Smooth Operators [Clandestine Affairs 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Smooth Operators [Clandestine Affairs 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Zara Chase

  Her back was turned slightly toward him, and he took the opportunity to push her hair aside and place his hands on her shoulders.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, sounding anxious.

  “Getting rid of some of the kinks. You’re wound up tighter than an enemy sniper, darlin’. Just relax into my hands and let me sort you out.”

  Fergal wasn’t surprised when she resisted him at first. She had problems with ceding control to anyone. He almost laughed at that. If she agreed to play with the three of them, then one thing she would never have was control. His cock stirred as he thought about the sorts of things he’d have her do. Those sweet lips of hers sure would look pretty wrapped around his cock while one of his buddies paddled her ass and the other teased her fat nipples between his teeth. Or perhaps he’d do that. Fergal was a tit man through and through, and hers were a damned sight more tempting than they had any right to be.

  Down boy! Fergal was getting ahead of himself and so he took his frustration out on her tightly knotted muscles until she rolled her shoulders and groaned with pleasure. She closed her eyes and rotated her neck, almost purring with relief.

  “Something else you’re good at,” she murmured.

  Fergal shifted so that he was leaning in the corner of the couch, and she was obliged to bring her feet up onto it. Harley lifted her legs and placed them on his lap. Her eyes flew open, but when Harley started to gently massage her instep, she emitted a little sigh and closed them again.

  “You enjoying this?” Fergal asked, watching Harley work on her toes, one at a time.

  “Hmm.” She didn’t open her eyes. “Keep this up and I’ll be asleep.”

  Gus slid closer to her from his position on the floor and covered her lips fleetingly with his own. He broke the kiss almost before it had begun and glanced up triumphantly at Fergal and Harley. All three of them knew then that Briana would play with them—not through some misplaced sense of gratitude, but because they were awakening the sensual side of her nature and she was curious.

  “Come on, darlin’,” Fergal said, his words causing Harley to quit massaging her toes and for Gus to stop running his fingers gently across her rib cage. “You look beat. Time you were tucked up in bed.”

  “Hmm,” she said again, still not opening her eyes. “Don’t want to be alone.”

  “Tomorrow night we’ll have a little party, the four of us,” Fergal promised her. “You think you might like that?”

  Finally her eyes opened. “What sort of party?”

  “We three live, work, and play together,” he replied softly. “We like to share.”

  “And we want to share you, if you’ll let us,” Harley said.

  “Doesn’t matter if you don’t want to,” Gus said, rising athletically from the floor. “We’ll still do your roof and make sure you get the lodge back on track.”

  “No reason why we can’t have some fun along the way,” Fergal added.

  Briana sat up and blinked. “You three all want to fuck me. Is that what you’re saying?”

  “Pretty much,” Fergal confirmed, dropping his head to capture a brief kiss. “But before you decide, you need to understand that we like to be in charge.”

  Her eye-roll was accompanied by a sinful smile, as though she’d just realized how much power she actually wielded over them. “Why am I not surprised?”

  “What Fergal is making a poor job of saying,” Gus told her, “is that we’d like to tie you up, spank that cute ass, and…er, stuff like that.”

  “I’m not big on pain.”

  “Ah, but when you know how to channel that pain, it’ll blow your mind,” Harley said. “And we’ll teach you all you need to know.”

  She glanced at each of them in turn, her eyes shimmering with awareness. “You need to understand that I’m not very experienced.”

  “Music to our ears,” Gus replied.

  “I’ve only ever been with two men. Greg, and then there was a guy in Florida for a while, but it didn’t work out.”

  “Better yet,” Fergal said, standing up and sweeping her into his arms. “If you’re saying yes, then we’ll teach you everything you need to know.”

  “I’m saying yes.”

  Gus and Harley shared a high five. Fergal brushed the hair away from her brow, kissed it chastely, and carried her toward her bedroom.

  “We’ll let this guy out,” Gus said, indicating Max.

  Just as well because Briana, terrible mother that she was, had forgotten all about him.

