Star Wars: Traits Of Descent

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Star Wars: Traits Of Descent Page 11

by Madman007

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  Chapter Ten

  Errant Venture - Blue Level

  The area was desolate and abandoned. For the time being, no one was required to be there. Construction had begun on two slingball courts on the Blue Level. Booster prided himself on the location because it had previously been an Imperial interrogation facility when the Errant Venture was property of the Empire. Because Booster gave the construction workers a few days off before he got involved with the Vigos, the area was devoid from any crowd noise.

  It was the perfect place for a secret meeting.

  Mahc Tiernan walked through the vast area cautiously. Not only was he alert to find the Jedi Master but he was careful to avoid the construction equipment that the workers left. Mahc had shed the clothes that he took off the drunk man who he killed. He wore his black tunic with red lining. His hood was up and over his head obscuring his face. He tried to keep his boots quiet as he stepped but because of the empty area every step echoed.

  Mahc moved slowly checking every corner and wall. There was no one else here. Where was Skywalker? Was he playing a game?

  "I don't play games," announced a sudden voice from behind him. Mahc did an about face quickly to see the Jedi Master standing stoically near the opposite wall of the floor. Mahc had seen the Jedi several times through holovids and had heard him on recordings. This was the first time he had ever been in his presence. He didn't look so tough to Mahc. Then again, Mahc asked himself how he suddenly appeared. Mahc kept his voice low when he asked, "You weren't there before."

  "Perhaps you weren't looking. As you can see, I have some mental skills of my own."

  "I'm sure Corran Horn told you about mine."

  "He has. I admit it's impressive. Except my skills are more...mystical, shall we say." When Mahc didn't reply, Luke went on to say, "Mahc Tiernan. We finally meet. You've been a nasty pest for several people in the last few days." Luke edged closer to the man and took note of his attire. "Nice costume. Dark and ominous. The hood does well to hide your face. Gives your victims a sense of mystery."

  "That is the desired effect."

  "It also indicates that you don't like who you are. You're hiding from you."

  Mahc chuckled. "I see you wear the same black."

  "Anyone can wear black. It's their intentions while wearing it that makes the difference."

  "I suppose you're going to scold me for my intentions. Make me see the light? Show me the right path?"

  "Only if that's what you want to hear. By the tone of your sarcasm, I'd say that's not the case. I'm not here to judge. You may very well have the best intentions. But when those intentions involve murdering innoc..."

  "Innocents?" He pointed down. "Those ex gangsters down there are not innocent. They were part of something that ruined my father."

  "Just so we're clear, your father is Skarce Voxan?"

  "Was. Mara Jade already figured that out."

  "She only suspected."

  "I'm sure you'll agree that Mara Jade's suspicions are more accurate than other people's facts."

  Luke didn't reply but gave a hint of admiration in his face. Mahc caught it.

  "Ah, and there's the denial of wanting her to be more."

  "I think you're misinterpreting."

  "Am I? See, I don't need the Force to read people. I observe them. I've watched the two of you together and I've observed how you both deny your feelings toward each other. Now who's hiding from themselves?"

  "You know nothing about me."

  "Aw, come on, Master Jedi. I can see it in your eyes whenever you look at her."

  "Shut up."

  "Yes, I know what you desire. It's not like she's unattractive. That flowing red-orange hair. Her statuesque body. Tell me you've never wanted to see under that skin-tight black tun..."

  Before he could finish his thought, Mahc suddenly had trouble breathing. He was starting to choke. Luke held up his hand at him and said almost too calmly, "I said shut up." Within seconds of realizing what he was doing, Luke immediately let go of his grip on Mahc. "I'm sorry. I...didn't...mean to do that."

  Mahc coughed and gasped for air before he started to laugh. " your anger. Just like a...a Skywalker. Next thing you know you'll be breathing through a environ suit."

  "What do you know about that?"

  "I know Vader was your father. Tough break. And I thought I had daddy issues. We're kind of alike there, Master Jedi. Both of our fathers terrorized the galaxy. Yours just did it with a little more finesse."

  "How could you possibly know that?"

  "I have my sources."

  "I'hela Broadwater was one of them."

  "Not on purpose."

  "I'hela has quite a story involving your father."

