The Rise of Planet Rubicon - Part Two

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The Rise of Planet Rubicon - Part Two Page 5

by Dasrim Hasik

  Could that type of king really exist in a society that seemed to have a steady layer of corruption? He really hoped so. There was only one way to find out. He nodded to Bridget and said, "Can we set it up soon? I think it's time to address them as soon as possible."

  "No problem, Jack." She pointed at a tall building that seemed to rise high up over the others. "Your offices are over there. Rising Tide already has a communications center set up for this type of thing. Why don't we go there? Plus, your employees would appreciate the moral boost as well. You’ve been missed, Jack. More than you know."

  For a few moments, Jack just looked at the wide expanse of concrete that formed the base of the hospital he had envisioned. He wanted that hospital, wanted to make sure that people had somewhere to go when they needed help more than anything else.

  Even though he couldn't see the hospital with his actual eyes yet, his mind knew the structure so intimately that it felt real. Was that a step in the right direction? He certainly hoped so.

  Alara stepped into the compound, feeling glad to finally be home. The stress of the day had really taken it out of her. She would have Walter fix a fine meal, and she would relax for a change.

  Jack wasn't there when she returned but that wasn't anything new to her. He had things to do as king, and she knew that. It was only a matter of time before she would take over, so it wasn't like she really had to get worked up about the things he did or didn't do in a given day. It was just the state of her life -- everyone had time for everything but her own needs.

  She had hoped that things would change when she finally reached the age of maturity under the law, but it only seemed to get worse with time. Her family wasn't ready to let her go, and they insisted that she stay close by.

  She couldn't live in the other Cities, because they never really fit the requirements her parents had. Real estate was at a premium all over the region, and that meant that she couldn't get the type of home that her parents felt she was entitled to.

  They also preferred that she not work and simply draw allowances every month. She wondered what it would be like to run her own show, but if no one would give her that type of power, how else would she get it but through marriage?

  She handled the necessary commands with Walter, smiling with pleasure as the floating household helper quickly set about making her a fine steak.

  The Reversian anteshoren were big meaty animals that were allowed to roam wild, eat fresh grasses that grew in abundance, and be left pretty much to their own devices. A glass of Reversian gralleh, the wine made from vinefruit that was allowed to flourish only in the best soil the region had, was on its way to her hand.

  She clutched the delicate glass carefully, even though she was more apt to throw it against the wall. There were so many obstacles to her rightful place as Queen that she felt like it would never happen.

  She knew her training too well to allow such an outcome to pass. As long as I keep my head clear, everything I want will be mine.

  The main couch was large, plush, and designed to be as comfortable as possible. She remembered Jack's lengthy lecture about how they didn't need to stock their home with such lavish things, but she had quickly silenced that conversation. Who knew the boy king could be taken care of in such a basic way?

  She flicked that memory aside and reached for the communication device that interfaced with the viewing screen.

  Broadcasting through the Reversia Communications Link was the preferred mode of communication, as it meant that stunning video and sound was the default. There were thousands of channels, all competing for popularity. You could tune in to just about anything, watch for as long as you want, and pretty much always find something on to entertain you.

  She flipped through a few channels, losing herself in the basics: good food, good wine, and moderately interesting entertainment on the viewing screen. For a while, she was actually starting to calm down. She would cook for Jack, she concluded. She would make sure that they could move past this.

  She would eventually see about finding a place for Bridget to live where they didn't cause trouble, and everything would eventually connect in the proper way, without any more interruptions. She wouldn't ask for marriage right away -- Jack was too wound up about losing his memories and that meant that she had to tread carefully.

  "We interrupt our normal broadcast for a Call of the World announcement, priority code 1." She shot forward, nearly knocking her tray off of her lap. Walter carefully froze the food to keep it from spilling.

  "Is something not to your liking, Lady Alara?"

  Alara waved a hand and shook her head. "No, Walter. Everything is fine. Please work on dessert. I was thinking about frozen vinefruit and some of that Earth chocolate stuff Jack brought over the first time. That was delicious as an cream? I don't know what Jack called, but do it. Make it in a fairly large bowl."

  She touched her head as if she had a fever. She had to be delirious. She didn't really hear the announcer talk about a Call of the World announcement, let alone a Priority One interception. That only meant one thing:

  Jack was going to speak. On worldwide broadcast. To all of the citizens of Reversia and the surrounding area. And the worst part was that he was going to do it without her.

  Even if she teleported in, the communications room was locked during broadcasts. She wouldn't make it in time. She breathed deeply, and tried to reassure herself. Even if Jack decided to talk, he probably wouldn't come off very well. She knew Reversian culture, had grown up in it.

  The people would never accept him a second time and he would come home needing her attention more than ever before. So she sat back and decided to watch the foolishness unfold, smirking to herself. This day can be saved. I just know it.

  "You're on soon, Jack. Good luck. I will stay in the shadows so I don't crowd you."

