Hot Louisiana Knight

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Hot Louisiana Knight Page 13

by Em Petrova

  Dylan had a moment of remorse for hitting the guy, yet this was a battle and he couldn’t stop to think about anything but the mission and Knight Ops.

  “Just show me and things won’t get out of hand.”

  “Come out, you fucking cowards!” someone screamed, and it wasn’t any of the Knights or Rocko.

  A shot went wild, followed by two more blasts. Dylan heard the telltale whoosh of bullet cutting through flesh. Then a thump as a body fell.

  The man in front of him pointed at a box.

  “Get it down,” Dylan ordered.

  The man took his hand away long enough to reach up for a box wedged between two. Nothing out of the ordinary here, no markings to indicate it was anything but more socks.

  Dylan took it from him, prepared for more physical blows. But the man just stood waiting for him to flip open the lid.

  Revealing more gems.

  “You’re laundering these. Why? And for who?” Dylan’s demands had the man shaking his head.

  “I don’t know, man. I only guard the stuff.”

  “You don’t even know who signs your paychecks?”

  He shook his head. “We get paid in envelopes left in a locked box in the office.” He held his eye again, grimacing. It had to hurt like hell.

  “There are more of these. Show me where they all are.”

  He nodded and half an hour later, the team had every hostile guard subdued and a virtual pirates chest of treasure spread out on a metal table.

  “Jesus.” Ben blew out a whistle. “Gotta be millions worth here.”

  “Yeah, but why? Think our intel’s still correct? Who is funding this operation and is the money only going as an investment to gain more? Shut down that power grid and all the banks and then wipe them out?”

  Ben shook his head. “Above our pay grade. I’m sure you could find out with enough time to hack some systems, though.”

  Dylan grunted.

  “Let’s pack these up and get them to Jackson. I have a feeling there are more microchips inside some of the gems. The intelligence officers will have their work cut out for them.” Ben twitched two fingers toward the exit, indicating they should move out.

  He was right that Dylan could uncover more about this, but what he most wanted to know was which of Athena’s customers was really moving the jewels. The woman who’d acquisitioned the shoes had gone underground it seemed, vanished off the face of the earth. He had a feeling there was more than one customer using Athena’s Creations as a way to move funds, and he just had to keep Athena out of it… safe.

  Chapter Eight

  “Athena, meet Elise. She’s got certain skills that will help us to root out the people we’re looking for. Besides that, she happens to be the mother of my unborn child and has some mean jujitsu skills.” Sean beamed at his wife.

  From his words, Athena should find Elise to be intimidating, but the woman smiled at her, dissipating the nervousness of meeting someone new.

  Athena extended a hand and Elise shook it. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Sean’s filled me in on what’s happening here. I’m happy to help with whatever you need me to do.”

  Athena cleared her throat and turned to Sean. “Thank you, but… what do you mean that Elise has certain skills to help root out the people you’re looking for?”

  “She could interrogate the shell off a snail, and she will be talking to your customers.”

  This couldn’t end well. Either she’d piss off a bunch of clients who’d never walk through her door again or she’d end up with calls from their lawyers. When wealthy people got pissed, they got their lawyers involved.

  “I don’t think this is such a good idea,” she started.

  Elise placed a warm hand on her arm and gave her a warmer smile. “I promise they won’t know what hit them. I have my ways, Athena. If you’ll trust me, I believe I can speed along this process so you get your life back faster.”

  Oh God, she’d said the magic words. All Athena wanted was for things to return to normal.

  But that would mean Dylan was no longer in her life.

  She couldn’t live in this limbo anymore more. The only answer was to agree.

  She nodded, and Elise patted her arm. “Let’s get started then. Sean?” She nodded toward the office, and he faded away behind the scenes. Elise smoothed a hand over her slim-fitting dress. She didn’t look pregnant, only slender and glowing.

  “First, do I look like I’d be your employee?” she asked.

  Athena nodded. “Yes, you play the part well.”

