For The Love Of The Doctor (BWWM Romance)

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For The Love Of The Doctor (BWWM Romance) Page 3

by Tasha Jones

  No doubt his mother would call first thing in the morning to pick his brain about Venetia; she would not be happy at him leaving so abruptly, and he wasn’t looking forward to telling her he had no connection or any chemistry with her. He sincerely hoped he wouldn’t have to attend anything else any time soon. His stomach growled loudly, a reminder that he last ate almost seven hours ago. He looked around and saw a café across the street. He hurried across the street and decided to grab a quick sandwich before heading home. He paid for his food and started walking towards the tables looking for an empty one when he bumped into a woman carrying a bottle of water.

  “Oh I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed as she bent down to pick up the bottle she had dropped on the floor.

  “No, no, it’s my fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” He apologized as he too knelt down to grab the same bottle. Their fingers grazed as they both grabbed the bottle at the same time.

  With neither one letting go, they both got up at the same time, hands still wrapped around the bottle. Violet smiled at the silly sight and laughed lightly. “Thank you for your help, Doctor.”

  As Jeremy released his grip, he looked at her and realized she was the woman he had just been thinking about.“You’re Tanya’s mother,” he said

  “Yes, I’m Violet.”

  “Ah that’s right, I knew it was something floral.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Nothing, I’m just talking to myself.”

  An awkward silence fell between them. Jeremy knew he should just excuse himself and leave, but for some reason he didn’t want her to think he was rude or abrupt, yet he could think of nothing remotely interesting to say. He saw her eyes stray towards exit sign, before she could open her mouth to say she had to go, he said, “Your daughter is an enchanting little girl.”

  Violet’s eyes lit up immediately at the praise, “She’s my whole world. She really liked you,” Violet added almost shyly.

  “Kids usually do, parents not so much.” Jeremy added dryly.

  “I like you.” Her face flushed immediately in embarrassment.

  Her candid response took Jeremy by surprise, he was forever being told by his nurses his manner with parents was too brisk and they didn’t feel they could approach him or be friendly with him. He realized he was pleased that she didn’t dislike him.

  “I should let you get back to her, I’ve kept you occupied long enough,” he said, not wishing to embarrass her any further.

  “Oh it’s no trouble, I was just about to head home.”

  “Me too,” he lied. “Let me drop you off at home.”

  “No, no I couldn’t.”

  “It’s not a problem at all, Ms. Lewis, please, it’s the least I can do for being so rude earlier.”

  “I would hate to keep you from your evening.” She gestured to his suit.

  He held out the sandwich he had just bought, “My evening is done. I was going to eat on my way home.”

  “Are you sure it won’t be a bother?”

  “It won’t be a bother at all,” he assured her, wondering even as he said the words why he was insisting so much. She would think he was behaving in a very bizarre and unprofessional manner. But somehow he didn’t like the idea of her making her way home by herself so late at night. Which was such a weird feeling to experience he didn’t even bother to try and deconstruct it.

  After thinking about it for a few more seconds, Violet finally relented, “If you’re certain it’s no trouble.”

  “If you don’t mind walking a few minutes to the car?” he said in response, remembering at that moment that the car was still in the valet parking lot.

  “Not at all.”

  They headed out and walked the two blocks to the hotel quietly. The attendant brought out his car quickly. The car ride began in silence but they were soon talking comfortably, the darkness surrounding them added an element of intimacy and anonymity. They found out surprising things about each other. By the time Jeremy dropped Violet off at home and headed back to his condo across the city, it was very late. When he had left the party, he had been feeling tired and drained but his run in with Violet had turned an unpleasant evening into a surprisingly happy one. As Jeremy drifted off to sleep, his final thought was how enchanting Violet had looked bathed in the glow of the moonlight and how he couldn’t wait to see her again.


  “Mommy, can’t Dr. Waterhouse come over for supper?” It was their third appointment with him, and by now Tanya had developed a firm friendship with him and she didn’t understand why he couldn’t also see them outside of appointments. Ever since the night he had dropped her off, Violet felt a giddy joy whenever she thought about him, which she did constantly. She knew she had a crush on him and she knew it was a hopeless crush; as a result, she remained cool and aloof through their appointments and now here was Tanya inviting him to their home!

  “Sweetheart, I’m sure he has a lot of things to do,” she threw an embarrassed smile his way and mouthed the words ‘I’m sorry’ before she turned back to Tanya. “He needs to help a lot of people you know.”

  “Sick kids like me?”

  Jeremy saved her from answering the question by replying to Tanya, “I’m actually not that busy for the rest of the day, so if your mommy will have me I would love to come for supper.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Dr. Waterhouse,” Violet protested. “Tanya understands that you can’t just go and visit with your patients in their homes. Don’t you, Tanya?”

  Her sad expression and downcast eyes were answer enough.