  Jack shook his head. "You've guided me through all of this. I wasn't alone in that kitchen making a world out of pancakes, you know. Please, stay right where you are. We'll be on broadcast together."

  They were being fitted with their communication speakers -- Jack's was a lot larger than Bridget's, but it had to be able to carefully move around him. The speakers floated around Jack once they registered who he was, and everything seemed to carry its own contained power.

  Bridget's hair had been pulled down and she was changed into more or less what most of the leading Reversians wore -- a long tunic, a sash, and a pin. She had a plaid sash that wrapped around a soft black tunic and a long flowing skirt that almost skimmed the ground. A few tints and colors had been applied to her face, which he thought was more subtle than attention drawing.

  For a few moments, he allowed himself to really see Bridget, even behind the glasses she still wore out of habit. She had explained to him that the glasses allowed her to gain data about her surroundings, and she would eventually build her thesis in a way that would allow her to gain entry into the Research Faction, the main core of scientists and researchers.

  Original research was something that was highly prized, and the glasses helped her get the raw data needed about the world around them. Then he breathed and realized that it was just time to let everyone know where he was really headed. Once he finished this Call of the World business, he would go back to Quiet River, spend time with both women, and try to put his life back together. Once the timer beeped to summon him to the stage, he looked at Bridget, who was staring back at him with pride.

  Even though her lips moved and no sound came out, he had spent his whole life reading faces and lips enough to know the words. My king. Always and forever, my king.

  Alara rolled her eyes as Jack and Bridget both moved to the stage. This was going to be entertaining. Two fools for the price of one, but it was the City that would suffer. She even pushed the button to record it so she could relive the nonsense over and over again.

  It would be glorious bringing this up to her father and mother. They would realize how much Jack needed to be brought to heel, an
d they would trust that she would actually be the right one for the job.

  She quieted herself so she could listen to what was actually being said. She knew from experience that the Call of the World announcement would be something that would be commented on the next day by everyone that felt they were even remotely important. She would send her father a copy of the show as well.

  "Ladies and gentlemen of Reversia, I apologize for not making a greater announcement sooner. My name is Jackson Stonewell, and I have been given the great honor of being called the King of Reversia. But what is a king, really? Is he a god made flesh, the stuff of legend?

  Or is he just a man given a responsibility that is made of bone, blood, and soul? A servant with a crown that extends past the clouds, or merely a convenient symbol of the careful balances of the world around us?

  I am not here to define that for you. I am here to explain myself to you. I departed from this world for reasons that are honestly unclear to me at this time. I am not going to dwell on that -- I admit fault for leaving, and I ask for your understanding. I will not come before anyone thinking that I have all of the answers.

  I do, however, believe that I have an answer to the question everyone has been asking: what will become of the City of Reversia? That's what this Call of the World is all about. It's about getting things done in a way that affects the City positively, defends her from her enemies, and provides a secure place for all of our children to grow and thrive.

  Yes, you heard me: all of our children. Effective immediately, all of my changes will include all classes, from the Dreamers to the unregistered and everyone in between. This is not about who was born into what class, or who dreams of something better than the life we started out with.

  On Earth, this is a concept called upward mobility, and I believe in it fully. I think everyone should have the chance to rise higher in life than ever before, and they should also be able to make their lives easier in a way that makes sense to them.

  I will need your help, your energy, and your power. Yes, that's true as well. You are amazing. All of you. You all have invested something into this City whether you realize it or not. Please help me. My first project is a hospital that is open to everyone, and will treat the sick regardless of their connections.

  Who are we to say that the wealthy landowner deserves more attention than the teenager from a family without status? Under my law, I want everyone to be feel worthy, trusted with love, attention, honor, and dedication. I am not just a king over the wealthy and powerful. I want to be a servant of the ill, the suffering, and the struggling."

  He paused, moving onto his knees. "Do not kneel before me if you will put me on a pedestal. Come to me because you believe I am the right man for the job, and I will make it my life's work to serve the land that I truly want to call home. Today, more than anything else, I am proud to be part of all of you. If you will have me, I commit to being a Reversian until the end of my days."

  He stood up and pointed at Bridget. "This woman has guided me even when I didn't know which direction I was going. She reminds me of the spirit of this City, the spirit that I think all of you have, or want to have. You want to believe in the City of Reversia and her ability to overcome all things. I don't look into this woman's eyes and see her class, gender, age, or anything else that would take away from that fire and passion for rebuilding this world. I just see someone that can help me bring this shared vision to life."

  "As all of you watch me from your homes, please join in this effort. If you will have me, then give me the gift of support by helping me bring the hospital into being. I hope to see everyone tomorrow at the construction site."

  He thought about what to say next, as he stared into the camera. The live audience seemed positive about all of it, and he felt like he was moving into the right direction. The truth about everything was right there in front of him, except it wasn't. He knew that he needed to let everyone truly feel what he was feeling, but he wanted to wrap up his first address his own way.

