Surprising Seduction

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by Walters, Janet Lane;

  “I can think of other and more enjoyable ways of exercising.”

  “I’m sure you can but they’re not on my agenda.”

  “Tee, go,” Jamie yelled.

  Following the child’s appeal for speed, Lauren moved into a trot. Unfortunately Tony kept pace. Lauren stopped at the pond. “No ducks today.” She pushed the stroller up the slight rise and past her car into the garage.

  “Why don’t you move your car so I can park in the garage?” Tony asked. “You’re not using the space. Weather report calls for rain.”

  His request reminded her of the car that would never be parked here again. She blinked a tear away. She had no time for another sob fest. “Stay with Jamie.”

  “Up, up,” Jamie chanted.

  Lauren wanted to laugh at the expression on Tony’s face.

  “You can make the move later,” he said.

  “How are you going to be his guardian if you won’t pick him up?” The question snapped with the anger she felt. She pushed the stroller into the garage, freed Jamie and carried him inside.

  Tony followed. “There will be a nanny for all that stuff.”

  She turned and glared. A dozen comments formed and were dismissed. Though her childhood had ended during her teens when her parents died and Carrie had been a junior in college, she remembered how her parents had cared for her. Lauren had ended in the group home because her sister hadn’t been able to keep her in the college dorm. The group home rules had angered her and she had run.

  Had Tony’s childhood been sterile? She remembered Jim saying their mother had died when they were young.

  She glanced at Tony. “Hugging and kissing are what parents do.”

  He shrugged. “I’m his uncle. Didn’t Jim mention we were raised by nannies?”

  “He said very little to me about your childhood. Wasn’t my business.” Lauren removed her jacket and Jamie’s. She put him on the activity quilt. “Watch him and I’ll move my car.” She handed the baby his favorite toys. “He’ll be content. You won’t need to touch him.”

  “Just a minute,” Tony said. “I want to make sure you don’t run.”

  “And leave Jamie to your care. Never.” As she reached the door of the garage she pulled her keys from the hook. “I’ll be right back.” She escaped before he reached her. She pulled her car from the drive and into the space beside his low black car. Then she dashed back inside.

  "You can move yours now.” She rubbed her arms to ease the chill from going outside without her coat.

  As he left she breathed a sigh of relief. She sat on the floor near Jamie and opened the cloth book he loved. “Cat.” She pointed to the picture. While repeating the word a second time, she ran a finger under the letters.

  “Cat.” Jamie mimicked her action.

  She heard the garage door close and stiffened. Jamie patted the book. She turned the page. “Dog.”

  “Dog,” Jamie said.

  Tony loomed over them. “Isn’t he a bit young for reading?”

  She glanced up and saw the bulge against his zipper. Is that all he ever thought about? “Jim and Carrie read to him every day. I’m following their routine.”

  “You’re joking. I can’t imagine my brother doing anything except patting the boy’s head like our father did.”

  “Wrong.” She turned her attention to her nephew and the book.

  Her words and Jamie’s repetitions continued. Tony slouched on the couch with his legs crossed at the ankles. Lauren knew he watched her like a lion waiting to pounce. What was he planning? Nothing good, she decided.

  The mantle clock struck five times. Lauren rose and lifted Jamie. “Time for dinner, love.”

  “Eat, eat,” he chanted.

  “What about us?” Tony asked. “A bit early isn’t it?”

  Lauren shrugged. “I skipped lunch. You could always go out. There are some great restaurants in town. For me, I’ll heat the chicken barley soup my landlady sent and grill a cheese sandwich.”

  “I’ll join you. Since I’m staying for the weekend, I’ll carry my things to the bedroom. Guess there’s just one bed.”

  She drew a deep breath determined not to let him stir the embers of anger. “You’re right. I’ll change the sheets after I feed Jamie.”

  “Is there a reason? Evidence you want to hide?”

  She fastened Jamie in the highchair. “You’re sick.”

  “Ick, ick,” Jamie chanted.

  “That too.” She kissed the baby’s forehead.

