Rocor (Dragons of Kratak Book 5)

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Rocor (Dragons of Kratak Book 5) Page 6

by Ruth Anne Scott

  To her amazement, he didn’t attack her this way, either. He stood back, and his gentle circling hands warmed her hips and ass. He softened them the way he prepared the rest of her. He massaged down her thighs, over her hips to her waist, and back down. He traced his fingertips down her cum-spattered legs to tickle her insides.

  He murmured under his breath. “Do you want this? Show me. Show me how you want it.”

  She stared straight ahead of her into the dark. How could she show him when she didn’t want it? Somehow, her mind grasped the ultimate reality. She did want it. She wanted this as much as everything else. This was no humiliation. He did it because she wanted it. He did it all because she wanted it. He wouldn’t do any of it if she didn’t want it.

  His domination only opened her up to her own desires. His domination gave her permission to feel that explosive passion she never let herself admit she had. His ownership and his commanding orders brought her to life in ways nothing else could.

  He kept breathing into her from behind. “Show me. Show me how you want it.”

  How did she want it? She wanted it, but she never had it like that before. How was she supposed to know what to do? She closed her eyes and let her body guide her. His hands on her hips showed her how to show him.

  She crawled onto the bed. She swayed her hips back and forth under his touch. Her spine rippled. She curved her body in luscious heaving waves. She threw back her head and sobbed for him. God, she wanted him so bad! Did he want her?

  Something hot and hard touched her back. He growled low, and his mouth closed over her ribs. He took a big mouthful of her skin in wet, hard bites. He gobbled down her spine to her hip. She cried out again and again at the intensity of sensation cascading over her.

  He bit down her back to her ass. He took one last torturous tooth full of her choice back side before he rose up on his knees behind her.

  She didn’t have to look back to see what he was about to do. His fingers sank into her voluptuous flesh. His huge presence towered over her from behind. She wanted this. She showed him what she wanted, and now he would give it to her.

  She didn’t see or understand how he got his clothes off. Maybe he didn’t get them off at all. Maybe he took her fully clothed. She didn’t care. None of that mattered. Nothing mattered but that thicker something working between her pussy lips.

  She moaned all the louder, but she had to keep still for it. She had to open herself to invite him in. She had to get him inside, where he belonged. She longed for this. She prayed for this. She dreamed of this and saw it in her visions. Now it was happening.

  She rejoiced in anticipation, but when that devil thing cracked her in half, she screamed louder than she ever screamed in her life. What in the name of all that’s holy was that thing? How could he be a man with a cock like that?

  Nothing in her life prepared her for this moment. He screwed it all the way in before he stopped. He drilled her in half, but when he found her limit, he paused. She screeched and howled. She writhed and contorted in agony, but he just knelt there, unmoving, until she spent her rising energy on his shaft.

  He ran his hands up and down her waist. He breathed through his nose and purred. “Mmm. Yes. Oh, yes.”

  She shrieked louder than ever. Why didn’t he move? Why didn’t he do something? How could he torment her like this? He went to all the trouble of getting her like this, and now he wouldn’t do it.

  She couldn’t stand it any longer. She hurled herself back against him. She kicked out her hands and knees to pulverize herself on that blistering spike. Her ass struck his hips, and her whole being rocked to its foundations.

  He still didn’t move. She thundered against him again and again. The horrendous penetrations excited her channel more than ever. The earth-shattering thickness filling her up sent her spiraling into climactic completion. She screeched and moaned. She twisted and convulsed, but he never moved.

  He leaned back and pushed his hips forward into her crushing thrusts. “That’s it. Harder. Harder.”

  So, this was what he wanted. He wanted her to do it herself. He wanted her to show him? She would show him, all right. She would show him how much she wanted it, how hard she wanted it. She slammed against him harder than ever. She destroyed herself on that terrible cock.

