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Surprising Seduction

Page 8

by Walters, Janet Lane;

  “Ciao. See you Thursday.”

  Lauren hung up and began to feed Jamie. She would stay for long enough to hand Jamie over and learn when she should return for him. She sighed. Time to call and order a Thanksgiving dinner for one. The thought made tears rise.

  He hadn’t asked her if she would stay. For some reason that added a touch of anger to her tears.

  Stop it.

  She’d been the one to demand no more meetings. She had no right to feel any emotions about Tony.

  * * * *

  On Thursday afternoon Tony laughed and stowed the boxes of condoms he had brought from the city. The shelf in the master bathroom of the house he’d recently purchased would hold enough to last for nearly a year. Could he convince Lauren to share the house? Amazing how the offer of cash had expedited the sale.

  Jamie’s fault. The morning after Lauren had ended their hot affair he’d decided something had to change. Tony Carlin’s way of life needed a new direction. He’d done the impossible, grabbed the luge and slid down the mountain into love. There had been no women, no flirtations since Lauren drove away. Though he had honored her decision he had sought a way to show her there was a chance for them and Jamie to live in a warm and loving home. Sometimes the decision scared him but he had to try.

  He shoved the last box on the shelf and clattered down the rear steps into the kitchen. He inhaled the savory aroma of Thanksgiving. A glance at the clock told him Lauren and Jamie should be there. Would she stay? Perhaps she and her housemate had plans. Was there a way to convince her to remain?

  He basted the turkey and removed some of the broth to be used for gravy. He made the sauce for the sweet potatoes and peeled the white potatoes. Once she arrived he would show her the house. Then he would finish dinner.

  Quarter to four arrived. She wasn’t here. Just as he reached for his keys to drive to the condo for her and Jamie, the doorbell rang. He hurried to the foyer and opened the door. “Welcome to my house.”

  “Cool, Cool,” Jamie called.

  “Sorry we’re late. He overslept.” Lauren held the baby to Tony. “I’ll bring his things. What time do you want me to return for him?”

  Tony settled his nephew in one arm and grasped her hand. “Stay.”


  “I sold the city apartment and bought this house.”

  She pulled her hand free. “Congrats. Hope your guests enjoy a baby.”

  “Don’t leave. You and Jamie are my only guests.”

  “What?” Tears shone in her eyes.

  He groaned. What a mess he was making. “I was afraid if I asked you, you would say no.”

  “Why did you buy a dozen cupcakes?”

  He laughed. “Buying six made me feel cheap. Besides, I had to try one of each. I decided they were great so I dropped three off with the editor of Good Cookin’. Her brothers are friends and her husband owns Five Cuisines. Thought she might be interested in your friend’s shop.”

  “That was nice.”

  “I have my moments. Let me take your coat. I hope you don’t have plans.”

  She shook her head. “Just curling up with a dinner from one of the grocery stores.” She stepped inside and removed her coat.

  Tony closed the door. He considered turning the lock to keep her from escaping. He handed Jamie to her. “You can do his coat.” He put hers in the hall closet and added Jamie’s. He led her to the living room.

  Lauren put Jamie in the play table. They lit the fire in the fireplace. “Wine, beer, a mixed drink.”

  “Just water for now.”

  “Coming up.” He left the room and halted in the kitchen. One hurdle down. Probably a dozen to go. He carried water for her and the rest of his drink.

  “Something smells good,” she said.

  “Won’t be ready until around five. I hope you’ve brought an appetite.”

  “I did. Wasn’t really hungry at noon.” She sipped her water.

  “Where’s your friend? With family?”

  “Sort of. She’s an orphan but she went to help at the group home and share the day with them.”

  Tony met her gaze. “The place you ran away from?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Guess you wouldn’t be welcome there.”

  “You’re absolutely right.”

  “Let me show you the house.” He rose.

  “What about Jamie?”

  “He seems content. If he cries we’ll hear him.” He flipped a button. “I made sure I had the place wired for monitors. We can start upstairs.”