  “Good. I admit I know nothing of clothing designers or what you might use in your own creations. So I’ll leave the clothes up to you and I’ll do the talking.”

  “All right.” Athena felt strangely energized being around this woman. Maybe she’d been running a business on her own too long or the stress of being around all males twenty-four-seven had finally worn her down. Either way, she was excited to see what Elise would do today.

  Three hours later, the customers were buying more, adding on whole outfits that Athena suggested while Elise talked their ears off about their families, jobs and even political affiliations. All done in her suave way.

  After Athena rang out another big order, she flashed Elise a grin. The customer left, and she leaned against the counter, satisfied. “We make a great team. Sure you don’t want to quit your day job?” she asked Elise.

  The woman laughed with a toss of her head. “It’s more like a night job most of the time. I’m still not sure how we’re handling a baby.”

  She eyed her. “You didn’t plan to start a family then?”

  Elise laughed again. “I sure hope you’re ready to be carrying Dylan’s child.”

  Her eyes bulged. “What?”

  “You’re sleeping with him, aren’t you? Not that I can say anything—these Knight boys have something you just can’t ignore.”

  A flush stole over Athena’s throat and face. “Yes, but… we use birth control.”

  She barked another laugh. “Honey, so was I. I had implants, for God’s sake, and still Sean’s sperm made it through. After I threw up once, I went directly to the doctor and he confirmed the pregnancy and removed the implants. No harm done to the fetus since we caught it so early.”

  Athena’s brows shot up. “You got pregnant on heavy birth control?”

  “I’m telling ya, the Knight gene pool is strong.”

  Athena’s stomach flipped over at the thought of carrying Dylan’s child. Of being bound to the man she wanted on such a raw, basic level that it blasted her every time she thought about it.

  Elise tipped her head as she examined Athena. “I never thought of Dylan choosing a woman like you, but I see it now.”

  She blinked. “What do you see?”

  “You’re gorgeous in such an exotic way, and he’s got a deep case of wanderlust. Settling with you would feel like he’s always wandering a new place, exploring.”

  She gulped.

  “But you’re smart too, Athena. And he’d be deeply attracted to your brain. Dylan is unmatched for intelligence among the Knights.”

  Suddenly, Elise jerked a hand up to her ear. She flashed a grin at Athena and whispered, “My husband opposes what I just said. Let me try again—all the Knights’ intelligence surpasses their good looks.”

  She slapped her hand over her ear again, and Athena realized she must be wearing an earpiece that Sean was speaking into. Elise gave a low chuckle but didn’t speak to her husband again.

  The conversation between her and Athena ended too when Mrs. Landrenau entered the boutique. As soon as Athena greeted her, she realized Elise was watching them too closely. Did she suspect this kind woman as being one of the players in the terrorist activity? Impossible. Athena had known the Landrenaus for years.

  “Athena, how lovely you look today.” Mrs. Landrenau beamed at her.

  Athena thought she must need an eye examination, because the night had taken its toll on her. Hell, the
week had taken its toll on her.

  “Thank you. What brings you into the store again?”

  Elise stepped in then, and Athena didn’t need to ask why. Elise suspected her.

  Now that Athena considered it, maybe the woman had frequented her shop more than usual lately.

  Athena slanted a glance at Elise. “Uh, you haven’t met my new employee yet. Ann Marie, this is Mrs. Landrenau.”

  Elise didn’t miss a beat at Athena’s newly concocted name for her. She smiled widely and took Mrs. Landrenau’s hand. As Elise struck up a conversation, she couldn’t help but think of Sean in the office, taking note of every single word exchanged.

  Athena broke in, “Mrs. Landrenau, it’s fantastic to see you, but I didn’t expect you today. Did you get invited to a last-minute party and need a dress?”

  The banker’s wife smiled and sailed through the room in her elegant way. “I was hoping you would have some shoes for me to go with a dress I got elsewhere. This is the dress.” She leaned in to share a photo on her phone.

  Athena nodded. “I’m sure we can find something that will set off that beautiful gown.”

  “Something with rhinestones or jewels?”

