The King's Warrior (Pict King Series Book 2)

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The King's Warrior (Pict King Series Book 2) Page 24

by Donna Fletcher

  Ulric was getting closer, his shouts growing louder.

  She had to get away, she had to.

  Wrath had no choice but to throw his leg over her two to keep them from thrashing wildly about. Her actions alarmed him. She had always lain still, not moving, looking almost as if death had claimed her when in a vision. It had been a cause of much worry for him, but now with the way she was thrashing about, he feared she was fighting someone. He had helped her before in one of her visions, but he was not sure how he could help her now.

  Verity heard rustling behind her. Was someone approaching? She swung her body around as far as possible, trying to see and almost fell over. Her fear grew. Was it an animal scurrying about or one of Ulric’s warriors? Or was it Ulric himself? She had to break free. She had to get away from whoever was behind her.

  Wrath spoke to her as he did when other visions had struck her. “I am here, Verity. I am with you. You are not alone.” She suddenly stilled and he kept talking to her, reassuring her that he would stay with her. “I will stay with you. I will let nothing harm you.”

  Verity stopped her struggling when a whisper tickled at her ear. “You are not alone.” It was Wrath; he was with her. But how did she get back to him? How did she break free of this vision? She recalled what Wrath had once said to her. “The visions warn.” What was she being warned of in this vision?

  The crunch of snow grew louder behind her. Someone was getting closer, much closer. She shivered when she felt a brush of someone’s warm breath upon her neck. Her eyes widened like full moons and she gasped when a hand reached around in front her. Before it could grab hold of her, she shoved with all her might against the snow that encased her feet.

  Wrath was about to clamp down on her legs as she tried to break free once more, when the thought hit him that instead of helping her, he was hampering her by keeping her legs locked still. He threw his leg off her and set her legs free.

  Verity broke out of the snow and ran, fingers brushing her shoulder as the hand tried to grab her. She took only a few steps... when her eyes fly open and she let out a loud gasp.

  Wrath wanted to grab her and hug her close and calm her fears, but with her gasping for air, he let her be.

  It was not long before she rolled on her side and into his arms, pressing herself as close as she possibly could against him. She wanted nothing more than to lay there in the protection of his powerful arms. She would have to tell him about the vision, since she believed she understood what it was trying to tell her, but for now she wanted only the shelter of his arms.

  Wrath did not care if these visions warned of things to come. He would prefer she not have them. He continued to hold her and continued to remain silent while her breathing eased and her body lost its tautness.

  It was a while before Wrath felt her at ease enough to speak with her. “You must be exhausted with this vision following so closely on the last one. Has this happened often to you?”

  That he asked about her before inquiring about the vision touched her heart. Her lips brushed his naked chest as she turned her head up to look at him. “My visions increased with time, more so in the last twelve moon cycles and even more so since arriving here. I wish I had more warning before they struck, but the darkness descends and consumes me so quickly that I collapse where I stand.” She smiled. “At least this time I was on the sleeping pallet, waiting impatiently for you.”

  “Were you now?” he asked with a smile of his own. “Waiting impatiently for me?”

  She nodded. “I have gotten far too accustomed to sleeping in your arms to find any comfort in an empty sleeping pallet.” She turned her head as a yawn rose unexpectedly.

  Her words enticed as did her naked body so snug against him that her nipples, hard from brushing against him, poked teasingly at his chest. But her yawn and her body wilting against his had him thinking she needed to rest more than she needed to mate.

  “You will sleep well in my arms tonight between the laborious journey and the intense vision. Tell me about it. I am curious, since you are usually so still when in your visions and yet you thrashed about in this one.”

  She should be pleased that he was thoughtful and would have her rest instead of couple. He could be like one of the Northmen she had served. He would force his wife almost every night and complain afterwards that she had not pleased him and force himself on her again later. She had been glad her time with the family had been brief.

  “Verity!” he barked and she jumped. “You did not answer me. I thought you were slipping into another vision.”

  “I was thinking how thoughtful you are.”

  He barked at her once again. “It is a mistake for you to think that of me.”


  “I am a warrior and I do what must be done even when it seems unkind. When you see that, and you will see it more often than you will like, you will think differently of me. So it is better if you do not think of me as thoughtful. Now enough talk of something I am not. Tell me of your vision.”

  Verity did not agree with him, but she did not argue with him. She turned to lie on her back and his arm, around her waist, went with her as she did. She lay quiet a moment before she spoke. “I know what this vision warns of.”

  Wrath remained silent, waiting for her to continue, though he gave her waist a slight squeeze to remind her that he was there and would not let go of her.

  “I was in the woods, I do not know where, and my feet were stuck in a snowdrift. I should have easily been able to get out of it, but it was as though my feet were frozen solid in the snow. I heard horses and voices shouting and I recognized Ulric’s voice. He shouted for his men to ‘find them.’ I knew he meant Hemera and me. I looked around for Hemera but did not see her. The horses and voices got closer and closer and then I heard a noise behind me. Someone was approaching me, but I could not turn and see who it was. I struggled to break free from the snow, but it was useless. I could feel the breath on my neck of the person behind me. I believe it was Ulric. I fought with all my strength and just as his arm came around in front of me to grab hold, I broke loose.” She shivered. “His fingers brushed my shoulder as I got away and was finally released from the vision.”

