Home > Other > A LIL' LESS BROKEN > Page 12

by Tara Oakes

  I climbed into my Prius and started the engine quickly, peeling out and speeding away before I could be followed. The directions I had been given were leading me to the old side of town where the many factories, once the lifeline of Chisholm now stood abandoned and decaying.

  My phone rang loudly breaking my concentration. I hesitated before answering, wrestling with myself. I couldn't betray Emily now.... I was her only hope. I answered the call.

  "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING LIL'S?!..." Jays voice boomed.

  I searched for words, some sort of explanation that wouldn't compromise my friend. "I'm sorry Jay... I have to go... I have no choice... she's there because of me".

  It took him less than a second to respond. "What are you talk.." I hung up as I was reaching my destination, eager to see Emily off to safety.


  The building once served as some type of manufacturing plant. Most of the windows were broken and mother nature had long since started the process of reclaiming the space. I was escorted into a main foyer area by two large unbathed members of the Slayers M.C.

  Emily was tied to a chair, gagged, wriggling around at the sight of me. I rushed over to her and held her close searching around the room assessing my surroundings.

  "Can't seem to stay away, now can you little girl... seems like you always find yourself in trouble..." Shade walked out of the shadows, evil blanketing over his once handsome face. "Some might say you keep bad company...."

  I stood in front of Emily, shielding her with my body. "We made a deal.... I'm here...let her go."

  Shade nodded to one of the men sulking nearby. The man moved forward to Emily cutting her free of her wrist ties and gag. She gulped for air, rushing into me, holding tight. "Jules...thank god."

  I held her embrace briefly before pulling back. "Em... you're going to get out of here." I handed her my bag and car keys. "Take my car.. go back to my house. Sit tight.. I'm so sorry this happened to you.. because of me."

  I pushed Emily behind me and in the direction of my car, willing her to leave quickly.

  Shade interjected. "Well, actually...."

  I shot back at him. "We made a deal... I take her place, you let her go."

  Shade smiled eerily at me. "I did say that now didn't I..." He suddenly grew bored, and waved his hand as if shoeing a fly. "However, I didn't say that my brother's here would let her go."

  I gasped. Time seemed to freeze as I whipped my head around to face Emily, look in her widening confused eyes. The man who had moments ago freed her from her restraints had now withdrawn a pistol from his vest and aimed at Emily's delicate head. I watched her eyes close in preparation for the inevitable. She was fully aware of what was happening.

  The shot rang out and Emily's body jolted as the impact tore into her temple. Her body buckled and crumpled in on itself falling to the ground. I started screaming and sobbing unrelentlessly as I watched my friend lie in a pool of growing liquid. The emotion was too much. The sorrow, the pain, the hatred, the helplessness. I collapsed, a never ending fall as my mind shut down, and leaving me to the mercy of my captors.



  I was racing as fast as my bike would tolerate, using my mind to will it to go faster. I had left pop and the boys behind miles ago, speeding past them, unable to keep position on our way to the hospital.

  The police scanners had picked up activity from the old industrial park. An abandoned car, a woman shot... she had been airlifted to Mercy General.

  I couldn't allow myself to think the worst. I had lost Lil's once and wasn't about to loose her again. I needed to stay strong. I always needed to be strong. FUCK. Self hatred filled my mind. I should never have left her. I should have taken her to the clubhouse myself instead of letting her sleep, sending ma to bring her.....

  Lil's had snuck off about two hours ago, right through their fingertips. Assholes. Good for nothing prospect pieces of shit that can't follow the simplest of instruction. Thank god I had been nearby when they called to tell me that she sped off.

  What the fuck was she thinking? She didn't make any sense on the phone.. We searched the house high and low for any signs of what the hell was going on. Nothing. Just a scrabble of a note and a twist in my heart.

  The pregnancy test was left out, confirming what I had known for days. She was pregnant. She was pregnant with my baby and she took off for some reason. It didn't make any fucking sense. Maybe it's the fucking hormones making her crazy.

  The hospital lane split off, veering right. I raced up to the emergency room entrance weaving my way through traffic. I cut the engine and jumped off my bike throwing my helmet aside, running through the main lobby looking for anyone who might work here.

  Some guy in a white coat steps into view and I run over to him, pulling on his arms. "You've gotta help me... please... my girl's been shot... she's just been airlifted here..." His eyes were blank, void of all emotion before I could even finish my plea. Oh god, no...

  The asshole cleared his throat. "I'm sorry... there was nothing we could do.. she..."

