Soul Unbound (Key to the Cursed Book 3)

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Soul Unbound (Key to the Cursed Book 3) Page 22

by Jean Murray

  “He would risk a civil war in the midst of Apep’s rise? If there was any time in history our kind need to be united, it would be now.”

  “Find your faith, brother.”

  Faith? Bomani had lost his faith when he left Aaru. He wondered now if he ever had faith at all. Now, Siya needed him to believe in the impossible. A future he had no control over.

  Bomani swallowed against his dry throat and rose to his feet. He would get her out of this bunker or die trying. “Let us go home.”

  Chapter Forty-Four

  “Go, go, go,” Bomani yelled and sprinted up the steps. The bottom stairwell filled with an undulating black wave of siravants. Wall, ceilings and floor were filled with the black beings, some with human bodies, others with massive wings spread.

  The screeches were deafening. Claws pierced Bomani’s back armor. He stumbled forward but caught himself with his free hand. The siravants gave Bakari a wide berth but ambushed Bomani with small strikes intended to weaken him enough to drop Siya.

  One dark corridor after another, eternity passed before they reached the last level. Bomani leaned against the wall.

  “We have one more set of steps. Do you want me to carry her out?” Bakari asked and scanned the hallway.

  “No.” Bomani clutched Siya to his chest, fearing if he relinquished her—he would lose her forever. With the pain in his soul waning to barely an ache he pushed off the wall and shifted Siya over his shoulder.

  “Going so soon, boys.” Nebt lunged and grabbed Siya’s leg, yanking her back. Bomani grappled for leverage, but his foot slipped on the ice and he slammed into the hard concrete. Siya was jerked from his grasp and dragged away by Nebt.

  Bakari moved and slashed Nebt across the arm. Black blood erupted from the wound. She reared back, dropping the hold she had on Siya.

  Bomani scrambled to pick her up and bolted for the door. He hit it with all the force he could muster. The thick metal buckled but did not cave. Again he rammed into the metal to no avail.

  “You have nowhere to go,” Nebt said, pacing the small distance in front of them.

  Bakari moved on Nebt, but every time he stepped away the siravants inched closer.

  Bomani did not come all this way just to lose Siya and his unborn child. Reluctantly, he set her down in order to force the door open.

  “Nebt!” A bellow echoed from the lower levels.

  “We just ran out of time,” Bomani yelled and continued to slam his fist into the door.

  Nebt staggered back. The wicked smile on her face was replaced by fear. “Give her back to me, now.”

  Bomani summoned his strength and rammed his shoulder into the metal. Again and again until the door flew out into the snow covered path. Slinging Siya over his shoulders to maximize his ability to run, he scrambled up the incline and breached the upper level. “Where to now?” Bomani asked, running out into the unending tundra.

  “I have already put in a call for help,” Bakari shouted and slashed one of the demons in pursuit.

  Bright spotlights illuminated from large helicopters Bomani recognized as Nehebkau. Large explosions erupted behind them. Red flares chased the fifty caliber rounds and punched holes in the demons.

  Bomani was never more grateful to see modern weaponry at its finest.

  “There,” Bakari pointed to a low flying helicopter in the distance.

  Redirecting his steps to intercept, he pumped his muscles and picked up speed. Bakari stayed at his back. “Almost there.”

  The gun ship lit up the sky. Rounds sung by their heads. Bomani could not afford to look or risk losing his precious lead. Blood splattered against his back. He forced his legs to push past the pain and ran harder. Another airship rocketed in, mowing down siravants that had taken flight. The large bodies crashed to the ground sending plumes of snow and ice into the air.

  Two warriors flanked the door of the helicopter. Bomani lifted Siya up and they pulled her into the cabin. Then he followed and turned to pull his brother up to safety.

  Bomani stared out over the wasteland of ice as the helicopter pulled away. Black bodies riddled their trail.

  Bakari gripped his shoulder. “We need to thank Kendra when we get home.”

