First One In Last One Out

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First One In Last One Out Page 20

by Laura Marie Henion

  He took her wrists gently into his hands and led them to his lips.

  His lips pressed against the skin.

  "Don't be afraid.” Their gazes locked.

  Ryan removed the dress with Katie's help, and tears streamed down her cheeks as Ryan kissed her belly.

  He could feel her trembling. He could see the scars, and visions of what she must have experienced clawed at Ryan's mind.

  "You're gorgeous, Katie."

  He placed his lips against the discoloration. Katie inhaled a sharp breath then took Ryan's face into her hands.

  "They're ugly. I told you. You don't have to—

  Katie tried to pull away and Ryan held her close against him, his hands gently caressed her backside.

  His hands glided over her hips and he softly took her hands bringing them to his lips.

  "They're not ugly Katie. I'm sorry you had to go through that. You don't have to be afraid with me."

  Ryan ran his fingers across the inner elastic material that clung to Katie's hips.

  He pushed them down and out-of-the-way then embraced her again.

  Katie closed her eyes and Ryan picked her up to carry her towards the bed. He gently laid her down on the navy blue comforter.

  Katie watched as Ryan removed his shirt then the rest of his clothing.

  He was gorgeous and the sight of his nakedness made her feel giddy and excited with eagerness. She wanted his body against hers, to unite and be as close as humanly possible.

  Ryan laid his body over hers.

  Katie wrapped her legs around Ryan's waist and laid her head against his neck and shoulder.

  The size and weight of his body appealed to her, she found herself feeling lost in his manliness. She was underneath him, confined, content, complete.

  Ryan's mouth covered Katie's, their tongues entwined, their need to be one taking full control.

  Katie kissed Ryan's neck, licked his skin and let her inner desires and needs lead the way. She wanted him, felt safe with him and her body was ready to explode.

  Katie felt Ryan glide his hand across her outer thigh then between her legs. His fingers drew her deeper into need.

  Ryan's arm was under Katie's neck and shoulder cradling her head, his lips devoured hers as his fingers drew out the best in her.

  "Oh, Ryan ... oh, please,” she pleaded, wrapping her legs tighter around his waist. There was no denying the need for him to be inside her.

  The feel of his mouth caressing her neck sent tingling sensations to her core. His warm breath, soft lips against her chest, simultaneous with the movement of his fingers inside her sent her boding spiraling towards ecstasy. When his tongue seductively peeked between his lips gently grasping the light pink skin protruding from her breast Katie thought she would explode. His tongue teased and nibbled at the flesh, she ran her fingers through his hair, held his mouth against her skin not wanting the sensations to stop. The moment he paused, released his mouth, retreated his crafty fingers and pulled away, she felt a tremendous loss and the urge to cry.

  Swallowing hard she held his gaze, could see the desire in his eyes and all she could do was watch his next move.

  Ryan reached towards the bedside table, opening the drawer and retrieving a condom.

  He looked back into Katie's eyes as he safely prepared to enter her.

  She smiled, filled with relief and nervous anticipation. Every part of her wanted Ryan. Wanted his hands on her, his lips, his body pressed against her body and mostly she wanted....

  "I love you, Angel.” He kissed her softly as they became one. Instinctively Katie wrapped her legs around Ryan's hips and held on.

  They made love slow and long, whispering words of want and love and with each thrust their connection to each other grew stronger.

  Katie held onto Ryan's neck, the strength of each muscle filled the palms of her hands. The look of determination and need filled his eyes, he kissed her deeply.

  Ryan's body claimed Katie's. Katie panted and Ryan continued until he could not hold out any longer.

  Thrust after thrust Katie chanted him on until finally he collapsed against her.

  An overwhelming feeling consumed Katie to her soul. She began to cry, holding onto Ryan, keeping him deep inside her not wanting to disconnect and to feel separated from him ever again. It was ridiculous to even think such a thought.

