Rocor (Dragons of Kratak Book 5)

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Rocor (Dragons of Kratak Book 5) Page 65

by Ruth Anne Scott

  His body reacted to me and he pressed my back against the railing, his kissing becoming a little more urgent – and filled with a lot more passion. I ran my hands over his broad back and shoulders, kissing him harder and harder. I couldn't get enough.

  It felt like something was awakening in me – something I never even knew existed. My passion was like a beast waking up from a long slumber needing to feed to sate itself. I dug my nails into Byr's shoulders as we kissed, wanting – no, needing – more.

  His hands were tentative on my back – as if he felt he shouldn't be doing what he was doing. He was hesitant, as if he were scared and maybe thought that he shouldn't be kissing me. I broke our kiss and looked up at him. His eyes were wide and his lips were trembling.

  “It's okay,” I said. “I want you to.”

  “A – are you sure?”

  Biting my bottom lip, I nodded. Part of me thought that I shouldn't be doing this – that I shouldn't be giving in to these lustful cravings. But that was the part of me that had been programmed by people like my mother and father. They'd taught me to always remain pure. Pristine. To only give myself to my husband – the man they chose for me.

  But I was a free woman. Free of thought. Free of spirit. Free of heart. And free of body. I would not give myself over to somebody who had been selected for me based on the amount of prestige I could earn the family. No. Never. I would give myself to somebody I cared for. Somebody I wanted to be with.

  Byr took a step back, but held on to my hands. He looked uncertain. Scared. But I saw something else in his eyes – desire. He wanted this as much as I did. But he was holding himself back out of fear. Fear of what though?

  “What's scaring you?” I asked.

  “Back on Unduth, I could have been thrown into the camps just for looking at you,” he said. “If they knew that we'd – kissed – they could have executed me on the spot. The upper class doesn't mix with the scraps.”

  I gave him a small smile. “We're not on Unduth anymore, are we?”

  He looked out at the ocean, a strained look on his face. He was torn between the stupid traditions of our culture and his own longings and desire. I believed that Byr cared about me. I could see it in his eyes whenever he looked at me – at least, when he wasn't guarding his emotions closely. And I knew that he desired me.

  Just as I desired him.

  Taking hold of his hand, I pulled him off of the balcony and into the bedchamber. He followed me, his footsteps heavy, reluctance born of fear painted clearly upon his face.

  “We're in a new world, Byr,” I said softly. “We're free to make our own choices. Be who we want to be. Be with whom we choose. And I choose you.”

  I let go of his hand and reached for the clasp on the gown I was wearing. I unhooked the clasp and let the gown fall where it lay in a heap at my feet. Byr looked from the gown on the floor, letting his eyes travel up my body. He licked his lips, his eyes growing wider as he took in my naked form.

  But he stood statue still, frozen and rooted to his spot. I wasn't sure if it was still fear or whether he was in awe of what he was seeing – I was obviously hoping it was the latter.

  “You want this, don't you?” I asked softly. “To be with me?”

  Byr looked up from my naked body, meeting my eyes and the look of pure desire in them was all the answer I needed. Which was good, because he opened his mouth to speak but no words seemed to be forthcoming.

  I gave him a salacious grin as I stepped forward and kissed him again. I took his hands and slid them up my belly, putting them on my bare breasts. His breath caught in his throat, but it seemed to renew his passion as he kissed me harder, squeezing and cupping my breasts.

  Byr leaned down and took one of my breasts into his mouth, licking and sucking on it, drawing a soft moan of pleasure from me. I'd never experienced anything like this before and my body tingled, shivers running up and down my spine. Feeling his hands and mouth on my body was an ecstasy I'd never known before and it only made me hungrier for more.

  With one of his hands still on my breast, Byr kissed me again. But he slid his other hand down my body, letting just the tips of his fingers trail across my flesh. I shuddered and closed my eyes, exhaling a long, soft moan. I felt him slide his hand between my thighs and felt a chill shoot through me.