  “You need to get your beauty sleep, darlin’,” Fergal said as he deposited her on her bed, still fully clothed, and winked at her. “Sleep late in the morning and save your energy. Trust me, you’re gonna need it.”

  Chapter Seven

  Three large male bodies crowded around her when Gus and Harley returned with Max.

  “We’d sure like to stay, undress you, and tuck you in,” Gus said. “But if we did that, you’d never get any sleep.”

  Sleep? Who needed to sleep? What the hell did they think they were playing at anyway? Getting her all steamed up and then leaving her with vague promises about tomorrow being another day. There was a name for women who did that sort of stuff. Did it work in reverse? Pussy teasers, that’s what they were. They’d set hers on fire and now planned to leave her alone. So not fair.

  “Just a minute.”

  Three heads turned to look at her. “Yes,” Fergal said.

  “You can’t…I mean, you can’t just make promises and then not deliver.”

  “Oh, we’ll deliver, honey, on that you have my solemn word.” Fergal sent her a sexy smile that made her feel weak at the knees, and other places. “But first we have a roof to fix and your problems to sort.”

  “The two don’t need to be mutually exclusive.” God, she sounded like she was begging now.

  “We need you to think about our suggestion and come to a decision without any pressure from us,” Fergal said.

  But I want you to pressure me!

  “Just remember to sleep as late as you like,” Harley said as they left the room and he closed the door behind them.

  Shit, they really did mean to leave her be. And as for sleeping late, who were they kidding? Briana ducked into the bathroom to brush her teeth and splosh water over her heated face. Then she returned to her room, threw off her clothes, and slid naked between crisp cotton sheets that had been lovingly laundered a thousand times in her grandmother’s day. She had a ton of stuff to do at first light and couldn’t afford the luxury of sleeping late. She didn’t bother to argue with Fergal, mainly because she knew that in a clash of wills with such a strong alpha she’d always come out on the losing side. She’d pretend to agree with them and then go her own way. The three of them might think they were in charge in the bedroom, but her life outside of it was still her own to dictate.

  The bedroom.

  Her pussy leaked when she thought of what she’d just so brazenly agreed to do. What she’d wanted to do ever since setting eyes on the three of them, shameless hussy that she was. They were no-strings-attached kind of guys, and that suited Briana just fine. She didn’t do emotion, either. She hadn’t told them that sex didn’t do much for her, or that she’d never achieved orgasm through penetration. In fact, her best orgasms had been self-induced. Even though she’d only had two lovers, she’d discovered that the male ego was a delicate creature. To avoid wounded masculine pride or elongated efforts to prove themselves, she’d become a pretty good actress.

  She wondered why she felt such a gravitational pull toward all three of them when she knew she wouldn’t derive the ultimate satisfaction from whatever they did to her. Still, what you’ve never had you can’t miss. Just about every woman she knew entered into casual sexual liaisons almost as frequently as they shopped for shoes, but Briana had never been tempted to follow their example. Until now. She smiled to herself. Looked like she was about to make up plenty of lost ground.

  She turned over and curled into a tight ball, sq
ueezing her thighs together as liquid squirted from her pussy and anticipation coursed through her veins, making her body come alive in spite of the fact that she was bone weary. They’d turned her on without touching any of her more sensitive places, and she was having a hard job finding the off switch. Briana was sorely tempted to fish her vibrator out of the bedside drawer and press it into service, but resisted. She might not be able to orgasm through penetrative sex but had no trouble coming when her clit was agitated or, better yet, sucked into submission. Presumably one of them would be willing to perform that service, and she guessed they wouldn’t need a map to find their way around her body.

  The wine and the excitement of the day took their toll, and Briana fell asleep with images of her three fine-looking house guests filling her head. Her last conscious thought was about her ability to accommodate them. She’d seen the impressive bulges in the front of their pants, but her pussy was narrow and tight. What the hell, it’s designed to stretch, right?

  Reassured, she slept remarkably well but still awoke at first light.

  Except it wasn’t.

