Highland Steel: Highland Chronicles Series - Book 3

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Highland Steel: Highland Chronicles Series - Book 3 Page 11

by Rose, Elizabeth

“Yer first time?” He released her and took a step backward, running a hand through his windblown hair. “I’m sorry, Rhoswen. I should have remembered ye are a lady. Ye want to be a virgin when ye marry. I dinna ken what I was thinkin’.”

  When he started to turn away, she decided she didn’t want him to go. So she reached out and grabbed him, pulling him to her and kissed him hard.

  “I’m confused,” said Logan, hesitant to kiss her back. “Do ye want this or no’? Because this back and forth is drivin’ me mad.”

  “Yes, I do want to make love with you, Logan. Please don’t leave.”

  “But . . . what about bein’ a virgin for yer husband?”

  “Hell with that,” she told him. “I’m most likely never going to be able to go back to England, and I’m not even sure I have a future anymore. So I’m going to live for the day.”

  “Well, if ye’re sure.”

  “Just don’t make me rut in the mud like an animal. That’s all I ask.”

  He chuckled at that and pulled her back into his arms.

  “I’m sorry, my bonnie cailin. I love nature so much that sometimes I forget I’m no’ an animal myself. But I have a place we can go that I think ye’ll like better.”

  “Take me to it.”

  He scooped her up in his arms, and carried her up the shore. Jack ran off into the night. The sound of a barking dog filled the air in the distance. Logan brought her to a small hut that was up from the beach but still near the water.

  “Is that where you’re taking me?” she asked, her heart beating wildly in her chest as she hung on to him with her arms around his neck. “What is it?”

  “It’s a small shack where the MacKeefes keep the fishin’ gear,” he told her. “There is also a pallet in there that I put there myself for when I sometimes sneak out of camp to take a nap durin’ the day.”

  “I thought you liked nature. I’m surprised you don’t take your naps on a rock instead.”

  “Oh, I do sometimes,” he admitted. “But I use the hut when I want to get out of doin’ my chores.”

  She giggled. “Well, it sounds better than the cold, wet ground to me,” she told him.

  He shifted her to one arm as he yanked open the door on the small, wooden enclosure.

  “I need to put ye down for a moment, so I can light a candle.”

  “All right,” she told him as he placed her down outside the hut. She felt the dew on the grass against her feet.

  It didn’t take long before the little shed lit up in a warm glow.

  “Come inside,” he told her, reaching out to guide her. She took his hand and stepped into the small room.

  Nets as well as long, wooden poles with string and hooks on the ends lined the walls. There was a set of oars standing in the corner. Buckets were stacked up next to it. There was also a small table with two chairs and a chessboard on it. And right in the middle of the room was a pallet with a pillow and a blanket.

  “I’m sorry if it smells like fish in here,” said Logan. “But I’ve lit a beeswax candle scented with rose oil, so hopefully that will help.”

  “You have a rose-scented candle?” asked Rhoswen in surprise, finding it amusing since Logan was a rugged Highlander. She didn’t think he’d care about scents that were more suited to a lady.

  “My mathair made it and gave it to me as a present,” he told her, peeking up at her from under his long hair. “She told me I stink. That’s why I take so many baths in the loch.”

  “Really.” She smiled and looked down once more to his engorged manhood.

  “Well, there are other reasons, too.” He walked over and closed the door, then returned and stood toe to toe with her. “I’ve been thinkin’ about this for days now,” he told her.

  “Me, too,” she admitted shyly.

  “Come here, lass.” He held her chin and kissed her gently, then lifted her shift and removed it, throwing it over the back of the chair. “God’s bones, ye are bonnie.” His eyes traveled from her face, down her body and back up again. She no longer felt uncomfortable since they were now in private quarters. The way he looked at her and kissed her made her feel like a princess.

  Logan lowered himself to the pallet and reached out to her with open arms. “Since I ken this is yer first time, I promise ye I’ll make it special.”

  “Will it hurt?” she asked, not knowing what to expect.

  “It might feel a little uncomfortable until ye relax. Then I promise ye are goin’ to love it.”