  "I'm sure she's told you. The past, though, isn't always what it seems."

  "She's had a hard time letting go of her past."

  "Doesn't everyone? Now tell me you didn't arrange this meeting to talk about Ms. Broadwater."

  "No, I did want to meet you. And I wanted to tell you that since we have confiscated your ship and that we have the Vigos guarded, you are out of options."

  "I always have options. Don't think you have me trapped. I will find a way to finish with my mission."

  "Whose mission? Yours, or your father's?"

  Luke could hear him scoff. "You're not getting into my mind, Jedi."

  Luke did try to enter Mahc's mind. He may have had better chances at reading Threepio. Just like Mara, he thought. Mahc's mind was shut tight. Luke tried to open him up. "I can see why you would be against Black Sun. I assume they didn't treat your father well."

  "Are you kidding? During the Clone Wars there was nothing. No work and no pay. They froze his accounts and left him penniless. They were done with him so they threw him away. He was so desperate that he tried to go to the Jedi for help. They refused. They knew who he was and what he did. They even tried to kill him."

  Luke reiterated, "Your father was a hired assassin. How would they know to trust him?"

  "They didn't even try. Very un-Jedi like, wouldn't you say?"

  Luke stated, "I wasn't there. I don't know all the facts. But that explains why the Jedi are involved in your vendetta. Now you're killing everyone remotely involved? Lohl Ch'la was part of that?"

  "He was part of it but he, at least, escaped. He deserved an honorable death."

  "And the Jedi? You plan to take us all on?"

  "No." Mahc reached into his tunic to pull out the hilt of a lightsaber. He held it in front of him and ignited the blade. The snap-hiss sound reverberated in the vast empty space. The blazing white blade hummed in anticipation of action. Mahc positioned himself into a combat stance and said, "One at a time."

  Luke wryly questioned, "You are not serious."

  Mahc performed an honor salute with the blade and held it upward inches from his covered hood. Mahc baited him. "Come on, Jedi. Let's see what you've got."

  Luke sighed as if he were bored and casually said, "Very well." Luke reached onto his belt to unfasten his own lightsaber. He ignited the green-white blade and waited for Mahc to act.

  For a long moment they each circled around each other trying to gauge when the other was going to attack. Finally, Mahc went into a series of high slashes that Luke blocked with ease. Still, Luke was impressed with Mahc's knowledge of dueling. Mahc swung at an awkward arc from above after Luke blocked the last lunge. Luke had to spin around low to reach back up to block Mahc's latest blow.

  Mahc paused and said, "Classic Form III. I was actually skilled at Ataru Form IV once upon a time. My age has forced me to use Soresu or Niman."

  "I don't understand. You have no Force abilities yet you wield a lightsaber and like an experienced Jedi."

  "I have many other skills that don't require the Force. I certainly don't follow Jedi doctrine. Like my father, I was disillusioned by the Jedi."

  Luke pleaded, "Whatever happened to you, Mahc, I'm ready to listen."

  Mahc gave
a thrust that was so quick that Luke almost missed parrying it. Mahc came back with a level swing that Luke ducked to avoid. Luke went into a forward roll and came back up at an upward arc so his green saber clashed with Mahc's white.

  Mahc said from under his hood, "No, you're not ready."

  Mahc began again with a succession of attacks from alternate angles. Luke had just enough time to block each one. Luke did manage to get in a few thrusts that Mahc parried with no small amount of effort. Mahc was getting tired. After Luke paused to allow Mahc catch his breath, he admitted, "I admire your technique. You've been well trained. I'm curious...who was your teacher?"

  "The only one I can ever trust. Me."

  "I'm impressed. With your mind shut down I can't anticipate your next moves. Well done."

  Mahc's voice suddenly sounded suspicious. "You're giving me a lot of compliments. What are you hiding?"

  "The fact that you have to ask is your disadvantage." Luke suddenly rushed at Mahc with his saber at a high angle. Mahc prepared for an attack from above. At the last possible moment, Luke used the Force to leap up and over Mahc, which made the man swing at air. Luke performed a twist mid-air and landed with Mahc's back to him. Instead of using his lightsaber, Luke reached out in the Force and pushed Mahc forward hard. He ended up several meters away landing face down on the floor. Mahc's lightsaber extinguished once it hit the floor.