  He gave the crowd a wave and smiled. "I believe in Reversia's future, and I invite everyone to gather in the weeks and months to come. It's time to let go of false barriers and embrace a new dawn. And I think we're blessed twice over -- this is the land of two bright, blazing suns, right? That means that we can't just be satisfied with shining once -- we have to shine twice. That's all I have for now. I want to connect with you, share with you in the great story we will write -- together. I am honored to be your king, and hope that I can show you how committed I am in the months to come. Thank you, and good night."

  For a moment, the crowd was completely silent in the communications center. This made Jack nervous. Then, for a moment, Bridget gasped and nudged Jack. "Look!"

  Each row of the audience began to move to their knees, acknowledging their king. It took a few moments for the crowd to show their appreciation, and Jack had a feeling the camera crew was picking this up and broadcasting it as well. He figured that it was only going to be the start of interesting times.

  The only ones left standing were Bridget and himself, and he could tell Bridget was uncomfortable. She was going to move to follow the crowd, but he motioned for her not to do so at all. She smiled and automatically squeezed his shoulder, making him smile.

  Same old Bridget. Maybe that's a good thing. He took a moment to just be grateful for the positive spirit. He knew however, that this was only a small subset of the population. The next few days and weeks would really tell what the people were feeling. Call of World, indeed. It's time to stop running. I will be the best king that the City of Reversia has ever had. I just know it.

  Chapter 7: Sight Beyond Sight

  Alara couldn't speak. She tried to move her lips, but no sound came out. She had rewound the footage a thousand times, trying to see if she was hallucinating. Going at full speed over the last few days might be taking its toll on her.

  That had to be the answer. She was convinced that she couldn't seriously have heard Jack sound that good, or have seen the people in the audience actually kneel to him. She eyed the crowd. They were filled from the lower classes, but she had seen a few leadership class members paying respect to the king.

  She tried to think of why Jack would even believe people would accept all of that nonsense about unity and togetherness, but these were concepts that the lower classes loved to believe in. She was from a privileged family and didn't have freedom. Why should they get freedom they didn't deserve?

  She threw the wine glass at the wall and turned away when Walter hovered over the mess. Without a word, the mess was scrubbed away, leaving behind nothing but perfection. Normally, this would have pleased Alara but not tonight. Not as the idea of being the Queen of Reversia seemed to be fleeing far, far, away from her as fast as she tried to hold onto it.

  Her dreams were being pulled away from her in a matter of mere minutes, and it was leaving her feeling absolutely helpless. She remembered this aching feeling, all the way from the very beginning where she realized that no one was ever going to save her from a life of duty and service and that no one was ever going to think about her feelings. In a way, she loved the raw emotion and passion in Jack's voice.

  But that raw emotion was dangerous in a husband to be that was supposed to be a simple figurehead while her father and the rest of the Council ruled the City as they saw fit. She got up and tried to shake herself back into thinking clearly.

  It would do her no good to worry about what the future would bring if she did nothing to change things in her favor. She remembered the heavy box that her mother sent her away with, reminding her that all the tools she needed to take care of her problems with Jack were right there in front of her.

  She called the box to her with a little thoughtcraft – she refused to call it stonecraft, even in her head -- and opened it carefully. She took out a few things and smiled to herself.

  The beautiful mirror was polished to a high glow, and it vibrated with purpose and power all at once. It was a devi
ce that had been in her family ever since they first came to the City, and it was one that could broadcast the true reality of everything...within reason. A small part of her knew that her feelings weren't particularly charitable to Jack. He had been sweet to her, loving and passionate even without his full memories restored.

  Yet she had already begun walking down this road. Some things in life you just couldn't take back. She had remembered that from looking over one of Jack's old history books that he brought with him. After reading the book a few times through, she realized that many of Earth's greatest historical entries weren't always pleasant. However, some of them gave birth to sweeping revolutions that made modern life unfold in ways that were far beyond the previous generation's expectations.

  Sometimes one had to skip over emotion and get logical. The king could not be allowed to unfold these ideas. She thought of the hospital's construction site. Perhaps she would need to convince him that such projects just weren’t a good idea. She didn't think anyone would show up, and once Jack saw that no one really wanted the type of world that he envisioned, he would turn around and give up on it.

  Liberty was dangerous. People couldn't understand freedom. They needed the class system to realize their place in the world, and then act accordingly. What Jack was proposing was madness of the highest order, and there was just no getting around it.

  She was interrupted from her runaway thoughts by the door opening and laughter filling the room. Jack had finally returned with Bridget in tow. They looked happy and energized by the Call of the World announcement, just as she figured they would.

  Jack's eyes met Alara's and he ran over to sweep her off her feet. She groaned.

  "Jackson, put me down. You're being over the top, darling."

  Jack sighed and gave Alara a kiss anyway, which irritated her further.

  "Don't get too worked up by the positive feedback. People handle things differently here, Jackson. You know that. I've told you that a thousand times."


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