Surprising Seduction

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Surprising Seduction Page 7

by Walters, Janet Lane;

  After exiting the elevator Tony opened a door into a small foyer. Lauren parked the stroller inside. She gasped when she saw the view from the large living room window.

  Tony set the bags down. “Welcome to the love nest.”

  “What?” Lauren backed away. Why had she come?

  He winked. “That’s what Jim and I named the place. This was our dad’s home away from home and where he entertained the guests he didn’t bring home. When he died I moved in. It’s close to the office.”

  Had he told her the apartment’s nickname to remind her of why he’d issued an invitation? If so she wanted to leave. Their only connection was shared custody and lust.

  He lifted Jamie and took her arm. “Come and see Jamie’s crib. I even bought a changing table.”

  Lauren exhaled the breath trapped in her lungs. They walked to the guest room where she unpacked Jamie’s bag. She reached for hers.

  Tony shook his head. “You won’t be sleeping here. Come and see what else I bought. There’s a highchair and a play table. It has wheels so he can practice walking.”

  He held the baby in one arm and circled Lauren’s waist with the other. He turned her to face him. The blue of his eyes darkened with desire. Her qualms melted. He bent his head. His lips covered hers. “I’m glad you’re here.” His mouth brushed hers.

  Lauren surrendered to the sizzling sensations. She reveled in the heat infusing her body. Jamie squealed. Tony released her mouth and caressed her hip.

  She met his gaze. “Later.”

  He grinned. “I’m a patient man. Once tiger here is settled I’ll greet you properly.

  Her breasts tightened. Her labia and clit tingled. Regret rose. After tomorrow this couldn’t happen again. Being with Tony threatened her plans for the future.

  Jamie squirmed and fussed. “Eat.”

  Lauren tapped his nose. “Let Auntie see what she can do about that.” She reached for the insulated bag.

  “Kitchen’s this way.” Tony led them along the hall.

  In the kitchen she heated Jamie’s dinner. Tony removed food from the fridge. As she sat to feed Jamie she saw him prepare their meal. The baby ate with gusto. When he finished she wiped his face and put him in the play table. She watched him explore.

  After a time she rose. “How can I help?”

  “Tear greens for a salad. I’ll chop the veggies for the pot roast. Before long he had added celery, onions, potatoes and carrots to the marinated beef he had braised. He put the dish in the oven.

  From the refrigerator he took a platter with cheese and added crackers. He filled two glasses with wine. Lauren pushed Jamie and the play table down the hall to the living room.

  They sipped wine, snacked and watched Jamie’s eager exploration. When the baby yawned, Lauren carried him and a bottle to the guest room. She returned to find Tony had their plates on a table by the large front window.

  While they ate, Tony touched her hand and her thigh. She watched the desire blossom in his eyes. She leaned toward him and stroked his face.

  He rose and pulled her into an embrace. Their mouths touched and his tongue caressed her lips and slid across her teeth to explore her mouth.

  Lauren slid her hands beneath his shirt. She stroked the firm muscles of his back. He growled. She eased away. “Shall we adjourn to a different venue?”

  He laughed. “Law talk. Sounds good.”

  In the bedroom Lauren pulled the box on condoms from her overnight case. “We took risks the last time and were lucky. I doubt that will continue.”

  He kissed her hand. “You are so right.”

  She wondered about the fleeting emotions flashing in his blue eyes. Tony’s rapid undressing distracted her. He was nude and ready. Her breath caught as he opened one of the packets and slid the condom over his penis.

  “Undress woman. Then touch yourself the way you did during the phone call.”

  Lauren reached for the edge of her sweater. She turned her back to him and eased the garment over her head. When she turned she opened her slacks and let them slide to the floor. With care she bent and removed her shoes.

  A hissed breath told her Tony appreciated the deep green bra and bikini bottom. She caressed her breasts and opened the clasp of the bra. After tossing the cloth aside she used one hand to stroke her breasts. The other slid beneath the elastic of the panties and then slid them down. She pulled them free and tossed the silk cloth to Tony.