  Luke came over to the fallen man. "You forget one important detail, Mahc. A Jedi uses the Force in conjunction with the knowledge of lightsaber duel. Something a non-Jedi would have a hard time to defend." Luke edged closer to the man who was just now turning over. "Your mission is over, Mahc. You will be in our custody until..."

  The blow came at Luke's chest from Mahc's boot. He kicked hard with such a force that Luke tumbled backward, but he caught himself with the Force. Mahc stood up quicker than Luke thought and came at him with his fist. Mahc swung at Luke's stomach with a hard punch that sent the Jedi Master down to the floor.

  Mahc cried out, "What you forget is that assassins will use all of their skills at any given time." He then kicked Luke in the stomach. "Heh, not as strong when you're down, are you Jedi?"

  From the floor, Luke used the Force again to send Mahc flying in the air until he hit the opposite wall. Mahc crumpled to the floor. Luke got up reeling in pain and went over to Mahc again. Incredibly, the man still struggled to get up as he got on his knees to face Luke.

  "I'll tell you when I'm down," said Luke.

  With a grunt of anger, Mahc formed a fist to hit Luke but the Jedi was quicker this time. He caught Mahc's fist in his right hand. Immediately, Mahc cried out in extreme pain.

  "I thought...Jedi weren't supposed to act...aggressively in the Force."

  "I'm not using the Force. If you knew that much about me you would have known that my right hand is rather less than human. Give me your other hand." Mahc complied. Luke reached behind him on his belt and grabbed a pair of binders. Luke took both Mahc's wrists side by side and fastened the binders. He then took Mahc's hood and removed it. Underneath was an ordinary looking man with deep set eyes and hardened face. Bruises and scars were scattered along his cheeks and neck. His age showed in the gray of his grizzled stubble. Luke remembered the image of Skarce Voxan on the holovid he bought from T'ryus Dane. The resemblance made Luke remark, "Yes, you are Skarce Voxan's son."

  Errant Venture - Black Level cell block

  Luke had on occasion in his past to escort a prisoner in binders to their cell. He had taken captured stormtroopers and an occasional Imperial officer to their cells with minimal contact from the Rebels who were watching him. Back then they were at war. The Rebels were civil enough to not antagonize their prisoners.

  As Luke brought in Mahc Tiernan towards the Black Level cell block, word must have leaked that the murderer was captured. Many of the ex-Vigos seemed to line up single file to witness the son of Voxan being taken into custody. Luke had never experienced such disgust and hatred toward a prisoner. The Vigos shouted out threats and accusations in all languages. There were some who started throwing small items such as pieces of flimsi at Mahc. The son of Voxan walked in front of Luke and didn't even flinch at the backlash he was receiving. In fact, when a Vigo shouted out that he killed Jarvis Wasine, Mahc muttered in reply, "Technically, the droid killed Wasine."

  "Keeping your sense of humor, I see," said Luke from behind him.

  "That's all I have left. You've confiscated everything I own."

  Luke reached the cell block and entered it. He shut the door to block off the boisterous crowd. Already inside waiting was Corran and Mara. I'hela stood to the side with a scowl and her arms folded across her chest. Her eyes were fixed on Mahc.

  Luke approached Corran and announced, "A prisoner for you, Officer."

  Corran rolled his eyes at Luke and shook his head. "Show off."

  "Hey, it wasn't that easy. He challenged me to a duel."

  Corran looked at Mahc. "You challenged the Jedi Master to a lightsaber duel? You're crazier than I thought."

  Mahc answered with pride, "I did manage to take him down to the floor."

  "Only because you fight dirty," Luke defended. "Seriously, he fights like Han."

  "Then I really sympathize with you," Corran dead-panned.

  Luke went on. "He taught himself lightsaber techniques. He knows the fighting Forms. I was surprised."

  "I'm not," said Mara. "Many assassins know lightsaber Forms. There are other people than Jedi who are skilled in it, Master Ego."

  Luke ignored Mara's remark and asked her, "Do you remember how to put someone in one of these cells?"

  "As long as Booster didn't change the entry codes. Which I'm nearly positive that he didn't. What use would he have for the cell block down here?"

  "True," Corran noted.