  “All right,” she said, curious as to the act of lovemaking, and wondering how he would teach her.

  “First, we need to ready ye to receive me.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Our bodies will meld as one, but we both need to be prepared,” he told her, kissing her on the nose, helping her to lie on her back.

  “I’m ready,” she told him, lying rigid, afraid of doing it wrong.

  He chuckled. “Slow down, my bonnie lassie. Ye just close yer eyes and let me do the work.”

  “Close my eyes? I don’t want to miss anything.”

  “Believe me, ye willna miss a thing.”

  She closed her eyes and felt Logan leaning over her, kissing her first on the lips, and then letting his kisses trail down her neck to her collarbone.

  “Mmm, that feels nice,” she crooned.

  “This is goin’ to feel even better.” Rhoswen felt the slight scratchy stubble of his face against her skin, and then the wetness of his tongue as it darted out and swept past one nipple. It surprised her and delighted her at the same time. His mouth closed over her nipple and he suckled her, causing her to go taut. She arched up off the pallet, grabbing at his hair.

  “Ye like that?” he asked in a sultry voice.

  “Mmmm,” she responded, starting to feel more comfortable around him.

  His hand skimmed down her body with a feathery touch as his fingers slid past her navel and kept going lower until he cupped her womanhood next. The thought of Logan touching her most private part made her randy. She moaned in pleasure and so did he. To her surprise, she felt him enter her with his finger. Her eyes snapped open.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Relax,” he told her, reaching over to kiss her, as his finger slowly slipped in and out, bringing her senses to life. “Ye need to be moist before we do the act.”

  “I think it’s working,” she purred, feeling her liquid passion guiding him when he next slid two fingers inside her, and at the same time used his thumb to play with her womanly nub.

  “Oh!” she cried out in a breathy whisper, her body pulsating with passion between her thighs. She wanted him desperately and felt her body trying to draw him in on its own.

  “Dinna hold back,” he told her. “Find yer release.”

  “But it’s too early,” she cried, feeling herself climbing to a height of excitement that she’d never felt, even when she’d had to revert to pleasuring herself like the other maidens of the castle when they felt wanton and didn’t have a man.

  “Nay, it doesna matter,” he told her, slipping his fingers in and out faster, as her hips moved to meet him each time. “A lassie can find pleasure more than once during the act of couplin’ but it takes a man a little longer to get to that point a second time.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know that,” she said, watching the rise and fall of her own breasts. He noticed and leaned over once more to suckle her as he continued to finger her, making her feel more alive than she’d ever felt before. “Something is happening,” she told him feeling like she wanted to scream out loud.

  “Let it go, lass,” he told her. “If ye need to cry out, then do it. Dinna hold back.”

  “I didn’t think it could feel this good.” She lifted her hips to meet him once more. Then she felt herself climbing to the precipice and floating over the edge. She cried out, living in the moment.

  “Aaaah, yes! Logan. Yes, yes,” she cried, rolling her head from side to side as vibrant colors exploded behind
her closed lids.

  “Yer body cries out for me,” he told her. “I think ye are ready now. I canna wait a moment longer. Yer cries of passion are drivin’ me mad. I need to feel myself inside ye now, my love.”

  “Do it,” she told him, trying to regain her breath.

  He didn’t wait for her to tell him again. Spreading her legs with his hands, he settled his body between them. She gasped when she saw his erection dangling above her. She didn’t think he could get any longer or thicker, but this proved her wrong.

  “I want to touch you,” she said, reaching out and feeling him, wrapping her hand around his hardened form. She heard his sharp intake of breath. Then she fondled him, letting her finger flick over the tip of his length. His hand closed over hers and he stopped her. She looked up and noticed his eyes were closed.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked. “Did I do something to displease you? I’m sorry.”

  “Bid the devil, how can ye think ye displeased me?” he asked in a breathy whisper. His breathing labored. The room became hot. “I only stopped ye because I’m about to burst and I’ve yet to enter ye, lass.”

  “Then hurry,” she told him, wanting to feel him inside her before it was too late.