  Ryan leaned on his forearms, his body still molded to Katie's as he smiled at her.

  "Are you okay Angel?'

  "I just wanted to stay like this a little longer. It feels so wonderful."

  Ryan smiled, kissed her lips then whispered, “I love you."

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  Chapter 12

  Ryan held Katie close. He did not want to let her go. Her back lay angled against his torso. Their bodies fit, confirming their perfection as one.

  He gently caressed her hair, loving the feel of it all around him. Ryan inhaled the aroma of baby's breath, their lovemaking and the moist ocean air combined. It was heaven just lying next to her.

  The sheets barely covered Katie's breast as Ryan let his fingers gently glide down the natural pathway of her curves. He watched closely as the tiny goose bumps followed his finger's direction. Katie squirmed a little.

  He leaned against her ear and kissed her cheek. Katie smiled, her eyes stayed closed.

  Ryan snuggled closer, wrapping his arm around Katie's waist, pulling the sheets down to her rib cage. He could see the beginning of the scars from the burns.

  He wished he could take the pain away, wished Katie had not experienced what she did. When he thought back to the day at his house and the look of fear in her eyes, his heart ached. How could he have been so insensitive? He should have known there had to be more to Katie McKeller. She was strong and compassionate when it came to providing for others, even strangers. He saw that first hand at the hospital when she assisted with Kevin and then Brad. She was willing to give so much to others, was empathetic and attentive to others’ emotions never thinking of herself. Again, he thought about Billy and the story behind Katie's fear. Now he understood her reservations and he wanted and needed her to trust him and allow him to be there for her. Today was just the beginning.

  Ryan found himself wondering about the other man, the firefighter who died in the fire. That had to be horrific to watch someone you care about die right in front of you. He should not be thinking about that other guy, it was selfish of him to feel any form of jealousy.

  Again, Ryan kissed Katie's cheek. She smiled.

  His hand moved over the sheet, pulling it down farther, revealing more skin. He scooted his body down under the sheets scattering kisses along her back, across Katie's shoulder, down her arm then over the mound of flesh.

  He took it into his mouth. Katie moaned then draped her arm above her to place her hand against Ryan's cheek.

  Ryan moved the sheets farther down, revealing more of the scarred flesh that covered Katie's hipbone.

  Katie pulled the sheet up and Ryan stopped her.

  "Ryan, please."

  "It's all right. I love you, remember?"

  Katie's eyes welled up with tears.

  "I don't want you to look at it. There's no reason for you to look at it.” Katie tried to pull away and move to the side of the bed.

  Ryan pulled her back across the sheets and against his chest. He lay halfway on top of her.

  "Don't try to push me away. I thought we discussed this."

  "Ryan...” Katie took a breath. “Why doesn't it bother you?” she asked with her hands pressed gently against his chest.

  Ryan's hold was firm and possessive.

  "The scars don't bother me Angel. What you experienced does."

  "Don't. It happened and that's it."

  "Billy told me a bit about the way it happened. I'm sorry you had to go through so much pain. Your hip seems fine to me.” Ryan winked then laid his leg over Katie's pulling her hips against the hardness. He was ready to make love to her again. />
  "I want you to tell me what happened. I want to know everything about you,” Ryan asked.

  "You first, I don't know anything about you, remember? I assumed you couldn't handle Shelly's scars, I'm not sure if you like all the female attention you get from being a sexy hot fireman—"

  "You think I'm hot, huh?’ Ryan licked his lips and winked before kissing Katie.

  He had that flirtatious sparkle in his eye and Katie giggled.

  "What's so funny?"

  "Do you realize that when you flirt you get this twinkle in your eye that ‘tells all’ you're up to no good?"

  "No I didn't. I wonder if I show that same ‘twinkle’ before a fight."

  "A fight?” Katie squinted her eyes at Ryan, unsure what he meant by the comment.

  "Oh, here's something you don't know about me. I'm a boxer representing Ladder Three, Warren's Cove's bravest, in this September's competition."

