Home > Other > A LIL' LESS BROKEN > Page 4

by Tara Oakes

  I clamp my eyes shut, and try to regulate my breathing as much as I can to appear even and deep. There are the soft sounds of fabric dropping next to the bed one after another, before the mattress finally sinks down next me. Jay reaches out to me and pulls me back to his bare chest, nuzzling into my hair. "I know you’re not sleeping baby... but you sure are cute when you pretend to be." His hands slide under my t-shirt and graze over my stomach, rubbing and massaging as they roam upward.

  My bra proves to be a poor barrier as his hands slip under and into it, cupping my breasts and kneading them as his hips follow suit against my backside, his growing member pulsing slightly into me. My body betrays me, buckling under the strain of pretense as I try to swallow my moans of pleasure.

  In a sense of victory, Jay nips by ear lobe before suckling lightly on it. "Mmmmm.. there's my girl." His left hand plunges down between my legs and past the thin protection of my panties. Gliding his fingers through my lady lips he strokes me back and forth while burrowing his boxer covered dick into the small of my back from behind. "Time to wake up sleeping beauty and welcome me home, hmmm?"

  My teeth clench onto the nearby pillowcase and I grip for dear life as Jay's fingers play me expertly. He is kneading my boob while tugging lightly at and rolling my taught nipple between his fingertips. Down below, he is sliding deeper down while stroking, entering his fingers into my opening while pressing his palm firmly onto my clit. The friction causing my already swollen tissues to throb in need.

  I manage to call out through my gritted teeth. "Jay...mmmm"

  "NO!" Jay pulls me from the safety of my pillow, to face him while flat on my back. "You call me baby when I'm fucking you." My eyes meet his as his lust clouds over and darkens his baby blue eyes slightly. His onslaught to my lower half is unrelenting. There is so much wetness that his fingers are gliding effortlessly into me and then out to cover my nub before pushing in again. They plunged deeper and hooked around towards my front, clambering to push into the secret spot Jay knew all so well.

  He found it, and I could sense the knot of pressure building, building, and then exploding as my toes curled and by neck arched up, leaving me to scream out "God! Oh my god!" His fingers paused, allowing my contracting walls to settle before withdrawing them. Raising his drenched hand up he traced my quivering mouth with his pointer finger, covering me with my own moistness before licking my lips with the tip of his tongue.

  "You taste so good baby girl..." His tongue punched through my slightly parted lips and thrusted in my mouth digging deep. He pulled back just enough to let his words escape. "Get on your hands and knees."

  I barely registered the full weight of the order before he was helping me up and tugging at my last remaining clothes adding them to his own pile. He pushed my shoulders down and settled in behind me, kissing the small of my back trailing warmth over my skin. My moans were unrestrained, hitching every time his dick would graze my opening.

  Jay reached around and slid a pillow under me while pressing me further down with his body weight until my rear was tilted up perfectly for him. He sat straight up, abandoning his kisses and pressed himself against me. I could feel his dick twitch slightly when it made impact against my leg. Using his knee he widened the space between my thighs by pushing my legs further apart. I screamed pleasure deep into my pillow awaiting what was to happen next.

  "This was always your favorite, wasn't it baby?.. Me behind you, deeper and deeper into you until you can't take it anymore." Jay's hands now gripped my hips gaining their footing for what was going to come. "You have such a beautiful ass, baby... I've always wanted you to give me your ass..."

  I was dripping down my leg and onto the sheets, my desire and my need overflowing from within me. Jay's finger tips massaged into my skin, with his thumb trailing its own way to cover the opening to my anus. I clenched together as he started to massage small circles into that delicate skin, applying a growing amount of pressure.

  We had never done this before, I wasn't sure if I was able to let him although his thumb was giving me intense longing to try. "Mmmm... baby... this is mine. One day soon you're going to beg me to give it to you here.. But for now.." he slid his cock right over the opening to my pussy, "I want to hear you scream out how deep you want it.."

