Monroe, Marla - Their Border Lands Gift [Men of the Border Lands 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Their Border Lands Gift [Men of the Border Lands 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 16

by Marla Monroe

  “I need to tell you something,” she said.

  “What, baby?” Marcus asked.

  She eyed them. They looked entirely too sure of themselves. They knew. She huffed out a breath.

  “I’m pregnant, but I think you already knew that.” She watched them closely.

  “We guessed, baby. You were sick this morning, and you’re late.” Bruce smiled.

  “You kept up with my periods?”

  “Sort of.”

  Hmm was all she could think of to say.

  “Everything will work out fine, baby. Just relax and take care of yourself.” Marcus sounded more like what she had expected from him. Worried.

  “Go eat and clean up. I don’t want to come back to find my kitchen a complete wreck,” she fussed.

  “We’ll make sure it’s in good shape when you get well enough to do anything in it, Kate.” Bruce grinned and pulled Marcus by the arm toward the door. “Just holler if you need us for something before we get back up here.”

  “I’ll be waiting on you. It’s cold in this bed alone.” She smiled, wishing the stitches didn’t pull in her cheek when she did to remind her they were there.

  As if knowing what she was thinking, Bruce walked over and kissed her gently on the lips.

  “The stitches can come out in another three days.”

  “Thanks, Bruce.” She touched his arm with her hand. The glaring scratches and sutures reminded her of what her back would look like. Her mood soured a little bit after that.

  Once the men had headed downstairs, she stretched out to relieve some of the pressure on her back. Then she allowed herself a little pity party about the mess her back and arms were in. She could almost deal with the scratch on her cheek, but add to it the ones on her back and her arms and she was sick about it all over again.

  She must have dozed at some point because when the men emerged from the shower, she started and jerked at the stitches in her back.

  “Easy, baby. You’ll hurt yourself,” Bruce warned. “We didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “I’ll be glad when these are out of my back. I can’t stand the pulling.”

  “I know, Kate. It won’t be much longer.” Marcus climbed into the bed behind her and laid his hand on her hip.

  Bruce eased into the bed and lay on his back so she could drape herself over his chest and relax. Sleeping on him helped keep her warm, and she didn’t try and turn so much that way. She doubted that either man slept well, but she didn’t know what to do about it. She needed them close to her.

  “What are you thinking about, Kate?” Bruce asked.

  “Just that I love you both so much, and I’m scared for the baby. I mean, how do we keep a child safe? Children don’t always mind when you tell them something.”

  “We’ll manage, baby. Maybe put up a fence around part of the back so we don’t have to worry quite so much.” Bruce ran a hand through her hair.

  “I like that idea,” Marcus said from behind them.

  “We’ll have to go to one of the cities to get the fencing materials,” Bruce said.

  “I’ll have to have maternity clothes soon anyway. That and baby things.”

  “We’ll plan a trip as soon as you’re well enough to travel, baby. We’re not leaving you here, and it will take both of us to load the fencing material.” Bruce’s voice rumbled in her ear.

  “You know, we could leave her with one of the other families that day,” Marcus suggested.


  “I think that settles that,” Bruce said with a soft chuckle.

  “You’re not leaving me behind. I need to pick out the right clothes and things. Just giving you a list won’t work.”

  “You have to stay in the truck except when we are with you while you look,” Bruce warned.

  “No problem. I can read while you work on the fence stuff.”

  “I guess you’re coming with us, then,” Marcus said. “I’m going to worry the entire time we’re gone.”

  “You would have worried about me while you were gone anyway,” she fussed.

  “True,” Marcus agreed.

  “Get some sleep, baby. You’ve had entirely too much excitement for one day,” Bruce told her.

  Kate lay awake for another twenty or thirty minutes thinking about being a momma and wondering how she was going to keep the men happy with her now battered body. She didn’t want to lose them, but she also couldn’t stand to see the pity, or even worse, disgust on their faces when they thought she wasn’t looking. She finally wore herself out worrying and fell asleep.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Mike arrived the next day to see about her. He was almost inconsolable, and only Kate pretending that she wasn’t in pain or upset over the scarring calmed him down. When she finally broke the news to him that she was pregnant, he was just as excited.

  He stayed the entire day then went home that night promising to return the next day to help remove the stitches. Kate wasn’t so sure that was a good idea. She knew she wouldn’t enjoy that part, and her brother seeing her upset wouldn’t help.