  Blowing out a breath Bomani ducked into the cabin. The female medic was attending to Siya’s wounds. He collapsed next to her and drew her cold hand into his.

  I will never leave you again.

  Pulling her into his arms, he prayed it wasn’t too late to keep his promise.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  “I should be in there,” Bomani said, pacing the same path of stone for the last four hours. The fact that he was asked to leave the room only added to his anxiety.

  “The women thought it best if you stayed out here until Lilly’s exam of Siya is complete. I know better than to argue,” Bakari replied and leaned against the stone wall.

  Bomani groaned his frustration. The enemy had her for over twenty-four hours. “What if they—”

  Bakari’s glare halted Bomani from finishing his words.

  “Do not go there, brother.”

  “My pain is gone. Has been for a while,” Bomani said and rubbed his chest. He could not sense Siya’s emotions. She was lost to him the minute she regained consciousness. Acid churned in Bomani’s stomach. He was not sure he could take another rejection, especially after how poorly he handled the last one.

  “Let us go to the warrior tavern. An ale would do you good.”

  “Me in the warrior tavern, you must be mad.” Bomani jammed his fingers through his hair. He would be as welcome as a scarab in the bed.

  “They would welcome you.”

  “By your orders.” Bomani chucked darkly. He eyed the guardians stationed next to Siya’s room. “You have earned their loyalty brother. I have no place there.”

  “Many times I prayed for it to be different,” Bakari said solemnly.

  “As do I.” Bomani barely recognized the male standing next to him. This was not the god of their youth or even five years ago.

  Humble. Loyal. Honorable.

  Bomani had to concede the legion would be stronger with the God of Death carrying the Underworld banner. Bakari’s name alone would wilt any overzealous god. With the war to come, the Underworld would need every advantage. “Father has made a solid choice.”

  Bakari’s eyes widened for a moment and then he bowed. “My hope is to do half as well as you.”

  “I have no worries.” Bomani smiled.

  “We will see what Father has to say after the stunt we pulled.”

  Bomani remained silent. Things would get much worse for Siya and him. The Creation wanted their heads in retribution for the slaying of the protectors.

  “Shit, I did not mean to sound so insensitive to your situation. Kendra’s optimism is wearing off on me. I believe everything will work itself out.”

  Bomani raised his hand to silence his brother. “It is what it is. I cannot worry about that right now.”

  “If the Creations back off, what will you do?”

  “I do not know.” Bomani walked to the veranda and gazed down over the beach. The warriors were playing a game of soccer with the younglings. Dennu kicked a scoring goal. “Would you have ever imagined seeing this?”

  “No,” Bakari said, settling next to him.

  Bomani chuckled when Geos rolled and outmaneuvered Sin. Standing in silence with his brother, they watched something that had never happened in the history of the Pantheons. The simple game held more meaning than either of them could have imagined.

  “Is this what the future will look like?” Bakari asked.

  Bomani detected a hint of hope in his brother’s voice. “I pray for it.”

  “I am jealous, brother.”

  Bomani turned to assess Bakari’s expression. Curiosity filled his brother’s eyes as he gazed at the younglings roughhousing next to the water.

  “Do you think the Mother Goddess will ever think me worthy of a son or daughter?”

Bomani leaned against the veranda wall. He had not even contemplated having offspring. Nor had he been told the official news. “You have wed her daughter. I can think of no reason why she would deny you, if you and Kendra wish it.”

  Bakari refused to meet his gaze.

  “You have not married?” Bomani asked, astonished. The couple had bonded, each carrying the other’s mark. Marriage would give Kendra immortality and strengthen their bond to allow children.

  “It did not feel right until we resolved things between you and me. Plus, I am still a little messed up.” Bakari paused, his brows furrowed. “Like you said brother, how long will it be before I disappoint Kendra?”

  “Isis, Bakari. Of all people, you do not need my permission. As for your head, Kendra is the very person to help you through your issues.” He grabbed Bakari’s shoulders and forced him to square off. “I was wrong, so fucking wrong.”