  He caught them and growled. “To the bed.”

  As she passed him, she ran her hand over his chest. The hair tickled her palms. She lay on the bed against the pillows.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “For you.” And she was.

  He moved to the bed and covered her face with kisses. His mouth slid over her chin to taste and nip her throat. When his mouth closed over one of her breasts, an eagerness for more shot through her. Before she could puzzle the meaning, the exploration moved lower.

  “I need you," She moved and felt his erection brush her labia. “Now, now.”

  With one thrust Tony seated himself. She wrapped her legs around his hips and used her heels to urge him to move faster and harder. The burn began and she moved with him rising toward her climax. The fiery sensations engulfed her. “Tony, Tony.” His name flowed on a breath.

  He roared her name and thrust once more. He covered her body with his. “Woman, you are the best.” He rolled and pulled her atop him.

  Lauren gazed into his eyes. She stroked his face and held back a sigh of regret. Tomorrow she and Jamie were leaving. She planned to tell Tony their affair was over. Sadness crept into her thoughts. No matter how much she would miss him, her decision couldn’t change. Not if she wanted to achieve her goals.

  * * * *

  By Monday evening the box of condoms held fewer than when Lauren arrived. While she packed, Tony played with Jamie. The baby’s laughter brought warm pleasure.

  Lauren carried the cases into the hall. Tony caught her hand. “Stay tonight. Leave in the morning.”

  She shook her head. “My class is at nine. There’s always a quiz and I need to study.”

  He put Jamie on the carpet and drew her into his arms. “Move in with me. I’ll hire a nanny for the days you have class.”

  She met his gaze. What Tony saw caused him to tense and marshal arguments.

  Lauren drew a deep breath. “I can’t. Being here with you would be fun but I would be diverted. Until I finish school that can’t happen.”

  He shuttered his eyes to hide what he knew was there. Would he keep her from her studies? He wasn’t asking for more than enough time to see his hungry need for her end. As long as they lived together he would help cover her expenses. Wouldn’t that be an asset? Especially if the affair lasted until she graduated.

  He released her. Where had thoughts of a lengthy affair arisen? Jamie was the only tie he needed. Still, he wanted Lauren in his bed for as long as his need remained hot. He turned away. Was that fair to her?

  His hands hung at his sides. “You’re right. The time for us to go our separate ways is now. Once I solve the nanny problem I’ll let you know.” Why did the nagging voice in his head disagree?

  “Will you stop visiting Jamie? He does need you?”

  “I’ll come on Saturdays and be gone before you come home from class.” He wouldn’t impose his unwanted company on her but he didn’t understand her reasons. He picked up Jamie. “Get him ready while I take the luggage down.”

  Lauren carried Jamie into the bedroom. Tony put the bags in the opened stroller and lifted a box containing another play table. He rode the elevator and loaded them in the trunk.

  When he returned, Lauren waited in the foyer. He carried Jamie to the car and watched Lauren strap him in the seat. He rubbed Jamie’s head. “Tiger, I’ll see you Saturday.” He turned to Lauren. “Drive carefully.” He resisted the urge tug her into his arms to kiss her until she agreed to stay.

  “I will.” She smiled. “Though our time has ended, I e
njoyed myself.”

  He winked. “So did I. There were many things I wanted to show you that didn’t involve sex.”

  “When Jamie is older you can show him.” She stared into his eyes. “The food was wonderful and so was your company."

  He leaned down and kissed her lightly. “Let the sitter know about Saturday.”

  “I will.”

  “If you change your mind, call.”

  “Cutting the affair short is best. In time we can become friends.”

  “I’ve a suggestion. Come here for Thanksgiving and we can renew our friendship.”

  “I don’t want to prolong matters. By the time I finish school you’ll have moved on.”

  He tapped her nose. “Just consider the idea. Next time the condoms are on me.”

  She strapped herself in and started the car. With a wave she drove off.

