Virgin in New York: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 59)

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Virgin in New York: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 59) Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  My fingertips move from her cheek to around her head and I gently massage her scalp before taking hold of her head lightly as our kisses grow deeper.

  A growl escapes me as my hunger intensifies and from here on out I can’t be held responsible for what happens.

  She’s brought out the beast inside me that I didn’t even know existed and I have to have her or I’ll literally go crazy.

  Because I’m already crazy for her.



  For a big, strong guy he sure can be soft with me.

  But I feel his grip strengthen and his desire double, triple, and quickly spiral out of control.

  And he’s not the only one. I’m already a wet mess in anticipation of what’s about to happen in my life. About the gift I’m going to give him.

  I feel nervous, knowing I won’t be good the first time. But somehow I feel safe as well, knowing he won’t judge. Knowing that I’m enough. I’m the prize. Just to see my naked body and to touch me and be inside me is absolute perfection for him as well as for me.

  And that gives me a lot of confidence and relaxes me to the point where I can enjoy every second that’s quickly passing.

  But still I have to tell him. I want to tell him. I want him to know just how special this moment is, not just for him or for me but for both of us.

  I want him to know I’ve saved myself for the perfect time.

  Sure I had fantasies of him, but I never really thought it would ever happen. There were just too many obstacles in the way until suddenly they all fell down like dominoes and here we are.

  Now. This perfect moment.

  “Alexander,” I say in-between kisses.

  “Alexa,” he says continuing to kiss me. To taste me. To touch me. “You’re so beautiful.”

  His words enter my ears and make my head spin. I’m becoming more besotted by him with each passing moment.

  His words are as beautiful and as intoxicating as the artistic world he lives in. And he’s the star of it all.

  “And you’re so manly,” I say running my hand underneath his shirt feeling his rock hard abs and the very light coating of masculine hair that adorns his oh so male body.

  My hand continues up to his chest and I can feel his muscles are tensed. They’re not flexed like he’s been working out but just firm and contracted like his whole body is under tension…under a kind of stress that he needs to release.

  That I want so badly to help him release…inside me.

  I feel the twitching of his cock against the front of my jeans and know he must be in pain. A pain that only I can relieve him from giving him the ultimate pleasure.

  And it’s a pleasure I want to.

  “I have to tell you something,” I say.

  “You’re beyond something. You’re everything,” he replies.

  Damn, he’s good. Real good.

  But I know they aren’t just practiced lines or words. He means them. And I mean what I need to say.

  “You’re incredible. Amazing. And this is everything I ever hoped for for my first time.”

  And just like that his mouth comes off mine and his hands find the sofa and his is body off mine. I immediately feel cold, missing his warmth, his size, his masculinity.

  “Your first time?”

  I nod my head.

  He shakes his.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask. Suddenly I feel inadequate. Does he not want me? Does he not want the responsibility that goes with being my first?

  “Okay? Beautiful everything isn’t just okay. Everything is so perfect…so, so perfect and you deserve so much more than this.”

  “But I want this. I want you. Now. Here,” I say reaching for him.

  He doesn’t stop me, but he doesn’t lean back into me either.

  “Not here. Not now. You deserve so much more and I’ll never be able to give you the stars and the clouds in the sky but I sure am going to try.”

  “I don’t need that. I need you,” I say feeling the moment slip away.

  “And you’ll have me really, really soon. Just not tonight,” he says.

  And like that the moment is gone as his feet slide around me and find the floor. He’s off the couch but looking down at me.

  “How did you get to be so damn beautiful?” he says staring at me intently. His eyes are locked on mine before he runs them along the length of my body.

  He reaches forward and pulls the blanket off my lower half and throws it on the arm of the couch just looking at me.

  “I can only imagine what’s underneath these clothes. Oh can I ever imagine.”

  I look down seeing his hardness and know his imagination is very vivid and very hungry.

  “And I can imagine too,” I say running my eyes across his broad shoulders.

  “But tomorrow night we won’t have to imagine any longer. We’ll know. We’ll taste. We’ll touch. We’ll become one. Together forever.”

  “Yes. Yes, I want that,” I say.