  Briana sat bolt upright when the sunlight streaming through the open drapes warmed her face. Judging by the sun’s position in the sky, it had to be at least ten in the morning. One glance at her bedside clock confirmed her estimate. Hell, why hadn’t Max woken her? He must be desperate for a pee. She called her dog, but he didn’t respond because he no longer appeared to be in the room. One of the guys had to have let him out and she hadn’t even noticed.

  Briana threw back the covers, had a sixty-second shower, and jumped into her clothes. The great room was deserted, but the smell of freshly brewed coffee led her to the kitchen. She poured herself a cup and noticed a plate of warm muffins sitting on the counter. One of them must have driven over to the bakery. How did they know blueberry muffins were her absolute favorite?

  She munched on one and went outside to look for them. What she found caused her to stop dead in her tracks. All three of them were up on the roof, stripped to the waist as they removed the rotten timbers, tossing them to the ground like they weighed nothing at all. Worn denim jeans clung to slim hips and long, toned legs. Rock-hard torsos glistened with sweat, muscles rippled and flexed as they worked seamlessly as a team. They wore no safety equipment but walked about on those rotting beams with lithe grace, slick coordination, and seemingly no concerns for their welfare. She wanted to warn them to be careful, but the words stuck in her throat. They were too proficient to fall. She shivered, wondering if that was true in the bedroom also.

  Before they saw her, Briana absolutely had to get her camera. They were the ones who’d suggested selling her work. If the sight of these three half-naked Adonises didn’t produce results spectacular enough to get the ladies flexing the plastic then Briana would take up knitting.

  She grabbed her Pentax, spent a few moments fiddling with lenses, made all the necessary adjustments, and started snapping away. She caught them unawares from a dozen different angles before Fergal noticed her. She guiltily lowered her camera, having just caught him from behind when he was leaning over to heave up a beam. Wow!

  “Morning,” he said cheerfully. “Sleep well?”

  “You should have woken me.”

  “Why?” Harley asked. “You wanna come up here and help?”

  “I could have made breakfast, at least.”

  “You don’t need to look after us, babe,” Gus said, wiping sweat from his brow and blowing her a kiss. “We can take care of ourselves.”

  “Obviously. And thanks for the muffins.” Max came trotting up to her, a piece of discarded timber in his mouth, tail wagging. “Hey, buddy,” she said, rubbing his ears. “You being good?”

  “We fed him, and the kittens,” Fergal said.

  “Er, thanks.” Her discomfort had to be pretty damned obvious because he had the audacity to grin. “How’s it going up there?”

  “No problems. We’ve almost got all the old timbers out. Then we’ll start fixing the new ones in place. Should get half of them done today.”

  So soon? “That’s good,” she said distractedly. Briana could stand where she was all day, simply admiring the view. “I’d best be getting back to my plastering then.”

  “Good plan.”

  Plastering usually gave Briana considerable satisfaction. Today it just seemed laborious. Her thoughts were taken up by the guys walking about on her roof with all the lithe grace of large felines. No mention had been made of their proposition, but then that was hardly the sort of thing that could be shouted about, she supposed, even if there was no one around to overhear them. Hopefully they hadn’t had a change of heart and wouldn’t been too tired after a day’s full work to…well, to work on her. Briana giggled, wondering what had become of the levelheaded, single-minded Briana who never wasted time on impossible daydreams.

  The phone jolted her out of her erotic fantasy—the one where Gus was kissing her, Harley was sucking her toes, and Fergal—hell, don’t go there! She snatched up the phone, aware that her panties were already soaked clean through.


  “Hey, Briana, I just heard about the roofers. That sucks.”

  Shit! It was Greg commiserating about her latest setback. After the insinuations the guys had made last night, she was immediately suspicious of his motives.

  “Bad news travels fast.”

  “It’ll blow over, honey. Give the dust some time to settle and then I’m sure the guys will be happy to help you out.”

  They both knew she couldn’t afford to wait. “Sure.”

  “You don’t seem too bothered by it.”

  “Shit happens, Greg. I’m learning to take the rough with the smooth. Isn’t that what you’ve always advised?”

