
Home > Paranormal > Moondance > Page 11
Moondance Page 11

by Desiree King

"Yes… We will feed then you can come back here and sleep a little." Jacob answered.

  "Fine, lets get this over with." I was annoyed to the max. I was not sure how he was planning to help but I soon found out he had rented a house with a salt water pool. I could smell the water from the front door. I was stripping as I walked into the house and out the back door. I did not even slow as I dove into the water. He sat in a deck chair as I came up into the air.

  "Alright…let it loose." Jacob smiled.

  "What? Why?"

  "I checked into this knowing you would never have sex with me today. So I rented a vacation house surrounded by young couples, all of which are home right now. So let the power out get them all going and feed while you enjoy nature around you," Jacob answered.

  "Wow…Worked hard didn't you…?" I smiled.

  "If you'd rather you can feed on me."

  "Nope, thanks."

  I pushed my senses out to find what I needed and sure enough there was plenty of energy for me to feed on, not to mention that it was not only poeple outside of this yard that were soaking me in lust. I laid my arms under my chin on the decking around the pool and smiled at Jacob where he was stretched out in a lounge chair watching me in the water.

  "What I can`t help it," He chuckled at me, "I`ll always want you..."

  "I know but..."

  "I know you don`t trust me anymore... the blood lust." Jacob cut me off.

  "I`m sorry." I meant it.

  "I was the one who broke that trust, I get it." The smirk never left his face but I could feel his hurt.

  "How is everything at home?" I asked to change the subject.

  "Fine, same old same old I guess." He smiled at me. Silence stretched between us for a long moment before he finaly spoke again. "Alex..."


  "You know I love you still, right?," He asked, looking away from me, his voice was broken but part of me was unsure if the emotion was real or all an act.

  "I know." I answered and dove below the surface.

  It would be 15 minutes till the end of show when Jacob dropped me back off at the bus. I was almost drunk from the feast Jacob had arranged and climbed into Victor's bed to wait for my beast.

  That night I was laying in Victor's bed wearing the black corset and panties in the dark waiting for him. He had to make an appearance at the back stage party.

  "Jenny…" Victor said walking up to Jenny and Johnny at the bar.

  "Hey Vic, where you been?"

  "Looking for Alex…Have you seen her?" Victor asked.

  "No…Sorry man…" Johnny answered.

  "Did the bloodsucker leave?" Jenny asked.

  "Yes…Finally…He really hung around." Victor answered.

  "So did you check the bus…If Jacob left then she's most likely there?" Johnny answered.

  "Good thinking John…Thanks, see ya in the morning," Victor laughed and headed out. Victor walked outside into the warm Texas night air and tired to pass from the door to the buses in silence, the bus was dark and quiet. He walked in the bus and through the darkness and up the stairs. Victor slipped in the bedroom and closed the door behind him, then switched on the table lamp to see me on my stomach.

  "Hey Alex…" His voice trailed off as he started to stare.

  "Hey Vic…How was the show?" I smiled, feeling like the cat who caught the canary.

  He stood mouth agape eyes running over my body. I got up on my knees and crawled to the top of the bed and knelt there waiting for him to come to. He stood there in black leather pants, a red button down shirt, and a black suit jacket.

  "We need to talk about this before we get going too fast but," I laughed with a little bit of a shake as a chill ran down my spine.

  "Alex…" He licked his lips, "I'm…Sorry…I'm…not hearing…a word you're…saying."

  "Tonight…you can do what you want to me, but tomorrow we need to talk…" I said as he peeled his shirt off and suddenly I lost all ability to form a thought that was not X-rated.

  "Come here!" Victor said reaching out and taking my hands and pulled me smoothly across the sheets to the edge of the bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing me against his body. He kissed me like he was trying to devour me and I loved it. I pushed back from him bursting from his arms and reached out and unbuttoned his pants then reached back and laid onto the bed.

  "Oh no you don't!" Victor growled and pulled me to my feet in front of him.

  "Undress me!" I whispered and took his earlobe into my mouth softly.

