Anthony: A Gallucci Family Novella

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Anthony: A Gallucci Family Novella Page 1

by Fast, K. L.


  A Gallucci Family Novella

  KL Fast



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10



  Also by KL Fast

  About the Author

  Dedicated to falling in love with just one look…

  Anthony (A Gallucci Family Novella)

  By KL Fast

  © KL Fast 2019 Flirty Filth Publishing.

  All Rights Reserved

  By the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Erotic Adult Romance.


  Cover created by KL Fast

  Created with Vellum

  We met Anthony and Charlee in Chocolate Kisses. This is their long-awaited story.

  Anthony Gallucci has had one person on his mind for two years. He has searched high and low for the one that got away.

  Charlee Galvington was just looking for a good time in Italy. Oh, she got one alright, then fled.

  Fast forward two years.

  This is what happens when time means nothing, and love grows from one look.

  Time’s up for Charlee.

  Daddy’s coming home.

  KL Fast brings the heat with the first story in the Gallucci family novellas.


  Charlee Galvington

  Sweet baby Jesus, I fucking love it here. I sigh and look at the sculpture of a woman leaning against some sort of document also made of marble. I am currently at the Museum of Sanseverino Chapel. I never was that much into art, but I must say there is something so fascinating and peaceful about this beautiful piece.

  I am sucking up as much culture as I can because there is no way I will ever be able to afford to come back here on my own dime. The only reason I was able to come now was that I am part of the color guard and my school band was coming here to play in the Day of Peace parade.

  Today is our last day in Italy. I only have twelve hours left before I go back to my small town in Texas where everyone knows everyone, and nothing ever happens. I want to do something, something that no one would suspect little miss goody two shoes Charlee Galvington to do.

  I look away from the statue and move onto the next only to bump into one.

  “Shit. Fuck. Charlee, don't break a damn thousand-year-old statue.” I say out loud. My hands landing on it to keep myself from falling. I hear a soft chuckle. I push my hair out of my face and look up into a pair of warm brown eyes. “Hi,” I breathe, taking in how fucking hot he is. He has on a pair of slacks with a white button up shirt with the first two buttons undone, showing a hint of dark chest hair, he is clean-shaven with full sensual lips that I want to feel on my body. I take a deep breath to calm myself and almost moan out loud. Sweet mother of everything, he smells amazing.

  “Hello,” he says with a slight accent.

  “Hi, I’m Charlee,” I say sticking out my hand. Damn, I am never this bold when it comes to talking to guys, but he is hot as hell and I am only here for a short amount of time, so who cares? I'm going to leave my inhibitions behind and take a chance.

  He grabs my hand and brings it to his lips. “It is lovely to meet you Charlee, I’m Anthony. Is this your first time here?” he asks never letting go of my hand.

  “Oh yes, it's beautiful. I could stay here forever. What about you?” I ask blushing.

  “I have been here a time or two. It’s a great place to clear your head.”

  “I see what you mean. It is very peaceful here,” I say turning my head towards the piece of art I’ve been staring at.

  “I know this is sudden and we don't know much about each other, but would you like to have dinner with me?” he asks, putting his hand at the small of my back.

  I shiver and my body comes alive for the first time in my life. It’s time little Charlee did something crazy. What could it hurt having a fling before I go back to my old boring life? I smile and look up at him.

  “As long as you don’t expect me to eat a snail, I would love to have dinner.”

  He throws his head back and laughs. “Ah, there go my dinner plans.” I grin. “How does Trattoria Da Ettore sound, Amore?”

  I have no idea what the fuck that is, so I just smile. “That sounds lovely. Just give me two seconds, I need to tell my friend where I am going.”

  “I could come with you?”

  I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek. “That's okay, just stay right here.”

  “Okay, Amore.” I walk over to my best friend Natalie.

  “Who was that that you were talking to? She asks before I can even say anything.

  “He is the guy I am going to let pop my cherry,” I whisper.

  “What?” she almost shouts, causing a few people to turn and look at us.

  “Shhh. I need you to do something for me, okay?”

  “What if he like kidnaps you or something?” she asks concerned.

  “Did you see that body of his? He could kidnap me and have his way with me anytime.”

  Her eyes go big and she laughs. “You are such a freak.”

  “I know, but that's why you love me.”

  “What do you need me to do?” she asks shaking her head.

  “Tell Mrs. Hangston that I didn't feel well so I went back to the hotel and just cover for me for like two hours okay?”

  “Fine, but you owe me so hard.”