  “Oh…er, yes, I guess.” He sounded suspicious, which is when Briana knew she’d played it all wrong. He’d be out here in no time to check things out, and she really didn’t want him to know that the guys were still here. He’d get all proprietary, simply because she’d never bothered to stop him acting that way before. It hadn’t seemed to matter. In the future she’d be firmer in her determination to remain independent. After the guys had gone. Especially then.

  “Your visitors get away okay?” he asked.

  “I’ve gotta run, Greg. My plaster will dry out if I leave it too long.”

  She hung up, wondering what she’d just set in motion.

  * * * *

  Fergal heaved the last of the rotted timbers off the edge of the roof and stood up to wipe the sweat away from his brow.

  “Okay, that about does it,” he said, stating the obvious. “Let’s break for lunch. We can start fixing in the new timbers after that. You did check that they’ve been cut to the right length, Harley?”

  “Yeah, I told you I had when you asked me the last time.”

  They each slid nimbly down the ladder. Fergal slapped Harley’s shoulder when they were all back on the ground.

  “Sorry, buddy.” He turned toward Gus. “You made that call to Raoul, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah. He’s gonna check up on this Greg character, and the nature of his father’s business.”

  “Good. Let’s hope we hear back from him soon.” Fergal scowled. “I’m convinced this is all a grand scheme to win Briana’s undying gratitude, but we need to make sure it’s nothing more sinister.”

  Harley laughed. “And what we’re doing isn’t?”

  “You think we need to renovate the lady’s house to get inside her pants?”

  “Tetchy! Can’t imagine what he’s so worked up for, can you?” Gus asked Harley, grinning.

  “Just so we’re clear,” Fergal said, halting his buddies before they went into the house, “if she’s had a change of heart, we are not going to put any pressure on her. Understood?”

  Harley shot him a look. “What do you take us for? When did we ever talk a woman into doing something she didn’t want to do?”

  “Yeah, I know, I’m sorry. I guess she’s special and I

  “She must be,” Gus said, serious for once. “Otherwise you wouldn’t have left things the way we did last night.”

  “Yeah, when did we last walk out of a willing woman’s bedroom?” Harley asked.

  “She’s carrying a lot of emotional baggage. I just don’t want to screw her head up any more than it already is.”

  Harley and Gus shared a look. “Right. That would be it,” Harley said.

  “Admit it, buddy,” Gus said. “She’s different and she’s gotten under your skin.”

  “Don’t read more into this than exists,” Fergal replied as they walked into the house. “She’s hot and I want her. End of.”

  “Hey, babe, you needn’t have done that,” Gus said, looking at the platter of sandwiches awaiting them and breathing in the aroma of what was obviously chicken soup simmering on the stove.

  “It was the least I could do,” she replied. “There’s iced tea or coffee if you’d prefer.”

  “Coffee’s good,” Fergal said. “We’ll just wash up.”

  Fergal watched Briana without making it obvious as they gathered around the kitchen counter and ate their lunch. She seemed nervous and wouldn’t look at any one of them directly in the eye.

  “Heard from Greg?” he asked.

  “Yes, he called this morning as it happens to commiserate about the roofers not turning up.”

  “I’ll just bet he did,” Fergal said, flexing his jaw. “Did you tell him we’d stepped into their shoes?”

  “No, I figured he didn’t need to know that.” Finally she looked straight at him, and what Fergal saw reflected in her remarkable eyes hit him squarely below the belt. His cock swelled in a way that only arousal or desire in a woman’s expression usually evoked. But Briana’s eyes didn’t intimate anything sexual. Instead they displayed total trust in his abilities, making him feel like he could conquer the world. Shit, he was in trouble! His buddies thought he felt, actually felt, something for Briana. He’d tried to deny it, to himself as much as to them, but knew in his heart it was true. The hard shell he’d erected around his emotions had thawed, and she’d had the temerity to slither right on in between the cracks to mess with his immaculately organized existence. She didn’t know it yet, but such brazen behavior would earn her a good spanking later on. “Did I do right?”


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