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Moondance Page 4

by Desiree King

  "Jenny, all I keep thinking about are my dreams," I said staring into that lusty store.

  "You never did tell me about them, I'm guessing they don't end well." She said following my gaze.

  "Well, in these dreams the setting and general plot are always different but it always ends the same. A man…an incredible man with long black hair, bright green eyes, and tattoos is above me and he is naked. He is in…in…" I blushed and Jenny laughed.

  "He is making love to you?" Jenny offered in pity.

  "Um, yes exactly and he… kills me when he um…"

  "I get it…You know for a girl who feeds on lust and lost her virginity to a vampire and turns into a 'mermaid' you act as if you've never been with a man."

  "I'm sorry…I'm not quite…over…you know…" I argued starting to feel a little better.

  "Look…I know what you mean, but it's been over a year…you need to get back in the game, and avoid Jacob. Who knows maybe you'll find love in all this." She answered trying to make me feel better.

  "Come on…He would never…" I laughed thinking it through for the first time.

  "Yes he will by the time I'm done with you…you'll be the seductress you were born to be." Jenny laughed and pulled me into that store.

  We shopped for a few hours till Victor called me on my cell phone.

  "Hey girlfriend." He spoke cautiously.

  "Hey…you called just in time we need a ride." I laughed.

  "We? How many?" He asked.

  "Me and Jenny, we're at the mall."

  "The car is a two seater."

  "We'll sit with each other."

  "Alright, where do I want to go?" He asked. I gave him the directions and told him we would meet him at the curb.

  We stood there only for a few mintues before the big yellow sports car pulled up. Victor was out of the car and putting our bags in the trunk within seconds.

  We piled into the car Victor driving and me in Jenny’s lap. I found myself peaking at him through the corner of my eye. He had traded the leather pants for dark blue jeans and lost the jacket so the black tight cotton showed off his fabulous body. I fought myself not to stare at him luckily he was wearing dark sunglasses hiding those breath taking green eyes. If I could see his eyes I would stare, I found myself unable to stop myself from doing that every time I saw them.

  We got to the house just in time. We walked into the living room which was open to the kitchen and also held the door to the back patio. Joey was out with the guys grilling steak and peppers. Amber and Lynn were in the kitchen finishing the rest of dinner.

  "I see you got a ride home," Lynn joked as Victor and I walked in. Jenny was taking our bags upstairs.

  "You want a drink?" Amber asked.

  "No thank you?" Victor smiled and held up a bottle of water.

  "I'll be right back." I smiled and headed upstairs to repack and add my new purchases to my things going with me to L.A.

  "Hey where is Victor?" Jenny asked as I joined her in my bedroom.

  "Downstairs, do me a favor go keep him company for a few minutes." I said unzipping the first bag.

  "Sure but you'd better hurry down," She answered and went back to the kitchen to find Victor leaning against the wall watching Amber and Lynn fixing a salad. "Victor would you like to go play a game of pool?"

  "Sounds good." He answered and followed her to the game room.

  "You break." Jenny said racking the balls together.

  "Alright…, so you're Alex's best friend right?" He asked selecting his que.

  "Right now I am." she answered.

  "What does that mean?"

  "Well she and Jake are not exactly on speaking terms right now or he would be her best friend." She answered.

  "Ah…and Jake is?" Victor asked.

  "Let’s not get into that…trust me," Jenny groaned as Victor took his shot.

  "Alright…so do you think Joey will let Alex come with me?" He asked.

  "Yeah…Alex wants to go, Joey is not stupid. He will say yes because it gives him an illusion of having control over her. If he said no, she would likely go anyway." Jenny laughed.

  "Really…okay." Victor chuckled.

  Jenny and Victor rejoined us in the kitchen only moments after I came downstairs. "Joey had an idea to go out to 1921 club after dinner," Amber announced.

  "That sounds great." I smiled.

  "I'll have to change first…but sure," Victor said, taking up his post, leaning against the wall.