  “Up, Up,” Jamie called.

  Lauren laughed. “Guess he’s coming along.”

  “Looks that way.” Tony rescued his nephew. He revised his tour of the house saving the surprise he planned for Lauren until later. And remembering how she’d once turned down sex because of the baby, that was probably the right choice. Now if Jamie would fall asleep after dinner he could be back on schedule.

  “Tee, Tee.”

  Lauren took him and followed Tony up the stairs to the second floor.

  Tony pointed to the left. “Master suite is there. Three guest rooms and the nursery on this hall. “Bath shared between each pair.” He opened the door into an empty room and walked to the one nearest the master bedroom. “Here’s the nursery. He ushered Lauren inside.

  Lauren paused. “Jamie, look. The animals from the book.”

  Tony watched as she carried Jamie closer to the murals. She pointed to one.

  “Cat,” Jamie said.

  She turned. “That’s his new trick. Have you found a nanny yet?”

  “No luck there. Maybe moving here will help or I can find other students like Ray.” He caught her hand.

  “I have a list."

  Tony drew her to the door. “There’s an apartment on the third floor. Might be a solution.”

  She nodded. “Could be.”

  Tony paused near the back stairs. “We’ll finish the tour up here later. I need to check our dinner.” As he led the way down he hoped she would stay the night.

  Chapter Ten

  The aroma of the spices from the baking turkey made Lauren remember she hadn’t eaten lunch. Her entire being had been focused on the meeting with Tony and fearing what she would find. His guests, probably one of his flavors of the day would sneer at her. A smile curved her lips. She had assumed and had been wrong. Ass. Her stomach gurgled.

  Tony pulled a tray from the microwave and set it on the table. The aromas rising from the small pastries made her want to grab a handful and shove them in her mouth. “What are they?”

  He pointed to each section. “Cheese, crab and shrimp puffs. Don’t eat too many. Dinner will be ready around five. Do you think Jamie can eat any of the turkey?”

  “If we chop it fine. I’ve been giving him some table food.” She selected one of the appetizers and took a bite. “These are delicious.”

  “What kind of vegetable can he eat?”

  Lauren handed Jamie to him. “Not sure he’s ready for one that isn’t pureed. I have a bag in the car with bottles and food. Let me get them.” She took a second puff, a crab one this time.

  “Don’t be too long.”

  Savoring the flavor of the pastry, Lauren hurried to the hall for her coat. As she ran to the car, she wondered what Tony planned. Since he had a house would he want full custody of Jamie? No way would she let that happen.

  Tony’s presence in her area made maintaining her distance hard. Why had she accepted his invitation to stay? Her body thrummed with a yearning to experience what she couldn’t afford to accept.

  She grasped the insulated bag and returned to the house. Should she consider her reasons for the vow she’d made four years ago? No men until she could support herself. Did Tony want anything beyond sex? Doubtful.

  In the kitchen she stored the bottles in the large fridge. She set a jar of peas on the central work station. “This kitchen is amazing.” She tasted another puff.

  Tony turned his head. “I like
to cook so having every appliance I can imagine is a plus. Makes the kitchen at the apartment seem meager.”

  “Meager. What about the condo one?”

  He laughed. “Definitely not a cook’s delight.”

  “How did you manage to find everything and have it installed?”

  “Friends helped.” He popped an appetizer into his mouth. “While I’m waiting for the potatoes to cook, let me show you the rest of the first floor.”

  She followed him into an empty dining room. “You have a bit of shopping to do.”

  “I know.” His smile warmed her. He showed her his office and an identical room next door. “There’s a rec room in the basement. Have my television down there. You might like to go down…later.”

  “What had he been about to say? Later, when? She took Jamie and fastened him in the highchair.

  Tony tested the potatoes. “Almost done.” He filled a saucepan with water. “To heat the peas.” He pointed to a divided dish with four compartments. “You can fill the well with hot water to keep the food warm.”

  “What can I do to help?”