  Tony stood at the parking garage exit and watched until the last glimpse of her taillights vanished. He returned to the apartment and stood at the window staring at the night sky. What was wrong with him? She was right to halt the affair. Their lives were too different.

  He groaned. The apartment was no place to raise a child. He’d taken his father’s love nest as his own. That was wrong. There’d never been love here.


  Do not go there.

  He poured brandy into a snifter. What did he want? The answer nearly made him drop the drink. He wanted what he couldn’t have.

  Lauren. Jamie. He could have his nephew but she had rejected further meetings. There had to be a way to change her mind. He wanted what Jim had found.

  Chapter Nine

  As Lauren drove across the bridge both relief and regret filled her thoughts. The affair with Tony had ended. She could concentrate on school and on making a home for Jamie. Would Tony realize his apartment was no place to raise a baby, not with the lifestyle Tony pursued?

  Love nest. The residence had been beautiful. She’d listened to Tony’s ideas of the changes to be made. His suggestions had been tempting but moving in with him brought complications she didn’t have time to face. When he grew tired of her she would face another relocation she couldn’t afford.

  Not to mention another danger. She was close to plunging into love with him. That would disrupt every plan for her future she had made.

  When she pulled into the garage at the condo, Jamie slept. Glad she had dressed him in a sleeper before leaving the city, she opened the strap on the car seat and carried him upstairs. Once she popped him in his crib, she returned to unpack the car. On opening the trunk she found the overnight cases, the stroller and a box containing a play table like the one Jamie had used in the city.

  A tear leaked from her eye. She dashed it with a finger. So a crack in the armor Tony formed around his emotions had happened. This gave her hope for Jamie.

  She carried the bags inside, opened the box and assembled the play table. She sank on the couch and grabbed her notes. Study time. Once again she silently recited her goals. Finish this semester and two more. Find a job and have a life. A sigh escaped. She’d made that goal after Carrie and Jim had helped her change from a runaway to the person she was today. Was it possible to love a man without all the wasted moments and foolishness of falling in love?


  Some time later the door opened and Grace stepped inside. She carried a pastry box with the bakery’s logo embossed. “Great. You’re home. You can try the Thanksgiving specials.”

  Lauren laughed. “Hope you didn’t do turkey and stuffing.”

  “Maybe for a scone or biscuit. But never for my cupcakes. What I have is Pumpkin Pie, Sweet Potato Casserole and Cranberry Sauce.” She opened the box and started coffee. “Business was great today. The clerk you talked me into hiring convinced people to order these for Thanksgiving. How was your visit?”

  "Interesting. I think he really likes Jamie.” She pointed to the play table. “Bought two of these, a crib, changing table and highchair.” Lauren moved to the bar.

  “And? There is surely more.”

  “He cooked. Fabulous food. The apartment is a penthouse he inherited from his father. View is wonderful, Calls it the love nest.”

  “Was it?”

  “More like lust.” Lauren rubbed her temples. “I told him we couldn’t do these meets again. We need to be just Jamie’s guardians.”

  “How did he take that?”

  Lauren shrugged. “Accepted. I think. At least he didn’t argue.”

  “Are you sure there’s no future with him?”

  “Not for me until I finish school and have a job. By that time he’ll have gone through a dozen women.”

  Grace reached for the carafe. “You could be making a mistake. He could support you until you graduate.”

  “Not going to happen. I’ve no time for emotional entanglements.” She reached for a mug. “I’m ready to taste test.”

  Grace pushed the box across the counter. Lauren tasted the first cupcake. She inhaled the spicy aroma. “Smells just like pumpkin pie. Tastes that way, too” She set that one aside and sipped coffee before reaching the one with toasted marshmallow and a drizzle of caramel icing. She took a bite and laughed. “Terrific.” She drank more coffee and took the third one from the box. She bit into the cake. “You’ll sell dozens of these.”


  The mantle clock chimed ten times. Lauren rose. “Time for bed. I can give you a couple of hours tomorrow afternoon and most of Wednesday as long as I can bring Jamie.”

