
Home > Paranormal > Moondance > Page 7
Moondance Page 7

by Desiree King

  "Hey Vic." I smiled and watched as he stuck his head in my bus and shouted.



  "Get your ass out here with my camera now!"

  "Okay two minutes."

  "What do you need the cam for?" I asked.

  "I thought we'd all go to the beach tomorrow." Victor smiled.


  "So, Jamison what are you doing over here?"

  "Just introducing myself to the only girl on this tour." Jaime answered almost smugly.

  "Well you'd better get going. Your bus pulls out first," Victor continued.

  "Whatever…I'll call you later beautiful," Jaime called over his shoulder as he walked away.

  "What was that?" I asked giving Victor a little shove.

  "Nothin', I just don't like him," Victor said and flashed my favorite smile. "Come on we have a plane to catch." He wrapped an arm around my waist and led me away snatching the camera on the way by.

  We all boarded a private jet and I was tired, more like exhausted, and fell asleep soon after take off againist Vic`s shoulder. I could have sworn I heard him whisper, "Happy Birthday Beautiful," but maybe I was dreaming.

  Chapter 7

  Tampa Bay

  I was fast asleep when the plane landed in Tampa Bay with my head in Victor's lap. It was the best sleep I'd had since my first night in L.A. Babies don't sleep this well. I woke up after everything was ready to go. Victor sat up, got to his feet, and then gathered me into his arms. I woke only for a few seconds only to snuggle into his chest while he carried me to the waiting limo. The next time I woke, it was late that night and the whole top floor of the hotel was asleep. It was so late you could call it early. I was dressed in my silk pajamas and cuddled against his bare back under the sheets. He was asleep, breathing in and out slowly and peacefully. I ran my fingers over his skin, softly tracing the tattoos on his back. I could feel goose bumps raise against my fingers but even as I laid there tracing the shapes I could feel the tug of sleep pulling at me and before I could finish the next shape I was asleep. I did not wake again till the alarm went off at 7:30 am. That grating buzzing sound cut through my sleep like a chainsaw and when I opened my eyes the room was bright and all I could see till I turned my head was his chest. I fought the urge to push him away or scramble out of the bed. I felt him stretch over me and blessed silence fell as he hit the snooze button. Victor was still asleep and he settled back into the position he was in before that horrid noise. I stayed as still as I could and closed my eyes, breathing in his scent and as before, it calmed me. That's when I realized, in his arms I felt safe. I could sleep and not worry about someone attacking me. In the back of my mind that angry scared creature reminded me that if he ever found out what I was, he would most likely kill me. He was supernatural, I knew that much and the only supernaturals who would let a Siren live were vampires and he was not a vampire. These thoughts brought on another rush of panic. That creature in my head screamed and clawed to get loose but I held her back and took in another deep breath. What happened next ripped my control to shreds.

  "Alex…Are you okay?" Victor looked concerned. He shifted lower so we were face to face and was wide awake.

  "Let me up," I said, my voice shaky, and he moved back. As fast as possible, I was on my feet with my duffle bag in hand. I flew into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Victor watched me the whole time and only after I was behind the closed door did he get to his feet. He wore a pair of black gym shorts and nothing else so he pulled on a t-shirt and walked out into the common room of the suite. Johnny and David were pouring over the room service menu.

  "What's for breakfast?," Victor asked as he heard the shower turn on.

  "Not much…" David laughed.

  "Gimmie that!" Victor sneered and snatched the book from David's hand.

  "So how is sleeping beauty this morning?" Johnny smiled.

  "Awake and back to normal it seems." Victor sat in the chair across from them.

  "She slept for almost 18 hours." David counted it off on his fingers.

  "I know…I don't think she's been sleeping well lately I think yesterday was the crash." Victor said tossing the menu on the coffee table. "I think we're gonna have to go get something." He gave.

  "Alright…The usual?" David asked getting to his feet.

  "Yeah thanks," Victor answered stretching.