  "I plan on it." He answered. He then spun me around and pressed me against the wall face first. He then pulled a knife out of his pocket and ran it under the lace, slicing the corset open and tossing it to the floor. Then he spun me around to face him and kissed me again, running just the pads of his fingers down my body. He slipped them into the waist of my panties and slowly drew them down. I was now completely nude pressed against him. He stood running his hands over my skin so that even places that seemed benign felt intimate. My skin felt hot in the trail of his hands and lips. He held me in place and kissed me like he thought I might never let him do this again, like a dying man enjoying every last second he had to live. My knees were growing weak and I was unsure how much longer they would hold when his hands slid under my buttocks and lifted me up onto him. I wrapped my legs and arms around him as he crawled up onto the bed with me beneath him. I let go as my back touched the silk sheets and I laid back with my eyes open as he put his lips against the pulse in my neck.

  "Ah…" I said with a sharp intake of breath as his hand closed over my left breast a little too hard. He loosened it before I could say anything else. His lips were replaced with teeth and tongue as he started to rub his still clothed groin into me. This was a strange sensation. At first it hurt, then really hurt, then my body berated me he pressed harder and I knew those pants would be ruined. Now the leather and I were wet. I moaned out as his lips moved down and found my nipple. He took it in his mouth with a harsh motion of his hand on my other breast. It only took a few seconds for me to climax a second time.

  "Victor…I want…you inside!" I moaned as I was gasping for air. He sat up without a word and the sound of his zipper opening and the jingling of the chains on his pants was louder then they should have been as he was tearing at his clothes. He growled as he realized he still had his boots on.

  "Oh damnit!" He groaned and moved to get the shoes off. I heard the clunk of one boot hitting the floor then the other and his pants and anything else he had on were kicked across the room. Almost instantly he was back between my legs. As he slid up my body I shut my eyes and tightened my legs around him stopping his forward momentum. When he stopped and looked down into my face, he was touching my opening but had not entered me.

  "What's wrong?" He asked carefully running one hand up my leg from my knee to my waist.

  "Victor…I…" I said eyes still closed.

  "Alex…look at me." Victor put a hand in my hair and held my face till I opened my eyes. "Do you want to stop?"

  "Kiss me…" I whispered.

  "Okay," He smiled. A lot of the frantic need that was in his face was gone but his kiss was just as passionate as before. His tongue danced with mine as I've never been kissed before. When I loosened my grip on his hips with my legs and he pressed against me firm enough to show me he was asking permission and I opened under him. I wrapped my legs around him to rest my feet on the backs of his legs under the curve of his buttocks, and almost like he could read my mind, he pushed himself inside me. I screamed as my body fought him, he had to fight for every inch of space he could get and it felt amazing. When he was finally sheathed inside me he stayed there for a moment. Just then I saw something in his face, a look I'd never seen before. It was indescribable, primal. He found a moderate rhythm and the pushing and pulling made me writhe under him but he held my hips immobile. I was right where he wanted me. I felt the climax coming and every stroke brought me closer. He fought his body to keep the rhythm smooth.

; "Vic…Fuck me!" I panted and that simple phrase tore his control to shreds. Seconds later we lay in a heap, gasping for breath, and quickly fell asleep.

  Chapter 10


  One night had changed everything between Victor and I. I woke in his arms like so many times but this time we were naked and drenched in sweat. My body was sore. I could feel the sex on my body like a bruise. I rolled onto my back and looked up through the skylight. I smiled as I remembered a morning long ago. Victor had told me, "If we had sex you'd know it." I laughed quietly to myself he was still fast asleep on his side facing me. He was so peaceful when he was asleep. I laid and watched his face as he slept and before too long I had fallen back asleep. We slept late into the day and when we finally did wake we shared the tiny shower, put on as little clothes as we'd have to, and Victor went down to gathered food for us. We sat in bed watching TV and eating fruit and cheese.

  "So…Babe…" Victor seemed nervous.


  "You said something about talking," Victor said.

