First One In Last One Out

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First One In Last One Out Page 22

by Laura Marie Henion

  The patrol officers followed Lou up the stairs, making comments about the place and the smells as well. They did not hide their disgust for the situation.

  Lou looked around the empty, filthy room Redding had used as a hideout. He and the detectives had searched every homeless halfway house in the surrounding area in hopes of catching Redding. It had made sense that Redding could hide in places like this. It was perfect.

  Lou could not waste time wondering how they missed Redding at The Rainbow.

  "Hey detective, we got this hooker that says one of her associates spent some time in this room,” another detective stated as forensics finished collecting evidence of fingerprints and other DNA that they hoped belonged to Redding.

  "Where is she?"

  "We got her down the hall, a real piece of work."

  Lou walked down the hallway and found two officers standing next to a local working girl.

  Her outfit was skimpy, it was summertime and there was not any air-conditioning in places she conducted her kind of work. The ‘go-go girl’ tight shorts and the half tank top did not stand out as much as the long black lace gloves up her arms all the way to the elbow. It was not exactly a fashion statement and Lou thought there was more to that. Track marks came to mind.

  "So you're a regular order for a guy who lives in room 408?” Lou asked as he offered the ‘pros’ a cigarette.

  She took it and he pulled a lighter from his pocket.

  The girl shook a little at the sight of the lighter but it was barely noticeable. Lou noticed though.

  He continued to play with the lighter, flicking it on and off and noting the shaky reaction from the blonde.

  "Well, what can you tell me about him?"

  "I don't know shit!"

  "You know enough and you'd better start talking,” Lou insisted as he moved closer to the blonde.

  "I don't know nothing. I was never in there.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  "I bet your DNA is all over that room. Maybe you're involved with this guy. Maybe you've been helping him. You're just as bad as him. You're a walking disease, ready to infest and kill.” Lou clenched his teeth.

  "You can't talk to me like that. What gives you the right?"

  Lou took a step forward and pointed at her face.

  "I gained that right the second you opened your legs to our ‘perp'. Now start talking,” Lou demanded.

  "I don't know anything about him. He paid me extra to keep my mouth shut. He'll come back and kill me if I talk."

  "He ain't coming back. Now, when did you see him last?"

  The prostitute rolled her eyes.

  Lou flicked the lighter again. “He likes fire doesn't he?"

  The prostitute gazed at the flame then turned away.

  "He was into some kinky stuff huh?"

  She rubbed her arms.

  "Did he burn you?” Lou asked his eyes followed the blonde's line of sight to her arms then back to her eyes again.

  "He'll kill me,” she whispered.

  "He won't.” Lou motioned the blonde to show him her arms.

  She was hesitant a moment then rolled down the sleeves of the gloves she wore.

  Lou eyed the burns that covered her forearms. “Help me and I promise he won't come after you."

  The blonde had seen him only two hours before. She told Lou that Redding left with a duffel bag.

  * * * *

  Redding Jr. boarded the train on route to an old fisherman's town and a tourist playground called Warrens Cove. He walked right through security, his disguise was foolproof.

  Redding held the latest issue of Your Community Your World in his hand. He looked at the many choices of magazines on the rack in the bookstore and fate stepped in. Anything having to do with fire excited him, got his adrenaline flowing, instantly provoking the need to burn something.

  He saw her face—the one called Angel—and immediately he knew she was special. She had touched the fire, met face-to-face with the devil himself and lived to tell her tale. He nearly passed out when he read the full article telling how she suffered her injuries and where the fire took place.

  Angel had gotten away, had escaped the Devil's grasp but the devil left his mark on her. It was Redding's sole purpose in life to fulfill the Devil's needs.

  He spoke to him often, insisting that Redding burn whatever he could get his hands on without being caught. 'Burn the world,’ ‘set everything on fire, everyone'.

  Redding took his seat on the train. In a few days he would be at his destination. His plan was in motion, his objective clear.

  "Kill the angel of God, burn her at the stake then burn the world as they watch in horror."

  He traced Katie's picture with his finger and smiled.

  * * * *

  Katie pulled up in front of the firehouse. There were cars everywhere, including a specialized unit vehicle with the words Warrens Cove Arson Unit. It had already begun and Katie wondered if Ryan and her brothers were aware of everything yet.

  She parked the jeep and walked towards the garage. Ryan came out smiling.

  "Hey Angel.” He kissed her on the cheek. She was hesitant a moment.

  "What's wrong?"

  What a stupid question to ask, unless he did not know yet. Had the chief waited for her to break the bad news?

  "Katie ... what's wrong?"

  Katie took Ryan's hand with both of her hands and held it against her chest.

  "I love you. No matter what happens ... I love you,” she whispered and her eyes filled with tears.

  Ryan pulled Katie into his arms and embraced her.

  "I love you too, Angel."


  Ryan and Katie both looked towards the direction the voice came from. The chief, the lieutenant and four other men stood near the doorway that led from the garage to the offices. Earlier, Ryan and the rest of the crew wondered why the big shots were showing up at the firehouse.

  Ryan looked at their faces then back at Katie when it hit him all at once. Something was wrong.