  "Get out of here!” Katie eyed him seductively, touching his cheek with her hand and kissing his lips.

  "That explains the muscles and rock solid abs.” She winked, and Ryan grabbed her backside.

  "You're pretty tight yourself, gorgeous."

  Katie smiled then held Ryan's face between her hands.

  "That also explains the temper on you."

  Ryan was silent a moment. “I'm sorry about the way I acted at The Pit. I was a jerk and my temper got the best of me."

  "I suppose I can forgive you."

  "What do you mean you ‘suppose’ you can forgive me?"

  Ryan straddled Katie's hips then began tickling her.

  "Ryan ... Ryan stop!” The room filled with laughter as Katie tried to catch her breath.

  Ryan stopped tickling her and their gazes locked.

  "I'm gonna make you forgive me and the convincing starts now,” Ryan whispered, lowering his body over Katie's then kissing her tenderly.

  * * * *

  "Mom, you're acting funny. Who's the guest coming for dinner? Billy asked, slicing the Italian bread thin as his mom had directed.

  Lea kept her back towards her son and continued to clean the fresh spinach in the colander. Her heart was beating quickly, her stomach hurt and she anticipated the dinner turning into a disaster.

  William would be arriving any minute and Michael was late getting home from work. There was a car fire and the crew needed to respond to it.

  Lea thought about William and his phone call from the firehouse.

  He was just as nervous as she was about dinner tonight.

  "Mom, did you hear me?” Billy stated, interrupting Lea's thoughts.

  "It's not a big deal, I told you this before ... William is coming over,” Lea blurted out then quickly looked at her son.

  His head was still down and he was busy cutting the Italian bread. Again, her heart raced and her stomach ached something terrible.

  "Hey, I'm back. What can I do to help?” Katie asked, entering through the side kitchen door all bubbly and excited.

  When her mom told her about the plan to have William over for dinner Katie thought it was a great idea.

  Although she thought it was wimpy and told her mom she should just come out with it, it was solely her mom's decision. Then her mom told her that she and William were going to come clean about their relationship. Katie was thrilled and showed her support.

  The look of pure relief on Lea's face was enough to make Katie laugh.

  "Where have you been?” Lea asked and Katie smiled.

  "Oh.” Lea smiled back.

  "Is Ryan joining us for dinner?” Lea asked and Billy looked up at his sister.

  "He can't. He's working tonight, another time maybe."

  Katie walked towards her brother, smiling then taking a piece of bread.

  "Can you get me a pot for the spinach—"

  "You're not kidding. That was crazy. Did you see her face?"

  The front door opened and a roar of laughter then conversation filled the living room. Lea turned around immediately recognizing the two voices. Michael and William entered the kitchen.

  "Hey mom!” Michael blurted out, walking up to her and planting a kiss on her cheek.

  "Hi honey,” she said, her voice shaky.

  "Lea ... Thank you for inviting me to dinner,” William said planting a small kiss on Lea's cheek.

  Lea felt the heat rush to her face. God this man had such an effect on her she hoped the boys did not notice.

  Katie did and rushed up to William to greet him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  "Hi William. I'm about to open a bottle of red wine, would you like a glass?” She asked.

  "Thank you Angel,” William replied and smiled.

  "Are you getting used to your new nickname?” William asked.

  "It's all right."

  "Well don't expect me to call you it,” Michael replied sarcastically.

  "No problem stud,” Katie teased and Michael squinted at her, seemingly not understanding her comment.

  "Stud?” Billy asked.

  "Oh yeah, old Romeo over here has established quite a reputation with a certain young nurse I know.” Katie winked and smiled.

  Michael blushed.

  "You're dating a nurse?” Billy asked then started adding different comments.

  "Cool it Billy.” Michael reached into the refrigerator for a beer.

  "Hello!” Everyone turned towards the loud greeting from the living room. Donny and Melody had arrived.