  I grin and hug her tight. “You are the best. I love your face.” When I get back to Anthony, he holds his hand out for me to grab. I lace my fingers with his and he brings our joined hands to his lips kissing the top of mine, again my heart skips a beat and I smile. He leads me outside to an expensive looking car and helps me in. When I am situated, he shuts the door and walks around to his side. He shuts the door and I am engulfed in his scent. My thighs squeeze together, and I can feel my pussy flutter with anticipation. I can’t believe I am going to do this.

  “How about we skip dinner?” I say feeling brave.

  He runs his fingers up my bare thigh and leans in close.

  “Are you sure, Amore?” I lean forward and kiss him. He growls and takes charge of the kiss. After a few minutes, he pulls back breathing heavily.

  “Yes, I’ve never been so sure about anything.”

  He pulls out of the parking spot and we are on our way.


  Anthony Gallucci

  Two Years Later

  Jesus fuck,
I am going to lose my fucking mind if I have to spend one more minute with this pompous jackass. I knew taking on a new client, especially one so young, was a bad idea and it's not like I needed any more names in my portfolio. I was just trying to do something nice for one of my colleagues. Right now, I'm sitting here wondering why the fuck I even bothered. This little dipshit isn't going to listen to anything I have to say. He is most likely just going to end up fucking himself over and losing it to fast cars and even faster women.

  I had my fair share of one-night stands in my twenties. When I hit thirty, it just didn't do anything for me. I think it’s because in my heart, I have always wanted a wife and children to fill my home. I want what my parents have. A famiglia and I want it with the woman that got away. Charlee, the woman that stole my heart the night she left. She snuck away in the middle of the night after I spent hours learning her body. Kissing and touching every inch of her naked skin. I have been looking for her for two years. Never giving up hope that I’d find her. All I had was her name and a necklace she left behind.

  “Anthony, are you even listening to me, dude? Party at my place to celebrate?” My eye twitches from me holding back my eye roll.

  “Sorry William, I have plans. Maybe some other time.” I say as politely as I can muster.

  “Oh, dude that sucks we could have gotten some really nice bitches to fuck.”

  I'm surprised my tooth doesn't break from grinding it. I really should have just given Bernard a bottle of scotch instead of helping him with his nephew. I put my things in my briefcase and stand.

  “I will see you in a couple of weeks to go over the rest of your assets.”

  “Sure man, see ya then.”

  I finally take a breath of relief when I make it to my car. Thank fuck that is over with. My phone rings when I am pulling out of the underground parking lot. I answer it on the second ring. “Hi, Ma.”

  “Your little sister has lost her mind. She is moving to some little rinky-dink town an hour and a half from home. To open a damn bakery. I thought she would come to her senses, but it's been two weeks and she still hasn't come home,” she practically screeches.

  “Ma, you know she is twenty-two, right? She can have a life,” I say.

  “I don’t give a flying fart how old she is. She is my baby. Now you need to talk some sense into her.” I roll my eyes knowing that I am going to have to go down there. If I don't, Ma will never feed me again and I love her cooking.

  “Okay, Ma I’ll drive down there in the morning, is that good enough?”

  “Good. Now Sunday dinner is at six. If you are late again, I am going to let the twins eat your food,” she says sweetly, even though I know she is dead serious. No one fucks with Ma.

  “Yes, Ma I will be there.”

  “Good. Now call me right after you get done in Kissing Junction.”

  “I will.”

  “I love you, baby boy.”

  “Ma, I’m thirty-four years old. I am hardly a boy.”

  “Anthony Lucio Gallucci, you will always be my baby boy, even when you are fifty. Do you understand me?” I chuckle

  “Yes, Mama, I love you too. I will talk to you tomorrow.”

  No sooner than I hang up, my phone rings again. I automatically know who it is. “What's up fucker?” I say to my little brother.

  “Dude, you took care of Ma, right? Please tell me I don't have to go down there.”

  “I’m going down there. God knows what kind of trouble you two would get up to in that small ass town.”

  I hear Armando in the background. “Fuck off, we are angels.”

  I burst out laughing. “Yeah, real angels.”

  “You coming over tonight? We just made a new beer.” Armando and Alessandro own a brewery and have made some amazing beers. Normally, I would be all for it, but I am exhausted, and I need to get a hold of my PI to see if he has found anything.

  “Sorry I got plans.”

  “Fine, but one of these days you are going to have to introduce us to your plans. You can't keep her a secret for long.”

  Fuck, if only they knew. All I want to do is have Charlee by my side. When I get her, and I will get her, I would gladly show her off to the whole damn world. I am going to put a huge ring on her finger and a baby in her belly so every damn person in the world knows she is mine and only mine.

  “I’ll talk to you fuckers later.”