  As they spoke, I'hela edged herself between the entrance of the cell hallway and Mahc Tiernan. She addressed the prisoner. "You are Mahc Tiernan? The son of Skarce Voxan?"

  Mahc replied, "And you are I'hela Broadwater, daughter of Eran Broadwater, if my memory serves."

  "Your father destroyed my life."

  "My father destroyed many lives, including my own. But I remember yours. I had a hand in helping him with your mother. Father put her through fire first. Do you know what fire can do to living flesh?"

  The punch from I'hela was swift and hard across Mahc's jaw. His head jerked backwards and Luke caught him as the momentum pushed him back as well.

  "That was for my father!" I'hela cried. "You deserve so much more for what you've done."

  Corran went to grab I'hela's arm while Luke eased Mahc back to separate them. Luke looked at I'hela directly into her eyes and said, "Not this way, Lt."

  "Then what way? Yours? You know the worse penalty he'll get is the Kessel mines or the fiery Hell of Xian."

  "But justice will prevail, I'hela."

  "Justice," she spat the word. "If there was any justice it would be letting him free among all those gangsters out there. I'm sure they have their own brand of justice."

  "I'm sure they do. That doesn't make them any better than Mahc or Voxan. I know your grief and your pain, but this isn't the cure for either of them. He will pay for his crimes, I'hela. This isn't the path to have that done. You understand?"

  After I'hela slowly nodded, the sound of sudden laughter was heard. It was Mahc. Each of them stared at the man in disbelief.

  Mahc imitated I'hela, "'That was for my father!'" More laughter. "Better make sure of that, sister."

  Mara came up from behind Mahc and whispered coldly in his ear, "If you don't shut it now, you will wish for a punch in the mouth."

  "Mara Jade," Mahc started to say. "Still dishing out the same old threats, I see."

  "Not threats. Promises."

  Luke commanded, "All right, enough. Corran, get I'hela out of here. I'll handle Mahc. Mara, get one of these cells open so that we can stash him in it."

  When Corran started walking with her by the arm, he a
sked quietly, "Did that punch feel better?"

  I'hela answered back with a cryptic smile, "You don't know the half of it."

  "Oh, yes I do."

  Before I'hela and Corran were out of earshot, Mahc called out to notice, "I see you're still wearing it, I'hela."

  I'hela stopped and turned back at Mahc. "Wearing what?"

  "The jewel. You fastened it to a necklace. It was your mothers."

  I'hela was slightly shocked when she demanded to know, "How could you possibly know about that?"

  Mahc answered, "She wore it that night. Father must have taken it after she was..."

  "You kriffing monster!" I'hela attempted to lunge at the man but Corran held her back. Instead of fighting him, I'hela broke down with tears on Corran's shoulder. Corran put his hand gently against the back of her head as she wept.

  Luke barked to Mara, "Get him out of here!"

  Mara proceeded to enter the codes to open the nearest cell and Luke shoved Mahc in without taking off the binders. Mahc simply smiled back with confidence. Too much confidence. Luke watched him disappear as the cell door shut.

  Luke breathed out, "He's a handful."

  "That's putting it mildly," Mara agreed. "What's our next move?"

  "First thing is to get I'hela calm."

  Corran shouted out, "I've got that, Luke."

  Mara uttered, "She shouldn't have been here when you brought him through."

  "And you just thought of that now?" Luke asked.

  "Don't start with me, Skywalker. At least we have him. We can start sending the Vigos home."

  "I'll have Booster set up a shuttle to fit them all in."

  "Then what? We taxi them all home individually?" Mara asked.

  "It'll be quicker."

  Corran replied, "Booster will like quicker."

  Luke watched I'hela who was calming down on her own. Corran moved to have her sit by the computer console and he sat beside her. Luke stated, "I'll contact Mon Mothma to tell her we have our man." Luke let a pause in before he looked at Mara from the side. He spoke softly. "Do you think I'hela's right? Is Kessel or Xian too good for Mahc?"

  "I am so disqualified to answer that, Skywalker. I used to be Mahc at one time."

  "You never set out for revenge for your own vendetta."

  "I almost did. I was commanded once by my boss to kill for his own revenge. Turns out it was the last thing he wanted me to do."