  "Oh…We want to get into that already? I thought you'd want to go a few more times before we started this talk," I smiled.

  "Is it going to upset me?" Victor asked.

  "I'm not sure…"

  "I'm sure it's fine, let's have it…" He smiled leaning back against the head board.

  "Okay…Um…I know what you are…a werewolf, which leads me to believe you know more about why we seem drawn together."

  "Um…I do…"

  "So…enlighten me…"

  "Okay… promise to stay calm."

  "I promise."

  "Okay, yes I'm a werewolf… with that knowledge comes basic rules, but first do you know about the soul mate pairings?"

  "Predestined to be together perfect matches, I always thought that was a myth…"

  "No…Mike is still convinced there is some other explanation, but it makes sense."

  "Wow…Um so what changes?"

  "I'm surprised…I expected more drama, or doubt…um we have completed one of the two steps to becoming a mated pair. Once both steps are completed we will be mated for life." Victor sat and watched my face.

  "You said something about rules."

  "Yeah, um you can't tell anyone. We can't screw around on the moon. If you see Lisa and I'm not with you, run."

  "Is that all?" I joked.

  "Pretty much…but Alex I'm not kidding…"

  "Okay…when is the moon phase this month?"


  "Okay…um what's the second step to the mate process?"

  "Sex during the full moon in moonlight."

  "Let's go for it…"

  "Babe…you don't understand…"

  "What? Why? Not?"

  "Ask me why that's against the rules."

  "Why is the final step to becoming a mated pair against the rules?"

  "Because that step is to get pregnant…If we screw on the moon phase we will get pregnant."

  "Wait! What?"

  "I can only get you pregnant on the full moon, any other time I'm safe…But the full moon…"

  "Wow…Um…okay all kinds of new info." I was a little dumbfounded.

  "How long can we go till we have to take that step?" I asked as carefully as I could.

  "As long as you want." Victor smiled.

  "Okay…so we're together…right?" I was so confused.

  "Yes." He smiled wider, then pulled me into his arms and kissed me softly. The next two stops were a blu. Life was moving in fast forward. Victor and I decided to keep us a secret for now, while on the bus we spent 90% of our time in bed, sleeping, playing, or watching TV. Also it was getting harder to keep or hands off eachother. We started disappearing in the middle of meetings or even during the festival day part of the shows.

  The true test was the first day of the moon phase. For the first time since Dallas, Jenny and I stayed on our bus without Victor and Johnny. The day seemed to last forever I did anything I could think of to keep myself busy, then went to bed early and woke at the crack of dawn when the bus stopped at the arena. I was out of bed showered, and dressed before Jenny woke up. Johnny came over to keep me busy while Victor was still asleep. Today would be hard because we would be near each other but not allowed to touch or disappear into a room behind a closed door. I sat playing Xbox with Johnny while Jenny was in the shower.

  "You know it might be easier for Victor if you frump up a little." Johnny broke the silence.

  "What?" I asked, a little confused.

  "I'm just thinking by wearing those little cut offs and that top you're setting yourselves up."

  "Oh… I didn't think of that…," I said thinking through my other options. "Hang on…" I smiled and paused the game then ran back into the bedroom. When I reemerged into the lounge area I wore one of Victor's t-shirts with the shorts.

  "Not a whole lot better." Johnny frowned.

  "It's all I have. All my pants are skin tight and it's too hot for them anyway. The skirts and dresses are worse," I explained sitting beside Johnny.

  "Remind me next time we stop somewhere with clothes." Johnny laughed.

  "Okay…" I started the game again.

  "You are not allowed out of supervisor line of sight. Not only is it a full moon but the press is gonna be here with cameras just roaming around." Johnny was careful of his wording and that's when we heard a bus door slam. A few moments later Victor stepped up onto the bus and walked over to the table and sat.

  "Good morning." He grumbled.

  "Good morning…" I smiled pausing the game again. I got up and handed him a hot cup of coffee.

  "You are a goddess." Victor smiled smelling the steaming cup.

