Highland Stallion

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Highland Stallion Page 19

by Kate Hill

  Tugging her off his back and into his arms, he purred, “That sounds better than any competition.”

  He kissed her deeply. Nuzzling her neck, he pressed her body close to his as he waded a bit deeper into the lake.

  Sophia traced his arched eyebrows with her fingertip and gazed into his eyes. “Why don’t you hurry and finish your swim? The faster you cool off and groom, the faster we can make love.”

  “Mmm, sounds good to me.” With a tender kiss across her mouth, he released her. Sophia swam away while Zach did the same, breaking an overhanging branch of a tree and using it to scratch his coat, stimulating muscles and skin.

  With the swim over, they slipped out of the lake. Sophia dressed and mounted him for the slow walk back to the house. By the time they reached it, both were more than ready to make love.

  Still, just to further their arousal, Sophia prolonged his grooming. By the time he switched to Huform, he seemed as unwilling to wait as he had been after the pulling contest at Red Pebble Hill.

  “I’m going to keep you in bed until sunset,” he growled, after changing to Huform.

  Sophia giggled, clinging to his neck as he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the cottage.

  He placed her on the bed then locked the door and started the fire while she discarded her clothes. When he turned to her, she lay on her back, her knees parted, her arms draped languidly above her head. She gazed at him with her most seductive expression. It seemed to work because he crossed the room fast and loomed above her, his knees braced on either side of her legs, his hands on each side of her head.

  His eyes stared into hers as he lowered himself closer for a kiss.

  “Oh, Zach,” Sophia whispered against his lips, her arms slipping around his neck, “I love you so much.”

  “My heart is yours, Sophia. It has been since the first dream we shared.”

  His lips moved down her throat, the soft flesh tugging at hers, the tip of his tongue licking. He captured a nipple in his mouth, sucking and lapping until she writhed. Sophia closed her eyes, loving the sensations. As many times as they’d made love, her stomach always fluttered with passion and wonder at his touch. She seemed to love him more with every moment. Just the sound of his deep voice rumbling close to her ear offered comfort and arousal such as she never imagined.

  She stroked his rock-hard shoulders and ran her fingers through his thick, unbound hair. Here, covering her body and tensing beneath her touch, was the greatest puller the world had ever known, yet when she looked at him and cuddled in his arms, all she saw was the man she loved. Though she’d enjoyed his success with him, she never really cared how many contests he won, as long as he was happy and safe. He was Zach, her dream lover, her partner. In her eyes, that’s what made him great.

  “Oh, Zach,” she murmured as he settled between her legs, cupped her buttocks in his large hands, and lifted her clit to his lips.

  She closed her eyes, writhing with pleasure as his soft, damp tongue flickered over her clit. The tip thrust inside her pussy, exploring every hot, moist corner of it.

  Sophia’s legs trembled. Her stomach tightened and her nipples tingled with arousal. His attentions never stopped or faltered.

  “Zach, oh, Gods!” she gasped.

  Heat rose in her face and neck. Her buttocks flexed in his grip and her heels dug into his shoulders as she came so long and hard that for several moments she existed in a sightless, soundless world of pure sensation.

  As her passion ebbed, Zach rolled her onto her stomach. He caressed her bottom while kissing her back, his lips not missing an inch of her flesh. Sophia sighed, pressing her cheek against the pillow, her heartbeat quickening. Zach was at her feet now, his thumbs rubbing the arches, his lips hovering over her ankles. His kisses ran from her heel to her knee. Gently parting her thighs with one hand, his other hand explored her perineum. The delicate flesh puckered and quivered beneath his fingertip. His hand slipped further beneath and rubbed her clit.

  Slipping one arm around her waist, he tugged her upward. His hands on her hips, he mounted her from behind.

  “Oh, Zach!” Sophia gasped, her palms braced against the mattress, her bottom wiggling against him. He steadied her as he pleasured her with slow, even thrusts, building almost unendurable tension. Sophia moaned and whimpered with desire. Her flesh felt warm and raw with perfect passion. Climax broke over her in great, pulsing waves. Zach lunged into her until the last ripples tightened on his cock. So hard and more than ready, he slipped from her only to roll her onto her back.