  The hard line of Bakari’s face softened. Bomani followed his brother’s silver gaze to find Kendra standing in the hallway. She smiled brightly. “Glad to see you two are getting along.”

  Bomani released Bakari and stepped back. He hoped one day when he laid eyes on Kendra he would not be reminded of his failures.

  “Is everything well?” Bakari asked and intercepted his mate.

  “Well as to be expected. Lilly was able to heal the worst of her wounds. Siya would not let her finish the rest.” Kendra met Bomani’s gaze. “She asked to see you.”

  Bomani simply nodded, daft of words. He wiped his hands on his pants and walked towards the gold engraved doors of the guest room.

  He blew out a breath. Good or bad, his future resided on the other side of the thick wooden door. He pulled on the handle and entered the large room. After living on the streets, the gold filigree and intricate carvings appeared gaudy. The enormous bed consumed a small amount of the sandstone in the far corner of the room. The normal silk sheets had been changed out for thicker cotton. A pile of bloodstained towels sat next to the bed.

  “She insisted on taking a shower. Lilly’s in there with her,” Kit said from the nearby sofa.


  “Nice to know you remember my name,” she said with a cock of her black brow. “You’re not going to screw this up with Siya, are you?”

  “No,” Bomani replied and stared at the door to the bathroom.

  “Good, because we need her on our side.” Kit stood up and walked to the door without looking back.

  Lilly carried out a pile of bloody towels. “She’ll be out in a minute. Have a seat. I’ll get these out of the way,” she said and picked up the stack of towels by the bed.

  Bomani opened his mouth to speak, but Lilly held up her hand. “Ask her.”

  He sighed and sat on the chaise. Restless, he shifted positions several times before pushing up and walking over to the archway.

  Cautiously he stepped into the bathroom. Siya stood in front of the mirror. Her naked body was silhouetted beneath the thin white fabric of her robe. Her long hair lay neatly braided against her spine. She clutched the robe tight to her chest. The wounds on her face had faded to pink lines. The deep cuts on her wrists and ankles still oozed blood, and he still detected the scent of venom in the air.

  His palms dampened and his throat tightened.

  He could move no further, his legs frozen by his need to give her space and not overcrowd her. Already overstepping the bounds by coming this far, he feared pushing her before she was ready to open up to him. A mere ten feet separated them, but he would wait for however long it took her to come to him.

  Redness and swelling muted the pale green of her eyes as she stared at him in the mirror. She released her grip on the robe and smoothed her hands down the front. Taking a deep breath, she pivoted on her bare feet to face him.

  She grimaced with her first step. Sweat beaded against her forehead. The next sent him racing forward. He stopped short of grabbing her, fearful she would reject him or worse blame him. “Please, forgive me.” Throwing her arms around him, she buried her face in the curve of his neck. He pulled her tight and exhaled a staggered breath. His eyes burned with a mix of relief and joy.

  Not caring if she chastised him later, he scooped her up and carried her out to the bed.

  * * *

  “Let me in, please. I cannot stand to see you in pain,” Bomani begged.

  His words wounded her. Her façade of control cracked the minute she made contact. Tears she could no longer fight fell like a heavy rain against his skin.

  He eased down onto the bed with her still clutched in his arms. She rolled into the curve of his body and clung to him. “Please forgive me for not getting there sooner. I should have never left.” He tightened his grip on her.

  She shivered. The coldness of the dark magic never left her, even after Kendra had blessed her with the expulsion spell. The vision of Nebt’s sheer pleasure flashed in her mind as the dark magic tore at her soul. Siya feared nothing was left, the very reason she had closed Bomani out. What if all the white light in her heart was gone, and the only thing left was the demon. Dying alone was not Siya’s worst fear after all, it was becoming her father.

  “Tell me what to do, Ka’ti.” He caught the stray hairs and tucked them back from her face.

  There was so much they needed to talk about, but words would not heal their bond. She needed to feel something other than the coldness and the physical pain. “Make love to me,” she whispered and met his gaze.

  Concern infused his stare. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” Unable to explain the how or why she just craved his touch.


