Holding on to Someday

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Holding on to Someday Page 18

by K. Leah

  She reaches down and squeezes my hand, giving me a genuine smile. “I’m glad you're going to be okay. I’ll call and check on you tomorrow.” Brady shakes Charles’ hand and gives Angie a quick hug, and then they slip out the door.

  I look at the display on the clock - almost 7 pm. A wave of exhaustion washes over me. I try, unsuccessfully, to stifle a yawn; Dad takes the cue and says, “Well, we should head back to the hotel, so Clara can get some rest.”

  Mom chimes in right away. “Brady, why don’t you head back to the hotel with Jim, and I’ll stay with her tonight.”

  Brady gets ready to oppose, but Mom is going to be relentless on this one. I feel it. Before he even gets a word out, she raises her hand. “No, no, no. You are still wearing the same clothes you had on two days ago. Go back with Jim, take a shower and get a good night’s rest. We got a room with two beds, so you can even have your own bed. You can come back in the morning, and we can trade off.”

  Brady looks at me with a “help-me” face, but I shake my head and tell him she’s right. Mom smiles as she sits back into the chair, feeling like she’s won a battle.

  “Can I have a few minutes with her before we leave, then?” Brady asks Mom.

  She stands and says, “We will be in the waiting room when you are ready.”

  Dad comes over, kisses my forehead, and says, “I love you, darling… get some rest.” Then he and Mom head out the door.

  Brady walks over to me, sits beside my bed, and grabs my hand. He says, “Are you sure this is what you want? We can both stay tonight. I slept fine in the recliner last night. I can maybe take a shower here if I stink that bad.” The tip of his mouth turns up in a grin.

  “No, Brady,” I tell him. “Please go back with my dad. You look so tired. Get a shower and some fresh clothes. All I’m going to be doing is sleeping. If I need something, Mom is here, and the nurses are too. Get a good night’s rest, and I’ll see you first thing in the morning.”

  Secretly, I want him to stay. Having him here gives me comfort, and he’s been with me the whole time through this ordeal. I know he’s only a few blocks down the road, but still. I want him beside me, but I won’t tell him that. He looks pitiful with those bags under his eyes, and wrinkled clothes; and I know good and well those recliner sleepers are crap.

  He leans in closer to me, squeezing my hand. With his other hand, he gently sweeps his knuckles across my cheek. “I love you, Clara May. More than anything,” he says and leans in to kiss my lips. He lingers there a bit longer than previous times, just enough to let me feel the love emanating from him. “Sleep well, baby,” he says, kissing me once more.

  Smiling at his tender touch and sweet endearment, I tell him, “Thank you for everything and for being here with me. I love you.” He pulls away and walks to the door. Turning, he looks over his shoulder and gives me a wink. Then he’s gone.


  It’s A New Day

  After a five-day stay in the hospital, with strict instructions from my doctor and nurses to rest, my parents, Brady and I are on our way back home. The airlines offered to provide us a private charter back to Charlotte, but there is NO way in the world I am getting back on a plane. Not a chance. Nope. Nada. Zilch. Not happening. They paid for a rental car instead. So here we all sit, in a minivan, driving up I-85.

  We had to fold down the middle seats to make room for my monstrous casts. Dad is driving, with Mom in the passenger seat, and Brady and I piled in the very back seat. It took lots of rigging to get my legs propped up for the three and half hour drive; it’s very uncomfortable for me, to say the least. I wonder how long we will make it before someone needs to make a pit stop?

  Crossing the South Carolina border is the best feeling in the world. Almost home. Man, I need to pee so bad it’s not even funny, but there is no way I’m getting out of the van because it’s too much of a hassle. All those IV’s they pumped through me this past week are taking their toll on my bladder.

  An hour later, we pull into my apartment complex. I’m very thankful my apartment is on the first floor; I can’t even imagine having to tackle stairs. I have a loaner wheelchair from the hospital to help me maneuver around. As soon as we get into the apartment, I make them wheel me into the bathroom, which thankfully is rather large, and put me on the toilet. I told them I’d yell when I’m done. A girl needs some privacy, after all.

