and burst out with, "You catching all of this, Fyg?"

  The voice on the other end sounded like a tiny-voiced human male. "It's Kruqr, Horn."

  "Kruqr? Why you've surely come up in the world. Did Booster not trust your skills as a casino guard?"

  "There was an incident with a Wookie bounty hunter and I don't want to talk about it."

  "I wouldn't either."

  "Booster thought my skills here would be more..."

  "Safer?" Corran supplied.


  "Where is Booster?"

  "He's busy making your guests comfortable. Really, Horn, what have you gotten us into this time? Bringing in the scum of the galaxy on our respectable establishment?"

  "Respectable? You're on the wrong ship. Are they all there, Kruqr?"

  "Almost. There's a few stragglers. Then there's you."

  "Speaking of us, where are we landing?"

  "There is a small matter of a docking fee."

  "You're not serious. Booster's going to charge his own son-in-law?"

  "You do get a relative discount. Sending the estimate now."

  Corran looked at the screen and his eyes popped. "Kruqr, that's three times the normal docking fee."

  "High profile guests. You pay for secrecy."

  Corran glanced at Luke, who shrugged in surrender, and Corran announced to Kruqr, "All right. Transmitting account data now."

  After a few moments, Kruqr replied wryly, "Got it. Thank you for your patronage. You may commence to Hangar BK-7."

  Corran cried, "You're putting us on the Black Level?"

  "Where else are you going to have any privacy? By the way, Booster wants to speak to Luke as soon as you land."

  Corran answered, "We'll be right there."

  Kruqr emphasized, "He wants to see Luke alone."

  Corran turned to Luke and quipped, "Aren't you honored?"

  "I heard that, Horn," Kruqr announced.

  "Just send us the landing coordinates. Jade's Fire out."

  As soon as Corran switched frequencies so I'hela could hear on the comm, Luke gave their orders. "While I'm talking to Booster, I want you and Mara to help with getting our guests settled. I'm sure there's going to be complaints. Just tell them the truth. Their lives may be in danger but assure them that we will do everything to keep them safe. Try to convince them that bringing them all here is more secure than letting them stay at their publicly known residences."

  Mara said, "If they've heard about Rousch and Thal Nolog then they may be scared already."

  "Good point. That may give us the advantage. They'll trust whomever will protect them."

  Corran suggested, "Some of them may still not trust anyone in the Jedi Order. New or Old. Black Sun and the Jedi were at constant odds back then. I'm sure these old gangsters won't forget that."

  Luke simply stated, "If they don't trust us, that's their choice. I'm really the only one here whom their anger may be focused on. They're familiar with Mara and as soon as they see she is on their side they may think differently about complaining." He switched gears and addressed the NRS Lieutenant. "I'hela, I'd like for you to keep a watch on anything approaching from space. Like you said, there's no systems near here, so the only reason they'll stop here is to gamble."

  "Or murder some ex-Vigos," Mara muttered.

  I'hela asked, "Isn't that the job of the main comm guard of the Errant Venture?"

  "Yes, but I'd like for you to keep a special watch on anything out of the ordinary. Contact us immediately as soon as you do."

  Mara asked, "What do we do after we get all the Vigos nicely tucked in?"

  Luke stated, "I want you to start researching Voxan again. We've got the holo-vids that T'ryas had. You might start with the last known Voxan murders. Maybe we can find something to track him down with."

  Mara shot back, "And if he tracks us down first?"

  Luke replied, "Then we'll deal with him. So far he's dealt with defenseless ex-gangsters and less than adequate guards. We'll see how he handles a few Jedi."

  Mara reflected, "Yeah, we'll see.

  * * * * *


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