  Tony moved from the couch to a stool at the bar separating the kitchen from the rest of the main floor. His gaze followed her movements. Lauren’s hands clenched. She felt as though she was being stalked.

  “I’ve a proposition.” He leaned his elbows on the marble surface.

  She glanced at him and nearly fell into the lure of his mesmerizing blue eyes. Then she recalled her nephew and this man’s assumption. “And that is?”

  “Move to the city. Stay at my apartment and be my nephew’s nanny.”

  She put a jar of baby food in the bubbling water. “And your mistress?

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Your plans are not mine. I have a life here.”

  “I’m sure you do. I can take you places you’ve never been. Why not take my offer?”

  "And settle for being a nanny when I’m listed in the will as one of Jamie’s guardians.”

  “A position you’ll lose if we go to court.”

  “I’ve heard enough.” She pulled the jar from the pan and quickly set it on the counter. She ran cold water over her stinging fingers. “Unless you plan to feed Jamie, I suggest you move. Better idea. Take your car and return to the city.”

  * * * *

  The chill in her voice puzzled Tony. He had proposed a plan to benefit them all. She wouldn’t have to ply her trade with anyone but him. The baby would have a nanny he loved.

  Tony retreated to the couch so he could watch her and the boy. There had to be a way to seduce her for the weekend. This thought raised expectations and a part of him that throbbed with energy.

  He drew a deep breath. His approach had been bit crude and not his usual manner. Something about her drew him into an urgent need to possess. He needed to slowly reel her in.

  Lauren finished feeding the child and handed him what looked like a hard biscuit. She returned to the small kitchen and ladled soup from a deep bowl into a pan. “Are you eating here or going out?”


  She put two bowls, two plates and two mugs on the counter. After programming the coffeemaker she assembled two sandwiches with several kinds of cheese and placed them in a heated skillet. Once she’d flipped the pair she ladled the soup into the bowls and put the sandwiches on plates.

  Tony carried his food to the dining room table and returned for hers. Lauren pulled the highchair to the end of the table and slid her plate to the side. Tony wished she sat beside him. A woman like her would respond to the touches and he could persuade her to spend the weekend in his arms. With this thought, he slipped off a shoe and stretched until his foot caressed her leg.

  She edged her chair back and attacked her food like a starving prisoner of war at a banquet.

  “Be careful. You might choke.”

  “You,” she snapped.

  “Not my idea of fun. I’m not into choking games.”

  “Neither am I. You’ve said enough. I wish you would take your innuendos and head to the city.”

  “Not without the child.”

  “His name is Jamie or James if you wish to be formal.”

  He could almost see sparks shooting from her hazel eyes. He looked forward to more intimate encounters. “I hear you.”

  She gathered her dishes and carried them to the kitchen. Then she returned for his. The clock chimed six times. She popped a video into the player and sat holding the baby on her lap.

  Nothing he wanted to watch. Children sang and danced to silly songs. Tony went to his car and carried his bags ups

  As he sat on the bed, he uncovered one of the pillows. He sniffed. She had slept here. His suspicions kicked in. He bared the other pillow and smelled laundry detergent and fabric softener.

  All right. He’d been wrong but not completely. He hung his clothes in the walk-in closet before returning to the first floor.

  When the clock struck seven times Lauren lifted the baby some books and a bottle. “Jamie, time for a bath.”

  Jamie chortled. “Ba, ba.”

  “So early?” Tony said.

  “Seven thirty is his bedtime.”

  Yes, he thought. And tomorrow evening she thinks she has a date at eight. She’s in for a big surprise.

  As she walked upstairs, he wondered when she would return. He turned on the TV and surfed the channels. Eight o’clock arrived. At nine he heard the shower upstairs.

  Was she standing beneath the spray? He envisioned her naked body. She ran a soapy cloth over breasts he believed would fit perfectly into his hands. The cloth moved down her belly to wash the area where his throbbing cock wanted entrance.