  "Don't worry Joey will wear jeans and a t-shirt, he hates dressing up." Lynn said. "Chris too."

  "You sure?" Victor asked me directly.

  "Don't worry." I smiled, and took his hand. "Come on!" I said as I pulled him out back to the guys.

  Joey was at the grill Pete and Chris were talking with him excitedly but all conversation stopped as we joined them.

  "You must be Victor!" Pete exclaimed.

  "Hi!" Victor laughed.

  "Hello." Joey grumbled and shot a look at me. I introduced Victor to the guys and luckily Jacob was not in attendance. Victor seemed to bond quite well with them, so I did not feel bad about leaving him there while I went back inside.

  "So…you are aware Alex is only seventeen right?" Chris blurted out.

  "Yes…" Victor answered a little confused.

  "And she is going to live with you?" Chris asked.


  "Do you have a death wish?" Chris asked and a sound from Joey seemed to rebuke him. "Sorry just had to ask."

  "I'm just looking to be friends with her and I would assume this Jake guy knows that or he would be here to put a stop to it." Victor said sternly. Joey looked up at him, surprised.

  "So you know about Jake?" Joey asked.

  "A little bit yes…but I also see he is not here so let's all give it a rest." Victor smiled.

  "Fine," Joey smiled, "Just don't tell her till later tonight or she will spend all of dinner trying to get the earliest flight she can, damn girl is crazy impatient."

  "Alright." Victor answered.

  Dinner was simple and painless. Jenny and I excused ourselves early to go get ready. I put on a dress that was perfect; it was a chiffon A-line strapless, tea length dress with pleating and a bow at the drop waist in a creamy pink with matching pumps. I even pulled my hair back in a bow. Within an hour we were at a cute jazz club with a big band playing. Victor and the guys leaned against the bar while us girls were dancing.

  "Amber go tell Joey to dance with you." Lynn complained.

  "Why won't Chris dance again?" I asked.

  "I told you he always waits for one of the other guys to dance. I usually don't have to wait this long Jacob is always dying to dance with you." Lynn snapped.

  "Oh damnit, here, shut up." I finally lost my patience. I instantly headed over to the bar. I walked up to interrupt a story Joey was telling. "Pete and Joey will you go dance with Amber and Jenny so Chris will dance with Lynn and she will shut up." All four men stood staring at me in silence. "Well what are you waiting for? Move it." I was really aggravated. Finally they started over and within a few seconds of them all dancing with perspective partners I realized a flaw in that rash act, by including Pete I singled myself out, I stood at the edge of the dance floor and it appeared as if I was the only one who noticed my error. I guess part of me hoped that Victor would come out and dance with me, but I did not expect it and when he walked over and stood next to me and I was even more shocked by what he said to me.

  "You want to dance?"

  "Sure, but I look kinda silly out there by myself." I had not really understood him.

  "Am I invisible?" That's when I clued in.

  "Oh my God…I'm sorry…I…I…" I was so embarrassed.

  "I do dance quite well let me prove it." He flashed my favorite smile again and held out his hand for mine.

  "Okay." I said quietly not trusting my voice at all. I put my hand in his and he led me out on the dance floor. To my surprise he was a fantastic dancer. Just as good as
Jacob which was an insight best kept to myself because if Jacob knew that he would have to do the whole male pissing contest bullshit to prove he was better. We all danced for a few hours. Victor and I talked as we danced but it was close to 2 am when he said what I'd been waiting to hear.

  "I booked our flight for 10 am." Victor was spinning me away.

  "What did Joey say?" I asked.

  "Oh he said yes before dinner." Victor laughed.

  "Really…Why did we wait this long to talk about it?"

  "Joey said to wait to tell you, so they could have the night to spend with you. Something about you being impatient."

  "Figures..." I rolled my eyes. "So are you going back to your hotel soon so you can get some sleep?"

  "Yes…Joey is going to bring you to the airport in the morning."