  Ignoring the fact that it was himself who was the subject of Palpatine's revenge, Luke assured her, "You were doing your duty, Mara."

  "Orders from the galaxy's most famous psychotic. Now I can't decide who was more of a madman. Palpatine or Voxan."

  "Flip a coin." Luke paused before he said, "I'm going to check on I'hela."

  "I'll come with you. I wanted to ask her about something."

  Luke stopped and pleaded, "If this is about Mahc, can it wait?"

  "The more we know will help put him away longer."

  Luke made a face at her.

  Mara huffed. "If she's still upset, I'll ask her later."

  Luke nodded and they both went over to where I'hela and Corran were sitting. I'hela was drinking water from a cup that Corran got for her. She was much calmer but tear stains were still evident on her cheeks.

  Luke asked her softly, "You all right?"

  "Yes. I'm sorry for my outburst. I can't believe I lost control of my emotions."

  Mara smirked. "You're preaching to the choir with this company, woman."

  Luke grinned and said to I'hela, "No apology necessary."

  "I suppose that won't help my case when you report to my Chief."

  "What report?" feigned Corran. "You were confined to your quarters since we were alerted of your restriction."

  "Thanks. Have you figured out how I was Mahc's source without my knowledge?"

  Luke answered, "We'll be questioning him soon on that. Among other things."

  "When?" she asked eagerly.

  Luke gave a small shrug. "When he's not surrounded by so many enemies."

  "Good luck with finding that spot in the galaxy," Corran remarked.

  Mara saw that I'hela was acting more normal and she said to her, "We may have some questions for you later that may help us."

  I'hela was steps ahead of Mara's true question and said, "You want to know about my mother's jewel."

  Mara smiled. "It would help."

  I'hela put down her cup of water on the edge of the console and reached behind her neck. It looked like she was unfastening the clasp of a necklace. She pulled out the necklace from under her uniform. Attached on the end of it was a ruby-colored and star-shaped gem that had diamonds encrusted at each point. I'hela held it up so they all could see it. Her voice was full of pride. "This was my mother's. My father gave it to me before he died. I've hardly ever taken it off since."

  Mara asked, "Do you mind if I examine it?"

  "I...I guess. I don't know what you expect to find. Mach just mentioned it to get a rise out of me. And it worked."

  Once I'hela carefully handed Mara the jewel into her palm, Mara uttered, "It's the mere fact that he mentioned something so trivial. It is beautiful. Looks valuable."

  "I've never had it appraised. It's worth so much more than a pile of credits to me. Ironically, that's how father said he found it. He always thought it was lost when mother died. He happened to be on the HoloNet and found it there. He recognized it and bought it."

  "Hate to see the price tag on this," Corran remarked.

  "He would never tell me. But soon after he handed it down to me he was too sick to tell me anything."

  Mara took note. "Yet, Mahc said he saw his father take it that night of the explosion. That means Voxan brought his son with him to a job."

  Corran chuckled humorlessly, "Gives new meaning to Bring Your Son to Work Day."

  Luke followed the thought. "Voxan must have taken it and sold it on the HoloNet."

  Mara questioned, "Does that sound like something an assassin would do?"

  Corran offered, "A crazy assassin, maybe."

  Mara examined the jewel closer. "There's something familiar about this jewel."

  Luke asked, "Have you seen it before?"

  "Yes," answered Mara, but then added, "and no."

  Corran looked at Luke exasperated. "Time for a Mara Jade translation, O' Wise One."

  Mara glanced at Corran with only a dirty look before she translated her own words. "I've only seen this in a holograph. But where?" Luke and Corran could feel Mara's frustration as she searched her memory. She ended the strain on her mind and asked I'hela, "Do you mind if I examine this further in the Jade's Fire?"

  "If you promise to be careful with it. It is precious to me."

  "I know. And I'll take good care of it."

  "Whatever will help. I still don't know what you're going to find."

  Mara shrugged. "Call it a hunch."

  Luke reverted back to what Mahc had said about Mara's suspicions being more accurate than other's facts. He shoved those admiring thoughts to the back of his mind for the moment. He switched to the business at hand and told Mara, "We have to first get organized. I have to contact Mon Mothma on where to transfer custody of Mahc. We also have to get with Booster to arrange for a shuttle for all of the Vigos to get off his ship."