  "Well today will be hard enough without caffeine deficiency," I laughed.

  "Ain't that the truth," Victor spoke softly taking a sip.

  "So, You ready?...We're gonna be late for the meeting if we don't get moving," Johnny said standing up.

  "Can't we just skip it today, the least amount of time I have to spend around people the better?" Victor groaned.

  "And what do we tell them? You have a serious case of blue balls and need bed rest?" Johnny joked.

  "You're right, where's Jenny?," Victor asked standing up."

  "In the shower, I'll be fine by myself for a few," I smiled sitting back in the corner of the sofa. Victor gave me this look that clearly said the last thing he wanted was to leave my side, but Jenny and I never went to the meeting that starts the day. Both men headed to the board room and sat waiting for everyone to quiet down. All the bands playing today and key parts of road crew were in attendance. Johnny stood and spoke loudly.

  "Alright, how is everyone today? There were murmers all around before it was quiet again.

  "Okay, welcome to Phoenix. On the itineraries is the line up, sound checks, and the rules for today. FYI, for those who haven't played here before, the fans have a tendency to have bonfires in the lawn. Starting this year bands are to discourage this. So that's a big change, also guitars and bass watch for electronics to overheat, so do not just leave shit on when it's not being used. It's very hot and dry here, sunscreen and water is a must for everyone and no booze till after the sun goes down just to be safe," Johnny continued. Johnny took questions, the meeting broke, and the other men filed out as they said or asked what they thought. David, Johnny, Mike, and Victor hung around to have a mini pack meeting like they do every show on the moon. By the time they were alone Victor was on his feet pacing. Finally the door closed and the four of them were alone. They watched Victor for a few seconds before David spoke up.

  "Vic, man what's up?"

  "Dave…" Mike started but Victor's snarl cut him off. All three men stared in disbelief at Victor who was still pacing.

  "Victor, breathe…she is fine," Johnny said unfortunately that was enough of a giveaway.

  "No!" Mike cried in disbelief.

  "What?" David was confused.

  "Johnny tell me he did not do it?" Mike exclaimed.

  "Yes, they did…" Johnny said almost like a guilty child.

  "Great, we thought he was a pain in the ass during the moon before…" Mike threw his hands up and it brought another snarl from Victor.

  "What's going on?" David was confused.

  "How do we fix this?" Johnny asked.

  "Call your girl, get Alex in here now," Mike snapped. Johnny, very slowly, knowing any sudden movements may trigger Victor to attack, pulled out his cell phone and called Jenny.

  "Hey John…" Jenny answered over speaker phone.

  "Get Alex in here now!" Johnny snapped and hung up. Moments later Victor stopped pacing and stood extremely still staring at the door. There was a soft knock. "Come in…we can't move," Johnny called just loud enough for Jenny to hear him on the other side of the door. Jenny opened the door slowly and pushed me ahead of her. I walked into the large room and could feel Victor's power like a hot electric cloud around me covering me. Mike and David sat in their seats. Johnny stood to one side and Victor to the other. Once my eyes found Victor I could not pull them away. He was my universe. I walked straight to him, wrapped my arms around his waist, and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me to his body with his face buried in my hair. He took in deep breaths taking my scent into himand almost instantly he seemed fine. He held me against his chest when he spoke to his pack.

  "I'm sorry…I don't know what happened to me." Victor's voice seem to vibrate from his chest. I could feel the words against the side of my face.

  "I do! You thought you felt on edge before, tonight and every moon night will be a thousand times worse till you finish what you started." Mike sneered.

  "But we can't…We're not…"

  "Not what? Ready? Too bad! You're a danger to everyone till you finish this…" Mike laughed.

  "But…What…Isn't there another option…how about if I can prove to be in control till high moon? We can push it off till we're ready."

  "If you can make it till 1 am without a major breakdown then I will help and not tell your Dad." Mike stood.

  "Deal!" Victor said still holding me against his body. Mike got to is feet and blew from the room.

  "How do you plan to do this?" Johnny asked.


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