Crime of Passion (HBIA: Case Files Book 1)

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Crime of Passion (HBIA: Case Files Book 1) Page 4

by A. M. Halford

  Not having answers was allowing Dragos’ mind to wander to other things, like Neculai. He wanted to know what had happened last night. How had he agreed to being claimed without actually agreeing to it? Dragos had meant to look it up and see if something like this had happened before, but he just didn’t have the time. After getting the girls’ lives pieced together he needed to start working on a profile of the killer.

  It was going to be a long day, especially if Jamison didn’t show up with those other three files. He was working with half the picture, and he couldn’t make anything out of it without the other half.

  “Here,” Rozalia returned to their office and handed him a cup of coffee and a chicken burrito. She sat at her desk and pulled out her own turkey and avocado sandwich. “So, anything yet?”

  “No,” Dragos wanted to throw something. “The human precinct said they sent the files out two hours ago and they should be here with a delivery boy soon.”

  “They better hope so,” Rozalia growled, “For their sakes.”

  Dragos agreed one hundred percent.

  Biting into his burrito, Dragos stared at the board and tried to find something to connect the victims. Anything would do at this point. Hell, he’d take a fucking shoe brand!

  “Detectives?” Neculai’s voice derailed any train of thought Dragos had been working on as he turned to see the half-demon standing in their doorway with a file under his arm. For a geek he looked hot standing there in a lab coat, his short black hair disheveled from running his hand through it.

  Dragos felt his cock hardening even as he filled with that odd mixture of longing and anger as he watched the man walk into their office and set the file down on his desk.

  “What do you got?” Rozalia asked, reaching for the manila file and flipping it open. Once again her voice was hostile. Apparently, polite speech was reserved for when they were in public after all.

  “I think I found a way to narrow down your suspect list,” Neculai smiled at Dragos, ignoring Rozalia’s less than friendly tone.

  Chapter Five

  Neculai fisted his hands in the pockets of his lab coat as he watched Dragos walk over to Rozalia and lean over her shoulder. He knew there was nothing going on between them, and yet the closeness they shared bothered Neculai. It had to be the instincts and urges from the mating making him feel this way. Yes, Neculai had said he wanted to see Dragos outside of work again, but that was because he found the guy interesting. Neculai wasn’t this controlling. He certainly wasn’t the jealous type. Then again, he’d never been emotionally attached to someone enough to get jealous.

  “Well, this certainly makes the list of suspects smaller,” Rozalia said, setting the file down and looking at Neculai. “Thanks.” Her eyes weren’t saying that. If anything they said drop dead.

  “Yeah,” Neculai nodded. “That’s your copy. I’ve got the originals in the computer down in my lab.”

  “Got it,” Rozalia reached for the file and set it in a drawer in her desk.

  Dragos remained standing behind her, as if he was using the desk as a kind of shield between Neculai and him. The man’s gold eyes were wary as he looked at Neculai, obviously calculating him and trying to read his present frame of mind.

  Smiling gently, Neculai decided to be the first to make a move. If things remained stagnant like this there was no telling what was going to happen between them. Neculai knew mated couples needed to be around each other to a certain degree or the separation could cause mental stress. He didn’t want to experience that, and he didn’t want Dragos to either.

  “Can we have dinner?” Neculai asked, making sure to keep eye contact with Dragos. He ignored the warning growl from Rozalia. The stiffening of Dragos’ shoulders and widening of his eyes wasn’t exactly a good sign to Neculai, but the way he nodded shallowly kept him from feeling too rejected. “What time are you off?”

  “Five,” Dragos answered.

  “Dragos.” Rozalia cut Dragos a sharp look

  “Unless something else comes up,” Dragos added.

  Judging by the expression on Rozalia’s face that wasn’t what she was hinting at. Too bad. Neculai understood her defensive stance toward him, but this really had nothing to do with her. This was between him and Dragos.

  Neculai nodded. “I’ll see you at five then.”