  Corran uttered, "I can feel his joy now."

  "Why don't you speak to Booster, Corran. I'hela, are you able to help? Unofficially?"

  "Sure. Just so you don't put me on Mahc duty."

  "Don't worry. I won't let you near him. Mara and I will handle him. I'hela, go with Corran for the time being." The NRS Lt. gave a quick nod and walked behind Corran who was heading to see Booster.

  Luke looked over at Mara who was securing I'hela's necklace in her tunic. Luke's went into a daze as his mind reverted back again to Mahc's gloating him about his admiration of Mara. She wasn't just attractive physically. Mara's intelligence and insight made Luke admire her for more than just her beauty. In time, she
could very well become his...

  "Staring at my assets, Jedi Master?" Mara suddenly interrupted his thoughts with no shortage of humor.

  Luke shook himself out of his daze and tried to cover his true thoughts. "What? No..I was...just thinking."

  "Uh, huh. I know what you were thinking. You don't hide embarrassment well, Skywalker, so don't try. Anything you want to say to me?"

  Luke quickly began to suppress his memories of what Mahc said to him about Mara deep into his own mental wall. Just like Mara. He finally answered her, "No. Nothing."

  Errant Venture - Black Level hangar

  Luke had contacted Mon Mothma, who arranged for a transport on Bestine IV to officially take Mahc Tiernan into New Republic custody. Luke found it convenient that Mon Mothma chose a place as public as Bestine. More chance for the press to cover among the ocean tourists. Luke had to fight the urge to stay on the exotic island planet for a much needed vacation.

  Instead, Luke and Mara began the process of escorting Mahc into the Jade's Fire for the trip to Bestine. Mara had been anxious to study the gem of I'hela's that Mahc mentioned out of the blue. Booster's men had already scanned I'hela when she first came aboard but nothing showed. Granted, the scan wasn't as thorough as Mara would have liked. Luke reiterated to her that the priority was to get Mahc into custody and each of the Vigos sent to their homes. Luke did point out to Mara that research on the gem wasn't necessary since they already had Mach in binders. Mara Jade couldn't leave it that open.

  Booster was overjoyed as they perceived. He would finally be allowed to go back to business and the serial murderer was leaving with three Jedi. Not to mention the chance he was given to kick a group of gangsters off his ship. He arranged for their departure immediately in the form of the only shuttle cruiser large enough to accommodate all of them at once. He made sure that it had enough fuel to take them to their respective homes.

  Luke assigned I'hela and Corran to help with getting the Vigos settled into the shuttle. He and Mara took Mahc out of his cell and walked him out single file to the Jade's Fire. Luke led them out and Mara walked behind Mahc. They entered the hangar with no screams of accusations or objects being thrown. All of Mahc's detractors were already on board the shuttle.

  The Jade's Fire was resting in the hangar along with I'hela's SIE starship and Mahc's own ship, which was being carefully guarded. Booster had the shuttle brought in from another level and it was on the other end of the hangar. I'hela and Corran were just outside of the shuttle's ramp overseeing the last of the Vigos inside. Just beyond the shuttle was Mahc's mid-sized freighter. As Luke and Mara walked him to the Jade's Fire, Mahc eyed his ship.

  He nodded his head toward it and said, "I assume you will take care of the Paradox Fate."

  "Sure," Mara answered. "You won't be needing it wherever you're going."

  "Confident as always, Jade. You still have questions, though. Like what I was doing on Tepasi when you saw me last."

  "That's easy. I tracked down one of my leads where Voxan could be found. Rumor had it that he had been seen on Tepasi once. Turns out it was true but it was only because he was doing a job. The Broadwaters. Or whatever their names were then. Old Republic records would have their real names but Palpatine had them destroyed. I only found you because you had unfinished business on Tepasi. You were tracking down the Broadwaters who got away. I'hela and her father."

  "That's one version. Have you studied that jewel yet?"

  "Not yet. Been busy hauling your sorry behind around. I'm sure there's more to it than being beautiful. You had to have some means of recording to play on that data pad we found on you."

  Mahc chuckled. "You know I almost forgot about it. I didn't know what father had done with it since he took it. Seems it's been returned to its rightful owner."

