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Dane Page 11

by Michelle Hughes

  “Fine.” I let out a breath on a huff. It was sweet he was concerned, but I didn’t need all this. I wasn’t hurt, except for my pride. The achy feeling had almost disappeared now.

  His hand moved around the curtain, and I took the big towel feeling like an idiot as I draped it over my wet body. Wasn’t like the thing did much good since it molded to my breasts. “I’m good.” The curtain opened and he knelt down beside the tub, eyes meeting mine.

  “I’m sorry he hurt you baby.” Petting my hair like I was still that little girl that needed consoling, it made me grin.

  “I’m fine. Just don’t plan on doing that again, ever. Why the hell would a man want to stick his dick in there anyway?” Men made no sense. Looking up at him as he chuckled, I was glad he found it funny but being taken that way sucked!

  “Not sure she sees the humor, bro.” Ian knelt down beside him, winking at me. “This will sound like a load of crap, but a woman can actually enjoy the act with a little preparation. They make butt plugs to help stretch your ass and using tons of lube normally helps.”

  “Uh. Not to be stupid but if you have to plug your butt up how do you go the bathroom. And while we’re on that, if you need things to stretch you out maybe it wasn’t mean to go there in the first place.” Men made things more complicated than they needed to be, somethings just shouldn’t be done.

  “I love you little bit.” Ian was laughing so hard I was sure he’d have an aneurysm or something, and I really didn’t get the joke. “You don’t wear it all the time. A few hours a day. We’ve used them on women we slept with together to make it more fun.”

  “Wait, you two have slept with one woman at the same time?” My eyes widened, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what that felt like. Two big cocks filling me up? No thank you!

  “The pleasure we can give a woman together is so much better than a solo act.” Nick wasn’t laughing now, and I knew he was serious. I couldn’t tease him when he seemed to want me to understand, but how could I?

  “I’m sure it’s good for you guys, but how would a woman enjoy being filled up that much?” Thinking about it made me cringe, and I pulled my arms up to cover my breasts, not sure the towel was doing its job.

  “Do you think we’d ever hurt you, little bit?” Ian’s eyes implored me to trust him, and I did to an extent.

  “Not intentionally.” Lowering my head, I didn’t want to be a source of disappointment but both together? That was way over my head and scared the living crap out of me.

  “I really want to beat the shit out of Dane.” Nick stood up, pacing the bathroom and I could tell he meant what he said.

  “Why don’t you get dressed and come back downstairs? You feel up to that?” Ian seemed to be much calmer than Nick, and I wished I’d said nothing. I really cared about them and the last thing I wanted was to make them angry. Nodding at him, his hand stroked my cheek. I sighed at the tender touch. Needing a little consoling more than I wanted to admit.

  Standing up to his full six foot five height, I was very aware of how strong he was, even though he treated me with kid gloves. Ian was a contradiction in terms, and I can’t say I wasn’t loving him for it. Motioning with his head for Nick to follow, they left me to finish my bath which I did quickly. I didn’t want to be alone. I’d had too much of that the last two weeks, hell maybe the last year because my aunt had been little on conversation during her end stage.

  Stepping out of the tub, I left my hair up, glad I hadn’t washed it, and dried off. Rambling through the boxes of clothes Dane had brought in, I found my underwear and my go to outfit, shorts and a tank top. Leaving off the bra, because I couldn’t find a fresh one and had no desire to put on the one I’d thrown on the floor before bathing, I walked downstairs.

  Nick, Ian, Brandt, and Colton were in the living room playing their games again, and I wondered if that was their only pastime. “This thing must be addicting.” They all looked up as I talked, and seemed to not have a problem ignoring the television for my company. I found it sweet.

  “We’ll have to teach you.” Ian held his arms out wanting me to join him and I didn’t think twice about walking to sit between his spread legs on the couch. “It’s a 105 out there today, so it’s either this or the pool.” Chuckling, he picked up the controller and put it in my hands. With his fingers over mine, he explained what each button was used for, and I was clueless as I listened. I’d never played the thing. My friends and I were more into books, shopping, and fitness. Far as I knew none of them ever had a game system.