  “Set the table.” He pointed to a cabinet. “Dishes there and silverware in the drawer below.” He removed the turkey from the oven and set it on the counter. After scooping stuffing into a bowl he pushed a button on the far side of the center island. “Warming station.”

  Lauren finished setting the table. She filled the divided dish with hot water. Peas went into one compartment. Tony handed her a slice of turkey. After dicing the meat she added this to the dish, scooped mashed potatoes and mashed some candied yams into the other sections. She added a spoonful of gravy to the turkey.

  Jamie banged the highchair. “Tee. Eat.”


  She carried the plate to the table and tested the temperature of the various foods before feeding him several bites. Tony filled two plates. Lauren alternated bites for Jamie with ones for herself. Tony filled their glasses with white wine. Lauren tasted and sighed. Smooth. She wondered how much a bottle cost.

  Before long Jamie refused another bite. She gave him his cup with milk from one of the bottles. She concentrated on the food resisting the desire to moan with pleasure. “This is so good. I wish I could cook.”

  “I could give you lessons,” Tony said.

  “I might accept but finding time will be hard for both of us. I’ve my studies and you’ve added a long commute to your days.”

  “I can cut back on my hours and not control every case coming into the office.”

  “Can you?”

  “I’m going to try.”

  Lauren finished the last bite of potatoes. Was becoming Jamie’s guardian responsible for the change? “I’m stuffed.”

  “Guess you don’t want dessert?”

  She laughed. “Give me an hour.”

  “You’ve got it.” He winked. “Why don’t you take Jamie to the living room while I finish here?”

  She looked at the bowls on the table and the large amount of turkey remaining. “You’ll be eating leftovers for a week.”

  “I’ve some interesting recipes calling for leftovers I want to try and I plan to send some home with you.”

  “I’d like that.” She rose and lifted Jamie. Not willing to waste a drop, she took the partly filled glass of wine with her. In the living room she put the baby in the play table.

  A short time later Tony came for her empty glass. He pressed a button. Music poured from hidden speakers. Another button started the gas fireplace. “Be back soon.”

  Lauren sank on the couch. For a time she watched Jamie explore the toys built into the table. Her eyes closed and she tried to sort through her jumbled thoughts. Tony had changed and so had she. What did it mean? She swallowed. Knowledge flooded her thoughts. She had fallen in love with him. What was she going to do? Though he cared for Jamie, she figured his tryst with domesticity was temporary. Before long, he would return to the playboy life.

  The clatter of a plate on the coffee table made her jerk. Tony held a carafe, and two mugs. A plate with two cupcakes sat on the table. He slid on the couch beside her.

  Lauren laughed. She picked up one of the cupcakes. “You’re evil. I’ll take some coffee.”

  He poured a cup and slid it in front of her. He lifted his own cupcake and licked the icing. “How does she get this to taste like whipped cream?”

  Lauren shook her head. “How would I know? I don’t cook.” She looked away and prayed he wouldn’t see what she was sure her eyes gave away.

  He bit the pastry. “This really does taste like pumpkin pie.”

  “Grace is good.”

  He nodded. “What does she plan to do for Christmas?”

  “She’s mentioned gingerbread and candy cane. I really hope the store succeeds.”

  “How long have you known her?” He sipped coffee.

  “Met her at the group home. We shared a room and she was my only friend there. I hated the place. She adapted. When I ran away we lost touch. I returned here for college and looked her up.”

  “Up, up,” Jamie called.

  Tony lifted him from the play table and set him on the carpet. Jamie crawled to the coffee table and pulled himself to his feet. He released his hold on the edge and took a step and then a second before landing on his rump.

  Lauren clapped her hands. “He’s walking.” She sat on the rug and lifted him to his feet. “Tony, sit across from us and hold out your hands.”

  Tony followed her directions. This time the small boy took three steps before sitting down. “Tiger, you’re great.”

  “Gr, gr.” Jamie clapped his hands.