  They transform my bedroom into my just-home-from-the-hospital landing spot, and after they deposit me into bed stuff every pillow I own in, around and under me; I think I’m set for a while. Ever busy, Mom begins tidying up the apartment, putting everything in its place. Brady lays beside me in the bed, snuggling as close to me as he can with all the padding surrounding me. He gently caresses my arm and reaches over to give me a gentle, kiss on my cheek. “I’m so glad you are home,” he says.

  “Me too…although I’m not looking forward to lying in bed for the next three weeks.”

  “It will be fine. I’ll be here, your mom will be here, and I’m sure Angie come. My mom and sister even said they would come and keep you company if you want them to. Between all of us, I think we’ll be able to keep you entertained,” Brady tells me. He props up on his arm. “I’m taking the rest of the week off, so I can help you get settled.”

  “Brady, no! You have missed so much work and will need to get back… you just…”

  He gently places the tip of his finger over my lips to hush me. “Shh, Clara, it’s already done. I have plenty of vacation time.”

  “But, Brady….” I begin to protest but stop talking because I know I’m not going to win this argument with him. Instead, I grasp his hand and say, “I love you. Do you know that?”

  “I know you do, and I’m going to be here with you through this… by your side the entire time. So, don’t give me any backtalk when I tell you what to do or not to do.” He says, giving me a wink and a grin.

  My parents have gotten to know Brady well over the past week, and they seem to like him a lot. I think back to that first night they were at the hospital when Mom insisted that Brady go back to the hotel room with my Dad; she told me then they were impressed with him. She and Dad appreciated how kind and generous he had been, as well as keeping them in the loop until they could get to the hospital.

  First impressions are always crucial, especially when combined with an emergency. I find myself smiling at the memory of seeing them all together in my hospital room. I hear my mom yell for Dad and Brady. He gets up to see what she needs.

  “She wants us to rearrange the living room furniture to accommodate your wheelchair,” Brady tells me as he peeks his head back into my room. At least if I have to be here by myself, I will have some accessibility. Shortly after rearranging the furniture, Dad gives Brady a ride to the airport to pick up his car and drop off the rental van. While they are gone, Mom begins rummaging through cabinets to see what she can find for dinner. I slowly drift off to sleep; listening to them work all afternoon made me tired, and really, what else can I do except catch some zzz’s?

  Later, I join everyone at the kitchen table while we chat over dinner and laugh about tv shows and random social media memes. It feels good to be somewhat normal tonight after all that’s happened. Brady stays past dinner until he feels like it’s getting too late to be there without being reprimanded.

  “I probably need to be getting home since it’s a school night,” he laughs as he whispers in my ear. “Your dad keeps checking his watch.”

  He winks at me and then stands. “Well, I guess I will call it a night.” He bends down to kiss the top of my head and then turns to shake Dad’s hand. Dad smiles as he takes Brady’s hand.

  “Brady, I appreciate all you’ve done the past few days for Clara. Even though extreme circumstances have forced their hand, I’ve enjoyed getting to know you.” He pauses and turns to look at me. “I see now why Clara is so smitten with you.”

  I feel my cheeks blush a deep scarlet as Brady looks at me.

  “I love your daug
hter very much, sir, and I would do anything for her. I’m thankful we are back here, and most of all that she’s alive and on the road to recovery.”

  Dad nods, and Mom comes up to hug Brady. “Yes, Brady, we can see how much you care for Clara.”

  “Have a good night, Mr. & Mrs. Willet. I’ll see you in the morning,” he says, and he turns to leave. My heart gives a sad twinge as he walks through the door.

  I hear my dad take the brake off the wheelchair, and then I’m rolling down the hall toward the bedroom. My parents help me get settled back in my bed, but I hardly notice because I’m missing Brady. He’s been with me constantly for the past week, and now that I’m back home it feels strange not to see him. I decide to return a few text messages to friends and family who have been checking in on me to take my mind off Brady. Angie has called a couple of times, and we’ve chatted back and forth, so she is up to speed on my return home. I decide to text her anyway.