  He removed his hand from hers and slowly slid his length into her, little by little.

  She jerked slightly, not expecting the size of him, after only having felt his fingers.

  “Are ye all right, lass?” He stopped and looked down at her and she saw fear in his eyes that she wasn’t going to let him continue.

  “I’ll be fine. I’m sure it’s just that it’s my first time. Continue.”

  He lifted her hips with both hands, continuing to slowly slide into her. She held her breath.

  “Ye need to relax. Like ye did before.”

  “Will it feel just as good?”

  “Even better.”

  She trusted Logan. And since she wanted her first time to be with him, she nodded, and watched as he continued. He started out slowly, but when she felt more comfortable and moved her hips each time to join him, his thrusts became faster and faster.

  “I – I think I’m starting to feel that feeling again,” she told him.

  He huffed and puffed and could barely speak. “Let’s find that feelin’ together,” he told her.

  Then, almost as if his permission gave her the courage to do so, she climbed to that height once again. As she screamed out her pent-up passion, Logan growled, sounding a lot like his wolf. Then their motions started to slow and his seed of life filled her. He collapsed next to her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her atop the head.

  “Och, that was guid, lassie. Did ye feel it, too?”

  “I did,” she said, throwing her leg over him, half-laying atop him, liking the way their naked bodies felt pressed up against each other. “You were right. I found that feeling twice. And I think our bodies melded into one.”

  “Ye arena regrettin’ our action, are ye?” He looked as if he was really worried.

  “Nay, Logan, I’m not.” She ran a hand over his hair. “I loved every minute of it. Thank you for loving me.”

  “Love?” His head jerked and his body tensed.

  “Well, yes. We made love, so that’s what I meant. Why? Did you think I meant something else?” She was falling in love with him, but she had to be careful. Highlanders like Logan weren’t the kind of men who seemed to like to be tied down. Hopefully, she hadn’t scared him off.

  “Of course no’,” he said, but she could tell it was still bothering him. She could have kicked herself now for saying that.

  The sound of a barking dog got louder and closer. Then came the sound of an animal scratching at the shed door.

  “What’s that?” She clung to Logan for protection, looking over at the door, hoping it wouldn’t open.

  “It sounds like a dog,” he said, getting up and walking across the small area. He reached out to open the door.

  “Nay! Don’t open it,” she cried but it was too late.

  “Down, Trapper,” grunted Logan. “Ye are scratchin’ me. Now get down.”

  “Trapper?” she asked, hearing the name of Ethan’s dog. If his dog was here, Ethan was sure to follow. And if so, he’d see her naked and know what she and Logan had just done. She hurriedly grabbed for her shift, pulling it over her head. She wanted to don her gown but remembered they’d left it on the ground at the edge of the water.

  “Logan? Are ye in there?” came Ethan’s voice.

  “It’s me. What do ye want?” Logan answered.

  “Well, hello to ye, too,” said Ethan. “I was lettin’ Trapper out to piss and he took off toward the water. When I followed him, I heard what sounded like a woman screamin’. And I heard the sound of growlin’, too. I thought mayhap that damned wolf of yers was hurtin’ someone.”

  “Nay, everythin’s fine, now guidnight.” He went to slam the door but Ethan’s hand shot out and stopped it.

  “Ye’re standin’ in a shed naked. Do ye want to tell me what the hell is goin’ on?”

  “I went for a swim and decided to sleep here tonight, that’s all. Now guidbye.” He tried once more to close the door, but Trapper pushed his way inside and ran over to Rhoswen.

  Rhoswen picked up the blanket and held it up to her chest, walking backward away from the dog, almost falling as she backed into the chair.

  “What’s that noise?” asked Ethan.

  “Bluidy hell, Ethan, will ye take yer hound and go?” growled Logan.

  “Ye’ve got a lassie in there with ye, dinna ye?” Ethan asked with a chuckle.

  “Nay. It’s just me. Now leave me alone.”

  “I see.” Ethan’s hand shot out, holding on to their clothes. “Then I suppose ye willna want this lady’s gown I found on the ground near the water that looks an awfully lot like Rhoswen’s.”

