Hampton Manor

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by K. J. Janssen

  True to the faith that the Rotarians had shown in him, Adam Hampton became an entrepreneur. As the profits from the sweater sales grew, Adam quit his cafeteria job and easily met the tuition bills for his remaining three years. By the time he graduated, Adam had saved over one hundred thousand dollars, quite a nest egg in those days. In his senior year, an owner of a local textile plant, who wanted to retire, offered to sell him the business. Adam purchased the company for a deposit of fifty thousand dollars and signed a bank note for nine hundred thirty thousand to be paid over ten years. Business was prospering and Adam felt comfortable that he would be able to meet this obligation.

  Hampton Industries was incorporated in March, 1928. Adam’s mettle would soon be tested. By January of the next year sales began to slip. He tackled the problem head-on by installing faster looms in an effort to reduce his operating expenses. He took loans against his house and personal property to finance the machinery upgrades, reasoning that lower expenses, coupled with price reductions would translate into increased revenue and profit, but his sales and profits continued to plummet.

  In December, 1929 Hampton Industries missed a payment on the notes and the bank, which was in receivership, refused to extend the grace period. Adam was granted one week to come up with the money or face foreclosure. Adam was suddenly in jeopardy of losing everything. Panic set in as he frantically searched for fresh money sources, without success. He shut himself off from his family and friends, locking himself in his office. He contemplated declaring bankruptcy, even entertained thoughts of suicide, but couldn’t bear the disgrace that either course would bring to his family. In a moment of sheer desperation, Adam knelt down, raised his eyes to the heavens and screamed out to the Universe, “If there is a power out there, please help me. I beg of you.”

  Miraculously, at the last minute his business was saved when the bank decided to extend his loan. Hampton Industries slowly recovered, profiting during WW2 by supplying uniforms and medical supplies. It became a manufacturing powerhouse.

  In 1969, at the age of sixty two, Adam Hampton was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and made the final decision of his life.

  Ten hours later a cleaning lady found his body slumped over his desk, shot dead by his own hand.

  Hampton Manor and Hampton Industries were left to his son Adam Hampton II. His will also provided lifetime care for his wife Adelle who was confined to a nursing home. She died in her sleep three months later.

  Chapter 4

  At 7 a.m. each morning she slaps the snooze button on the alarm and rolls over for another five minutes. Most days she does this several times before finally getting up. This morning, however, was different. The day she had waited for most of her adult life, had finally arrived. She was going to be appointed as the CEO of her company. Marcia Bloom had no regrets about how this transpired. During her twenty-nine years, she often used her body to get what she wanted, but this was the biggest prize she has ever won. Playing Adam Hampton III turned out to be easier than she thought it would be. The first time he propositioned her she could see the hunger in his eyes. Not just lust, she was used to seeing that in men’s eyes; men who would simply move on to their next prey if they were turned down. No, Adam was different and he wanted her so badly that he’d agreed to give her a promotion to get her into bed. She didn’t consider the CEO job was to big a stretch. She’s been a VP of the company for three years and there were no other in-house candidates. Why shouldn’t she be the one to fill the position? She’d paid her dues.

  She and Adam had sex three times in four hours the previous night and it was only his overindulgence of his scotch/drambuie drink that kept him from coming back for more. He was by no means the best lover she had ever had, but he seemed to appreciate her body more than the others. He wasn’t big on foreplay but he screwed her like a pneumatic drill, his thrusts powerful and rhythmic. Usually Marcia didn’t like rough sex, but for some reason it was different with Adam. It was the first time in her life that she had multiple orgasms. She hoped that it would not be just a one-niter. Either way, at least she would have the job she so highly coveted.

  Marcia brewed a two-cupper while she showered and dressed. She chose a conservative navy blue suit, ivory white blouse and navy shoes with two inch heels. She spent an extra twenty minutes applying makeup and selecting just the right necklace and earrings. Everything needed to be perfect for her big day. When she was finished she stepped in front of the full length mirror tacked up on the bathroom door. As she moved from side to side she thought, Not bad for twenty-nine. Marcia was five-four and kept her weight around one-ten. She was blessed with an ultra-small wasp-like waist that gave her an hour-glass figure that women envied and men ogled. She gleaned the most benefit from it by wearing tailored suits to work. When a pretty face and great pair of legs were added to the mix, Marcia morphed into an A1 head turner.

  Finally, she sat down at the dinette table to drink her coffee and eat a sugared donut. She called Adam’s cell phone and was disappointed that she missed him. The message she left was to the point. When did he intend to announce her promotion?

  Marcia decided to wait for Adam’s reply at the office. She was too excited to drive herself so she called a limousine service. She brewed another two cups and poured the coffee into a small thermos for the one hour trip. The limo arrived at eight and at nine sharp she arrived at the office ready for what she expected to be the biggest day of her business career. Fate had an entirely different plan in store for her.