  Once they reached the Jade's Fire ramp, Luke turned and faced Mahc. "Cut the chatter. Save it for the record."

  "Shall I go on record about your secret desires, Master Jedi?"

  Luke looked at Mara. "Can you shut him up?"

  "I'd like nothing better. I have several methods. All involve pain."

  Mahc sighed. "Idle threats as usual."

  Luke lifted Mahc's bound hands and said, "Unfortunately, thanks to Galactic law, I have to take these off of you in transit."

  Mahc smiled. "Because safety regulations forbid prisoners to be detained with binders while traveling in space. Must be terrible to always follow the rules, isn't it, Jedi?"

  Luke stepped closer to Mahc's face and uttered in a dark tone, "We have other ways to detain you without binders."

  "I have no doubt."

  Luke proceeded to take off the binders and say, "And we will be watching you very carefully."

  "I'd expect nothing less. Kind of ironic, don't you think, Mara? An assassin catches another assassin."

  Mara was enraged and replied through gritted teeth, "Ex assassin."

  "Oh, that's right. You've discovered your moral compass by fraternizing with the Jedi. What would your old boss say to that?"

  Mara eased closer behind him and whispered into his ear, "I don't care. He's stone cold dead. Any other distractions you care to lay on us? I really do hope you have more. I have plans for our future talk."

  "What if they don't work?"

  "Don't worry. I have back up plans."

  "So do I."

  Mahc immediately jerked his head back hard against Mara's forehead sending her to the floor in a sudden daze. Before Luke realized what he did, Mahc went forward with his head hard against Luke's forehead. As Luke went down, Mahc knew he only had seconds to act. He moved behind the Jade's Fire ramp and took a quick glance at the Vigo shuttle. I'hela and Corran were making their way back towards him. They were too far to see Luke and Mara down. He couldn't wait. Mahc took his newly freed hand and reached at the end of his tunic and found it. He depressed the mechanism.

  The force of the sudden blast was deafening. The shock from the explosion was enough to send both I'hela and Corran to the floor. The hangar was in chaos from the debris coming from the destroyed shuttle. Thick black smoke filled the area to make visibility nearly impossible.

  Unless the chaos was anticipated.

  Mahc moved swiftly from behind the Jade's Fire ramp to head directly toward the fallen I'hela. She was comatose and had several cuts along her body but she would live. He lifted up her body and hoisted it over his shoulder as he moved forward. He waded through what was left of the shuttle that had carried the ex-Vigos. The shuttle was more or less intact. The blast was contained to the perimeter of the shuttle. There would be no survivors inside. He walked past the semi-conscious Corran Horn. As Mahc neared the shuttle, he found dead guards scattered about the hangar's scarred floor. He bent down to pick up one of the dead guard's blaster.

  "You won't be needing this anymore, thank you," Mahc uttered to the deceased guard.

  He wasted no time in heading towards his own ship that was situated yards away from the shuttle. There was some minor carbon scoring damage to the Paradox Fate but nothing to permanently hinder it's future journey. It had been secured by two guards. One had been gutted by a piece of shrapnel from the shuttle. The other was alert and was about to address the oncoming Mahc Tiernan carrying a comatose woman.

  The remaining guard held out his arm with the blaster at the end of it and demanded weakly, "Stop! You are not authorized..."

  Those were his last words as Mahc took the stolen blaster and fired a shot clean between the guard's eyes. He was dead before he hit the floor.

  Mahc said as he kicked the dead body away from the ship's ramp, "You will find that I am authorized. Everywhere." He carried I'hela into the ship and eased her into a back bunk.

  "Almost settled in, my dear."

  Mahc reached into the cockpit and sat at the controls. He knew he didn't have time to prepare the ship for a proper take off. He chose to fire up the primary repulsors cold. He had done it before in the past. And it worked. Paradox Fate was aptly named once aga
in. He directed the ship out of the hangar and quickly set a minor jump into hyperspace.

  Mahc Tiernan smiled at completing his mission, however improvised as it was. As the ship lurched into the molted star lines of hyperspace, he glanced behind him to see the unconscious middle-aged woman lying in his ship's bunk. She was an unanticipated bonus. Finally, after all these years, he could sit down with one of his father's most damaging victims.

  * * * * *


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