  She silenced his caution with the press of her lips against his neck. Her fingertips tugged at his belt clasp, urging him to remove everything.

  “Isis, Siya.” He captured her hands. “You need time to rest.”

  “Need to feel you.” She cupped his ridged jaw and forced him to look at her. “Only you.”

  He dabbed the small cut on her lip, his brows furrowing as his concerned gaze tracked over her face. His skin warmed under her touch and she was grateful. She needed all the warmth he could give her. He kissed her lips, and then proceeded with his gentle appreciation of every injury on her face. She closed her eyes and drew in the energy forming between them.

  He shifted off the bed. Heavy boots, pants and belt hit the floor. His hot skin shocked her flesh. She sighed and gripped the breadth of his muscled back. She met his gaze. His eyes of the brightest gold held her in a hypnotic stare. A window to his soul.

  He unlaced the tie of her robe and slipped the silk edges apart. A frown tugged at his lips when he scanned her body. Some of the more severe bruises had yet to fade. He kissed each one.

  In the valley between her breasts he inhaled a deep breath. His back arched, the muscles rippling beneath her fingertips. Despite his obvious reservations, the hardness of his arousal pressed against her. She ran her hands down over his back, following the trail of tattoos to the base of his spine. He rolled his hips, and the tip of his cock slid along her clitoris. Waves of pleasure filled her womb, blooming heat through her icy veins.

  His mouth enveloped her nipple and his tongue danced across the tip. She moaned and arched into his mouth. His gentleness and devotion unraveled the tightness around her soul.

  So solid. So real.

  Bomani caressed the faint lion and moon hieroglyphic on her chest. “I feared I had lost you.”

  His ripe emotion brought tears to her eyes again. Nebt wanted to take all of this from her. And almost had, if not for Bomani coming to save her. This male risked his life for her. Loved her. She fought because she finally had something to live for and love back.

  “I am here because of you.” She caressed his cheek. “I love you, Bomani.”

  “I love you too.” He leaned into her touch.

  Their future was about to get even more complicated, but for now she needed just him. Unlocking her soul, she reached out t
o him through the frayed bond. To the male who had saved her even before this night. She did not need a prophecy to tell her he was her mate. His actions spoke of an honor and loyalty beyond friendship or lovers.

  She could no more hold back her pain than all the other emotions flooding into him. He inhaled sharply and his body shuddered against hers. He latched onto her soul with his power. Her chest ached, but she did not fight him, not when he had laid down his life for her. For once, she had to trust him completely.

  He probed her soul, leaving no memory unturned. With such an intimate connection, his desires flooded her. She writhed beneath him, aching to have him fill her.

  He met her demands with one forceful thrust of his hips. Withdrawing, he left her empty and wanting, but not for long as he buried himself deeper with each penetrating stroke. Pleasure bloomed where coldness once claimed. Heat flourished in her core, tightening around his shaft. She opened her eyes to find him staring down at her, pleasure creasing his face. She kissed him with what strength she had left in her. “Do not ever leave me,” she cried out, riding the crest of ecstasy.

  “Never,” he groaned, his body shaking with restraint.

  Her core burned hot on the inside. He lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. She arched beneath him, exploding into a torturous orgasm. He rode it until the end and then burst inside her. His orgasm surged with each thrust, sending her reeling. She gripped his erection tight inside her. His essence rushed like fire through her veins straight to her soul and healed her broken heart.

  He was her cure. The key to breaking her curse.

  Bomani sat up and clutched her to his chest. She tightened her legs around his hips, unwilling to give him up just yet. Tipping her head back, she sighed as his power marked her in the deepest way. It was then she realized she was missing a small part of her soul. In its place he had left a piece of himself with her.

  “Now, no one will be able to tear us apart.” Bomani tracked his fingers along her cheek.

  Whether it was the pain settling back in or wave of emotion, Siya’s confidence faltered. She had met the reason Bomani left the Underworld. Sensed the feelings he once had for Kendra. How could Siya compete?


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