  E-mails were sent at 9:10 a.m. announcing that a staff meeting was scheduled in the auditorium for 10:30. Attendance by all senior managers at Hampton Industries was mandatory. Marcia was in her office when the e-mail arrived. She closed her eyes and visualized Adam getting up in front of the assembly to announce her promotion to CEO of Bretton Trading. She decided to prepare an acceptance speech, one that would be brief, be humble and show her gratitude. That shouldn’t be too hard, she thought. Well, maybe she would have to work on the humble part a little. What an exciting day this is.

  After soul searching for several minutes, she decided to just prepare a list of talking points, the rest she could ad-lib. She hadn’t waited all these years, not to be ready to accept her reward when the time came. The excitement started to show in her body. Her hand developed a slight tremor, but that could be from the six cups of coffee she had consumed since she got up. Not being sure which it was, Marcia poured the remainder of her mug into the sink and settled back in her executive chair to compose her talking points. When she finished, she stuffed the sheet into her pocket and busied herself reading several sales reports until it was finally time to go to the auditorium.

  In another area of the building, Adam Hampton sat reviewing his announcement about the acquisition of a seventh company. At 10:25 a.m. Adam unlocked his desk and removed a stack of portfolios from the top drawer, left his office and took the short elevator ride to the second floor where the one hundred seat auditorium was housed. He placed the portfolios on a table near the door and started down the center aisle. As he made his way to the stage, he acknowledged the greetings from those assembled, including a bubbly smile from Marcia Bloom. Adam Hampton III is the best liked of the Hamptons. In the two years since he took over the company he added a profit sharing plan that provided a comfortable income for employees when they retired. Christmas bonuses, generous vacation and holiday plans added to his reputation as a progressive corporate leader. He waited until there was absolute silence in the room before he began.

  “I know that you are all wondering why this meeting was called. I believe that it’s safe to say that even your usually accurate rumor mill came up empty today.” He smiled as he looked around at the nodding heads, then continued, “I won’t keep you in suspense. any longer. I’m here to make an announcement that is especially close to my heart.” He stopped momentarily, to take a sip of water and to look out at the expectant crowd.

  As he did, Marcia squirmed in her seat. Just a few mo
re minutes, she thought. She watched his lips as he sipped the water; lips that hours earlier had been all over her body.

  He continued, “I am proud to announce that effective this morning, Hampton Industries acquired controlling interest in Preston Industries.”

  Marcia felt the blood drain from her face. Hey, What about my promotion? I guess he’s saving the best for last. It is good about Preston, though.

  “Most of you know why this acquisition is so special to me. Several years back, my father lost a proxy fight to several large blocks of shareholders at Preston. I believe that it’s safe to say that it contributed in a large measure to his current condition. I know that you will want to share this accomplishment with me as I claim it in his honor.”

  The assembly broke into a thunderous applause, rising to their feet with a two minute standing ovation. Adam beamed back at them with pride. He could see the excitement on their faces. Once again Adam waited for absolute quiet.

  “Thank you for the unanimous acclamation. Absorption of Preston into our stable of companies will have a serendipitous effect on the bottom line. On the back table there is a portfolio for each of your companies. In it you will find revised organization charts that will show your company’s role in the new Hampton Industries lineup. Please let me know if you need any additional information. I’ll be meeting tomorrow with Preston executives. As part of the agreement, their management has agreed to stay on for up to six months, as needed, while we assimilate them into the mix. You may run into some pockets of resistance. That is to be expected given the history between our companies. I just ask you to be patient and work together with your counterparts. Let’s be sure that we set aside any bad feelings that we may harbor. I have and I expect you to do so as well.”

  Adam didn’t ask for questions. He retraced his path down the center aisle of the auditorium and returned immediately to his office. As soon as he closed the office door his secretary buzzed. He had an inkling about what she wanted.

  “Ms. Bloom says she must see you right away.”

  “Yes, of course. Please send her in.”

  Marcia stormed into his office. “What was that all about? Why didn’t you make the announcement about my promotion?”

  Adam acted confused. “Please sit down, Marcia. Let’s discuss this.” He gestured her toward the couch.

  Marcia snapped back, “I don’t want to sit down.” She was in Adam’s face; her eyes wide with rage. “Don’t try to tell me you were so sauced last night that you don’t remember what happened. Don’t pull that lame excuse on me. We made a deal.”

  “I’m afraid that that is exactly what I’m going to say. You know that we discussed the CEO position at your last performance review. We both agreed that you needed more seasoning before taking on such responsibility. I’m sorry if I lost control last night and made promises, but I could never get that appointment past the Board. Your just not ready. Frankly, I don’t even remember. I thought our time together was just for our mutual pleasure. I enjoy your company and I had a good time last night. That’s as much as I can remember. Please don’t hold this one mistake against me. You have a bright future ahead of you, but this just isn’t the right time. You understand that, don’t you?”