  He let go of her hips. He set his hands behind his back. His sweat stung her wet skin, but she wouldn’t stop. She would never stop. Every shivering blow hit her hard in her deepest places. Every stroke into her cunt pumped her full of white-hot bliss.

  Her mind and soul screamed inside her head. Yes! Yes! Yes! Her juices squirted around his shaft. Her ass caved apart, and the wetness splashed her ass and dribbled down her thighs. Would it ever stop? Would she ever be satisfied with that prick inside her?

  She wept and bleated out loud. She needed this. She hungered for it. She would never stop wanting this forever. Did she really think she could live without this?

  She couldn’t keep it up forever, though. Her knees gave out under the pressure. Her joints dissolved in rapture. She couldn’t keep forcing herself back against him without rest. She started to slow down, but he wasn’t even getting started yet.

  The moment she slackened her pace, he brought his hands around to seize her hips once again. He took up the rhythm she let go, but she couldn’t hold herself up. She fell forward on her chest and buried her face in the coverlet.

  His pounding strokes drove her knees apart until her whole body hit the bed. He rode her down onto her face, and his iron frame crushed on top of her. His prick still pulsed inside her.

  He caught her around the chest with one huge arm. He pulled her back against him, and his muscled power drove her down on his throbbing cock. She could only arch her back into those hammering strikes.

  His thickness still blew her into heaven on one climax after another. He pressed his bared teeth against her ear and roared into her brain. His grunting breath matched her screaming cries. His hips forced her ass up while his arm crushed her down. “Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.”

  Could she really stand this? Could she really live with this? Before those questions even formed in her mind, he weaseled his other hand down her stomach. He stabbed his fingers between her hips and the bed until he found her swollen clit. He flicked it with his fingers while his cock impaled her from inside.

  She couldn’t stand this anymore. She couldn’t live in a body so full of sensations and emotions and stars going supernova before her eyes. She floated free. Her constant peaking orgasms filled her sails to elevate her into space.

  She soared over the bed and out the window. She flew on wings of pure joy over the night landscape outside. The frosty stars lighted the planet far below her. She glided beyond the mountains where her friends struggled with such insignificant concerns. None of that interested her anymore. She existed somewhere beyond humanity. She became spirit and essence, without a body or a heart or anything connected with the ground.

  She drifted far away, far beyond the Allies to different galaxies. She became star dust and sunlight. She became space fragments and electrons rotating in a world of energy. She became nothing, nothing but joy.

  10. Chapter 9

  Jasmine pinned another leaf sample into her notebook and jotted down some sketches of the forested mountains and valleys outside the window. Sophia’s voice interrupted from behind her. “What do you make of the construction of this Keep, Jasmine?”

  Jasmine turned around to see the archaeologist studying the corner of the central hall with a magnifying glass. “It’s pretty impressive. That’s all I can say. I still can’t figure out how they did it with their primitive technology.”

  Sophia bent closer and squinted one eye half-shut. “You can see the chisel marks in the stones. Whoever built this Keep did it by hand. I wish I could get one of them to tell me how they did it.”

  “Have you asked?” Jasmine asked. “That shouldn’t be too secret for them.”

  “I have asked. I asked Freya. She
says no one who built the Keeps is still alive, and the family archives don’t include anything about how they did it. It happened so long ago, nobody seems to keep track of that stuff.”

  “Dana is down in the archive room with Freya now,” Jasmine remarked. “Maybe we should go check on her progress. If she knows you’re interested, she can keep an eye out for any reference to the Keep’s construction.”

  The two women left the hall. They went down one of the myriad passages to a high, small room. There they found Dana buried under piles of papers, hand bound books, and sheaves of yellowing documents. Dana read half a page before scribbling notes in her notebook. She didn’t look up when the women entered.

  Freya emerged from between rickety wooden shelves stacked with more papers. “Did you find the samples you were looking for?”

  “Yes, I did,” Jasmine replied. “Thank you for your help.”

  “Anytime. Just let me know what you want, and I can help you find it.”