  For a time, they coaxed him to walk from one to the other. The last time he sat, he rolled over and sprawled on the carpet.

  Lauren rose. “Looks like I’d better take him home.”

  Tony lifted Jamie and held him against his chest. “Why? There’s a perfectly good nursery upstairs. There are even diapers, and sleepers.”

  Lauren looked away. “I should go.”

  He caught her hand. “We need to talk about the changes.”

  She swallowed. Was he going to push for full custody? Was there more to his relocation than she knew? Was this the time to take a chance and discover if Tony’s changes were more than surface ones? “All right. To the nursery.”

  He smiled and walked beside her to the stairs. “I’m glad you’re staying.”

  “Bottle,” she said,

  “Do you really think he needs one?”

  “If he wakes when I change him, he will.”

  Tony detoured to the kitchen. She took the part bottle and followed him up to the nursery. There, she changed Jamie for the night and fed him the rest of the bottle.

  On their way out of the room, Tony flipped a switch. “We can hear him no matter where we are.”

  Lauren turned toward the back stairs. “I know you want to talk about the custody issues but I’m not ready. I’ll go home. You can call me when he wakes and I’ll come for him. It’s just ten minutes away.”

  Tony grasped her shoulders. “Don’t go yet. There’s something I want to show you.”

  He stood so close she smelled his after shave and that special aroma that was his alone. She nodded and let him lead her down the hall where he opened a door and ushered her inside.

  Lauren frowned. A bathroom? Why? The Jacuzzi looked tempting and the large shower reminded her of another night, puzzlement produced a frown. He opened the linen closet. She stared and laughed when she saw the row of boxes. “What on earth?”

  “Remember. ‘The next time the condoms are on me.’” He put his arms around her waist and snuggled her closer. Through her jeans she felt his erection. “I think there should be enough,” he added.

  She turned to face him. “Dear lord, what are you planning? An orgy?”

  He tilted her chin and kissed her lightly. The touch of his lips brought every ounce of desire to the surface.

  “For now and later.” He reached around her and sna
gged one of the boxes. “Will you?”

  Her forehead wrinkled. What did he mean?

  * * * *

  Tony hoped he wouldn’t blow his chances to win her the way he had in the city. Of course on that day he hadn’t known he wanted her forever. He put the box of condoms on the bedside table and fought the urge to rush. He drew a deep breath. “I want and need you in my life.”

  Her eyes widened. “But—“

  He brushed another light kiss on her lips. “Let me tell you how I feel. I want to help you achieve your goals. I want you to finish your education and find a job.” He pointed to the box on the table. “This will help insure there won’t be a baby other than Jamie until you’re ready. Marry me.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes. “Why?”

  Though he wanted to pull her close he wanted her to see his expression. He stroked her cheek. “I want what Jim had with Carrie, not my father’s way of life. Help me make a home for Jamie. Teach me how to love.”

  For a time she searched his face. His heart thudded hard enough to shatter his ribs.

  She reached her hands to touch his chest. “Yes.”

  He caught her in a tight embrace. He rained kisses over her face. “Soon.”

  She nodded. “During the Christmas Break.”

  Tony laughed. “Time to seal the bargain.”

  “With a handshake?”

  “Full body contact.” He lifted her into his arms and carried her toward the bed. At the side he slid her to her feet.

  Lauren set her hands on his shoulders and pressed her lips to his. His tongue flowed into her mouth. While he explored her tongue with his, his hands roamed down her back. The promise and the kiss urged him to rush. Not this time. He wanted perfection. Her fingers stroked his nape. She leaned into the kiss.

  Tony groaned. This slow approach wasn’t working. He broke the kiss.

  Lauren met his gaze. “Something wrong.”

  “Just everything’s right. My head wants slow and my body wants fast.”

  “I like fast.” She pulled her sweater over her head and opened her bra to let her breasts fall free. “Your turn.”

  Tony removed his shirt. She brushed her hands over his chest. Her tongue flicked the spot on his neck that drove him wild. He growled. “I waited for years.”


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