  Marcia sat down. Her shoulders dropped as she uttered, “I guess I do. I thought it was too good to be true. Still you should be more careful about the things you offer a woman when you’re trying to have your way with her. I’m willing to let this go for now on the condition that you outline the path I have to take to get the CEO job and I want it in writing and in my file. I’ll do whatever it takes to get that job. That should be obvious.”

  Adam was relieved. He had avoided a crisis. “It’s a deal. It’s the least I can do under the circumstances.” He decided to chance bringing up his recollection of the prior night. “I’m sorry for the way things turned out. I thought what we did was special and consensual.”

  “Did I suggest that it wasn’t? If I did, I’m sorry, Adam. As I remember, you were a perfect gentleman. I had a wonderful time. I hope that it wasn’t just a one night stand on your part, because I would really like to see you again and it has nothing to do with the CEO position.

  Adam was relieved. “I feel the same way. I definitely want to see you again. He reached out for her hand and pressed it gently. “I’m so glad that you stopped by. I was unsure about how to approach you, which is why I didn’t answer your phone call. I know that I put away a few too many Rusty Nails last night.” He looked slightly embarrassed as he added, “I promise you that next time I’ll be at my best behavior. I hate to admit it, but I drank so much because I was nervous about being with you.”

  “That’s such a sweet thing to say, Adam. Thank you for being so honest. with me.” She glanced at the wall clock. “Look, I know you’ve got a lot to do right now, with the acquisition and all, so let me get out of here.”

  “I appreciate that. I do have to get some earnings projections together. I’ll have my assistant put together that plan. Before you know it you will be ready for that CEO job. Again, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding I’ll call you the minute I get back tomorrow.”

  Marcia returned to her office and tossed the Bretton Trading portfolio on her desk. She reached into her pocket for a tissue and found the piece of paper from her memo pad. On it were her talking points. I guess I won’t be needing this right now, but I’m going to file it. I got a feeling that even though I didn’t get the position right now, there is a CEO job for me in the near future. Adam Hampton III isn’t through with me yet, or am I with him.

  Chapter 5

  Lauren Hampton, ex-wife of Adam Hampton III, scanned the newspaper as she enjoyed her morning coffee. She grimaced as she read the headline in the business section about the Preston acquisition. That SOB must be dancing in the halls, she thought. I hope it was worth the high price that the Hampton family had to pay to get it.

  Preston Industries had been the catalyst in the nasty divorce she and Adam went through four years prior. Without her knowledge Adam sold her antique jewelry and mortgaged their summer home to raise capital for his father’s unsuccessful bid to take over Preston. That was the final straw in what was a growing list of grievances. When the dust settled, Lauren walked away from the eight year marriage with a settlement package that allowed her to travel extensively and maintain a fashionable residence.

  The marriage was tumultuous from the start. He worked too much and she played too much. They were seldom on the same page. The exception being their time together in the bedroom. What they lacked in compatibility they made up for with their sexual appetites. The marriage was childless, although Lauren had conceived in their fifth year. She miscarried after three months when she was thrown from a horse during a jumping demonstration at the club. Adam was unforgiving. The unborn child had been a boy.

  Things went decidedly downhill from there. What Adam didn’t know and she wasn’t about to tell him, was that the child had not been from his seed, but was that of a stable hand. Several times, in a fit of anger, she was tempted to throw it in his smug face, but realized that such an admission, while it would be personally satisfying, would damage her future prospects for a large divorce settlement. Even after the settlement she remained silent since nothing would have been gained by telling him.

  Time, however, hadn’t mellowed Lauren. She eyed the phone as she weighed the pros and cons of calling Adam to congratulate him. The pros won.

  “What do you want, Lauren?”

  “It’s wonderful speaking with you too, Adam. I just called to congratulate you. I hope your father’s sanity, our marriage and the loss of most of your closest friends wasn’t too high a price to pay for your victory.

  “I see that you’re still blaming your misfortune on everything and everyone else. When are you going to start accepting responsibility for your own life, and let bygones be bygones. Is that too much to ask?”

  “Oh, getting rid of you was no misfortune for me. Actually, it was the be
st thing that could have ever happened. I just have to look around me to see how much better off I am,” an obvious reference to the luxurious life she was enjoying thanks to his generous divorce settlement.

  “I’m going to hang up now, Lauren. It’s been so nice speaking with you again. Go back to your miserable existence.”

  As Adam was hanging up, he could hear Lauren launching her parting salvo. “My life will always be wonderful as long as you’re not in it.”

  She heard the click at the other end and smiled at the realization that she could still press his buttons. Memories of heated arguments flooded into her head, arguments that often went on for hours and which usually culminated in passionate lovemaking. She would always remember the great sex they had together, but then there were the bad times. Sadly the bad times took a greater toll.


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