  Neculai wanted to go around the desks and pull Dragos into his arms, kissing him hard, but he just tilted his head slightly in acknowledgment and left the office. Partially out fear of what Rozalia would do if he did and also because he wasn’t sure if Dragos would accept him right now. Going straight to the elevator he tried to keep a reign on his spiraling emotions. Didn’t Dragos feel any of this? Was Neculai the only one affected by this new situation between them?

  “Neculai!” Turning, Neculai had just enough time to register Dragos approaching him before he was pulled into a closet and a warm pair of lips covered his own. Moaning, he wrapped his arms around Dragos, holding him closer, and slid his tongue passed those full lips.

  Dragos whimpered, his hands bunching in the front of Neculai’s shirt as he took control of the kiss and pressed his mate against the wall. Thinking of Dragos as his mate was so alien, but right now—with him pressed close and willing—it felt so right.

  He wanted more, to take this further, but he had to pull away. Kissing Dragos softly several times Neculai rested his forehead against the other man’s. They were both breathing hard. Neculai was trying to control himself, and the air he was forcing into his lungs was the only thing keeping him from flipping Dragos around and fucking him right there in the closet at work.

  “Why did this happen?” Dragos whispered.

  “I’ll explain it at dinner,” Neculai promised, kissing him one more time. “We’ll find a way to make this work.”

  His mate nodded, though he didn’t look convinced. Opening the closet door, Neculai left Dragos there and got into the elevator as Jamison walked out of it.

  * * * *

  Jamison had dropped off the case files for the first three murders, complaining about having to run the errand the entire time. Dragos didn’t particularly care if he was supposed to get off early today or not. If he’d sent the damned things over yesterday, he wouldn’t of have to do it today. It was simple logic.

  Now, with a complete picture of all the victims, Dragos and Rozalia could piece together what the five women had in common. Even more, they could work out why the killer targeted them. While Rozalia put the first three women’s information up on the board, Dragos started piecing together what they knew of the killer, his method of killing, and what that told them about what type of person they were dealing with.

  According to the ME reports the ritualistic way in which he brands the women and removes their hearts postmortem could be an indication of either his desire to leave his own mark on them, his desire to be important in their lives, or it could just relate directly to black magic. The problem with the magic theory was no known spell or rituals required hearts from anyone, let alone blonde women. The marking of glyphs on a medium or caster was common, but that person usually needed to be breathing when that happened.

  “Hey, Dragos,” Rozalia called him from his thoughts. Looking up to the board he tried not to let his shock show on his face. “Found the connection.” She handed him a piece of paper with the Naked Blonde’s number scrolled on it. “This was found in Alicia Taylor’s pocket, and this,” she showed him a receipt, “Was in Bridget Connors’ purse.” Bridget Connors was the second victim, found in an alley on the opposite end of District 12 as Alicia. A business card in the third woman, Lacy Normand’s wallet was next. The final connection was a selfie found on Amber Byrd’s cell.

  All of them led to one location, and it was the same place Jessica Silver had in common with the other four women. Every single woman had some form of contact with the Naked Blonde.

  “I think we need to have another chat with Mr. Othello,” Dragos glared at the items in f
ront of him. He knew that man had been lying to him.

  “What about the lawyer?” Rozalia asked.

  “We’ll get a court order and search the club,” Dragos decided. “We should have enough for that at least.”

  “I’ll call Judge Taylor,” Rozalia nodded reaching for her phone. “Why don’t you clock off now and I’ll deal the rest.”

  “Huh? What are you talking about?” Dragos paused. He still had so much to do with creating a profile for this sick bastard. Even if Max did turn out to know something it didn’t mean he was the killer. No, Dragos was pretty sure the man was just covering up information. They couldn’t be negligent, especially now that they were closer to an answer.

  Rozalia smiled. “You let me leave early yesterday, I’m returning the favor. Now,” she waved him away, “Get going. Go take a shower and get ready for your date with that mate of yours.”

  Dragos flinched at the remained that Neculai was now his mate. His forever. God, it was so hard to come to grips with this new reality.