  Sophia moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist, adoring the sensation of his body claiming hers while his deep voice whispered words of love against her lips and in her ear.

  The first throb of another intense orgasm flooded her body. This time he came with her, thrusting hard as he groaned in ecstasy.

  “My love,” he murmured against her hair, rolling onto his back and cradling her against his chest.

  Sophia smiled, cuddling close. Never in her life had she imagined such happiness, all because of a Horseman.

  * * * * *

  In springtime, Zach began farming, as promised. He spent his days adding on to the cottage and plowing the fields he’d cleared. Sophia continued her seamstress work, but not as often, since she spent much of her time helping Zach, though he kept such a watchful eye on her she could have screamed at times. In early winter, she’d discovered they’d finally conceived. She’d run home after seeing Susana and flung herself into Zach’s arms while he was still hitched to the plow. Simply by the expression on her face, he realized why she was so thrilled.

  He’d been ecstatic. Inez and Susana were very supportive and gladly shared their experiences of motherhood as well as helped her prepare. Susana promised to deliver the child when the time came.

  It was a warm spring day when Sophia, hoping to share the midday meal with Zach, carried a basket of food to the field where he plowed.

  He glanced at her and winked as he plodded close and unhitched himself from the plow. Dirt and dust clung to his damp equine coat and man-chest. Though he’d stopped competing, he hadn’t ceased training and still pulled heavy loads almost daily. The exercise combined with the farm work kept him in top condition. She looked over his lean though heavily muscled build with pride. He was still the finest-looking Horseman she’d ever seen. A blade of grass stuck to the tip of his nose. She smiled and tugged it off when he bent to kiss her.

  “Hungry?” she asked.

  “Of course.”

  “I made vegetable pie, potatoes, and—”

  “Zach! Thank the Gods you’re around!”

  Both Sophia and Zach glanced upward at the slender chestnut Carrier, Leaf, one of the local Gatherers, dropping to a fast landing. He panted as his hooves thudded in the dirt. His coat and man-half glistened with sweat.

  “What’s wrong?” Sophia and Zach spoke almost simultaneously.

  “There was a rockslide over at the canyon. Simon and young James have been trapped in a cave. A rock is blocking the entrance and we can’t move it. Terra, Moor, and I have been trying, but it won’t budge. Simon’s hurt badly. Susana said if we don’t get him out fast, he’ll die.”

  “How’s James?” Zach gave Sophia an arm onto his back as he and Leaf galloped for the barn where he grabbed his best competition harness.

  “Scared, but he’s a tough boy,” Leaf explained. “Because of an outbreak of Plague in the south, most of our Carriers have been sent there to help with supplies of Rock Blood. A Gathering party left this morning, so only Terra, Moor and I were left in the village, or else more of us could have gotten together to move the rock. As soon as I guide you there, I’m going for help in some of the neighboring villages, but by the time I get back, Susana said Simon will probably be dead.”

  Outside, they galloped for takeoff and sped through the skies to the valley. Leaf could have gone much quicker, but even pushing himself to his fastest, Zach couldn’t match a Carrier’s pace. For the first time
he wished he was as fast as he was powerful. When they landed in the canyon, miles from the village, Susana, Inez and Emma stood at the top of an incline, the base of which was hidden by a craggy rock arch. Through a space between the arch and the canyon, the top of a cave was visible above the rock that had rolled down to the base of the incline.

  As Zach flew to where the two women stood, their faces taut with concern, Sophia stared beneath the arch to where Terra and Moor stood harnessed to the largest rock Sophia had ever seen. The incline was so steep and narrow that both large Fighting Carriers could scarcely fit side by side. Their breath rasped and their bodies dripped sweat as they attempted to move the rock. Both were powerful Horsemen, able to carry heavy cargo across long distances, and Moor had been a good puller in the mines, but neither had the power of a Highlander. By the look of the rock, Sophia guessed it would take a team of Highlanders to pull it, and with such a steep incline, it still might do them damage in the process.