  My hands clenched into fists trying to hold in my need. The tip of his dick swirled in my wetness, lubing itself. The nerve endings in my folds were on high alert, waiting to feel the pleasure I so desperately wanted. I wanted him deep in me pushing his way to my next explosion. I called out to him "Deep baby... I need it deep." Breathlessly, I waited.

  Mmmm! He plunged deep into me with one thrust bottoming out. He held himself still while I cried out in pleasure as he filled the deepest part of me with his throbbing manhood. Ever so slowly, he started to withdraw his length out of me, hitting every delectable nerve along the way out. I could feel the sweat start to prickle the top layer of skin of my back. When at last just the head was inside of me he gripped my hips strong and, WHAM!, pushed himself right back into me.

  I cried out as I came around his shaft. My body shuddered and convulsed as my orgasm took over, leaving me floating, hovering near the edge of myself. Jay massaged my hips and then my thighs as I quieted down from my immense outburst. His fingertips swirled over the indented area right above the cleft of my ass cheeks. "Right here... right here is where I want you to get my ink... " He began to rock his length in and out of me as he played with the patch of skin, which was now covered in gooseflesh from my now heightened nerve endings. "Right here where I can see it every time I make you come, deep inside.."

  His thrusting became more methodical, increasing in both speed and depth. Tension was building up inside of me again. The rising pressure of my growing arousal no doubt clenching on Jay as he pushed himself into me again and again. I lifted my head back over my shoulder to see him in all his glory, pushing and pumping, delivering to me what I needed. He smiled at me mischievously and growled as his neck stretched back. I needed more. I used my body weight to push back into him as he met me with his next thrust.

  His eyes shot open at my actions and he broke out into a huge grin. I didn't think it was possible for him to add anymore strength behind his maneuvering but he mustered up some hidden reserve of power and pushed me past every barrier there was into the strongest orgasm of my life. Pulling my arms back together, causing me to stand tall on my bended knees, he pressed his mouth into mine collecting my orgasm screams into his kiss as we came at the same time, filling me with his seed.

  We supported each other with our bodies, aware that the other would collapse if we moved. His dick started to settle and return to size as he slowly withdrew himself, causing me to unconsciously hiss at the sensation. I was beyond raw, and that last bit of friction was gloriously painful in its own right. I fell back into the mattress as Jay stumbled to the bathroom, where he rinsed his battered member off. Crawling back to bed, he pulled me close to him with one arm while pulling the comforter to cover us with the other.

  Face to face, we stared into each other, with many unspoken words between us. He kissed my forehead for what seemed like forever, wrapping me in his arms as I purred contentedly into his chest. He chuckled and squeezed me tight. "Baby.. that was mind blowing.. but I don't think you're going to be able to walk tomorrow." Maybe not, but it was definitely worth it.



  The bacon sizzling in the pan in front of me popped as a small amount of grease splattered out toward me. I jumped back, narrowly avoiding direct contact with the hot projectile. "Crap.." I mumbled as I turned off the flame and looked down at my arms to make sure I hadn't been splattered.

  "You know there is a splash guard for that pan..." Jay walked through the kitchen making his way next to me. Turning the tap to cold in the large farmers sink near us, he took hold of my arm and ran it under the cool running water. "It's not much, I think you'll live." He smirked as I stuck my tongue out at him. "Mmmmm. I have
plans for that tongue. But, first... feed me woman." He turned off the faucet, dried off my forearm and then kissed the small red area starting to form. "All better."

  Jay was one of the most ruggedly handsome guys I had ever seen, even when fully clothed in his jeans and leather. But now, with him standing in front of me in nothing but his drawstring sleep pants tied low on his hips and his tan chiseled chest beckoning to me, I was certain he was the finest male specimen alive. I glanced down to check his waistband to see any hint of the now infamous tattoo. Nothing. His pants were low enough for me to trace the v shaped notch his muscles made near his groin and see the bluish line of a vein reaching to his dick but there was absolutely no sign of the tat. It was hidden, a secret, only for me to see. Well, maybe at first it was for only me to see but life took a turn where I'm sure countless bitches had their face right in it, staring, wondering what it meant.