  His words are very serious and his intensity equals his choice of vocabulary and it’s just what I want to hear right now. What I need to hear.

  This isn’t some one-time thing I’m giving him. This is more…so much more.

  And I don’t want it to ever stop with just one night.

  I want it to last a lifetime and with him I know not only that it can, but it will.



  The next evening

  I place my fork and knife on the side of my plate and wait to take the next bite of steak.

  As much as I love steak nothing can compare to the sparkle in her eye as she tells me everything that happened today during the first day of her internship at the Gotham Gallery today.

  Just seeing that sparkle in her eye as she tells me all the interesting things she saw and the enjoyable people she met makes me feel damn proud that I was able to have a super small part in getting her a position with the gallery. It’s a position she deserved and I know one she’s going to be great at.

  It’s a perfect fit and she’s beyond enthusiastic about it, just like we are about each other.

  The evening is so perfect and she has no idea just how perfect it’s going to get really soon.

  We’re at a swanky hotel in Manhattan and if I were her I’d be guessing we’d be headed up to one of the rooms later. I don’t want to sound presumptuous and I’d never take her or the gift she’s going to give me for granted, but I have even bigger plans.

  When we finish the meal we walk towards the exit and the car service pulls up right as scheduled.

  “We’re going somewhere?”

  “We are,” I say trying to be vague.

  “I thought we’d be spending the night at the hotel?”

  “I have something else planned. Something a little more…grandiose.”

  She looks at me curiously and then realizes I’m not going to give away anymore than that.

  She leans into my arm and wraps both arms around my bicep as we speed towards our next destination.

  But destination isn’t the right word. This is just the beginning.



  I see the sign that we’re crossing into New Jersey and wonder what in the world he has planned for tonight.

  It doesn’t take long to find out when the car pulls into the Newark Liberty International Airport.

  “Are we?”

  He nods.

  “I don’t have any clothes with me?”

  “Where we’re going you don’t need any.”

  What in the…?

  He leans in and kisses me on the top of my head just before the car stops off at the departures curb and the driver hurries around and opens the door for us.

  Twenty minutes later we’re checked in for a flight to Keflavík International Airport.

  “Iceland? Wow,” I say.

  “Just like our airline,” he says.

  I look at the ticket and realize the airline
really is called Wow. How appropriate.

  “I figured it’s a good way to beat the summer heat…seeing that it’s hot in the city plus all the heat we’re generating when we so much as look at one another.”

  I smile and hug him tight.

  A couple hours later we’re in business class seats over the Atlantic. They recline which is perfect for the red eye which took off at forty minutes after midnight and lands at 10:45.

  I joke with him that we should join the mile high club. That it would definitely be a memorable way to lose my virginity.

  “That’s the plan for the return flight. The first time has to be special…has to be perfect.”

  What could be more perfect than this?

  I browse the inflight magazine about Iceland and discover that the Northern Lights season is from late August to mid April. That rules that out.

  But from mid-April to mid-August there is no darkness. How appropriate. It’s light all the time, just like the light he’s shining on every single aspect of my life.

  My personal life. My professional career, or at least the beginning stages which will pave the way.

  And most importantly my love life.

  I already knew I liked him a whole, whole, whole lot but I was trying to temper my enthusiasm.

  Now I have no idea why.

  I’ve thought about him for a few years and now that I’ve had even just a small sampling of the real thing I realize my fantasies were too subdued…too tame.

  In real life he’s even more magnificent. More incredible. More supportive.

  And he’s older than me so I can always turn to him for life guidance, advice, and I know he’ll be a rock when I need to lean on someone.

  But there’s only one person I could ever lean on. Him.

  And in Iceland I want my body to do a lot more than lean on his.

  A whole lot more.



  It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen or could have ever imagined. It’s like it’s out of a movie. It’s completely indescribable.

  Those are the only ways that even begin to try and put words to the sight of our private residence which he’s rented on the edge of a sustainable, ecological friendly hotel which sits on top of a blue lagoon.

  “And no neighbors for miles in any direction,” he says.

  It’s almost like those little beach huts you see on the water in Tahiti, but this is a wooden masterpiece sitting on top of a natural hot spring.

  I step out onto the deck and feel the heat from the water below my feet.