  I took off running through the double doors into the emergency ward, searching for my girl. "LIL'S!!" I called out around every corner, into every room, and behind every curtain. A middle aged woman dressed in a nurses uniform came toward me with her hands up.

  "Sir... sir... calm down. You can't be in here."

  I tossed a metal cart over, grabbing my hair. NO FUCKING WAY! No way am I losing her again, not like this. I can't lose both of them.

  "Please sir, let me help you... I can help you."

  She can help me. Yes... yes.. I need help to straighten this out.. she can help. I let her touch my arm guiding me to her desk. I take the seat she offers me. I need her help.

  An elderly security guard comes running through, but the nurse holds up her hand to him. "Jimmy, it's alright. Thank you. I can handle it from here."

  The guard steps back but cautiously eyes me. I swear to god, he comes near me I'm gonna fuckin' break his neck, right here in the middle of the god damned emergency room.

  "Sir, who are you looking for" The nurse calls out to me, drawing my attention back to her. I watch the guard from the corner of my eye.

  "My girlfriend, my ol' lady.. she was airlifted here with a shot wound." I state matter of factly to her, knowing that once she knows who I am looking for she can help straighten this out.

  The nurse types on her computer. "Let's see.. we had a gunshot wound brought in earlier by Medevac. She was unresponsive, but was identified as Julia Kaegan, aged twenty one years old, brown hair, brown eyes. She was found with her personal belongings and her vehicle was nearby." She stopped suddenly, staring at her screen. "I'm so sorry... she was pronounced dead on arrival by the attending physician"

  The room grew cold. I sat stone still staring at the back of her computer. This can't be happening. She was pure, she was innocent. None of this shit was ever supposed to touch her. All the fucked up shit I've done in my life, I know I don't deserve her. But I love her and I swore to protect her. God no.

  She's so young... she has so much to live for. She'll never grow old with me, she'll never get to hold our kids and grandbabies... SHIT. The baby.

  I closed my eyes when the realization hit that if she was lost then the baby was lost... "The baby...." I let out hanging my head in defeat. This was it. There was nothing left for me.

  The nurse typed on her keyboard, hitting buttons over and over again. "Sir... there was no baby... the patient wasn't pregnant."

  I lifted my head in confusion, everything swirling around me a million miles an hour. "What?... yes she was.... I saw the test myself."

  The nurse double checked her computer screen. I pulled the screen over to see for myself, as she jumped back, startled.

  A hardened resolve set in. "I need to see her."


  The morgue was in the basement of the hospital, with the service elevator being the only access. I had to lie to the administr
ation and tell them that Lil and I were married and I was her next of kin to gain entry. I had left strict instructions for no one to disclose anything about her to anyone until I could make sure it was real.

  Something just didn't sit right. You find yourself in as many close call situations as I have you learn how to trust your gut. Sometimes it makes the difference between life and death. I had to sign too many forms and grew impatient with the small spectacled man in front of me.

  I grabbed his collar, a full eight inches below me. "Just show me the fucking body." The little pencil pusher dropped his clipboard quickly on his desk and led me over to a wall of drawers. Pulling on a large handle, the door opened with a plastic covered body expanding before us.

  My baby couldn't be under here. I would know, I think if she were gone. Like some kind of invisible cord between us snapping, severing the connection I had always felt with her. If I was wrong, and this was her, then at least I owed it to her to see what I'd done. This was my fault, this was on my shoulders. I couldn't protect her.

  The employee put on a pair of white gloves and carefully lowered the plastic. I closed my eyes. I had seen a lot of shit in my life. Hell, I had done worse to people than what was now before me. I could do this. I needed to do this.

  I opened my eyes and moved over the young girl lying before me. I turned on my heel and headed back to the elevator. There was no time to waste.

  The gloved man called out to me, curious about my sudden departure. "Sir, If you'll just please sign her release for the mortuary."

  I turned in the open elevator, pressing the red button. "Don't have to... That's not my girl.”




  About the Author

  Tara Oakes is a new author from Long Island, N.Y. She lives with her husband and their

  little pet family. She is an avid reader, a DIY'er and writer of all things romance. With several completed works, A Lil' Less Broken marks her debut into e-publishing.

  When not writing or reading, Tara enjoys gardening (without much success) and all things Real Housewives related. Please feel free to contact her as all feedback and fan interaction is much welcomed and highly appreciated.


  www.facebook.com Tara Oakes Author





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