  Minutes later, everyone gathered around the porch snacking on appetizers of shrimp cocktail and pigs in the blanket. They were all conversing nicely.

  Michael leaned in closer to Katie.

  "Do you like Ella? Do you think she's nice?” He asked, taking a bite of appetizer.

  Katie smiled then whispered back.

  "She's very nice and a very respectable young woman. Do you like her a lot?"

  Michael looked around to be sure no one was in earshot.

  "I like her. She's different, she's sincere and she doesn't care that I'm a firefighter."

  Katie wasn't sure what he meant.

  "What I mean is that she's not all ‘gaga’ about it, she knows that there's more to me then just fighting fires.” Michael took another slug of beer.

  "That's great Michael. I like Ella, we have fun when we go out."

  "By the way I should probably apologize for that night at The Pit."

  "What are you talking about?'

  "I shouldn't have let Theo Walters get that close to you or even talk to you. I can't stand the guy but I saw Ryan and just let things fall into place. Ryan had me fooled and thinking that he was a womanizer, only caring about getting the ladies’ attention."

  "What does that have to do with Theo Walters?"

  "Theo and Ryan are sworn enemies. They'll be competing together this September for the championship."

  "Oh. That explains a lot."

  Katie thought about how angry Ryan was at The Pit that night. It scared her how much his temper flared. Now his reaction was understandable.

  "I think it's safe to say Ryan is over that. He and I were misled by a lot of things, most of which we had created ourselves."

  "Yeah I heard about Shelly. Billy told me everything and that's the only reason Ryan was here the other day in the kitchen."

  "Everything worked out fine."

  "So are you two officially an item?” Michael asked.

  Katie smiled.

  "I suppose you can say that."

  Michael grinned.

  "As long as he makes you happy, I'm happy for you Katie. If he messes up or tries anything you'd better tell me."

  Katie grabbed Michael and hugged him then placed a kiss on his cheek before releasing her hold.

  "Thanks brother,” she said, smiling.

  "Hey you didn't work today, did you get a copy of the magazine?” Donny asked Katie as everyone gathered around the porch and the barbecue.

  "What magazine?"

  "This month's issue of Your Community
Your World hit the newsstands today and you're on the cover,” Donny stated.


  Melody headed into the house to bring back a copy to the porch.

  When she returned everyone was grabbing for it.

  Katie was on the front cover standing in front of the hospital building. Then inside, the main story was about her experience, with multiple pictures. There were some with her standing next to Kevin's bedside, others with her in the emergency room.

  She was shocked. She thought it would take time to release the story and perhaps it would be in next month's issue. She thought about the reporter. He had it planned from the get go to have the story published immediately.

  "This is fantastic. You look gorgeous in that picture,” William stated and everyone else agreed.

  After her family got a look at the article, she took the time to read it herself. She had to admit the reporter did a great job. He even listed available burn centers people could donate to as well as some basic fire safety tips.

  "Looks like we have two celebrations tonight,” Donny stated raising his wineglass.

  "Two celebrations?” Lea asked with eyes squinted.

  "Sure. Our sister Katie is a celebrity who, by sharing her story with the world, has gotten more people aware of burn facilities in their area and I hope more funding,” Donny stated.

  "And the second thing we're celebrating?” Lea asked.

  Donny smiled then winked at his brothers and Katie.

  "The fact that you and William are finally coming out about your relationship."

  Lea and William's mouths dropped and everyone else laughed.

  Lea began to cry “You mean you knew?” She sniffled as Michael put his arm around both William and his mother.

  "Yeah Mom, we knew.” He smiled.

  William released a long sigh.

  "And?” he asked.

  "And what? We think it's great and the two of you are great together. We are happy for you William, and for you, Mom. Now, no more sneaking around like a bunch of teenagers,” Donny added.

  "Yeah and take our mom on a real date, Chief. A public place, dinner, a movie, something,” Billy teased and everyone laughed.

  Lea hugged her children then William.

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