  I hang up and when I pull into my driveway. I look at the house I had built for her. It’s a two-story old-fashioned white house with blue shutters and a wraparound porch on three acres of land. I have a gated pool so our babies can’t get in without us. I have baby proofed the entire house knowing the minute I find her I am going to knock her up so she can never leave me again.

  I get out of my car and make my way inside. My Ma and sisters decorated it right after it was built, telling me it needed a woman's touch. I go into the kitchen and put leftover spaghetti in the microwave.

  After I am done eating, I call Joe Thomas, my PI, and see how it's going. When he says he thinks we are close, that he believes she is somewhere in Texas, my heart leaps. I am finally going to get my girl. I make my way into the master bathroom and get a quick shower then plop onto my bed.

  I fall asleep dreaming of soft kisses against my skin and Charlee’s voice saying my name.



  I stand looking down at my sweet schmoopy sleeping so peacefully. His first birthday is in just a couple days. I wish more than anything Anthony was here to see his son, but it's not like we exchanged phone numbers and I had to leave in the middle of the night because Mrs. Hagstan was freaking out. It was supposed to be a one-night stand but instead, I left my heart with a man I will never see again.

  At least I have something to always remember him by, my sweet baby boy. We didn't use protection that night and after making love four times it's no wonder I got knocked up. I have never regretted it. I have always wanted a huge family and a home filled with children running around. I don’t think that will ever happen now though. I could never imagine ever letting another man touch my body. The only hands on me I want are his. The only kisses I will ever know are going to be his. He is my everything and if not for AJ, I would swear to God I made him up.

  I sigh and shut the door to AJ’s room. I need to get in the shower before Cameron comes to pick me up. He wants me to meet his girl and lucky for him I love sweets. She owns the only bakery in town, otherwise, I wouldn't go. Don’t get me wrong. I want my brother to be happy, but I can’t help the twinge of jealousy that his love is here and mine is not. I get halfway through my bath when I hear the baby monitor go off. I quickly jump out of the tub and wrap a towel around my body before making my way down the hall. When I open the door, AJ is standing up in his crib.

  “Ma Ma Ma Ma.” I grin and walk over to him.

  “Good Morning, Shmoopy. How are you?” I ask picking him up from his crib and quickly changing his diaper.


  I laugh of course he wants his donut. His uncle has ruined him. “Uncle Cam will be here soon, let's get dressed then watch Story Bots while we wait?” He claps his hands. After he’s dressed, I walk over to the tv and put on his show. I go into the kitchen and grab him some milk and cheerios to tide him over until Cam gets here. He doesn't even look away from the tv when I place them in front of him, he just grabs a cheerio and goes to town. I shake my head and make my way into my room. Everyone is so surprised at how well he talks and walks at his age, but I’m not. He is a little genius.

  I throw on some jeans and a sweater that falls off my shoulder. I already had perky breasts, but after AJ they got huge, so a bra is always needed. My hair is naturally wavy, so I just brush it to the side, and I'm done.

  Cam texts and says he is on his way. When he knocks once before opening the door and coming in AJ runs over to him, well it's more of a waddle really.

  “Damdam Nonuts,” he squeals. Cam laughs and picks him up. Every Friday, we go get
pastries from Peterson’s. It is like a tradition. AJ Loves it and so do I, they have the best blueberry scones in the world. I grab my bag with all of AJ’s things and my wallet.

  “I have to run a few errands after breakfast so I’m going to take my car, but I know AJ wants to ride in your truck, so I’ll follow you.”

  “Nuck. Vroom. Vroom.” I laugh as AJ makes truck noises. Cam chuckles. We leave the house and make it to Tiff’s Treats in record time. When we walk inside my heart stalls as all of the air leaves my body.

  There standing in front of me with another woman in his arms is Anthony.

  My Anthony.

  He pulls away from the woman and looks over when his eyes catch mine. I almost want to cry. He is really here.

  He looks from me to our baby back to me. Does he recognize AJ is his son? Does he even remember me? Oh my God! What if he has no idea who I am? I start to panic, just staring at him.

  “Damdam, nonuts,” AJ demands. I turn away from Anthony and look at AJ.

  “Hold on little man, I want you to meet Tiffani. Can you say, Tiffani?” Cameron asks.

  “Nini.” Oh, thank God. This is Cams girl. I don’t have to kill her

  “Awe. Yes, Tiffani,” she says melting at my son’s words.

  “Nini, nonuts?” When Anthony chuckles, I look up to see him staring at him.

  “Hey, buddy, what's your name?” He asks with a smile.

  “This is AJ and Charlee, my sister, and I'm Cameron Galvington. You are?”

  Anthony looks away from AJ as if he didn’t even realize he was there.


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