  Elise’s head snapped up. This is it, her eyes seemed to say. She twitched her head to the side, and Athena knew Sean was speaking into her ear.

  Athena had to play it cool and help in any way she could. She waved at Mrs. Landrenau, but Elise jumped in.

  “Why don’t I show you some of our new shipment of high heels? You’ll never believe how gorgeous these jewels are!” Elise led her to the shoe wall.

  After only a few steps, the woman straightened and looked around herself as though confused. “Oh dear, I just remembered I have an appointment in ten minutes and I’m going to be late. I don’t know how it slipped my mind…”

  Oh God, was the banker’s wife the one who Knight Ops was looking for? And her husband too? Mrs. Landrenau strode to the exit.

  Athena bustled after her, wondering if she should try to restrain her from leaving.

  Elise caught Athena’s eye, though, and she didn’t want to see Elise’s jujitsu skills today. So Athena said a feeble farewell to the woman as she practically ran out of the boutique.

  Elise leveled her gaze on Athena. “That’s our woman.”

  Athena opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

  “Sean says we need to abort and get you to safety.”

  All the blood drained from Athena, and she swayed as a thought hit her. “Oh my God.”

  Elise clutched her arm, holding her steady. “What is it? Did you think of something?”

  “She asked about jeweled shoes and Knight Ops confiscated that pair. Sean said they’re connected to the terrorist activity in some way, though he hasn’t completely explained how. But the vendor who sold me those also had some necklaces.”

  “Here in the store?” Elise started moving toward the jewelry case, but Athena grabbed her arm.

  “No, they took those too. But there’s one they missed.”

  Elise stared at her.

  “In my apartment.”

  “Fuck. I have to get you there and get the necklace now. Sean, do you hear me?”

  He appeared at their sides, looking as dark and dangerous as Athena had seen Dylan look that day when he’d ripped open the closet door and found her hiding there.

  “There’s a necklace at your apartment?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I took it home to match fabrics to it. I was going to make it into a choker neckline of a gown, but I forgot I had it. With Mardi Gras being my busy time and…” She trailed off as the special ops people around her broke into action.

  Elise grabbed her by the arm and started towing her to the back door while Sean jogged to the front and locked up. In seconds, Athena was in the back seat of a car whooshing over the rain-covered streets of New Orleans headed toward her apartment.

  “Give me Ben,” Sean demanded into his cell. He quickly filled Ben in and then held the phone away from his ear. He shot a look at Elise in the passenger’s seat. How the woman looked so cool and composed, Athena couldn’t guess. She felt like a nervous wreck. Even her hair seemed to be reacting by standing out in a frizzy mass from the humidity in the air.

  “What’s going on?” Athena leaned forward between the front seats.

  Sean sliced a look her way. “Dylan’s going nuts knowing you’re in the wind and can’t protect you. He’s coming.”

  * * * * *

  “Put it on speaker.” Dylan’s command came out as a bark, and Ben didn’t even give him shit about taking over as he pushed a button on the phone.

  Elise’s voice filled the SUV.

  “You get the necklace, Athena. Sean, you got the door.”

  The trio was inside Athena’s apartment, and Dylan could picture it clearly as he listened. His shoulder muscles screamed with tension, and he had taken a hell of a blow to the ear that had rung his bell back in that warehouse. His eardrum was still humming, but he focused on Elise’s voice.

  “It’s all right,” he heard her say to Athena. “Calm down, honey. Your hands are shaking so bad you’ll never be able to open that drawer if you don’t take some deep breaths.”

  “Goddammit,” Dylan bit off. He needed to be there with her. Holding her. Keeping her safe.

  Ben threw him a hold onto your feelings look.

  “Athena, what are we looking for? A case?”

  “No…” The sound of Athena’s voice slammed Dylan. His chest burned with the need to release a battle cry and get to her faster.

  “In this drawer? Let me open it—you’re shaking so bad.”

  Dylan gripped the steering wheel so hard it felt like it might snap under his hands. He hoped it would—he needed to hit, shoot, destroy. The fight back in that warehouse hadn’t touched the adrenaline boiling in his system.