  I giggled slightly thinking of those poor girls bobbing their heads up and down staring at what was essentially my mark on him. Just as I was taking in the scrumptious view he turned away toward the coffee pot and poured himself a large cup. "Something funny baby?" he drawled in his sleepy morning voice as he slid over in the direction of the breakfast nook. The front view might have been fantastic but the back view was simply out of this world! His broad shoulders were like pillars on either side of him. Muscles flexing ever so slightly as his arms moved with his gait. The deep cleft trailing his spine was well cut and firm, covered by the large back tattoo that mirrored the patch on his leather cut. The word Kingsmen arched across his lower shoulders in bold gothic letters with a coat of arms and sword emblazoned dead center over his rib cage. Underneath the detailed artwork was the charter name Chisholm arching upward, just skimming the narrow part of his waist. That tattoo always made me drip for him. Even now I could feel the liquid pool down low ready to escape my opening.

  I crossed my legs and stood tall squirming just a little as the stinging set in. I was raw, chaffed and swollen from last night and the slight acidity of my liquid was not the most comfortable feeling filling into those places. Jay sat and took a long sip of his morning drink while scrutinizing me, as I stood trying to balance myself. "Is it that bad?.... did I hurt you?"

  I smiled to him, "I'll be fine. Nothing that hasn't happened before." Before I could even finish my words I realized just how they must sound to him. His eyes narrowed and turned hard.

  "Is that so?..." He hissed.

  I uncrossed my legs and fumbled over the the cupboard, turning my reddening cheeks away from him. "You should know... you were always the one doing it to me." I explained as I withdrew a plate and filled it with scrambled eggs and bacon from the pan before setting it in front of him. I could see his shoulders relax and lower slightly, accepting my words for what they were... the truth. No other guy even came close to making my body feel the way Jay always could.

  He picked up his fork and stabbed in to the eggs. "Good... give you something to remind yourself of me while I'm gone...

  I added some bacon to my own plate and sat across from him. "You're leaving?.. when?" I fiddled with my food pretending to not be overly interested in his plans.

  Jay sipped on his coffee while eyeing me. "Don't try to miss me too much.. Leaving in a couple of hours to make a run to Virginia. Couple of stops along the way.. nothing too crazy. I'll be gone at least ten days." He had started to bite into his bacon. "Give you time to settle in, get your shit set up with school. Plenty of time to recover from last night before I get back" he smirked at me. A jolt surged straight down to my groin. Ouch. I need to try to stop doing that.

  "About that...." I let out. "I tried to tell you in the shower. I'm not on anything.... we didn't use anything last night, Jay. I thought you understood what I meant?" I dropped my fork down onto my plate with a small clinking sound, and searched for his explanation.

  "Um hmm. I remember.." He took another bite of his bacon. "It was one time Lil's... I don't think we have anything to worry about. But if it makes you feel better, go to the Doc and get some birth control pills. Clink's ol' lady just got the shot. Maybe you could look into that. You're too forgetful for pills anyway." He chewed slowly, watching his plate.

  I sat back in my chair and folded my arms across my chest, crushing my boobs. One of the biggest problems that big chested girls had was not being able to cross their arms comfortably. "I've never forgotten to take my pills. In all the time we were sleeping together I've never forgotten, asshole. Not once." I scowled back at him, pissed that he would even have the nerve to insinuate that I was irresponsible when it came to protection.

  Apparently my fears were resonating with him, as he rested his elbows on the le and leaned forward to discuss the situation with me, actually engaging himself in the conversation. "Why the fuck aren't you on anything anyway Lil's? You like playing with fire up in that little college town of your's?"

  Dumbfounded, I huffed and ground my teeth together at his douchbag accusation. "Not that I owe you a fucking explanation but I don't need to be on anything.... I haven't been with anyone in months. But even if I was on something..... you can still pass other shit around asshole. How do I know you're clean?"