  After several minutes I got the idea though, shooting enemies and trying to keep from getting shot was somewhat entertaining. Giggling, I really got into it and Ian released my hands to play on my own. Getting attacked by some dogs I squealed almost throwing the controller across the room. The guys were all laughing and I joined in, thinking there might be something to this gaming stuff.

  When the round finished, I became aware of Ian’s hands resting on my thighs, and trembled. “You can take over.” I was a little uncomfortable because my body was all on board with being between his legs, and it was still new being turned on this way.

  “Why don’t we all take a break?” Brandt turned off the game, making the silence way obvious in the room. Turning my way he smiled brilliantly but seemed to have something he wanted to say only when he opened his mouth, he shut it again quickly.

  “Let’s just tell her.” Nick was apparently frustrated, because he stood up to pace, running his hand over his shorn hair. “Listen, baby. We think you’re in over your head with Dane, and want you to consider letting us teach you a little more about pleasure.” He looked uncomfortable and apparently thought I would flip out since he was giving me that worried, almost puppy-dog eyes, kind of stare.

  “What exactly do you mean by teaching me?” Was what they wanted to show me so horrible? Apparently it was, not one of them was meeting my eyes now.

  Brandt broke the uncomfortable silence first, and he knelt down in front of me, seeming unsure of how to explain. “You can turn this down if you’re not interested. Teaching you what real sexual pleasure is about. All of it, your own personal tutors, if you will.”

  “You mean sleep with?” I couldn’t contemplate having all of them as lovers so finishing the sentence was impossible.

  “Not all of us at once. Hell baby, we want to give you the best experience of your life, not freak you out more.” Nick gave a half-hearted smile, and an idiot could tell he was worried he’d overstepped my comfort level. I wasn’t sure he hadn’t.

  Wow. Just wow. All these beautiful men pleasuring me, was that even possible? “I don’t know what to say.” Understatement of the year, my mind was blown by their offer, and yes it excited and frightened me simultaneously.

  “It doesn’t even have to be about penetration. There are so many other ways to give and receive pleasure.” Colton’s sexy lips lifted into a tempting grin, and him pleasing me definitely didn’t make me want to run the other way. He was impossibly beautiful and I was infatuated a little already. “This would be on your terms, what you’re willing to let us do. No pressure, whatsoever.”

  I wanted to laugh at the idea of no pressure, because something told me four gorgeous men at my disposal for whatever I wanted would definitely be pressing something. Laughing softly, I wasn’t sure how to answer. Noah came in getting ready for work since he was wearing his white chef jacket. “So is she on board?”

  Okay correction, five men. “This is the strangest conversation I’ve ever had. I need to think. Please don’t take this wrong, but I’m not sure my own personal tutors in sex is the smartest thing.” I was smiling, because who wouldn’t be flattered by the invitation. All those hunky men as my teachers? I was considering it. “Can I have a day?”

  “You can have as long as you want love.” Noah smiled warmly, and I felt a flood of heat find my cheeks. He was so beautiful, they all were, and I was overwhelmed. “The last thing any of us wants is to make you uncomfortable.” Giving a
wink he told Brandt that the kitchen was calling. “I need to get to work, but I’ll have one of the guys bring you a plate by for dinner.”

  He held out his hand and I took it, allowing him to pull me to my feet, surprised when he hugged me before letting go. “I hope you say yes.” Kissing my cheek, I watched him walk away hating to see him go.

  A chorus of take all the time you need rang out from all the guys, and I needed a little break from them again. “I’m going to grab a drink and do a little thinking, I guess.” They all stood up and I felt surrounded again, it was a little intimidating, so making my way to the kitchen seemed like the best idea.

  They gave me the space I needed, and I pulled a soda out of the fridge wondering what I would do here. Having all of them could be a huge fantasy, but reality couldn’t be that way, could it? I knew I needed to talk to my friends. Taking my drink back to my room, I pulled out my cellphone calling Gabby.