  I looked at him, biting my bottom lip, and slightly parted my legs for him. He kissed me again as he slid a finger inside of me, moving it in and out slowly and gently. There was a fire burning between my thighs, but I also felt how slick and moist I was at the same time.

  I clamped my fingers into his shoulders as he started to slide his finger in and out with a little more speed and force.

  “Oh, Byr,” I gasped. “That feels so amazing.”

  He gave me a small smile and kept doing what he was doing – which felt amazing. He kissed me again as I felt a pressure building up low within me. I'd pleasured myself enough times to know that my climax was coming.

  I moaned and ground my fingers against his hand, taking his fingers deeper inside of me. The sensations inside of me built quickly – and more intensely – than they did when I was alone and pleasuring myself. And then all of the sudden, the wall within me burst and I was flooded by the most electric, intense sensations I'd ever felt. My whole body spasmed and I cried out, digging my nails into his flesh.

  I was overcome by the feeling of fire tearing through my body as I orgasmed. My breathing was shallow and ragged, but I looked up at Byr and smiled.

  “That was amazing,” I gasped.

  Byr returned my smile and raised his hand to his mouth, licking my juices off of his fingers. Watching him taste me sent another wave of desire rolling through me that I couldn't contain. I stepped forward and kissed him, sliding my hand down his stomach and began to rub him through his pants. I felt him growing long and thick beneath my touch and when I grabbed hold of him and squeezed, he let out a soft moan.

  He looked into my eyes, the lust burning brighter than the Optorion sun. I unfastened his pants and let them fall to the floor. As I pulled him backward toward the bed, he fumbled with his shirt, finally managing to get it off and tossing it to the floor.

  I smiled as I climbed onto the bed, pulling Byr along with me. I parted my legs and let him lay on top of me. We kissed and I reveled in the feeling of his flesh against mine – growing more excited by the feeling of him pressed against the warm, wet center of me.

  “I need you, Byr,” I moaned. “I need you inside of me.”

  He held himself up on his arms, looking down at me and smiled. I felt him pressing himself harder against my opening. And then I gasped, my eyes shooting wide open, as I felt him enter me. There was a brief shock of pain – but that was quickly followed by a warm wave of incredible pleasure.

  “A – are you okay?” he asked, concern in his eyes.

  My breathing was still a little ragged, but I looked back up at him. “I'm wonderful,” I wheezed. “So wonderful.”

  Byr grinned at me and began to move his hips, sliding himself deep inside of me again and again. I arched my back, moaning and calling his name, as he plunged into me. The sound of our bodies connecting, flesh meeting flesh, echoed around the chamber – as did our moans and groans.

  The pressure was building up inside of me again. Quickly and more powerfully before. Byr looked down at me, his movements becoming almost frantic. Gone was the steady rhythm he'd been in before and it felt like he was losing control of himself, his thrusts becoming ragged and urgent. I thought that maybe he was building up to his own climax.

  He squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth, letting out an animalistic growl. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer and didn't think that he would either. I raised my hips to meet his thrusts and wave after wave of pleasure rolled over me as I felt him sliding deep inside of me.

  Almost without warning, I felt my own dam break and I cried out as I orgasmed again, my whole body shaking and trembling. A moment later, Byr groaned and his body sh
uddered as I felt his warm, wet seed filling me up. He collapsed on top of me, trying to catch his breath.

  Eventually, he rolled over and lay next to me – I put my head on his chest and trailed my fingertips over his stomach. I looked up at him and smiled – and when he looked back at me, I felt my breath catch in my throat. For in that look we exchanged, I saw something I never expected to see in his eyes – love.

  Chapter Six

  The next morning, my body was a little bit sore as we found ourselves being escorted out of our chamber and through the palace. Riley had arrived somewhat early to find us still lying in bed together. Her smile was knowing and Byr's face flushed, his eye markings glowing wildly, and he couldn't even meet her eyes. When she looked at me, I gave her a shy smile in return – I knew that this was what she'd wanted for Byr and me, but it wasn't something I actually thought would happen.