  "Miss McKeller we need to speak with you and go over everything,” the Detective from the local Warrens Cove PD stated.

  Katie nodded her head agreeing as the men motioned her to follow them.

  Ryan was about to follow as well.

  "Sorry son, we'll have to fill you in later.” The Detective stopped Ryan from following.

  "Ryan, there's a lot going on right now and I want you safe, I want my brothers, my mom safe as well. Please just remember what I told you in the garage. We'll talk later."

  Katie turned away and entered the office.

  "So what the hell is going on?” Billy asked as he, Michael, Ryan and the other firefighters stood around the kitchen.

  "It's something huge. The police even have a patrol car patrolling outside,” Freddy said.

  "Why won't the chief let us in? We're her brothers,” Michael replied then stood in the doorway keeping an eye on the office the group of men had his sister in.

  "It has to be that arsonist Katie told us about. The one responsible for her injuries,” Billy stated and everyone stared at him a moment.

  "What arsonist?” Ryan asked.

  Michael and Billy exchanged gazes.

  "What arsonist?” Ryan asked again.

  "That fire Katie was caught in was started by a serial arsonist. They haven't found him yet.” Michael explained the story as Katie had told them. The other firefighters asked questions as well.

  A short time later the bell sounded. No one wanted to leave but they knew they had to. Ryan sat in the front cab of the fire truck with Michael and Billy on the way to the call.

  "Whatever is going on, Ryan, we have to be sure that Katie knows she's not in this alone,” Michael stated. Billy glanced at his brother then Ryan.

  "She could try to push us out of this...."

  "She already has. She told me she wants us protected and uninvolved before she entered that room."

  "Well there's no way. It's Katie t
hat needs protecting and whether she likes it or not she's not pushing us out this time,” Michael said and both Billy and Ryan agreed.

  They arrived at the fire and glad to see that it was not anything major. A family placed a barbecue too close to a tent and it caught on fire. The homeowner and his guests were using a garden hose to put out the flames.

  * * * *

  Detective Lou Bachelli and Arson investigator Kenny Travis continued their interview with the parents of one of the victims.

  The place was a madhouse, kids scattered everywhere, toys along the floor in the living room and down the hallway as well.

  Debbie wiped her eyes as she thought about her loss. Her son was working hard to help pay for college. He was a good kid and his death was pointless.

  The younger sister came out of the bathroom with a three-year-old kid on her hip. The mother was running a day care in her home.

  "So you're sure you never saw this guy?” Lou asked again showing Debbie the picture.

  "I don't think so. My mind is crazy these days. It's hard to focus on my responsibilities when my heart is aching."

  "We understand Debbie. We're sorry we've taken up so much of your time,” Kenny said then rose from the chair.

  "Can I see the picture?” Jill asked. She was the sister of the deceased.

  Lou handed her the picture and the girl squinted a moment, absorbing the features of the man in the picture. Then her face grew pale.

  "This is the guy. This is the one I told you about, Mom. Two days before Richie died in the fire this man was at the restaurant. Then I saw him the day Richie was killed."

  "Are you sure, Miss? This is important,” Lou asked.

  "I'm positive. I remember seeing him around town. He had a beard though and wore a baseball cap. I think he was homeless. I saw him on the same street as The Rainbow. Is this the man responsible for my brother's death?"

  "He could be. Do you think you can come downtown with us and work with one of our sketch artists?” Lou asked.

  "Definitely. I hope you catch this guy before he hurts someone else,” Jill stated.

  Lou and Kenny immediately drove Jill to the police department.

  They were making all the connections, there were witnesses and evidence placing Redding at each crime scene. Some fingerprints recovered from two previous crime scenes led to confirming Redding as their suspect. Redding was responsible for the fires and the current botched fire and murder. They were building their case, connecting all the dots. Now they needed to track him down. They would have the support, the warrants if needed and all the assistance to do surveillance. Once they got this sketch together along with the other disguises then they could post them through the police computer systems throughout the country.

  * * * *

  "Katie, think about this please. What about your mom, Michael, Billy, Donny and Ryan? They won't stand for this, nor will I,” William said.

  "I'm sorry, Chief, but this guy has to be stopped. I will not put those I love in jeopardy."

  "Putting yourself in harm's way is not an option either."

  "I won't be. Lou and Kenny will be flying here if needed in a couple of days. They're not even sure Redding has left Bolton Bay."

  "Investigator Travis believes that Redding might be headed here. We need to stay on top of this and to provide protection for you and your family,” the detective told Katie.

  "I can't believe this. My God, what kind of a monster is he?” Katie covered her face in her hands. This was real and now that she moved back home and did that article, she placed her family and numerous others in grave danger.

  "I shouldn't have left Bolton Bay. I shouldn't have done that article."

  "Katie, there was no telling what this man was capable of. It's not your fault,” the chief stated, laying his hand on her shoulder.

  "Miss McKeller, this is serious. The man has been undetectable, he is callous and paranoid. You moving back home and doing that article has nothing to do with why Redding could be coming here. Detective Bachelli and investigator Travis can explain in detail the mind of a serial arsonist. There will be no negotiating with him,” the Detective stated.