  “I really don’t mind, Violet,” he replied, she had no way of knowing how much he wanted to spend more time with her and how puzzled he was by her unfriendly behavior. “I enjoy spending time with…with Tanya and I have no other patients for the rest of the day. I was planning on heading home early myself.”

  Unable to see any other way out of it, Violet reluctantly agreed. Even though she told herself it was a simple dinner and that he was just humoring a childish wish, she couldn’t help but feel that something much bigger was at play here.

  “Give me a few minutes to wrap up and I’ll drive you gals home.” He leaned down and tweaked Tanya’s nose. She giggled and scrunched up her nose.

  “Actually, Dr. Waterhouse, I drove here with my own car so…”

  “I can meet you at your house then.”

  “Okay. I’ll head out with Tanya now, you can come when you’re ready,” she said, thinking it would give her a few minutes head start to ensure the place was decently clean and to make sure there was actually something good to make for supper. Had she even bought groceries the past week?


  A quick search through the fridge and freezer revealed a frozen lasagna she had made two weeks ago. She popped it into the oven and went over the tiny living room with the vacuum. Her eyes scanned the shabby furniture and she sighed; one look at this place and the doctor would run for the hills, she was sure.

  Twenty minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door. She opened it to find Jeremy standing there, armed with a cake.

  “The least I could do is bring dessert,” he explained.

  “Thank you.” Violet ushered him into the living room and disappeared into the kitchen. She heard Tanya chatting with him as she set the table. Once everything was done, she joined them in the living room. Neither one of them said much, they both focused all their energy into playing with Tanya but she could feel his eyes on her often, and twice their fingers accidentally made contact, sending shocks of desire through Violet’s body.

  They had just sat down to eat when there was another knock on the door. It was Violet’s best friend, Debra.

  “I thought I would pop in and say hello,” she said in her loud, booming voice before noticing Jeremy, “Oh, you have company, never mind.”

  Violet pounced on her gratefully, “No, no, you must stay and have dinner with us.” She dragged her into the kitchen and sat her at the tab
le, not giving her a chance to say no.

  Debra, who had an uncanny ability to put everyone at ease, soon dispelled the tension between Jeremy and Violet. They were soon laughing and talking easily again. After dinner, Debra insisted on putting Tanya to bed while Violet cleaned up but she refused to stay for coffee.

  “I need to get home. But why don’t you sit down with the doctor while I make you the coffee.” She practically pushed them both out to the living room while she served the coffee. Five minutes later she left, leaving Jeremy and Violet completely alone together. They drank their coffee silently and Violet was grateful when Jeremy got to his feet soon after.

  “I should head home too. Thank you for a pleasant evening,” he said politely.

  She nodded and saw him to the door.

  “Goodnight, Jeremy,” she said and was about to close the door but something in his eyes made her heart start to beat faster. She could have sworn he was going to kiss her but instead he smiled at her.

  “Goodnight.” And with that he was gone.


  Jeremy couldn’t get Violet out of his mind. All day he kept replaying the moment when he stood at her door saying goodnight to her. He berated himself for not taking the opportunity to kiss her then; he had wanted to but at the last minute he had chickened out.

  A quick look through his calendar of appointments confirmed his next appointment with Tanya was a month away and for some inexplicable reason the idea of not seeing them, especially Violet, for that long was bothering him. Surprised by this sudden revelation, he sat back in his chair deep in thought as he struggled to unravel his confusing thoughts and emotions. He recalled their conversation from the night he drove her home and the connection he had felt with her since. He knew he should leave her alone but he couldn’t, and a month was too long to wait, so he would need to run into her and he knew exactly how to orchestrate such an event.


  Two days later when Violet arrived at her work, Shanta, the girl who sat at the front desk to book appointments and take payments, rose from her seat, her hands fluttering with excitement, her eyes bright and wide as the words spilled out rapidly in a loud whisper.

  “There’s someone here waiting for you.”

  “Ummm…okay?” Violet replied confused as to why this should be so exciting. It wasn’t unusual for clients to come in and wait for a specific person. “Who is it? It’s not Clara is it?” she asked, naming an extremely particular client who always left her feeling exhausted and drained. She simply didn’t have time to deal with her particularities today.

  “You’ll see,” Shanta pronounced mysteriously and then followed after Violet as she entered the seating area.

  Violet took one look at the client waiting for her and understood Shanta’s reaction. Sitting in one of the salon’s big armchairs looking as cool as a cucumber was Jeremy. Someone had made him a coffee which he was sipping while he read a newspaper. The two other hairdressers kept throwing coy looks his way trying to grab his attention. Without a doubt, he was the handsomest and sexiest man to ever grace the salon. Was he always this good looking? In his white coat Jeremy looked handsome and intelligent, a good looking doctor. But dressed casually in a pair of dark blue jeans and a crisp white t-shirt, he looked hot and incredibly sexy. Her eyes travelled down the length of his body, taking in the hard muscles, the broad shoulders, the slim hips. All the things normally beneath his doctor’s coat.