  Byr looked over his shoulder at the four guards who followed us and then over at me. He cleared his throat.

  “So, where are we going?” he asked.

  Riley turned and looked over her shoulder at him – and he quickly looked away. She laughed.

  “You're meeting with my husband, King Jendrish, this morning,” she said.

  I already knew that, of course. I'd had a conversation with Riley while Byr had fumbled around in the bathroom, trying to clean himself up and get dressed. I wasn't sure why, but I felt a certain kinship with the Queen. I was comfortable around her and didn't feel like I needed to hide who I truly was.

  I didn't know what to expect when Riley opened a door and ushered us inside. The guards took positions outside the room and Riley escorted us in. It was a beautiful room made from a dark, polished stone. The chamber was softly lit and shelves lined three of the walls and were crammed with what seemed like millions of different books. The fourth wall was made entirely of glass and offered a view of Optorio's rugged coastline and sparkling red ocean. It was a room I thought I could be very happy in for a very long time.

  “Are you two hungry?” she asked, her tone turning playful. “I know that I'm always starving after a good workout.”

  I thought Byr might pass out from embarrassment right then and there. His face colored, his eye markings glowed, and he sounded like he might choke. I couldn't help but laugh along with Riley. I didn't know what it was, but I felt no shame over what Byr and I had done. It had been beautiful. A loving experience. And I saw no reason to feel bad about it.

  Byr, on the other hand, looked like he wanted to just crawl under a rock somewhere and hide. I wasn't sure why he felt so self-conscious about what we'd done. It was a natural act between two people who cared for one another.

  Riley seated us at a table that had been laid out with a spread of food that looked every bit as amazing as the feast we'd had the previous night. I sat – with Byr on my left – and leaned back in my seat. We had to wait for the King to arrive before digging in – and I found myself hoping that he would arrive soon. I was absolutely famished.

  Following my lead, Byr sat back in his seat and waited along with me. A moment later, a door at the other end of the room and a tall man with very pale skin, eyes a shade of blue I'd never seen, and long, dark hair stepped inside. He smiled wide as he took a seat at the table across from us.

  “You must be Hatare and Byr,” he said. “Riley has told me much about you.”

  Riley leaned down and gave her husband a kiss. Then she looked at us. “I'm going to leave the three of you now. You have much to discuss.”

  And with that, Riley disappeared through the door Jendrish had arrived through. He looked over at us and motioned to the food on the table.

  “Please, help yourselves,” he said. “Eat as much as you'd like.”

  I grinned over at Byr and we both dug in, sampling from a wide variety of the food on the table.

  “Thank you for seeing us, Your Majesty,” I said.

  The King waved me away. “Please, call me Jendrish,” he said. “I feel much the same way about formalities as my wife.”

  The conversation throughout breakfast was lively and entertaining. Jendrish told us all about himself and how he came to be the King of Optorio. He was a charismatic and engaging man – and yet, he still retained a sense of humility. I knew that some government leaders could be pompous and arrogant – I'd seen enough of them in my day. But Jendrish wasn't like that. He seemed to have more in common with Byr and me than any other government leader I'd ever met.

  Eventually though, breakfast ended and we pushed ourselves back from the table. A crew of palace employees immediately swooped in and began cleaning up the plates, hauling everything away, and leaving a bare table in their wake.

  Jendrish leaned back in his seat and looked at us, the expression on his face inscrutable. I suddenly felt awkward and afraid. Beneath the table, I reached out and took Byr's hand. He gave my hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

  “Hatare,” Jendrish began. “Tell me why you fled your home.”

  “Honestly, I wanted to be free,” I said. “I could not stomach the thought of being forced into a marriage that I did not want or choose. The thought of being auctioned off to somebody based on what I could earn for my family – just no. The societal norms of Unduth are reprehensible and anathema to who I am as a woman.”