  “We need more Horsemen,” Sophia said.

  “Leaf just took off for the next village, and humans from Hornview are bringing in oxen to help, but by the time they get here, it will be too late for Simon.” Susana told them. “According to James, he’s bleeding badly from both a head and leg wound.”

  “There’s no way we’ll be able to pull that rock all the way up.” Inez’s brow furrowed with concern as she watched Terra and Moor struggle.

  “We won’t have to,” Zach said then shouted to the two Horsemen. “Stop that before you kill yourselves. Get up here.”

  Gasping, the men met his eyes with grateful though disheartened expressions.

  “I know you’re powerful, Zach, but I’m afraid that’s not going to move,” Moor said.

  “If I can get it to slide up just a little, can you get through the hole above us?” Zach asked.

  “It’ll be tight, but we can make it,” Terra said, nodding with approval. “I think I know what you’re planning. You move the rock enough to clear part of the cave entrance and we’ll fly down for the rescue.”

  Zach nodded. “You’ll have to move very fast, though. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold it.”

  “That’s sounds terribly dangerous!” Inez said.

  “Susana, he’s bleeding through the bandage I tied!” James screamed from inside the cave, his voice muffled, though not enough to hide the terror in it. “What should I do?”

  “Just use your hands to keep pressure on it, James!” Susana called. “You’re doing fine!”

  Emma buried her face in her hands and cried, “Oh, Gods, no.”

  “What the hell were they doing in the canyon anyway?” Sophia asked.

  “They were looking for silver herb to mix ointment for our horses.” Emma wiped her eyes. “If Leaf hadn’t been flying over at the time of the rockslide, no one would know they were here.”

  Zach walked to the rock and checked the chains secured with thick metal hooks. Satisfied that they seemed strong enough, he braced both hands against the rock and pushed. He paused for a moment. Though his expression hadn’t changed, Sophia noted a glint of despair in his eyes.

  “James?” Zach bellowed.

  “Zach!” James screamed.

  “We’re getting you out, little one,” he called. “When Terra and Moor fly down, you have to do exactly what they tell you and move fast!”

  “I will, Zach!”

  Sophia felt her throat tighten as Zach hitched himself to the rock. Terra and Moor flew to the top of the canyon, above the incline. She made her way down, slipping on loose stones. There was just enough space for Zach to fit. If the huge rock did move, she prayed it wouldn’t cause the natural bridge above them to collapse, burying Zach as well as James, Simon, and the two Carriers.

  “Can you move this?” she whispered.

  “No,” he replied, his mouth set in a grim line. Obviously the rock was too big. It would take more Horsemen.

  “Then why—”

  “I have to try. That boy is watching his father die in front of him. I can’t let that happen and do nothing about it.”

  “Zach.” Sophia clutched his arm. “What if you do yourself serious damage? I’ve never heard you say you can’t pull something before. If you know that you can’t, then—”

  “What if it was our child in there, Sophia?” He held her eyes and she nodded, stepping away.

  She took her place with Inez at the top of the incline. Susana and Emma waited on the ridge where the Carriers would bring James and Simon after the rescue.

  Sophia’s heart throbbed as she watched Zach lean into the harness. His hooves slipped on the incline but the rock didn’t move. After three tries his harsh breathing echoed in the silence. Sweat glistened on his man-half and lathered his equine coat. Three more tries left him trembling from strain. Each raw, panting breath ended in a grunt of pain. Sophia’s fists clenched, as if she could feel his muscles tearing.

  Inez shook her head slightly and placed a steadying hand on Sophia’s arm. “Maybe you shouldn’t watch this.”

  Suddenly Zach took a full step forward, his hooves digging into the incline. The rock dragged forward an inch.

  Zach’s eyes closed tightly. Every muscle, vein, and tendon in his body swelled beneath his skin and coat. The harness cut into his man-torso and equine chest. Sweat struck the ground beneath him in heavy droplets.

  Slowly, painfully, the rock inched upward.

  “That’s enough!” Moor bellowed. “We can make it!”