  “Now this is what I call a four day weekend?” he says as he wraps his arms around me from behind.

  “Four days?” I ask as I turn my head back and look up at him.

  “The owner said we can extend as long as we want.”

  “I thought we were just here for the night.”

  “Without any darkness this time of year it will feel like one long day, but the kind of day that you never want to end. You can be sure of that,” he says.

  “I already am.”

  “Four days of paradise,” I say my words trailing off at the end as I look back out across the lands which look like something so beautiful that it has never even been seen by humankind.

  “But we can close the blinds if we need some shut eye in-between everything I have planned.”

  “You’re going to wear me out aren’t you?”

  “You know it.”

  “Promise?” I ask.

  “Cross my heart and hope to die.”

  And that’s exactly how I feel…like I’ve died and gone to heaven. I don’t want to ever wake up from this dream here with him.

  I just want to continue this feeling where it’s like I’m floating on a cloud or in his arms. I can’t really tell. He’s like some sort of big strong angel for me. My guardian angel, but right now all I can think about is how devilishly naughty I want to get.

  “Awful hot out here isn’t it?” he says slyly.

  “I was just thinking the same,” I say.

  I turn my body to face him and it’s a race to see who can get undressed first.



  I practically trip over myself as I shed my clothes but I’m not looking at my belt as I unbuckle it or my pants as I step out of them.

  I’m looking at her.

  And when she gets down to her bra and panties I can feel my cock throbbing and I know my mouth is literally hanging open.

  God she is perfect.

  Then she teases and torments me by turning away from me and slides out of her last two pieces of clothing.

  “Last one in’s a rotten egg!” she says just before she straightens her arms, bends her knees, firms her ass and springs up and out and into the crystal blue waters of the lagoon in front of us.

  The only thing more beautiful and bluer than this Icelandic lagoon paradise are her eyes.

  “Wow! It’s so warm,” she says as she comes up for air.

  Her face is wet and without a single bit of makeup. It radiates youth and perfection. It’s so smooth and the light droplets that bead upon it only make it look that much smoother and more perfect. And the way her eyes match the water surrounding her only heightens my desire for her.

  She dives back underneath the surface and I slide of out my underwear and dive in after her.

  My hands find her body under water a few seconds later and I lift the both of us up to the top, but not before our lips locked below the surface.

  Our legs are kicking to keep us afloat as our hands are gliding over each other’s bodies as our tongues dive deep into the other’s mouth.

  I grab her in one arm and paddle us backwards to the wooden steps that lead down from our balcony deck combination into the water.

  I sit on the wide long step with most of my body below the water and she moves right into position straddling me. My cock brushes against the back of her ass and then the inside of her thigh as she moves into position.

  I swear I could come right here and now before I’m even inside her if I wanted, my desire for her stronger than I could have guessed any man’s desire ever.

  But she’s unlike any woman to step foot on this beautiful earth.

  In this beautiful place.

  And she’s here with me and only me. No one else to be found anywhere around.

  And we’re barely minutes into what’s about to be the best four days of our lives.

  The refrigerator is stocked with food and champagne and as much as I want to pop the cork and give her just a sip of champagne to celebrate our arrival I can’t.

  I don’t mind an eighteen year old having a sip to celebrate, but not now. I can’t wait any longer. I have to have her and when her hands come up and cup my face and her kisses become even hungrier and more aggressive I know she has to have me right now too.

  “Take me now,” she says in-between kisses and gasping attempts to catch her breath.

  “I need to be inside you,” I say.

  “I need you inside me. Take me. Take my virginity and every last part of me and make me yours.”

  “You already are mine,” I say. “You know you are.”

  “And you’re mine. Forever,” she says.

  I grab the sides of her ass hard and lift her up into position feeling the head of my cock at her opening.

  Her mouth pulls back from mine and she gasps before devouring my face all over again.

  “Fuck me. Fuck me now,” she says.

  I can feel my cock pulsing to get inside her and my head spinning from the heat between our bodies and the water. I don’t know if I’m coming or going, what day of the week it is, what time it is, anything.

  I’m completely lost in her and then bring my hands down and I’m completely lost inside her for the first time of what’s set to be a lifetime together.


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