  Me: Well, I’m alone and bored.

  Angie: LOL! Are you bored with your parents there? I can’t imagine why ;) Where is Brady?

  Me: He went home a little while ago. Dad kept checking his watch, so he took the clue and left.

  Angie: Seriously?!?! Y’all are grown adults! Did your dad set a curfew?

  Me: Haha! I know but, he’s only being respectful.

  Angie: So, what are you doing now?

  Me: Lying in bed listening to my Mom rearrange my kitchen and my Dad snore. LOL!

  Angie: Fun times… fun times! Well, I’ll check in with you again tomorrow. I’ll come by and see you. K?

  Me: K. See ya!

  I turn on the TV and flip through channels for a while. I should sleep, but the nap I took earlier is working against me right now. I check the clock. 10:30 pm. There is nothing on TV I want to watch, so I keep mindlessly flipping through the channels until I hear my FaceTime ringer go off. I pick up the phone and smile at the name on the screen. Brady.

  “Hey you,” he says. “I was afraid you might be sleeping.”

  “Nope, not even tired. That nap this afternoon is my arch enemy right now.”

  Brady laughs and then he says, “Do I need to come back and sing you a lullaby?”

  “I wish. Since you left early,” I stick my tongue out.

  “Well, I felt like I was back in high school? Your Dad kept looking at his watch, and I felt like I needed to go home.”

  “I know, I’m just teasing you.”

  “I’m glad I got to hear your voice. I’ve been laying here in bed, trying to sleep. It’s just…. I’ve been by your bedside for the past week, and it feels odd being alone in my house,” he says.

  “Yeah, I know the feeling.” My sadness must be evident because Brady frowns. “Hey… no glum. I’ll be over first thing in the morning.”


  “Goodnight, beautiful lady.”

  “Yeah right… bruises, no makeup, bad hair and two leg casts are a far cry from beauty.”

  “Clara, don’t get me started,” Brady warns with his tone.

  “I know… it’s just… well, it makes you feel yucky after a while.”

  Brady shakes his head. I know. The things I worry about don’t matter to him; he couldn’t care less about my hair, as long as I’m alive. If I’m honest, I don’t care either…. I am thankful to be alive.

  “Go to sleep, babe. Try to get some rest tonight. You want me to bring you something special for breakfast in the morning?”

  I crinkle my brow thinking about what I want to eat. My appetite is still not what it used to be. “Can’t think of anything right now. Still not very hungry, plus I’m sure my mom is probably planning to whip up something. She is loving playing June Cleaver again.”

  He laughs, “Okay, well if you change your mind just let me know. I love you, Clara,” and he puckers his lips to blow me a kiss through the phone.

  “Thank you, Brady. For being so great. I love you so much…. more than I can ever express.”

  He smiles that sweet smile of his and says, “Sweet dreams, my love.”


  Over the next few days, Mom scurries around my apartment all day long. What she’s doing, I don’t know, but it keeps her busy. I have to send her and Dad to the grocery store one afternoon, so Brady and I can get some alone time. Another afternoon, Brady’s sister and mom show up at my door with armloads of stuff. Dinner, dessert, snacks, drinks…it is crazy. Carolyn comes in and gives me a hug and kiss on the cheek. They stay a while to visit and then leave us to eat all the food they brought in, with a promise to return in a few days.

  Sunday night I begin to dread Brady going back to work. My dad also has to go back to Virginia to return to work. I assure everyone that mom and I will be fine during the day and promise to call Brady if we need anything.

  Life becomes about marking the days off the calendar. In a countdown on the road to recovery, I settle into a routine easily. Basically, I sleep, eat, take a sponge bath, sit in the recliner, lay in the bed, read books, take naps…and watch everyone trying to keep me entertained.

  Angie calls regularly and stops by after work every couple of days. Brady’s Mom frequently visits, as well as the rest of his family. I receive plenty of calls and texts from them too. It is like I am another member of the family. His mom even comes by one Saturday to take my mom out for a while. Brady is with me of course, so my mom doesn’t hesitate one bit when Carolyn makes the offer. She and I have been cooped up in my apartment with nowhere to go, so it is the best of both worlds for all of us…. I get time with Brady, and she gets some fresh air.