  Jendrish nodded and gave me a small smile. “Riley told me that you were a spirited young woman,” he said. “I can respect the fire I see in you.”

  He turned his attention to Byr. “I understand that you stand accused of some terrible crimes back home,” he said. “I've been told that you are suspected of being part of a group that is responsible for a series of bombings within Kinray – bombings that have taken the lives of many Unduthians. As you know, we are having problems with our own group of terrorists. It's not an issue I take lightly.”

  I felt Byr's body tense and could feel the anger radiating from him like heat from the sun. “I had nothing to do with any of that,” he growled. “I'm not part of some rebel group. All I do is work and take care of my family. My mother is – ”

  Jendrish nodded and gave him a sympathetic look. “I understand that your mother is very ill,” he said. “And I'm sorry for that. But why is it they believe you are one of the rebels?”

  Byr shook his head. “I don't know,” he replied. “The first I heard about anything like that was when some of the government soldiers showed up at the factory I work at and almost executed me.”

  “Where a bomb went off, killing some of those government soldiers,” Jendrish said.

  Byr looked down at the table. “Yes,” he replied. “But I had nothing to do with it. I swear it to you.”

  Jendrish sighed. “I believe you.”

  Byr looked up. “You do?”

  The King nodded. “I do,” he said. “I was a soldier for a long time. I know the look of a killer – and you're not it.”

  Relief seemed to color Byr's face and he gave the King a small, relieved smile.

  “But that doesn't change the fact that the Unduthian government is asking for your return to face trial,” Jendrish said. “And your father is also demanding your return, Hatare.”

  Any sense of relief Byr and I were feeling suddenly evaporated. Jendrish seemed torn, but his expression was grave. And it was in that moment I knew he was going to send us home.

  “My hands are tied,” Jendrish said. “Unduth is an ally of ours and has been for a long, long time. It's not my place to interfere with their affairs of State. I can't impose my rule upon them.”

  “If you send us back, they're going to execute Byr,” I said quickly, my voice rising. “And my father is going to do – I don't even know what to me.”

  Jendrish sighed and leaned across the table. “Which is why I'm so conflicted about this whole affair,” he said. “The last thing I want is for anything to happen to either one of you. Riley is very fond of the both of you – and frankly, after spending this morning with you, so am I.”

  Byr and I shared a look – one
of fear, but one of guarded hope as well. I knew we'd put Jendrish in an impossible situation. Affairs of State are tricky matters on the best of days – but harboring fugitives like Byr and me made things all the more complicated. I did not envy the position we'd put him in. But at the same time, I hoped he would do all he could to save us from the fate that awaited us back on Unduth.

  “The Unduthian government is sending an envoy to meet with me,” Jendrish said. “We will discuss matters and see if we can't come to an agreement one way or the other.”

  I nodded and gave him a grim smile. It was about the best I could hope for under the circumstances.

  “I don't want to give either of you false hope,” Jendrish said. “But just know that I will fight for you. I will do all I can on your behalf. I give you my word.”

  “Thank you,” I said softly.

  Byr nodded. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  “Jendrish,” the King gently corrected him. “I will talk to the both of you very soon.”

  After giving us one last look, Jendrish stood up and left the room. Byr and I stood up when the doors opened and the guards filed in to escort us back to our room. I recognized the one man as the guard who'd escorted us through the gardens the night before. He gave me a small smile and a nod, as if seeking to reassure me that everything would be okay. I smiled back at him and took Byr by the hand.

  As we walked down the hallway, I looked up at him. “Things are going to work out,” I said. “They're going to be okay.”

  A cold finger of fear slithered its way down my spine and the knot in my stomach clenched painfully. Byr's smile was small and grim and I knew that my reassurances had fallen on deaf ears. But then, I was having trouble even convincing myself that what I'd said was true.

  Chapter Seven


  I was met at the spaceport by a contingent of Royal Guardsmen. I wasn't expecting the pomp and circumstance a head of state might receive, but I wasn't expecting to be under guard from the moment I touched down, either.


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