  It was not lost to Wrath that he had kept her legs restrained and could have well been the cause of her not being able to move. He said nothing to her, but he would be more vigilant of how he handled her visions from now on.

  “What is the warning?” he asked, though he had his own thought on it.

  Verity rested her hand on his arm. “That Ulric is unaware that I am at the stronghold and separated from Hemera since he still searches for the both of us as though we were together.” She gave his arm a slight squeeze. “It also warns that he is closer to the stronghold than we know since he was about to reach out and touch me.”

  Wrath thought the same himself. “I must alert the King.”

  She nodded. “I will wait for you to return.”

  “I do not know how long I will be. You will sleep and I will hear no arguments about it.” He gave her a quick kiss and hurried off the sleeping pallet, though tucked the blanket around her after he did. Then he hastily slipped his garments on and with another warning for her to sleep, he left the dwelling.

  Wrath was surprised to find the King still sitting where he had left him. He had thought he would have disturbed him while he was with a woman, since there was not a night he did not have a woman share his sleeping pallet, though they seldom remained the whole night.

  “Something is wrong?” King Talon asked when he saw Wrath approach.

  “I entered my dwelling to find my wife in the throes of a vision. It seems that Ulric and his men are closer than we thought.” Once again he took a seat opposite the King.

  “Your wife’s vision is accurate. Ulric and his warriors are about four sunrises from here.”

  “So the Northmen were on Pict soil longer than they let us believe. It is good you sent warriors to track the Northmen as we discussed
before I left.” His voice turned stern. “Tell me you alerted your personal guard as soon as you found out how close the Northmen were.”

  “You need to ask when you know I am adamant about rules that I have established being obeyed, especially the ones I set for myself. And that means making certain that my personal guard is kept abreast of any possible danger that may threaten my safety.”

  “When did you plan on making me aware of this turn of events?”

  “I am telling you now,” the King said curtly. “More will be discussed when the council meets on the morrow. I continue to wonder if anyone else who has a seat on it intends to betray me as Tarn and Bodu did.” The King shook his head. “This cannot go on or the people will lose trust in me and that is what my enemies want, for then they can sway the people to their side. Whoever leads them is no fool and keeps himself well hidden, though I would not be surprised if he was right in the open, declaring his allegiance to me while his minions work in the shadows for him.” He shook his head again. “Why are you here when you should be with your wife, mating? The Picts will need more warriors to keep hold of our land and foreigners off our shores. You will have sons as strong as you and perhaps daughters with your wife’s skill, both will help secure the Pict nation.”

  “Only if Verity and I choose to remain wed.”

  “You have lost your heart to her and you have spilled your seed in her. I knew you would as soon as I advised you against it. Now you are bound to each other, unless... I can undo it if you wish.”

  “No,” Wrath insisted, “and nor will you undo it for Verity if she should ask.”

  “Why would she ask when she obviously cares deeply for you?”

  “She has yet to see the true me.”

  “I think she has seen more of the true you than you have. Now go to her. The Northmen will not be knocking on our door just yet.”

  Wrath stood and went to leave, then stopped. “War with the Northmen may be inevitable.”

  “Not, if I can help it.”

  The King’s words gave Wrath hope, for he knew he would do everything in his power to prevent war with the mighty Northmen.

  Wrath purposely kept his steps slow as he made his way back to the dwelling. He wanted to make certain that Verity was asleep before he returned, so he would not be tempted to mate with her. On the morn would be time enough, though his stiff manhood told him otherwise. He might have to see to it himself if he was to get any sleep tonight.

  “Your steps are slow for a man who now has a wife to warm his sleeping pallet. Are you not eager to poke her?”

  Wrath stopped and turned to see Simca, the woman who had pleasured him many a night. Theirs had always been a mutual joining with no thought of it being anything more. She was far different in appearance than Verity. Her features were sharper, her hair dark, her body full and shapely. He had enjoyed his time with her and he did not think that she would be upset that he took a wife since he had not been the only warrior Simca had coupled with. Yet he had detected an abruptness, bordering anger, in her voice and that he would not tolerate.

  “Is that sharpness in your tone for me or because you could not find a warrior to give you a good poke tonight?” he asked his tongue just as biting.

  She stepped closer to him. “You gave me the best poke out of them all.”

  Wrath grabbed her hand as it reached out to slip past his cloak. “You will find another to please you.”

  “Not one of your skill.”

  She went to press against him and Wrath pushed her away as he released his hold on her. “My skill pleases only my wife now.”

  Simca ran her tongue over her lips slowly and drifted closer to him once again. “Does she enjoy the taste of you as much as I do?”

  Wrath cursed when he felt himself grow harder, no doubt what Simca intended. Though, the image that her words evoked was not of her. It was of his wife’s mouth that pleasured him.

  “Enough, Simca,” Wrath ordered. “It is my wife I have a need for, not you.”