  Alysha’s voice broke through her perusal.

  “Violet? There you are, Mr. Waterhouse here has been waiting for you.” Alysha was using her cool, dignified professional voice, which she typically reserved for her high end clientele.

  “Thank you, Alysha,” Violet responded. At the sound of her voice, Jeremy looked up from his newspaper and a wide smile lit up his face. He untangled his tall frame from the chair. His t-shirt lifted a little as he got to his feet and Violet caught a glimpse of his flat, toned, golden stomach. Her own stomach fluttered with desire and she imagined running her hands over his chest and everywhere else; she thought of his lips pressing over her own and leaving a trail of kisses down her body…all of a sudden he was standing right in front of her. So close she could touch him if she wanted to. He was staring at her intently as if he was peering into her head and reading her most intimate thoughts. Embarrassed by her train of thoughts she took a step back and pasted a bright, professional smile on her face. “Dr. Waterhouse, what a surprise!”

  “Jeremy,” he corrected her gently, his voice low and husky.


  “Please call me Jeremy, no formalities please.”

  “Oh I couldn’t,” she protested.

  “But I insist,” he said again in that husky, seductive voice quite unlike the way he spoke to her in his office.

  Mesmerized by his voice, all Violet could do was nod her head slowly.

  “I know it’s last minute, but I’m hoping you can take me.”

  “Take you?” she whispered in a half strangled voice as she imagined riding him buck naked on her bed.

  “For a haircut.” He said running a hand through his thick, wavy hair.

  “Oh right! A haircut.” She flushed with embarrassment again, what was wrong with her? Why was she consumed with sexual thoughts? What was it about him that disturbed her in such a way? If she didn’t want to humiliate herself any further, she would have to get a grip. Taking a deep steadying breath, she gave him a bright smile and nodded, “Yes, absolutely. I can take you right now. I’ll get one of the girls to shampoo and wash your hair and then we can get started.”

  “Would you mind shampooing my hair yourself?” he smiled ruefully, “I have trust issues when it comes to my hair.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Violet could see Alysha’s raised eyebrows and the tiny smile playing on her thin lips.

  “Yes of course, I can do it. Please follow me.” Deliberately ignoring the knowing glances of the other women, Violet went to the shampoo station and prepared it for Jeremy. Once he was settled in, she rinsed his head and poured a generous amount of shampoo in her hand.

  Never before had she felt so aroused at the idea of shampooing someone’s hair. As her fingers threaded through his hair, massaging his scalp, her mind drifted to the idea of her hands massaging other parts of his body. Feeling flushed and hot, she hurried through the shampoo process trying to keep her mind occupied with mundane thoughts.

  The haircut was a fairly silent affair. It was different from the night of the coffee shop or the day he had stopped by for dinner. Both of those times they had naturally kept up a steady stream of conversation, asking questions, sharing stories but today everything felt unnatural and awkward. For the first time since meeting him, she was very aware of his presence and his masculinity.


  “Shanta at the front will help you with the bill,” she said briskly as she began to clean up her area.

  He hovered nearby for a few minutes and then cleared his throat, “There’s actually another thing…”

  “Yes?” she asked expectantly. But he wasn’t saying anything. “What is it, Dr. Wa...” she asked again looking up at him.

  “Jeremy remember?” he reminded her gently. He was looking at her again in that intimate way, the air between them crackled with sexual tension. “I was hoping you were free for dinner tonight.” The question came out quick and fast, throwing her off.

  She was struck speechless and was sure she had heard him incorrectly. “I’m sorry?”

  “I know it’s short notice but I was hoping you were free for dinner tonight,” he repeated. “The next few nights I’m working late at the hospital so I was hoping if you were free tonight…” his voice trailed off.

  “Like on a date?”

  “Yes, a date.”

  “Oh,” the idea of going on a date was unsettling enough but the idea of date with someone like him was suddenly terrifying. “Ummm…I’m sorry, but I’m working the closing shift tonight.”

  All t
he girls and the two customers at the salon were openly and shamelessly listening to their exchange. Alysha piped up from a few feet away, “Actually, Vy, I overbooked and won’t be needing you after 2p.m. today.”

  Violet turned around and glared at Alysha about to protest, but Jeremy beat her to it. “That’s great! I’ll pick you up…”

  “I have Tanya though,” she interrupted him.

  “No, you don’t,” said Alysha again, “she’s with Debra for your shift, I’m sure Debra won’t mind looking after her for a few more hours.”

  “I guess.” Violet said weakly unable to think of any other plausible reason for turning him down. She turned to Jeremy, “I guess I can go to dinner.”

  “Fantastic! Let’s say 5p.m., we can have an early dinner so you can be back for Tanya earlier.”


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