  Rozalia’s smile turned sympathetic. “Talk to him. And if that doesn’t work I know a great place to hide the body,” she winked.

  Laughing, Dragos left his office. He was laughing in part because of the ridiculousness of the idea of them hiding a body, and also because if he didn’t laugh he was going to yell at his partner for suggesting harming Neculai. This mating was fucking up his head. He could no longer tell if he was mad at Neculai or just yearned for him.

  On that topic, what the hell was he thinking chasing after the man and kissing him like that at work? It was like someone else had control of his body when he followed Neculai out of his office. The only sane thing Dragos had done in that moment was push them into the closet. Not that it was the most inconspicuous location he could’ve picked. The irony of two men kissing in a closet, hiding away from others, was not lost on him.

  In the elevator Dragos hesitated on which direction to go. He needed to go home and shower, Rozalia was right about that, but he had an almost maddening sense to go and see Neculai.

  Hand hovering over the button Dragos struggled with himself to push the garage floor and go straight home. He’d send Neculai a message from the car telling him he was headed home early and would meet him in front of the building in two hours.

  “Going down?” Dragos’ eyes snapped up as the doors opened and Nathan walked in. The dragon pressed close as he leaned over Dragos and pushed the garage floor button. “You know,” he slid his arms around Dragos’ waist and kissed his neck, “I’ve missed you.”

  There was a time that hearing those words from Nathan would’ve made Dragos happy. Now the affection was making his stomach turn. He shivered when Nathan kissed him again, his hand splaying over his abs.

  “You’ve still got the greatest body,” Nathan’s voice was almost a purr. A seductive tenor that had easily cast a fog over Dragos’ brain many times in the past. “Hey, why don’t we meet up to—ʺ

  “I can’t,” Dragos cut him off, breaking out of Nathan’s arms and punching the button for the sixth floor. Keeping his back to the wall he met Nathan’s stunned gold eyes. “I’m mated.”

  Nathan snarled before reaching out and yanking Dragos to him. He slammed him back against the wall of the elevator as he growled down at him. “I heard what you said this morning. That alchemist forced this on you. You don’t need to be loyal to him.”

  “Let me go,” Dragos warned. He may be submissive in the bedroom, but he was not about to be pinned like some child.

  “You are mine!” Nathan snapped.

  “Not anymore,” Dragos growled. He tried to push Nathan away again, but the dragon was using his pureblood strength. Fuck, he wasn’t moving.

  The elevator doors dinged and Dragos heard a snarl before Nathan was shoved backward and Neculai was standing between them. He could feel the rage rolling off Neculai in thick waves.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing to him?” Neculai demanded. There was a warning edge to his voice.

  Nathan straightened himself and met Neculai’s rage with icy cold calm. “I do not need to explain myself to you when I’m having a talk with my boyfriend.”

  “No!” Dragos shouted as he moved quickly to get in front of Neculai as the half-demon started advancing on Nathan. “We aren’t together anymore. Haven’t been for months. Nathan, leave!”

  “Dragos, babe.”

  “Leave!” Dragos repeated. He didn’t know what Neculai was going to do, and personally he didn’t want to have to deal with a murder right in their own building. One case was enough right now.

  Nathan whispered something under his breath before he stepped around Dragos, not touching him this time, and left them alone. Dragos quickly pushed the button to close the doors. Once they were moving and between floors he stopped the elevator. He’d rather be locked in a box with Neculai and try and calm him down instead of letting him get out.

  “Fuck!” Neculai shouted as he spun around and put his fist into the metal wall. Dragos felt himself grow a bit light headed when Neculai pulled away and he saw that he’d punched through the metal. He could see the elevator shaft on the other side.

  “You okay?” Dragos asked, leaning against the opposite wall and crossing his arms over his chest. Due to the claiming he at least knew he was safe from Neculai’s wrath. The link formed between them made it nearly impossible for Neculai to hurt him. The same magic that tied their souls together prevented violence against each other. Mated couples had hurt each other, but only at times of great emotional distress.

  “No,” Neculai was breathing deeply. “I shouldn’t have acted like that. This is fucking with my head.”