  "Okay we'll be back," Johnny said and both men walked out the door.

  "Good morning." Mike smiled as he walked in from his bedroom.

  "Good morning old man," Victor laughed getting out of the chair and walking over to the mini bar.

  "You look better. Did you finally get some sleep?," Mike asked walking up to Victor.

  "How'd you…" Victor started and cut himself off. "What do you mean?"

  "Oh stop it…I won't tell the guys…I know you haven't been sleeping, unless you pass out which doesn't really count."

  "I don't get it…I always slept like a rock but these last few months've been hard." Victor smiled and cracked open a bottle of water.

  "I think I do…"Mike smiled.


  "How's Alex?" Mike asked.

  "Fine, I think…why?"

  "I would wager that she is fantastic today just like you are…"

  "I don't get it."

  "You both sleep better when you're close to each other am I right?"

  "Um…" Victor thought back and realized Mike was right. "You're right! What does that mean?"

  "I'll tell you what it means when you're ready to know. For now you need to figure out a way for you both to sleep." Mike smiled, took another bottle and sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

  "What do you suggest?" Victor asked.

  "Close your eyes…" Mike said and Victor followed the directions. "Now think of it this way, what is the one thing you miss most about her right now?"

  "Her smell…vanilla and moonlight is the best way to describe it."

  "Okay you have a couple of options the first is you can both sleep in the same bed, you could just tell her why you got her for the video, or you could trade pillows every few days or so."

  "Pillows! I never would have…"

  "Hey guys," I smiled walking out of the bedroom. "I'm done with the bathroom Vic," I said and walked over and picked up a bottle of water myself.

  "Thanks," Victor laughed and gave Mike a look that confused me but Mike seemed to understand it. Then disappeared into the bedroom.

  "How are you this morning?" I smiled at Mike.

  "I'm fantastic…how are you?"

  "I'm great…can't wait to get to the beach." I was positively bubbling with excitement.

  "Well David and Johnny should be back soon with food…why don't you go wake the boys."

  "Okay." I went into David's room and switched on the light to hear Devon groan. "Up," is all I said to him before I walked back out and went into Johnny's room. I opened the curtains and gently woke both of the tiny boys and got them into the living room watching TV before the food got there.

  Less then an hour later, I was slipping my shoes off and sinking my toes into the warm white powder sand, looking out over the blue green water. I heard the two little boys screaming as they ran for the water in their swim trunks with Devon close behind them. Devon's job was to tire the toddlers out before we had to be at the studio for the video shoot. I pulled my cover up off and turned to find Victor walking towards me in his black board shorts.

  "So…you ready?" I smiled as he walked along side me toward the water.

  "For what?" He asked keeping his eyes straight forward.

  "The video today…I read the work up for it while you were in the shower."

  "It's just a video."

  "A video where I start undressing you." I pointed out.

  "You take my shirt off, that's it." Victor was being extra careful.

  "I guess you're right." I smiled and stopped walking. I needed him to look at me and it worked. He turne
d and put his arms out.


  "Did I piss you off or something?" I asked.

  "No, sorry just distracted." He smiled then dove at me catching me around my hips and hoisted me over his shoulder and ran the last twenty feet or so to the water.

  "Victor…you ass!" I screamed as he dumped me into the water. He was laughing hysterically. Devon walked over and joined in the laughing at me. "Damn you both!" I pouted trying to untangle the hair tie out of my soaked hair.

  "Oh…sorry, here." Victor laughed and pulled a pocket knife out and cut the elastic band and pulled it out of my hair.

  "Thanks." I said and dunked my head under the water to smooth my hair out.

  "Are you worried about the video?," Victor asked as I stood up again.

  "No," I started and caught Victor watching the water dripping off my hair onto my skin and sliding down. "Oh come on!" I was surprised this, was the most obvious thing he had ever done in front of me.

  "Sorry…" He started and grinned.

  "You done now or do you need a minute?" I could not help but laugh.