  She answered on the second ring, and began animatedly telling me how her daddy was working on the problem with my house. I had to wait until she caught her breath, explaining that the guys would handle it. She said nothing for a moment, and I was wondering if we lost connection.

  “You sure that’s smart, honey? I get that you have a past with Nick and Ian, but why would those other men want to help out?” What did I tell her? She was my best friend so I wanted to be honest, I also knew that she wouldn’t believe her father was into some shady things. “Erin?” The concern in her voice made me feel horrible and I made a quick decision.

  “They all want me.” It wasn’t really a lie, even if I omitted the truth about why they initially agreed to take on the debt.

  “Want you, like in their bed?” I probably shouldn’t have felt the small burst of pride at telling her the Hunks were into me, but I did. “Damn girl, when you give it up, you really give it up!” She was laughing, but not condescending, for the first time in our relationship she sounded a little jealous. “So are you fucking all of them?” Leave it to Gabby not to mince words.

  “Not yet.” My cheeks were burning as I thought about the eventuality of going through with that. I knew if I accepted their offer, and obviously I was going to, it would go further than a little petting.

  “I’m glad you’ve finally seen what an attractive women you are, but I don’t want to see you getting hurt. Having a relationship with one man isn’t easy, but? How many guys are we talking about?” I forgot she didn’t know who lived in the house.

  “Five others besides, Dane.” Saying it out loud made me feel anxious because I hadn’t even had a relationship with one before. “It would be more like sex, not dating.” Slut, came to mind, but I pushed that title away, thinking there didn’t have to be a label on doing something that I apparently wanted.

  “You. I. Are you sure about this?” I’d left the worldly Gabby fumbling for words. That might have been worthy of an award or something. “I want to meet them.” That sounded more like an order than a request and I wasn’t sure how the guys would feel about an interrogation.

  “I’m not sure that’s a great idea. Trust me, I know what I’m doing here.” Whether that was true or not, I couldn’t say, but I felt much safer with them than putting my life in the hands of Mr. Blake.

  “It’s not you I don’t trust. You know me bestie, I’m going to talk to them whether you set up the meeting or not. I think they’d be happier if you made it happen.” That stubborn bossy side coming out told me she had no intention of backing down, and I knew she felt it was to protect me. “Donna and Christy will want in too.”

  Groaning at the idea, I did what I usually did with her. Agreed. “Fine, but I expect you to be on your best behavior.” I knew how bitchy Gabby could be and I wouldn’t subject my guys to it. Grinning as I thought of them as mine, that smile faded when I remembered I’d have to set up the meeting.

  “I’ll be sweet as honey, promise.” Which meant that she’d grill them like an interrogator because Gabby did nothing half-assed. Groaning, I was sure this was a horrible idea and that the guys would never agree to it.

  “Let me call you back after I’ve talked to them.” This would be a conversation I was sure I would regret. She gave her consent, and I decided to not put it off. Walking downstairs, only Brandt was still in the living room. “Where’s everyone at?” Glancing toward the kitchen, I saw it was vacant.

  “You’ve got me tonight. I’m the only expendable person at the moment.” He winked and the playfulness that entered his eyes told me he wasn’t disappointed. For someone that could be a hard ass, he had a softer side too. I nibbled on my lip, shifting my weight from foot to foot, trying to figure out how to bring up the meeting. “What’s on your mind?” His gaze lost the humor and turned serious.

  “Gabby and my friends want to have a sit down.” In his favor, his expression didn’t harden it didn’t change. “She’s worried I’m getting in over my head, and wants to make sure I’m safe.” He nodded but seemed to contemplate.

  “We’ll talk to them, but it’s not to make Gabby feel better, just so you know. I still have concerns that she was involved with this,” he held up his hand when I opened my mouth to defend her, “but I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on your behalf.” A muscle ticked in his jaw, and I got the feeling he didn’t believe she was innocent and it bothered me.

  “Trust me, I’ve known her most my life. Gabby and my friends kept me sane during the last few years, and I can’t see them ever stabbing me in the back.” Pulling my hands to my hips, I would not back down from my opinion and I expected him to understand where I stood.