  "Okay…Well I guess now is as good a time as any. Good night." I smiled as we stopped dancing.

  "See you in the morning." He smiled leaned forward and kissed my cheek lightly then walked away. I turned around to see two figures at the bar watching me, as I got closer I realized it was Jenny and Pete.

  "Oh girl you were so right." Pete told Jenny as I sat beside them.

  "I told you." She smiled.

  "Okay…I'll bite, what?" I asked.

  "He wants to fuck you bad." Pete had zero tact.

  "You're dreaming." I brushed it off.

  "I don't think so…you weren't watching him fight himself. He looked like he was trying very hard to not grab at you." Pete laughed.

  "You're delirious." I laughed. "I'm ready to go home." Pete and Jenny were the last two here waiting for me.

  "Okay…come on." Jenny said leading the way. Pete drove me and Jenny home where I made sure I had everything I needed, then showered and crawled into bed to get to get a few hours sleep. I woke at 8am and Joey helped me load my bags in the car. At this time of the morning it would take at least 40 mintues to get to the airport so we were running late. I dressed for comfort a pair of yoga pants and a black cotton tank top and I took a sweater in case it was cold on the plane. We finally got to the airport and into the private jet way when Joey turned to me.

  "Alex…you need anything call me okay?"

  "Okay…" I hugged him.

  "I mean it…promise me." He held me tight.

  "I promise Joe…I'll be fine," I said as Victor came around the corner. He looked half dead.

  "You're in charge of her…take care of her." Joey said to Victor finally letting me go.

  "Don't worry Joe." Victor repeated my sentiments and took my back pack and led me away. About thirty mintues later we were in the air on a private jet, just the two of us and the flight crew on the way to my new life.

  Chapter 6


  When the car pulled up to the huge house in Hollywood I was stunned. It was beautiful. Part of my brain told me the only reason it was so beautiful to me was because it was part of some self-fulfilling prophecy of my own imagining.

  "Welcome home," Victor smiled at me. We pulled into the garage and parked, "I'll come out and get your bags later let me show you the house." We got out of the plain black Mercedes and were surrounded by shiny sports cars and motor cycles. "Do you have your license?"

  "Yes…um…I just didn't like to drive." I answered.

  "Well get me a copy and I'll put you on the insurance and you can borrow any car you wish. Come on." He opened a door on the far wall, and led me through. We stepped into a huge studio which included so many instruments it could house and equip the symphony. "This is the studio, and completely sound proof, if the red light is on then someone is recording just don't delete anything but if you wish to play, feel free." He then led me through a second door and the next room was huge a large open space which contained the dining room, living room, and kitchen. It was a decadent space, all heavy fabrics and dark wood with tall, almost cathedral like ceilings and floor to ceiling windows. Outside a set of double French doors was a beautiful lagoon pool and patio with a bar off the kitchen. "Through that door is the office and through here is the stairs and front door," he continued on. I followed him up the stairs. At the top was a long hallway extending in both directions. "Down there are two guest rooms, my room is there and here is your room." He opened the door in question and stepped back to let me in first. The colors were pale and creamy but still just as decadent as the rest of the house with the same windows and a huge rot iron bed with the sheer panels and flowers around it.

  "Vic," I said dumbfounded. It was what I always thought was a princess' room.

  "Do you like it…I worked very hard to decorate this room," He walked into the room.

  "It's amazing!" I could feel the blush and the tears I was fighting.

  "Good, I'm gonna go grab your bags and then you can get settled." He leaned forward to kiss my forehead. Then out of some strange instinct I turned my face up to his and it all happened so fast. He kissed me on the lips, then as we both jumped apart I knew my face was red but shockingly enough, his was red too. Then without a word he turned and left. I was shaking Oh god! Did that just happen? I sat on the bed and was instantly uncomfortable I found myself in a room that was unfamiliar and I'd just kissed Victor. That's when my phone started to ring scaring the living day lights out of me.