  Finally, after several days of his coming to see her, she convinced him she was fine and that although he was always welcome, he didn’t have to come over every day to keep her company. The arrival of Leigh to visit helped convince him that she was really doing fine.

  It was decided that he would drive out to Sky Line with them when they went in two weeks. It would mean extra hands to load the fencing and an extra pair of eyes to watch for wolves. Secretly, Kate was relieved. She had worried about the guys trying to watch for wolves and load fencing all at the same time.

  Several days before they were to head to Sky Line, Kate woke to find the guys still sleeping soundly. She grinned. Now was a good time to instigate some mischief. They hadn’t made love to her since she had been hurt. No matter how much she had begged, they kept insisting she wasn’t well enough. Deep down she thought it was because her wounds turned them off. She decided to find out once and for all.

  She gently pulled back the covers to reveal Bruce’s thermal-clad erection poking upward. She quickly slipped him free of the material and sucked him into her mouth before he could figure out what was going on.

  “Fuck, Kate! What are you doing?” His hands immediately dug through her hair.

  She ignored him and continued to lick and nip and suck until he was gripping her head with his hands.

  “God, just like that.”

  “Bruce. What the fuck are you doing?” Marcus asked from behind her.

  “I’m being attacked. Aw, fuck. Yeah, baby.” Bruce tightened his grip on her hair.

  Kate continued her assault on Bruce. She licked around the rim of the mushroom-shaped head then nipped at it before sucking his cock down her throat. He threw back his head and growled when she swallowed around him.

  “Marcus, take care of her, man. She’s fucking driving me insane.”

  Kate felt hands smooth lightly over her scarred back. She had to fight to keep from going still. She knew if she had, he would think he had hurt her and stop. When he began to follow his hands with soft kisses, she moaned around Bruce’s cock. Her pussy was wet and her nipples hard with arousal. She soon had Bruce so wild with the need to come that he jerked back from her mouth and climbed out of the bed.

  “Enough! Fuck, you’re going to make me come before you do, Kate. That won’t do.” He and Marcus rolled her over to her back, carefully watching her face for any sign she was hurting.

  She knew them too well. They would stop if she so much as grimaced. There was no way she was going to let them stop this time. She needed them inside of her, needed to know that they still cared about her. She didn’t think she could handle it if they turned away from her again.

  “Easy, baby. Let us do all the work.”

  “Please, Bruce. It’s been so long. I need you.”

  Bruce licked his way from her belly down to her pussy. He placed open-mouthed kisses on her inner thighs then spread her pussy lips apar
t and tongued her slit.

  Marcus licked around her nipples one at a time. Then he sucked one in, hallowing his cheeks as he applied suction to the pink nipple. When he let it go with a pop, Kate moaned. She looked down at his head as he took in the other one to tease and torment.

  “You’re so sweet, Kate. You taste like pure honey. I could make a meal off of you, baby.” He lapped at her slit gathering all her juices with his tongue. Then he licked up to circle her clit.

  She felt him enter her cunt with two fingers. She couldn’t help but clamp down on them. It had been so long since she’d had anything to hold on to inside of her. She didn’t want him to pull out. He groaned as she squeezed his fingers.

  “Please, I need you inside of me, both of you, Bruce. Please.”

  “It’s too soon, baby.” Bruce began to slowly fuck her with his two fingers.

  “No, no, no. I have to have you both. It’s not too soon. It’s been two weeks. Two long, lonely weeks, Bruce,” Kate pleaded with him. She wanted both of her men inside of her at the same time.

  “Bruce?” Marcus had his lips hovering above her breast while the fingers of one hand were kneading her other breast.

  “Fuck, Marcus.”

  “Please, Bruce. I need to feel you inside of me,” Kate begged him.

  “Ah, hell.”

  Kate relaxed. He had given in. She would have her men and know once and for all how they really felt about her now.

  Marcus rolled over and pulled her with him. She grinned like an idiot with heavy-lidded eyes as she climbed on top of him and settled her pussy over his dick. She had to work to take him inside of her. His dick was swollen with need, as were her pussy muscles. He grasped her hips and helped her push up and down until she was fully seated on his thick cock.