  “I hope you’re right, sweetheart. If you’re not though, I’m not going easy on her.” My eyes widened at his remark and he shrugged. “You’re part of our family now, anyone fucks with you I’ll make them pay.” In that moment he frightened me. I knew there was dark side to him, but seeing it displayed was a revelation. “Shit, Erin, I wouldn’t hurt you though.” His expression relaxed and I finally released the breath I automatically held at the change in his demeanor.

  “Something tells me being on your bad side is not the place to be.” I tried to laugh but it came out all wobbly. He was like two people. It wasn’t anything he said or really did, just the way his eyes turned dark and menacing, warning there was a savage just barely tucked away. Maybe I was just imagining it.

  “For a man? Probably not.” He chuckled, his demeanor turning back into that adorable man making me relax. “I spent most my life kicking ass, that’s why I enjoyed the MMA shit. But a woman? I’d just ignore her or make sure she never put herself in a place where I could hurt her. I’m not an abuser.”

  I knew a little about that fighting, I’d bypassed it on the television for being too violent. “Glad I never watched you fight.” I didn’t get boxing on any level, why grown men wanted to beat each other to a bloody pulp made no sense.

  “I could teach you a few moves for protection?” His face lit up at that idea, and I wasn’t sure I was on board.

  Laughing, hoping he wasn’t serious I could tell by his expression he was. “Um not exactly built for fighting.” Holding up my small hands, I thought a person my size would probably break her fist instead of landing a good blow. He reached out grabbing both my hands in his, and rubbing his fingers over them lightly.

  “Size doesn’t really matter. One of the baddest bitches I knew was under five feet and a damn powerhouse in the ring. She could take down a grown man without breaking a sweat. It’s all about knowing where to catch the person coming at you.”

  “No offense, but I’m not sure I want to hurt someone.” The thought of causing a person pain was abhorrent.

  “So what would you like to do tonight then?” There was enough sexual innuendo in his tone I had no single doubt where his mind was at. If I did, his eyes would have given it away on their own. Flushing hotly, the thought of playing around with him was more than a little tempting.

  “Maybe we could swim?” Cold water was probably a better idea
than giving into the dirty thoughts running through my mind.

  “That could be fun, going to skinny dip with me finally?” Chuckling, he raised an eyebrow in a dare, and I was so tired of being teased that I shocked him.

  “Why not.” If they would be my tutors, they’d see everything I had eventually anyway. Raising my chin bravely, I hoped I wasn’t letting my mouth overload my ass.

  “That’s the spirit, sweetheart. Meet you by the pool.” He took off that way, and I rolled my eyes to the sky, wondering if I’d lost my mind. Traipsing off after him, I was glad it was dark outside, but wished the lights in the pool were blown. Brandt had no issue stripping down and diving in, but this was a huge step for me. So big that I stood on the side, not sure if I could go through with it.

  Smiling my way, he turned his back, giving me a small reprieve, and I knew it was now or never. Stripping down, I quickly dived in needing the safety of the water even though it wasn’t exactly cover. Swimming to where the lights made me less visible, at least I can say it felt good even though I was very conscious of my body.

  “Wanna race?” Brandt swam to the deep end, holding on to the cement. There was no way I was winning in a race against him, but it beat standing there awkwardly feeling so self-conscious I could barely breathe.

  “Sure, if you give me a head start.” I wasn’t competitive but he had arms of steel and I didn’t want to get blown away.

  “Deal, now get your sexy ass down here.” I could see the gleaming whiteness of his smile, and I was determined to take him down.

  There was no way I could cover myself and swim so I gave up, thinking it was stupid to be so modest. He gave a countdown from three, and I used all my strength to freestyle toward the other end. I thought I might have a chance until he moved up beside me, moving through the water like an Olympic champion. Refusing to go down without trying, I was almost out of breath by the time I reached the shallow end.

  Standing up without thinking, I took in deep breaths and realized I was showing off everything from the waist up when his eyes moved down to my breasts. Instinctively I covered them with an arm, biting my lip as those beautiful eyes met mine.


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