  "Hello! Oh man…Jenny you can't do that to me." I was shaking again.


  "Nothing sorry, I worked myself into a bit of panic. What's up?"

  "Why…what happened?" She laughed.

  "I kissed him." I whispered into the phone.

  "What? When?"

  "Just before you called he leaned over I guess to kiss my forehead and I turned my face up and instead he kissed my lips…" I was trying to stay quiet but the house was so silent.


  "I dunno damnit! I couldn't stop it!" I snarled.

  "Was there more to it?"

  "No just awkward."

  "Just relax…we warned you." She laughed.

  "No…this was me not him. Jenny I'll talk to you later," I whispered, hearing him coming up the stairs. I hung up and went into my bathroom and was pretending to be fixing my hair or washing my face anything to look busy. I felt his presence in the other room. I could hear him setting my bags on the floor and yet he was still there for the longest minute of my life, then he left, closing the door behind him.

  He left me to put away my things and relax. I spent the afternoon in my room pretending to be busy moving in. Don't get me wrong, I was unpacking and making a list taking up as much time as I could trying to forget what happened. Unfortunately Pete and Jenny both seemed to think I was over reacting.

  "Hell sweetie that's nothing." Pete laughed after I told him the story.

  "Pete! Take me seriously please!"

  "I am…look you're playing with a tiger sweetie and you have it by the tail."

  "What are you rambling about?" I was confused.

  "He is a real rock star; you will find yourself in his bed before you realize it. Hell I could tell you about several times where he dropped his pants and was sucked off in public," Pete warned. "Hell he didn't even know their names." He was shocked that it did not make me feel better. But it was a conversation with Jenny that was the most interesting.

  "What do you mean?" Jenny asked.

  "Do I pretend like it never happened or do I try to talk about it?" I asked.

  "What's he doing?"

  "I don't know."

  "How do you not know?"

  "I'm in my room."


  "Duh…" I answered.

  "What do you want to do?"

  "I wanna erase it…"

  "Are you sure?"

  "I think so."

  "I don't."


  "Alex, what do you want the truth or a lie?"


  "Fuck him!" She sounded alien to me saying the words.


  "You wanted the truth…you both want it so bad you
are subconsciously making these things happen…think about it, after that photo shoot and the dream? I never saw you happier, even when you and Jacob were together, than the day he got here…he was so distracted by you he missed a radio interview."

  "I didn't know that…" I was surprised.

  "He told Chris…then at the club Alex…whether either of you know it yet, you're in love or at least the first stages of it."

  "But that's not possible. He doesn't even know me."

  "Sweetie…you're pretty easy to know…you hold your heart out in your hands for all to see. That's why Jacob loves you so much…"

  "Jacob! What about him? I told him I wasn't just out to get pounded by an aging rock star... his words."

  "Forget him. Isn't that the point?"

  "I can't…I wish this would just go away."

  "Sweetie…I'm sorry…I gotta go." Jenny said sounding sincere.

  "Okay…talk to you later?" I answered then hung up. What I did not realize was Jenny’s ingenuity. Back in Orlando Jenny went to Joey and said that she needed Victor's cell number knowing Joey had it. After a little lie she took Joey's cell outback to try and make my life a little easier. Victor answered the phone with music playing in the background.

  "Hey Joe…what's up?"

  "It's not Joey! It's Jenny."

  "Hi? What's the deal?"

  "Look I know what happened with Alex upstairs and against what I believe I'm gonna ask you for a favor."

  "How? What…" He stammered and the music turned off.

  "Alex told me…and she wants to forget it happened."

  "What do I need to do?" Victor asked calmly.

  "Get her out of her room and out of the house…"


  "Take her to eat, shopping…I guarantee she has a list sitting out of her stuff she needs. She is a manic list maker"

  "Okay…Do I just go tell her or what?"

  "Men you're so clueless. Make it seem like you're bored or something, don't talk about the kiss and be at ease. Confidence is key." Jenny spoke fast.


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