  Simca shrugged. “I will be here when you grow tired of her. Or if you miss the taste of my mouth on you.” She grinned, turned, and walked away.

  This time, he cursed her. She knew all too well what she was doing, then he cursed himself again for not being able to control his body’s response. Something he had easily been able to do before meeting Verity. He shook his head and continued walking. He stopped at the door to his dwelling, let out a deep breath, and entered.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Wrath walked over to the sleeping pallet and saw that his wife was sleeping. She was turned on her side facing him and looked so peaceful he almost did not want to climb in beside her and disturb her. He also worried that once he took her in his arm, he would not be able to stop touching her, her lovely body far too tempting.

  He disrobed, his eyes remaining on her as he did. The blanket had slipped down, revealing one breast, the nipple so soft that his tongue ached to take hold of it and turn it hard.

  With a shake of his head, Wrath sat on the edge of the sleeping pallet. If he joined her now, hard as he was, he would not be able to keep his hands off her. He had only one choice, if he was to leave her alone to get the rest she needed, and that was to pleasure himself. He had not done that of late, since he had always managed to find a willing woman.

  Now he simply wanted his wife.

  He released another deep breath as he moved his hand to stroke himself. He would hurry and be done with it and join his wife and not bother her with his need. He shut his eyes and the image of her naked, her legs spread wide, ready for him, excited him all the more and he grabbed firm hold of himself.

  He was so lost in pleasure that he did not hear Verity stir behind him and sit up, then get up on her knees to peer over his shoulder.

  Verity stared for a moment, blinking her eyes to clear the sleep from them. When she saw what her husband was doing, she gently trailed her hand down his arm.

  Wrath stilled, feeling his wife’s hand slowly move along his arm as she came around from behind him to sit at his side. She gently eased his hand off himself and replaced it with her own, giving his manhood a tender squeeze, then began to stroke him. He shut his eyes for a moment, enjoying her light, teasing touch. It was when she took a stronger hold of him that he knew he could not let it go on for long. And he didn’t.

  He grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her over his lap, her legs going around him and the muscles in his arms straining as he hovered her over his manhood.

  “Slip me inside you.”

  Verity was only too pleased to reach between her legs, grab hold of his stiff manhood and give it a couple of tugs before rubbing it against her.

  “Verity, so help me,” he warned with a growl.

  She smiled and eased the tip of him inside her.

  Once she did that, Wrath yanked her down on his lap, the full length of him disappearing inside her.

  She dropped her head back with a gasp, only to raise it and look at him wide-eyed when his hands took firm hold of her bottom, squeezing her cheeks as he brought her up and down on him with a force that had her crying out, not in pain, but with pure pleasure.

  She placed her hands on his shoulders holding tight as he continued to bounce her up and down on him, forcing moans and groans of sheer delight from her. She tightened her grip on him as her pleasure grew and she gasped loudly when he suddenly yanked her off him, tossed her back on the sleeping pallet, grabbed her bottom and pulled her to the edge to take hold of her legs and spread them apart, and plunge into her.

  She cried out and continued to do so as he slammed into her over and over and over until she screamed out his name as she burst so hard she did not think she would stop coming.

  And she didn’t. She had no chance to since Wrath continued to plunge into her and as he groaned louder and louder, getting closer and closer to coming, he sparked her passion to life once again and she followed him into another blinding burst of pleasure.

y wrapped her arms around his neck as he bent over and slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her up against him, his manhood still snug inside her, then slipped his hands to grip her bottom and holding her firm, he turned and sat on the edge of the sleeping pallet.

  She kissed him lightly on the lips. “You please me, husband.”

  “Not half as much as you do me, wife.” Wrath kissed her, though not lightly.

  Verity was overcome with happiness and it showed with the smile that sprang to life on her face after the kiss ended, but it was quickly stolen by a large yawn.

  “I should not have disturbed your sleep,” he said, running a finger gently across her lips, “but I am not sorry you did.” A frown suddenly marred his handsome features. “It pains me to say I was wrong, since I am never wrong.”

  “Wrong about what?” she asked curiously.

  “About us mating often.” He kissed her lips lightly. “Often is not nearly enough.”

  She smiled about to agree with him when another yawn stole her words away from her.

  “Enough talk, we will sleep now,” he ordered abruptly, concerned that he had robbed her of much needed sleep.”

  Verity was quick to shake her head. “I will not be able to sleep comfortably until you tell me what the King said about my vision.”

  Wrath would have preferred the news about Ulric to wait, but since she asked, he would not keep it from her. “He was impressed that you saw what he already knew. Ulric and his men are only a few sunrises from the stronghold.”

  Verity’s face paled and she shuddered, and Wrath cursed himself for not waiting until morn to tell her. He stood and hurried her down on the sleeping pallet and joined her, slipping the blanket over them before taking her in his arms.

  “You have nothing to fear,” Wrath assured her. “You are my wife and I will keep you safe. You are also a Pict. The King will not allow you to be taken from our land.”

  “Ulric is a cruel man and will stop at nothing to get what he wants.”

  “It has been a tiring journey, fraught with difficulties. The morrow is time enough to think on all this,” Wrath said. “It is time for sleep.”


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