  Jay didn't seem to like the spotlight on his own sexual activity. He cleared his throat deep. "I'm clean baby... Other than you, before and now, I wrap my shit up tight." I rolled my eyes at him in the most obvious way I could manage. "Listen Lil's... You go get on something and I promise to use a condom until we're in the clear, O.K.?" He cocked his eyebrow at me waiting for me to agree.

  I bit the inside of my cheek, contemplating. "Fine. I'll go to my doctor in River Rapids tomorrow when I go back to take my last final exam." I held my breath. Let's see if he takes the bait.

  "We have Doctors here, you know. We don't live in a motherfucking third world country, Lil's." He shot back, drawing his imaginary line in the sand. I would need to play this very carefully... I knew Jay well enough to know that once he put his foot down, it wasn't easy to get him to back down. I had one last final to take, in my Abnormal Psychology class. It was worth 30% of my final grade. If I bailed on it, I would walk with a 'C' in the class. I busted my ass far too hard for a damn 'C'.

  I pushed my crossed arms slightly to further plump up my boobs. At this point, a little eye candy could only help my cause. My voice dropped at least a couple of decibels. "Jay, I need my things. Not new things to replace them, but MY things. I need to take my final, give my boss an explanation face to face before just walking out on him, and take care of my lease. While I'm there, I'll stop in to see my Doctor and say goodbye to my girlfriends."

  Jay was barely mulling over my valid points, so I felt the need to up the anty. "If I'm going to come back home, I need to finalize everything up at school so I'm in good standing to transfer to a school around here. You're not even going to be here, so this is the perfect time for me to get shit squared away. This way when you get home, I'll already be back and everything will be taken care off. I t's a no brainer." I should really think about switching my major from psychology to pre-law, so I could at least get some more use out of my debate skills. I could see him struggling to stay firm with his plan.

  I pursed my lips tautly. Waiting. I didn't have to wait too long. "I would think that behaving yourself at a bachelorette party would also be a no-brainer." Crap! "But, fine you wanna go back for a couple days and take care of your shit, then do it. You have two days-max. You take Sunny with you, and I'm sending two prospects to clear out your apartment and keep an eye on you two."

  Leaping out of my chair I ran to him and flung my arms around his neck settling in on his lap. It wasn't often that I used to be able to persuade this man to see my way on things when he had his mind set. This was definitely a victory. "OK! I'll call Sunny and set it up. It'll be great, give us girls a chance to really get to know each other. I'll be back before you know it." I was practically gitty. I was so afraid that I wouldn't have a chance to say goodbye to my friends before leaving River Rapids.
I mean, by the time I got back to school if I was able to, they might not all be there.

  Jay unlatched my hands from around his neck and held them between us. "Lil's. I'm serious. You keep a low profile and stay out of trouble. You don't go anywhere without a prospect and you check in with me. I call you and you don't answer, there's shit when you get home. You and Sunny take my truck and the boys will follow on their bikes. You let them do all of the lifting and moving. Get your records from school and your Doctor. No detours, no sidetracking."

  I kissed his cheek and nodded profusely at all of his requirements, they weren't unreasonable. "Um hmm. I promise. There and back. I should go get ready and call Sunny." I went to leave the le as Jay held on clasping tighter around my hands, anchoring me to him.

  "Are you forgetting something?" He asked, the mischief barely concealed in his voice. No way in hell was I about to thank anyone for giving me their 'permission' to go pack up my place. Apparently that isn't what he meant. "Your man is leaving on a run for a week and you don't want to give him a proper send off?" His breaths were deep, stretching his chest as he inhaled.

  I wiggled my ass into his groin slightly, enjoying the small amount of torture I could use to fight back with. "Mmmmm.." I kissed him deep, tasting the mocha deep roast lingering on his warm breath. "Doctor first baby..."

  He growled slightly into me. "Not necessarily...." grabbing my ass he dug my hips deeper into him. My eyes perked up in curiosity. He put his arms behind his head and leaned back. "Suck me hard baby girl".


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