  “She’s reaching into the drawer,” Elise told them. “She’s got a book. Wait—are you fucking kidding me?”

  Stunned silence swelled on Elise’s end.

  “Holy hell,” she whispered.

  “Tell us what is going on,” Dylan demanded.

  “She’s got a necklace worth half a million dollars stuffed into the crack of a novel.”

  “And a two worthless wedding bands in her safe. Jesus.” Dylan winced as he rubbed his jaw, which was also bruised.

  “Let me see it,” Elise said to Athena. A second of pause. And then, “Athena, we need a hammer. Do you have one? Hurry.”

  Ben and Dylan exchanged a look. What the hell did they need a hammer for? He imagined all kinds of threats pouring through the door of her apartment, Sean’s ass kicked and him lying on the floor, leaving Elise and Athena alone. Elise was bad-ass, but that didn’t mean Dylan was comfortable with her as Athena’s sole protector.

  He slammed the heel of his hand onto the steering wheel and Ben uttered, “Stop. Wait for it.”

  “Okay, good. That’s a good hammer. Now I want you to smash the third gem. Right here.”

  “What the fuck?” Dylan exploded.

  “Smash it?” Athena’s stunned tone filled him with longing.

  “Do it,” Elise ordered.

  A loud crack sounded.

  “Oh my God, what is that?” Athena asked.

  Dylan stomped the gas pedal, speeding through the streets faster than ever.

  “It’s a microchip. Sean, we need to get out of here. Now.”

  “Bingo,” Chaz said from the back of the SUV. “Your girlfriend found it, Dylan.”

  His mind barreled forward. “Tell her to call the customer back and say you’ve got a necklace for her to see, that you just got it in. Then string what’s left of it back together. We’ll meet you at the boutique.

  “We’re walking out now.” A minute later, Elise had placed the phone on speaker as well, and she and Sean were arguing about the fastest route to take.

  “Athena, are you okay?” Dylan asked.


  His he
art lodged in his throat.

  “They knew she had it,” Sean said.

  “So why didn’t they toss her apartment?” asked Roades.

  “Because she’s just the middle man. They knew she’d keep it safe until the time they needed it, and then they sent the Landrenau woman to retrieve it today.” Ben said everything that Dylan had been thinking.

  Dylan snorted. “The damn woman keeps junk store rings in her safe and an expensive necklace worth way more than the gems stuffed in a book.”

  “I thought it was costume jewelry, Dylan! Not everybody is as cynical about the world as you!”

  A laugh burst from him, relief taking hold as her sassy retort filled the SUV. It also aroused the hell out of him. The minute he resolved this and got her alone…

  “Athena, call the customer and tell her to bring her hubby to the boutique. Say there’s a necklace you want her to see and also a matching tie pin.”

  “Brilliant, cher,” Sean told his wife.

  “Give me that phone,” Athena demanded.

  Dylan found his voice around the swelling of pride in his chest. His little boutique owner was turning out to be one hell of a spy. “Guts and glory, guys. We’ll see you there.”

  * * * * *

  Athena didn’t think her fingers could get any icier. She turned to Elise. “I don’t think I can do this. How do I face her? I’m not a good actor.”

  Elise placed her hands on Athena’s arms. “You’re doing fantastic, better than we expected. In fact, maybe we’ll make it a family operation soon and bring you in.”

  She started shaking her head to dispute Elise’s words, not totally wrapping her head around any of it.

  “Just a bit longer. You only need to show the Landrenaus the jewels.” They’d fished out a tie pin with a bright ruby that was not from the same fake vendor but a legitimate jeweler.

  “I—” All the air rushed from Athena as she looked up into a set of deep hazel eyes. “Dylan,” she breathed.

  Elise stepped aside just in time, because the man would have bowled her over.

  Dylan stormed across the boutique and caught Athena up in his strong arms. The breath whooshed from her as her breasts were flattened against his hard chest and his masculine scent enveloped her.


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