  The Road to Recovery

  Five weeks. That’s how long I’ve been in these leg casts. Ugh. My legs itch, and I’m certain they have shriveled up to nothing inside these boulders. What I wouldn’t give to bend my knees. For the love of all that’s holy, I want to bend my knees. Do you know how hard it is to get anywhere with two weights attached to your bottom half?

  Playing games, napping, watching movies, reading books… I’ve read a lot of books these past few weeks…and I’m bored out of my mind. A home health nurse stops by a couple of times a week to help with anything medical. My mom has stayed with me the entire time, and of course, Brady has been here every evening as soon as he gets off work and every weekend. Dad calls every night to check in with Mom and me. Sometimes Brady will get take-out on his way home from work, but mostly Mom has been cooking all the meals. Having her here to help has been great, and she has definitely spoiled us. I probably need to learn to cook once I recuperate.

  I’m looking forward to my doctor visit today. I hope that I can get out of these leg constrictions and be a little more mobile. Brady takes the day off work to help transport me. It’s going to take all he and Mom have to cram me into the back of his SUV. I feel like it would be easier to lay me in the bed of a truck, but somehow, we make it work. Now I’m wedged in the back seat, feeling thankful the doctor's office isn’t far from my apartment.

  The perk of paying a ton of medical bills is that I don’t have to wait long; as soon as Mom and Brady wheel me into the office, the nurse takes me back right away. Dr. Gordon has been fantastic during my recovery. She even made one home visit not long after I arrived home so that it would be easier for my parents and me.

  “Hey there, Clara… It’s great to see you today,” she says, smiling as she approaches me and extends her hand to greet me.

  “Hey, Dr. Gordon! You have no idea how happy I am to be here!” I tell her, returning the gesture. She laughs knowing exactly my reference.

  “So, you ready to see if we can get you out of these casts?” she asks.

  “Please!” I exclaim.

  “Alright then. Let’s wheel you down to x-ray to get some pictures.”

  Brady leans to kiss me on my cheek. “Good luck babe,” he whispers into my ear. Mom touches my arm and smiles a great big cheesy grin. I smile back at them both, and Dr. Gordon wheels me out of the room and down the hall. A nurse greets m
e and takes over as Dr. Gordon walks into a separate room.

  In the x-ray room, a male nurse lifts me onto the table and begins situating my legs for the pictures. He lays a big, heavy blanket over me, and then I hear Dr. Gordon’s voice fill the room.

  “Clara, we are going to get started. Lie still, and I’ll take several pictures. I’ll check the x-rays while I’m in the room, and we may need to take some more pictures in a few minutes, so just stay put.”

  Standard protocol I’m sure, but I roll my eyes thinking where in the world would I be going in these leg casts. Sure, I’ll just hop off the table and walk on down the hallway I think. A loud beep sounds as the machine starts rolling around one leg. A few seconds later, it rolls around the second leg.

  “The first set of x-rays are done… give me just a minute to take a look at them. Ok, Clara?”

  I lay on the table, looking around the stark room at all the machinery and thinking about all that has happened during the past month. In just a matter of a few minutes, my life changed drastically. I’m so very thankful it turned out no worse than it did, but I’m also very ready to get back to a normal life. I’m ready to walk on my own, use the bathroom on my own, take care of myself and go out on a date with Brady.

  “Good news, Clara,” Dr. Gordon comes over the intercom system again. “Looks like we have some good healing taking place, and we can get you out of these casts!”

  Those words are music to my ears. The male nurse comes back into the room and lifts me off the table and back into the wheelchair. He smiles and says, “I bet you are ready for this, huh?”

  “You have no idea how ready I am,” I respond with a huge grin on my face.

  “I’m going to take you into another room where Dr. Gordon is going to remove the casts.”

  “Ok, thanks!”

  He wheels me down the hall again into a larger exam room that has a lot of equipment lying on a long table.


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