  "Why would he come after me? It's not like I witnessed him setting the fire. The detectives already know he is behind the fires and the murders. What is the point?” Katie succumbed to the helpless feeling that was consuming her. The tears ran down her cheeks.

  The detective took her hand.

  "You've done nothing wrong. The mind of the serial arsonist is one of paranoia, schizophrenia and by his actions he obviously doesn't feel complete. Do not fight the help we are offering. Our department is small but we are going to do our best to protect you and your loved ones. That is why it is important that we have your full cooperation. Now, Detective Bachelli will contact me and let me know when he will be arriving. I will keep in constant contact with you and provide protection as needed."

  "We can pitch in around here as well. The guys will all want to help protect Angel,” the chief stated.

  "I told you, Chief, I don't want to put anyone in harms way."

  "That's not your choice. Now let us do what we can. You are not going through this alone. You've got a family and we love you."

  Katie was silent a moment as the detectives and the arson investigator spoke about the evidence and the next steps.

  "I trust Lou and Kenny. I'll wait for their call."

  "Let's go over what we have so far. What we discuss stays in this room, got it?” The detective explained the current updates of the investigation and what Redding had done to one of the last fire survivors.

  The nauseous feeling in Katie's stomach intensified as the meeting continued.

  They discussed possible scenarios Redding could create in an attempt to cause a diversion. Katie was deep in thought as the conversation continued around her. All these specialists yet Redding could travel across the United States undetected and sneak into her hometown. She thought about how Redding used fire as a weapon and about his lack of respect for human life.

  Bradley and the other victims of Redding's madness lost everything. There would be no relationships, no love, no affection ever again. Katie closed her eyes, instantly seeing Bradley. He was smiling wide, posing in his firefighter's uniform outside of the station house. God, he was so proud and so honored to be a firefighter. He was handsome, strong and tough yet gentle. She felt the tear escape and run down her cheek. Her heart ached all over again. She thought about Ryan, as well as her brothers, instantly imagining them caught in a fire Redding set. She would not survive something like that again. Her heart ached for Bradley. The thought of it alone was enough to make her dizzy.

  "Katie, why don't we get you home? There's no need for you to stay here and hear all this,” William interrupted her thoughts, taking her by the hand to escort her to the door.

  As they exited the room, all eyes were upon her. Ryan took a step towards her and she looked down at her feet. It would not be fair to embrace him, to love him right now when all she could think about was Bradley.

  She felt his hand take her own. The skin to skin contact brought on that old guilty feeling.

  Katie pulled away.

  "Let's get her home. We'll explain everything there,” William stated as he placed his arm around Katie's shoulder.

  Katie remained silent. Her thoughts and emotions twisted in a ball of pain and confusion. Afraid the helpless feelings would lead her to say something she would regret later, she decided to remain silent.

  The chief appeared to sense her emotional state and asked them to give her some time and she would talk to them once they returned to the house.

  Her entourage was behind her the whole way home. The chief drove in front of her, Michael drove her jeep, Billy behind Michael and then Ryan's truck at the end.

  Was this what life was going to be like now that Redding was supposedly after her? She cringed at the thought.

  Where would she begin? How could she tell the people she lo
ved most in the world that her life was in jeopardy and that she didn't want their help and didn't want their involvement?

  The task was going to be difficult. She would need to minimize the threat and convince her family that protection was there for her and that they needed to take the proper precautions as well.

  She did not want to discuss any of it yet. Her perception of the situation and planning was twisted up just like her insides. She asked to be alone for a little while as soon as everyone arrived at home. At first, her brothers were insistent that she tell them what the meeting was about until once again the chief suggested they give her a few minutes. He told them there was a lot for her to absorb. What an understatement.

  Katie sat on the edge of her bed staring at the photograph and the Maplewood frame that bordered the picture. The scene was a happy memory at Bradley's parents’ house during a family barbeque. He held her close and she recalled his whispers of love before and after posing for the picture. He had it framed and gave it to her as a gift one night after work. The fire was a week later. The tears rolled down her cheeks, her heart ached and then the fear set in as Ryan entered the room interrupting her thoughts.

  She glanced at him then clutched the frame to her chest as she looked down, closing her eyes.

  Ryan stood in front of her.

  "Hey Angel, I know you said you wanted to be alone but I think we should talk."

  "Ryan, please, I..."

  He knelt down on the floor in front of her. “It's understandable that you would think of Bradley right now."

  The tears streamed down her cheeks and she gazed into Ryan's eyes.

  "You loved him Katie, and he loved you. I know that and I understand, so do not push me away or hide it from me.... I understand,” he repeated as he caressed her arm.

  "It's not fair of me to do this to you. I can't help it Ryan, I'm so sorry.” She placed the picture back underneath the bedside table then covered her face with her hands.

  He moved closer to her, kneeling on the rug with his chest level with Katie's head. He pulled her to him, embracing her and caressing her hair.

  "There's nothing to be sorry about. I love you and you love me. I will never question that and we are going to get through this together.


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