  Tony stood and started toward the stairs. He could join her and claim what he wanted. The water stopped. He remained at the foot of the stairs. A door closed with a click. The sound came from the nursery. He retreated and slumped on the couch.

  When the clock chimed twelve times, he snapped off the set and walked upstairs. Where was she sleeping? He peered into the master bedroom. Not there. Carefully he cracked the nursery door. In the dim glow from a night light he saw her wrapped in a quilt on the carpet in front of the crib. He closed the door. For an instant guilt flitted like a horse fly. Her choice. She could be in bed with him and she wouldn’t be asleep. He entered the master bedroom and slid beneath the covers.

  The sound of a crying baby woke him. What the hell? He jumped from the bed and looked around the room revealed by the moonlight. He was at Jim’s. Jim and Carrie had been buried that morning. Was something wrong with the child? He padded across the hall and opened the door into the nursery.

  Lauren cradled the infant in her arms. She paced around the room. Tony gulped a breath. Her sleep shirt skimmed the top of her thighs allowing him glimpses of her blue panties. Those were the long legs that years ago had tantalized him for weeks after his return from the wedding. He carefully closed the door and turned away. Now wasn’t the time to act on his fantasies.

  Back in the bedroom he stretched on the side of the bed where she had slept. Her aroma surrounded him. He wanted her. His erection swelled. He groaned, left the bed and slipped into the bathroom. He turned on the shower and stepped beneath the spray.

  With one hand he grasped his cock and pumped. He wove a fantasy of Lauren’s hands wrapping around him. She knelt and took him into her mouth. A growl began. He fought to control the sound. His hand moved faster until he erupted.

  “Lauren,” he whispered. “I want you.”

  He slumped against the shower wall until his breathing slowed. This was insane. He hadn’t jerked off since high school. There’s never been a need. He dried and staggered back to bed. A thought arose. He should have let her change the sheets.

  Chapter Three

  The alarm sounded at six thirty. In her haste to shut off the annoying sound, Lauren rolled over and knocked the clock away. She scrambled after the wobbling object and hit the button. As she got to her feet, she rubbed her hip. Sleeping on the floor wasn’t near as restful as a bed. She checked Jamie. Fortunately, the noise hadn’t roused him. She scurried to the bathroom and locked both doors.

  As she washed her face with cold water, she hoped Tony Carlin would take the hint and leave today. Then, she could claim the bed. She grinned at her reflection.

  Mr. Take Charge was in for a surprise. By taking the call from Ray yesterday and canceling the sitter he would have an experience he wouldn’t forget. Thank heavens she had called to check on the sitter. Instead of eight, Ray would arrive at ten to rescue Jamie from his uncle’s inept care.

  When she returned to the nursery, Jamie had rolled to his stomach and rocked. “Up, Tee, up.”

  “Morning, love.” She put him on the changing table and quickly dressed him for the day. With her books in one arm and her nephew in the other she stepped into the hall and almost collided with a nude and aroused Tony.

  Lord, he was definitely well-endowed. Tingling sensations gathered along her lower abdomen.

  “Move,” he said.

  “Sorry, I forgot the door.” She let him slide past to enter the bathroom from the nursery side. She admired his taut butt and sighed. Not for you. Not this year or next. She continued downstairs.

  After fastening Jamie in the highchair, she checked the fridge to make sure there were enough bottles for the day. A look on the shelves for jars of food made her groan. A trip to the grocery store on the way home from class was necessary. She jotted a list and tucked the paper in her pocket. She mixed cereal and fruit for Jamie. After feeding him she started breakfast for herself. Then, she had to wake Tony to watch Jamie, a chore she dreaded.

  “Why are you up so early?” Tony breathed the words against her nape.

  Think of the devil and he appears. His arms circled her waist and his fingers stroked. She fought a surge of desire. “I’ve places to go.”

  “Be more fun if you stayed here. I could make this a special day.” He touched her breasts and growled. “I was right. They’re a perfect fit.” He pressed his lips against her neck.