  Logan let out a deep sigh and glanced over his shoulder at Rhoswen.

  “It’s all right, Logan,” she said softly, knowing it no longer mattered since Ethan already knew about their secret tryst. “Thank you, Ethan,” she called out.

  “Ye’re welcome, Lady Rhoswen. Guidnight,” Ethan called back without even looking inside the shed. “Come on, Trapper, let’s go. Hopefully now, we can finally get some sleep.”

  The dog barked once, and ran out the door, knocking into Logan, and about sending him to the floor.

  “Guid riddance,” snapped Logan, slamming shut the door. He turned around with their clothes in his hands and shrugged. “I guess he kens.”

  “Yes, I believe he knows,” she said with a smile, taking her gown from him. Having one of Logan’s friends know she’d been coupling with Logan in a shed in the middle of the night should have horrified her, but somehow it didn’t. Rhoswen dressed, deciding that it no longer mattered if people knew she wasn’t a virgin because, honestly, after everything she’d been through lately, this was the least of her worries.

  Chapter 14

  Logan woke up the next morning feeling happy and refreshed, having had one of the best nights of his life. What had started out as a swim to cool him down, ended up as a heated, passionate night of making love with Rhoswen. He had been dreaming of coupling with her all night long. He kissed her and she kissed him. Then he licked her breasts, and she licked his . . . face?

  His eyes popped open to find a long tongue lapping out at him and a godawful ugly mutt staring him in the face. “What the hell!” He pushed the dog away and sat up in bed. “Trapper! Who let that hound in here?”

  “That’s guid, Trapper. That’s enough,” said Ethan, sitting at the table with his legs outstretched and his arms crossed as he leaned back on the chair. The door was open. Jack sat on the threshold wagging his tail. Caleb sat on the bed cradling his pine marten, scowling at Jack. Hawke leaned a shoulder against the wall, staring out the window.

  “What’s all this?” asked Logan. “What’s goin’ on?”

  “That’s what we want to ken,” said Hawke, still staring out the wind
ow. “So, went for a swim last night did ye?”

  “Aye.” His eyes darted over to Ethan who was busying himself shining his dagger on the edge of his plaid. “I always go for a swim. So what’s the problem?”

  “Was anyone with ye?” asked Caleb.

  “Jack was.” Logan stood up and stretched and yawned. “Tell them, Jack. We had a nice swim and a stroll on the beach.”

  Jack whined and looked the other way. Logan heard the cry of Hawke’s red tail and the bird descended, landing right outside the door. Jack lowered its head and stalked it.

  “Leave Apollo alone,” Hawke called out. The bird shrieked and took off in flight with Jack running after it, jumping and snapping its jaws in midair.

  “Dammit, I think we need to keep him on a leash,” growled Hawke.

  “A leash? Jack has never been on a leash and never will.” Logan walked over to the table and poured himself a tankard of ale and plopped down on the chair, trying to wake up.

  “It wasna the wolf he was talkin’ about,” murmured Ethan, reaching out and petting his hound with one hand.

  “Well, if ye think Trapper needs to be tied up, then do it,” said Logan.

  “We’re talkin’ about ye, no’ the hound.” Hawke walked over and slammed his hand down on the table. It scared the dog, sending it running out the open door.

  “What in the clootie’s name are ye so mad about?” asked Logan, running a hand through his tangled hair.

  “Sleep in yer clothes last night?” asked Caleb, letting his pine marten snoop around the floor as he came over and poured a cup of ale as well.

  Logan looked down to his wrinkled tunic and dirty plaid that was still wet from the beach. “I guess so,” he said with a shrug.

  “Ye wouldna have had those clothes if I hadna saved them from the tide last night,” said Ethan.

  “Ye told them,” said Logan, letting out a frustrated sigh. “Ethan, I didna think ye would.”

  “He’s only lookin’ out for the rest of the clan,” said Caleb.

  “What does that mean?” Logan chugged down the ale.

  “Logan, didna my da say that ye’d have to tell the Sassenachs to leave?” asked Hawke.


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