  “Sophia wants to find some reference to the Keep’s construction. We’ve never seen anything like it—at least, we’ve never seen anything like it done with your level of technology. There must be something in this room to give us a clue how your ancestors did it.”

  “I don’t think so,” Freya replied. “I’ve been through most of the documents in this room and have never seen anything, but I’ll ask my mother and father the next time I get a chance. It does seem odd that no one left a record of it.”

  “So, none of your people have any idea how your ancestors built these Keeps?” Jasmine asked. “Did they find the mountains already hollowed out? Did Krataks hollow them out, one bowl scoop at a time?”

  Freya laughed. “It does seem unlikely, doesn’t it? We’ll keep searching until we find something. How are the rest of your team getting along?”

  “I have no idea what Rex is doing, if he’s not making more trouble for everybody,” Jasmine grumbled. “I’m going to see Dr. Simons after this.”

  Freya’s eyes popped open. “I know! We’ll ask Gao. He knows more about the archives than everybody.”

  Jasmine frowned. “Gao? I thought he was too injured to get out of bed.”

  “That was days ago,” Freya replied. “He’s fine now. He’s down in the armory now.”

  Jasmine brightened up. “Oh, good. I want to see the armory, too.”

  Freya frowned. “Actually, I was planning to go down there while you visit Dr. Simons.”

  Jasmine stiffened. “Why can’t I go down to the armory? No one will tell me anything about your battle plan against the Ulasso.”

  Freya turned away. “You don’t want to know about that. Your studies here are much more important.”

  “I’ll be the one to decide what I want to know,” Jasmine shot back. “We’re supposed to study everything about your people. I could understand why you wouldn’t want Rex or someone like that seeing your armaments, but why not me? Don’t you trust me?”

  Freya smiled. “You’re just as much a representative of the Allies as Rex is, maybe more so. He has never asked to see our armaments. You’ve insisted on it from the moment you entered our Keep. What are we supposed to think?”

  “I thought I made it clear I’m on your side. I’ve been warning you nonstop about the Allies, but no one seems to believe me.”

  “We believe you,” Freya replied. “However dangerous you think the Allies are, the Ulasso are much more dangerous. We’ve fought countless wars against them. We can’t let them defeat us in another one. They would overrun us in seconds.”

  “What do you think the Allies are going to do?”

  Freya only shook her head, and Jasmine turned away to find both Sophia and Dana staring at her.

  Freya patted Jasmine on the shoulder. “You go find Dr. Simons while I go down to the armory to talk to Gao. I’ll meet you back here in a little while. In the meantime, don’t say anything to anybody about seeing our armaments. Don’t stick your nose into this Ulasso business. You’re only making people uncomfortable.”

  Freya walked out of the room. Jasmine faced her friends. Dana bent her head over her papers. “Nice try. Better luck next time.”

  “I don’t see what the big deal is,” Jasmine snapped.

  “They must have some secret they don’t want us to know about,” Sophia observed.

  “Of course, they have some secret,” Jasmine growled. “Knowing that only makes me want to find out what it is.”

  “They won’t tell you,” Sophia remarked, “and you’ll only alienate them by pushing for it. I would drop it if I was you.”

  Jasmine smacked her lips. Sophia was right. That’s what annoyed her more than anything. She couldn’t drop it. The Assans opened their Keep to the team to study every detail of their lives—but not this.

  Sophia guided her to the door. “Go talk to Ron and see what he’s up to. By the time you get back, Freya may know something.”

  “She’ll know something about the construction,” Jasmine muttered. “She won’t tell me what I really want to know.”

  Dana spoke up from her desk. “They won’t tell us anything about the tapestries, either. I’ve asked everyone I meet. They won’t explain what the images mean. Have you noticed how some of the pictures seem to show people turning into animals and back again? You’d think they were showing something about the native population. Every time I ask Freya about it, she changes the subject. The men won’t talk to me at all.”

  Jasmine frowned. “That’s strange.”