  On Friday morning Tony called to let her know he would definitely come on Saturday. Hearing his voice brought a rush of longing she didn’t want to feel. “I’ll let Ray know. He’s anxious to talk to you. This week he’s considering a career in law.”

  “Only this week.”

  “Since I’ve known him I’ve heard of three other choices.”

  Tony chuckled. “How is our boy?”

  Lauren swallowed. Jamie was theirs for now. “He’ll be cruising soon, thanks to the play table. Walks if you hold his hands. I need to shop for shoes.”

  “Leave the car seat so I can use it until I buy one. Ray and I can take him shopping Saturday.”

  “In your car. Impossible to fit three and babies must sit in the back seat.”

  “I know that so I’ve added a sedan to my stable.”

  “Then I’ll leave the seat. Need to study, Major tests today. Bye.”


  For the next two weeks Lauren concentrated on Jamie, school and helping Grace at the shop. Mid-term exams ended and she worked toward finals. On Saturday when she came home from class Ray talked about Tony’s visit. She shook her head. The man had bought Jamie three pair of shoes. One was a set of designer’s sneakers. He had also purchased more toys.

  She sat on the floor and rolled a ball to Jamie. “He’s going to be spoiled."

  Ray laughed. “You should see Mr. Carlin play with him. Did you know he even comes on Sunday?”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Not a bit.”

  “You mean he drives back and forth twice every weekend?”

  Ray shook his head. “I think he stays at a motel. Did you know he used to live around here?”

  This news surprised her. What about his social schedule? Though his attitude toward his nephew had changed she couldn’t believe he would give up weekends at the ‘love nest.” Ray must have misunderstood.

  “Has he said anything about the nanny search?”

  “Said he had an idea that could solve the problem.” Ray turned away. “Just to let you know. I’m going home for Thanksgiving. Will that mess your schedule?”

  “No classes from Thursday to Tuesday. Hope you have a good visit.”

  “I should. Especially since I haven’t asked them for money since all this baby-sitting began.” He strode to the door.

  Lauren’s thoughts focused on Tony. What was he doing for the holiday? Should she call and ask? She dragged her attention from him and grabbed he
r notes. One class left until the break.

  When Grace arrived, Lauren told her about Tony. “What could he be planning?”

  Grace shrugged. “He came to the bakery on Sunday afternoon and ordered four of each of the Thanksgiving flavors. Seems he’s having some kind of dinner.”

  “That’s nice.” Lauren moved toward the kitchen. “I guess he’s making a special trip for them.”

  Grace shrugged. “I didn’t ask.”

  “What are you doing for the holiday? Should we cook? I’ll do the shopping.”

  “I’m spending the day at the group home helping with the meal. You and Jamie could come.”

  Lauren’s laughter barked. “You’ve a great imagination. The Paterns would have heart attacks. You have no idea how nasty they were when I stopped by and asked for your phone number.”

  “That was several years ago. I’ll ask.”

  “Don’t bother. I’ll order a meal from the grocery store.”

  Grace made a face. “I’ll bring home a plate for you.”


  Lauren grabbed her book and finished planning for class.

  The next afternoon she sat at the bar and fed Jamie. The phone rang. She lifted the receiver. When Tony’s deep voice spoke her name she nearly dropped the phone.

  “Want to speak to Jamie?” she asked.

  “In a bit. On Thanksgiving I want you to bring him to see me.”

  She popped another bite into Jamie’s mouth. “You want me to come to the city and end up snarled in the parade traffic?”

  “Not to the apartment. Here’s the address.”

  She put the spoon in the jar and grabbed a pencil. She frowned. The address wasn’t far. Was it a motel? At least it wasn’t in the city. “What time.”

  “Say around three thirty.”

  “He’ll be there. Jamie, talk to your uncle.” She held the phone to his ear.

  “Cool, Cool.” Jamie chattered on. Some of the words made sense.

  When he tried to chew on the receiver, she pulled it away. “Sorry to cut this short but he’s hungry enough to eat the phone.”


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