  “Stop, Zach!” Sophia shouted, slipping down the incline and touching his heaving, sweat-drenched chest. Beneath the bulging muscles she felt his heart slamming. “That’s far enough. Can you hold it for a few seconds?”

  He didn’t reply because she knew he couldn’t. His head bent and ears pinned, he focused completely on holding the incredible burden while Terra and Moor flew into the cave and rescued the man and the boy. Sophia saw him dig his forelegs in harder in an attempt to avoid slipping backwards. Tears dripped from his tightly closed eyes, mingling with the sweat on his face.

  “Tell them to hurry!” Sophia shouted to Inez.

  “Terra, move!” Inez bellowed.

  “We’re out!” Terra called.

  “Let it go,” Sophia told Zach. She was trembling almost as much as he was, her heart aching.

  Rather than dump the rock, he edged backwards until it once again covered the mouth of the empty cave. No sooner had the rock slid back into place when he fell, gasping painfully, every muscle quivering.

  “Are you all right?” Sophia felt stupid even asking, though she didn’t know what else to say as she knelt beside him and lifted his head on to her lap. She stroked wet hair from his face, terrified that he’d done himself permanent damage.

  He nodded, his eyes still closed. “I can’t move right now.”

  Inez scrambled to help Sophia unfasten Zach’s harness.

  Moor joined them. “Is he all right?”

  “I don’t know,” Sophia answered for Zach.

  Moor took the water pouch from around his neck and poured it over Zach’s head then felt his legs for injury. “A little bit of swelling, but that’s to be expected.” Zach stirred, but Moor placed a hand on his flank. “Just give yourself a few minutes.”

  “I’m all right,” Zach said, though his legs still quivered as he stood. He reached for the harness, but Moor stopped him.

  “I’ll bring it to you later,” said the Carrier. “I don’t know how the hell you moved that rock, but you saved Simon’s life. Susana said any longer and he wouldn’t have made it. He’ll still need to be watched closely for a few days, but you gave him a chance.”

  “Good,” Zach sighed, making his way slowly up the incline.

  “Zach!” James, Emma close behind, ran to him and hugged one of his equine forelegs. “I knew you’d save us.”

  “Thank you so much.” Emma embraced him as well.

  “You’re welcome,” Zach replied.

  Susana approached, wiping blood f
rom her hands. “Terra is bringing Simon home.”

  “I’ll fly you both there so you can take care of him,” Moor said to Emma and James. He stood by a rock so they could mount. Moments later, they took off.

  “How are you?” Susana asked Zach as she began feeling his body for injury.

  “All right.”

  “Any severe pain anywhere?”

  “Not really. Just soreness.”

  “It’ll be worse tomorrow, but I’m sure you know that. Go home and get some rest. I don’t know how you did it, Zach.”

  Sophia did. The heart of the legendary Morgan beat in her husband’s chest.

  She slipped her hand into Zach’s and gazed lovingly into his eyes as they walked home.

  * * * * *

  The few days following the incident at the canyon were worrisome for Sophia. Zach didn’t return to the fields right away, having suffered severe muscle pulls that required rest. She and Susana worried that he might have internal injuries from the stress of an impossible pull, but soon he felt like his old self and returned to farming. About a week after the rescue, they sat under a tree, sharing a midday meal while he took a break from plowing. Simon approached in a wagon drawn by a true-horse.

  The couple stared at him warily. Neither had forgotten Simon’s poor treatment of Zach when he’d worked for him.

  “I came to thank you for what you did.” Simon stopped in front of them and sighed. He ran a hand through his hair. “And to apologize for what I did while you were at my farm. I had plenty of bitterness toward Horsemen because of a rotten experience with one Carrier and I’ve been taking it out on everybody, including my wife and boy. Almost dying made me think. So thank you for giving me the chance to look at everything all over again.”

  Zach nodded. “You’re welcome. You have a fine son and should be proud of him.”

  “I am. If you would be so inclined, I wouldn’t mind us starting from the beginning, too. We’re neighbors and if you or your kin ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”


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