  "No I'm done," He chuckled, "you were saying."

  "Hell I don't remember."

  "The video? Worried?" He supplied.

  "Oh…you're right…what were you and Mike talking about this morning, something about pillows?"

  "Uh…It's nothing really…" Victor stammered.


  "Oh he noticed you've been having a hard time sleeping…and suggested that we share a bed and see if that solves it cause you seem to sleep fine with me." He was talking so fast.

  "Was it that obvious that I wasn't sleeping?" I was embarrassed.

  "I didn't notice," Victor lied.

  "Me neither," Devon spoke up.

  "Shoo child grownups are talking." Victor said to Devon with a smile.

  "So rude!" Devon laughed and turned to see two bobbing snorkels and 4 floaties moving up behind him.

  "Uh oh! Leed Sharks I better go." Devon said and turned and pretended to be frantically trying to get away from the boys.

  "So what made Mike come to this conclusion?," I asked, feeling confused.

  "I don't…," He started then hung his head before he started again. "I don't know…Damnit! Cause I haven't slept well ever since I met you, I can't seem to relax…"

  "What does that mean?" I asked.

  "I wish I knew…but when it's like yesterday and last night I find myself in a peaceful state."

  "What are you gonna do?"

  "Well, I want to test it. Last night could have just been a crash so I'd like to share the bed again tonight see if we sleep better or worse."

  "Okay why not, it was that or the couch." I smiled at him.

  "Alright…so how's it feel to be back in your own waters again?" He was trying to change the subject but what scared the hell out of me was the way he said it.


  "Well, when we went to Newport, all you did was talk about Florida and how much you missed it…"

  "Oh yeah its great…Sorry you confused me." I laughed nervously.

  "Have you been to the Bahamas or Jamaica?" Victor asked.

  "No…I've never been anywhere. Where is the best place you've been?"

  "Tortola. One of the most secluded places I've ever been." Victor answered.

  "Maybe one day I'll go there."

  "I'll take you." Victor smiled.

  "Someday," I smiled back. Johnny was walking up to us in the waist high waves. We all played and sunned before we loaded the cars and headed for the studio. We walked into the large open bay doors to see people bustling around and a tiny red haired man who just by looking at him you could tell he was the director.

  "Alright! Victor! It's great to see you," the red head said rushing over to shake Victor's hand.

  "Right back at you Barry," Victor laughed. Slowly we were all ushered into makeup and wardrobe. I was on set dressed in my stage outfit awaiting instruction. I was supposed to dance on the runway to the guitar solo. We shot the scene 4 times, and then moved onto the next. I would be in the same outfit, lying on the runway, looking cute while Mike played. After that final piece, I was rushed off for a wardrobe change. I was stripped down and stuffed into a red snake skin tube dress with spaghetti straps and red sandal stilettos and told to get into the studio. This time I was ordered to sit on the drum throne and pose while David and Johnny talk to me, then Johnny threw me over his shoulder and left me in the back seat of a shiny black convertible. The two of them jumped in and we drove away, then it was time to change again. They dressed me in skin tight leather pants with boots and what I call a tease top, a black lace long sleeve top with black ribbon to tie the front closed. Under the black lace was a thin material the exact color of my flesh, my blonde hair had that same tousled curl in it. The test would be when I saw Victor again. I just realized how much catching him looking at me had affected me. I walked on to the set and Victor was standing with his back to me and I could not help myself. He wore dark jeans and boots with a black button down shirt half open. I stood, enjoying the view looking him up and down a few times and I noticed the large bottle of Jack, half empty and open in his fist. Mike looked over Victor's shoulder at me and laughed. That's what got Victor's attention and he spun to see me standing there. His jaw hit the floor then he looked around and groaned.

  "God damnit!," he exclaimed and took another swig from the bottle. Then he headed over to where Barry was watching a playback monitor.

  "Let's get these last shots done," Barry smiled. Taking the bottle from Victor, he led us to the bar set. The plan was for me to come sit at the bar next to Victor and let him buy me a drink and then leading him back into a room set up like an office.