  “Strange doesn’t cover it,” Dana went on. “There images are everywhere. They’re in the Krataks’ clothes, in the men’s medallions, all over the walls. They must be something important. How are we supposed to understand these people if we don’t understand their most basic artistic images?”

  “I wish I could explain it,” Jasmine replied. “You see the same designs in the Krataks’ skin. Have you noticed?”

  Dana and Sophia nodded.

  “I wonder, we didn’t notice the patterns on Fawks,” Jasmine went on. “Even if the patterns were white, we should have noticed that.”

  “That only means the patterns are more important than ever,” Dana pointed out. “It means these images we keep seeing in clothes and art really are depicting the Krataks themselves. Whatever else we do, we have to find out what they mean.”

  “Maybe Ron can tell us,” Sophia suggested. “He’s a doctor. If anybody can understand these patterns, it’s him.”

  “I don’t see how anybody can understand them,” Jasmine replied, “but I’ll ask him. You two stay here in case Freya comes back.”

  She hurried away to talk to Ron. She went all the way back to the passage containing the teams’ bedrooms. She found the Simons family in their room with the door standing open. Charlotte and Leona reclined on the bed, reading books. Abigail discussed a mathematical textbook with Jane in one corner.

  Ron smiled up at her from writing in his notebook when Jasmine knocked on the door jamb. Abigail dropped what she was doing and hurried toward her. “Aren’t these Krataks fascinating, Jasmine? Have you ever seen anything like them before? How do you think they got so tall and strong? I’ve never seen men so big. They seem to be bursting with spirit and energy and lust for life. I was telling the girls last night that must be why they get into so many conflicts with each other.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Jasmine returned. “We get into a lot of conflicts with each other, too, and we’re not as vibrant or as big as they are.”

  Abigail waved those comments away. “Yes, but these Krataks are such a primitive people. Don’t you wonder how they developed a male-dominated society? It seems so contrary to everything we know.”

  “It seems perfectly natural to them,” Jasmine murmured.

  “I want to ask them about it,” Abigail gushed. “I want to find out exactly what happened in their history that caused them to turn away from the more normal female-dominated society.”

  “I doubt they would tell you that,” Jasm
ine told her. “We can’t even find a record on how they constructed their Keeps. For all we know, they’ve been male-dominated from their beginning. Female-dominated is normal to us. The Krataks would probably resent any reference to their way of life being some kind of deviation, just as we would resent someone referring to us as deviant.”

  Abigail’s lips compressed until they turned white. Jasmine didn’t wait for her to argue back. She turned to Ron. “How are you getting along, Doc?”

  His face fell. “Not very well, Jasmine, now that you ask. I’m making notes on what I can see of the Krataks’ physiology. Most of that has to do with their general health, which is excellent, and their tattoos, which I really can’t understand at all. It makes no sense from a medical point of view. I can’t find much out without examining one of them.”

  “That shouldn’t be too hard,” Jasmine replied. “The Assans have been willing and friendly with everything—at least, just about everything. Rocor mentioned a medical examination, too, so they must be expecting one. I’ll ask if you can examine someone.”

  Ron jumped out of his seat. “Would you really ask for me? Oh, thank you! I’d like to take some blood samples, too, but that might be pushing it a little too far.”

  “We can ask. The worst they can do is say no.”

  Ron whispered under his breath. “I don’t dare ask. These people scare the pants off me.”

  Jasmine had to smile. “I know what you mean, but I think they look a lot scarier than they really are. Once we learn more about them, they won’t intimidate us so much.”

  Jasmine left, but as soon as she got into the passage, she regretted promising to ask about the medical examination. Who could she ask? She didn’t want to ask Rocor. She didn’t even want to see him again—not after their encounter in that secret bedroom.

  He didn’t come near her again in the days following their tryst, but he still bothered her. Whenever she stole a glance at him, she found him studying her with those inscrutable eyes of his. What was he thinking about? Did he regret their encounter as much as she did?


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