  “Enough. You’ll make me burn the toast.” The calmness of her voice surprised her. “Will an omelet and toast be enough for you?” She whipped eggs with a bit of milk and poured the mixture in a skillet.

  Stay cool. There’s nothing you can do about the way you react to him except ignore the sensations.

  He dropped his hands. “I’ll be good while you’re cooking. An omelet sounds great. Now, tell me where you’re going.”

  “I have a class at nine.” She dropped shredded cheese and ham onto the eggs in the pan.

  “A class?”

  “Yes. The sitter’s due at eight so I can give him a rundown of Jamie’s schedule.”

  He groaned.

  She choked back a laugh and reached for a piece of paper. She wouldn’t let him know she’d learned the truth. Would he confess?”

  “Sitter? Male?”

  “Yes, Ray.” She flipped the omelet.

  “Ray, Ray,” Jamie chanted.

  “You can’t leave.”

  “Why not?”

  “I cancelled the sitter.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  He looked away. “I thought he was your date for this evening.”

  “Assumed again.” She pulled the skillet from the fire. “Looks like you’re on duty. I can’t afford to miss another class.”

  “In what?”

  “Occupational Therapy.” She turned back to divide the omelet in two and placed them along with slices of toast on plates.

  “How long before you have your degree?”

  “This semester and two more. Then I’ll have both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree.”

  His expression was priceless. She bit her cheek to keep laughter from erupting. He cut a piece of the omelet. “Could you call the sitter and explain about the misunderstanding.”

  She leaned against the bar. “I’m sure he has other plans.” Like sleeping in. She took a pencil and between bites she made a list. When she finished she pushed it to Tony. “Here’s Jamie’s schedule” She explained each item. “This afternoon he’ll sleep for several hours.” She took four jars from the cupboard. “These two for lunch and the others for dinner.”

  “You’re going to be gone that long.”

  The panic in his voice nearly made her tell him not to worry. She bit her lip. He deserved this and Jamie would be fine until Ray arrived. The time alone with his nephew might change his mind about solo custody.

  “When will you be home?”

  “Class ends around five. I need to stop at the
grocery store for some staples and food for Jamie.” She smiled. “You’ll have time to bond with him.”


  She loaded the dishes in the washer. After slipping on her coat and grabbing her books she bent and kissed Jamie. “See you later, love. Be good for your uncle.”

  “Cool. Cool.”

  Tony caught her hand. “A kiss for me.”

  “Don’t you ever give up?”

  “Never. Be warned.”

  She reached the door. “I’ll try to call around noon to see how you’re doing.” With this she left and ran through a misting rain to her car. As she fastened her seatbelt and started the car she experienced a moment of guilt.

  Should I tell him? No time. He’ll manage for an hour or two.

  * * * *

  Tony stared at the closing door. He wanted to run after her and demand she stay to take care of the baby. He drew deep breaths and walked to where his nephew sat in the highchair.

  Jamie, his name is Jamie. Lauren’s voice echoed in Tony’s thoughts.

  “Tee.” A tear rolled down the child’s face.

  “She’s at school. She’ll be back?” How much did the boy…Jamie understand? Tony studied the chair. How did the thing work?’

  “Up, up,” Jamie called.

  Tony tried to move the tray. Nothing moved. He reached to lift his nephew and found him firmly attached. He bent and studied the contraption. Ah, a lever. He pressed the metal, removed the tray and unfastened the strap. As he lifted Jamie Tony caught a whiff that made him choke. Holding the baby under the child’s arms, Tony carried him to the nursery where he found a table.

  What now? He lay the baby on the table and held him still with a hand. Though he wanted to blame Lauren, he knew this was his fault. He’d assumed. He was an ass. He searched for supplies and found a side rail to keep the squirming child from falling. Now he had two hands for the job.

  On a shelf beneath the padded surface he found diapers and a container with some kind of wipes. Jamie wore jeans but they had no zipper. Was he supposed to pull them off? Then he discovered the snaps down the inside of both legs and opened them. All the while he contended with waving arms and legs. The odor strengthened.


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