  Bruce had moved behind them and now gently pressed against her back to lay her all the way down on top of Marcus. He laid soft kisses up and down her back, over each scar, and between every niche of her spine. Then he caressed her ass cheeks before spreading them and applying the cool lubricant from where they kept it in the bedside table. He pressed one finger inside of her back hole past the resistant ring. He pumped it there over and over while she pushed out.

  After a few seconds, he added more lube and a second finger to the first. It pinched at first then gave way once he pressed passed the tight ring. She pushed out until it popped through. He pumped them in and out of her ass until she was pressing back into him with each one.

  Bruce pulled the two fingers out and added a third finger this time. Kate moaned as he pressed forward with them until they eased past the tight ring. She groaned at the burn. He stilled and waited for her to start moving backward on them before he pumped them in and out of her back hole.

  He finally pulled them free and added more lube before pressing his thick cock at her dark entrance. The pressure was more than she remembered. He pushed at her little rosette until finally, his dick popped through and he tunneled deep into her back passage.

  The pressure was exquisite as it built inside of her. When he didn’t move any deeper she squirmed between the two men. She tried to move on them, but couldn’t get enough traction to either press forward on Marcus or move back on Bruce. Finally, they had pity on her and began to slowly fuck her with their heated cocks.

  First Marcus pulled out while Bruce pushed forward, tunneling deeper into her body. Then Bruce pulled back while Marcus plunged into her cunt with his massive dick. Over and over they took turns inside her body as her orgasm climbed and soared higher and higher.

  The sweet pinch of pain had turned to a fiery burn that was consuming and mind-blowing all at the same time. It drove her deeper and deeper into the ecstasy even as she flew higher toward her orgasm.

  They fucked her fast and deep with Marcus hitting her cervix with every stroke. She needed something more. She pulled on her nipples, plumping her breasts then pinching the tips until, with one final plunge of a cock inside of her, she screamed out their names as her orgasm exploded over her. She clamped down on both dicks at once. She felt the burning heat of Marcus’s release as he shot cum deep in her pussy.

  Bruce’s cock spurted cum into the recesses of her ass as she called out their names over and over until she was no longer able to breathe.

  Then they were all three gasping for breath and fighting to regain their ability to see around the stars that exploded behind their eyes. Marcus pulled her tighter to him and kissed her face, eyes, and lips. Bruce kissed her back everywhere he could reach.

  Finally, they pulled from her body, and Bruce disappeared into the bathroom to clean up. Kate heard the bath running and smiled. They were going to bathe her as well. Surely she had her answer.

  Marcus climbed out of the bed then reached over and picked her up. He kissed her nose then smiled into her eyes.

  “Love you, baby.”

  “I love you, Marcus.”

  “Time for a bath.” He carried her into the bathroom where Bruce already had bubble bath in the tub for her. They helped her climb in then sit down.

  “Is the water okay?” Bruce asked.

  “Perfect.” She leaned back and relaxed into the warm, soapy water. It felt so good to her now-cooling skin.

  “We’re going to take a quick shower. We’ll be out to help you in a few minutes.”

  “I’m going to the one down the hall,” Marcus said and blew her a kiss before leaving the room.

  “Bruce?” she called when the other man stepped into the shower.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, Kate. More than you can ever know.”

  Kate closed her eyes and remembered the feel of them both inside of her at once. The wonder of knowing that they loved her despite her scars had her fighting tears. They were by no means out of the woods emotionally. She knew they were worried about taking care of a child in the world they were now living in, but she had every faith they would work it out.

  She loved them both with all her heart and all her soul. They may have received her as a gift from her brother, but they were her gift as far as she was concerned. The best gift a woman could have ever received.




  Marla Monroe lives in the southern part of the United States. She writes sexy romance from the heart and often puts a twist of suspense in her books. She is a nurse and works in a busy hospital, but finds plenty of time to follow her two passions, reading and writing. You can find her in a bookstore or a library at any given time. Marla would love for you to visit her at her blog at and leave a comment, or her email is [email protected].

  Also by Marla Monroe

  Ménage Everlasting: Men of the Border Lands 1: Belonging to Them

  Ménage Everlasting: Men of the Border Lands 2: A Home with Them

  Ménage Everlasting: Men of the Border Lands 3:

  Their Border Lands Temptress

  Ménage Everlasting: Men of the Border Lands 4:

  Their Bartered Bride

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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