  “Yeah, mine, too,” Dragos admitted. “Before all this I would’ve been happy to have Nathan asking to get back toge—ʺ Dragos was silenced by Neculai kissing him, hard and possessively. He knew he should push him back and be angry with his jealous, territorial actions, but Dragos couldn’t find the strength to do it. Instead he seemed to melt as Neculai thrust his tongue into his mouth, his arms wrapping around him and holding him tightly.

  Unlike with Nathan, Neculai’s touch set Dragos’ blood on fire. He craved more and encouraged him to go further with a needy moan. Each thrust of his tongue was like a branding, staking a claim on Dragons in the most sensual way.

  “Don’t,” Neculai growled as he kissed his way to Dragos’ neck, licking at the spot Nathan had kissed, “ever say that. I can’t control myself right now. Please, don’t rile me up any more than this.”

  Dragos trembled as Neculai pulled his shirt to the side and traced his tongue along the mating mark on his shoulder. “Oh, god. Want you.”

  “Are you off?” Neculai asked, one hand sliding into the back of Dragos’ jeans.

  “Ahh,” Dragos cried as Neculai pressed a finger against his entrance. “Yes. Yes. I’m off.”

  “Then,” Neculai bit Dragos’ bottom lip and stepped away. Dragos instantly missed Neculai’s touch. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter Six

  They managed to make it to Dragos’ apartment, but the second they were passed the door nothing else mattered except getting skin on skin. Dragos pulled Neculai’s shirt up and off, kissing down his chest and unbuttoning his pants as he fell to his knees. Sliding the slacks off, as well as Neculai’s briefs, Dragos licked along the underside of the half-demon’s cock, listening to the hiss that left him.

  Neculai pulled the hair-tie from Dragos’ hair and threaded his fingers through the shoulder length, red strands as Dragos started sucking his cock into his mouth. He knew Neculai was big, but like this he really got an appreciation for exactly how huge his man was.

  “Shit,” Neculai gasped as Dragos finally got all of his length down his throat, closing his lips around the base, sucking, and slowly dragging back to the tip. Dragos kept the suction tight as he started a slow up and down motion on Neculai’s cock.

  With his hands Dragos fondled Neculai’s balls, squeezing them just slightly, as
he came back to the tip, this time releasing it and circling his tongue along the crown. The moans and groans that Neculai released had Dragos’ own cock straining against his jeans. He wanted to bring Neculai off, but he craved for the man to pin him down again and take him.

  Looking up at those glazed over green eyes Dragos shivered. Neculai was stunning like this. Leaning against the wall, his shirt gone, and pants at his ankles. No man should look this drop dead sexy while receiving a blow job, but Neculai did. The fine sheen of sweat that glistened on his chest, adding definition to his sculpted body, had Dragos wanting to lick him from hand to toe.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” Neculai warned before he shoved his cock back into Dragos’ mouth. Dragos gagged for a moment until he got his throat to relax again and readjusted to Neculai’s girth. This time Neculai was in control, and Dragos felt himself being possessed with each thrust of the man’s hips into his mouth.

  Fumbling with his belt buckle, Dragos managed to get his cock free and started stroking it in time with Neculai’s movements. His world was spinning fast, he could feel his lungs burning for air, but he didn’t want Neculai to stop.

  “Fuck, Dragos,” Neculai growled as he came, his release shooting down Dragos’ throat. As soon as he felt the first spurt, Dragos came hard in his hand. He swallowed every drop Neculai gave him and slouched down on the floor as his mate pulled away. “Did you jerk off while sucking me?”

  Dragos felt his pulse spike as Neculai knelt down in front of him. “If you wanted me to finish you that bad,” he reached out and wrapped his hand around Dragos’ limp cock, “All you had to do was ask.”

  Neculai pumped his hand, reawakening Dragos’ erection as he claimed his mouth and pushed him to the floor completely. In the ensuing tangle of limbs, they finished stripping and Neculai flipped Dragos onto all fours, his hand still wrapped around his cock.


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