  "Alright, Victor I want you to pin her to the desk and then Alex I want to see hair flip, wet lips, sighing, closed eyes then when I say so rip his shirt open and slip it off his shoulder with a brush of your hand," Barry ordered. He then counted down and called action. The first part of the shot was over in a flash, but time slowed down and the world fell away as we walked into that office. As I walked past the desk Victor grabbed my arm spinning me around. I was pressed between his body and the desk, doing just as he was told. I flipped my hair back over my shoulder as his lips slipped over mine and he kissed me, open mouthed, thrusting his tongue into my mouth slowly, making sure the camera could catch it, then his lips ran down my jaw onto my neck and as he sucked and nibbled the skin there I let my head fall back so the camera could see the lights shine off my slick wet lip gloss. I sighed, letting my eyes close and when I realized I was not having to act at all, my mind was screaming but my body was enjoying every touch. That's when Victor grabbed a fist full of my hair, forced my lips back to his, and lifted me to sit on the desk top. Without being told, I pulled back, grabbed a hold of his shirt, and ripped it open, running my hands over his shoulders and pushing it off. It fell to the floor and Victor started to untie my top when Barry yelled "cut! Perfect!," which brought us back to earth. We stepped apart and played it off as if we were really acting. I retreated to the dressing room as quickly as I could. The guys crowded around a play back monitor to watch the sequence and it was over for a few seconds before Victor grabbed his bottle and headed for his dressing room. Johnny and Mike followed close behind and Johnny laughed.

  "Vic man, I didn't know you acted that well."

  "I don't!" Victor croaked.

  "You mean…" Johnny laughed then sobered as he met Mike's face.

  "What the hell is going on? I want to know, right now." Victor was struggling to keep his voice under control.

  "Vic…I promise you don't need to know this right now…It’s counterproductive for the pack issues right now…" Mike answered.

  "Fuck the pack! Why do I have to fight to keep from touching her? Why do I feel on edge unless I can reach out and feel the silkiness of her skin? I'm so protective, and jealous of any other man she seems to be even remotely interested in. I wanted to tear Jamie's head from his s
houlders yesterday." Victor started pacing.

  "I'm not sure yet, I was hoping for more time to look into it before I said anything." Mike answered.

  "Then tell him what you think, lay it all out for him and we'll figure it out!" Johnny was starting to seem agitated.

  "John can we get some…" Mike started and Johnny interrupted.

  "No!" He barked. "This is pushing him over the edge which is ripping my control to pieces."

  "Please." Victor hung his head closing his eyes and when he opened them they were glowing green.

  "Okay…Take a deep breath," Mike said and spied a pink duffle bag across the room. "Is that Alex's?"

  "Yes," Johnny answered, already picking up the bag and heading toward Victor. As soon as Johnny was in reach Victor snatched the bag from his hands and was digging in the open bag till he pulled out a t-shirt I'd worn yesterday and held it to his face. After a few seconds, he seemed in control.

  "Alright…I want to lay everything out before I tell you what I think the problem is," Mike said as they all sat around a folding table in the middle of the room.

  "Okay," Victor answered, "well the first strange thing is the way I became infatuated with her from the first second I saw her, I dream about her if I sleep at all. Her scent affects me more than the moon ever has; I'm very possessive of her and violently jealous. When I touch her it’s better than any drug. It’s like my blood boils, oh and she tastes like…" Victor was getting a little carried away.

  "Vic…that we don't need to know I'm pretty sure." Mike laughed softly.

  "Sorry I guess I got going and didn't know where to stop."

  "Have you had sex with her?" Mike asked.

  "No." Victor answered almost as if it depressed him.

  "That's what I thought…well there are a few things that could be going on. One, your brain is so desperate to not marry Lisa that your subconscious is giving you a bunny to chase. Two, someone in the pack is using her to lead you astray using magic or…" Mike trailed off.


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