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Fate of the Blood Moon's Path

Page 20

by Tiffany Potter

“Home.” I stated simply.

  “Well that tells a lot.”

  “I don’t have to answer to you with what I do.” I paused, “It’s just really hard to explain Scarlet.”

  “I understand.” She got fidgety and turned her head away.


  “I’m going to stay here with them. They’ll except me, and I have no other place to go.” She pointed towards the camp.

  “Good.” I smiled. “You’ll be well taken care of here. I have no doubts in that.”

  “Will we ever see each other again?” She asked me.

  “Someday.” I gave her a reassuring smile. “Everything will be alright, you’re in good hands here.”

  “You will be missed.” She said.

  I laughed. “Oh, I doubt that.”

  “What about Kane? Will you take him with you?”

  “No. No, I don’t think I will.” Huyanna’s words rang out in my head, Alone.


  “He has his life here. I won’t take him from it.”


  “I’ll be going home alone Scarlet. That is all there is to it.”

  “You’re leaving?” Kane snuck up behind us and joined in on our conversation.

  Scarlet walked away slowly, but did not go too far.

  “Yes.” I sighed.

  “And you decided this when?” Braeden asked. He, too, had come over with Kane.

  “Before Edinburgh.” I lied.

  “Well…” Quinn came over, he looked at Kane who was leaning against a nearby tree with his arms crossed. He was staring at the ground. “We’ll all meet up again someday. Just beckon if you need us and we will be there.”

  “Thank you Quinn. I will not forget that.” He hugged me. I hugged back.

  “You’re well liked here. You’re welcome back anytime.” Braeden said, he hugged me as well.

  “Kane…” I stood next to him now. Everyone else walked away to leave us to talk.

  “You can’t just leave. Did last night not mean anything to you?”

  “I have to Kane…”

  “And our kiss? That meant nothing too?”

  I know that I had to lie to him, and hurt him, so that I could leave. I really didn’t want to, but I wasn’t given a choice. I could tell the truth. But I wanted him to go on with his life, and not wait for me. I didn’t know what the future was going to hold for myself, or for anyone else.

  “It meant nothing Kane.” I choked on the words holding back my tears.

  “I see.” He stood up straight. “Well, take care.” He walked away without so much as a glance. Damnit!



  To Breathe Again.

  Present Time.

  “Kane…” I turned, fast heading away from No Man’s Land and the Vampyres on the other side. Micah and Rayna followed closely behind. “Kane? What are you doing in New York?”

  “I guess I could ask you the same thing Scarlet.”

  Kane was always a handsome man, no doubt in that. He stood here before me looking even better than he had all those years ago since I had last seen him.

  His hair was shorter and rough looking. His eyes were darker and he now had these fine lines by the corners of his eyes. His wardrobe went from all leather to blue jeans and a white tight v-neck T-shirt, and still leather type boots, under his jeans. Dressed for comfort.

  “I came to see Angel.” I said.

  “As did I. I was in the area for some work; I was told I could find her this way.” He looked over towards Rayna and Micah who came up behind me.

  “Hasn’t it been hundreds of years?” I asked him.

  “It has. And everyday she has haunted me.”

  “You’re the one who let her get away from you.” I nodded then looked behind me. “This is Rayna and Micah. Angel’s friends. This is Kane.” I introduced.

  “Pleasure.” He said smiling at them. They smiled back, “And where is Angel?”

  “Missing.” Rayna stated with an eyebrow raised looking Kane up and down suspiciously.

  “Missing?” He questioned. “What do you mean missing?”

  “It’s a long story.” I said.

  “I’ve got time…or you can just tell me the short version.” He crossed his arms, brow furrowed and his expression went dark.

  “Um, to sum it up, her father was murdered and after grieving…” I started.

  Micah finished, “She went to the Vampyres.”

  I looked back at him.

  He smiled at me while shrugging his shoulders. “Just summing it up.” He laughed.

  “And you let her?” He raised his eyebrow in my direction as if blaming me for the sudden disappearance of his long lost beloved. “Well,” He sighed. “I bring you a gift and you lose mine.”

  “What?” I asked in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  Just then, there was movement behind him and a figure showed up in the darkness. A light haired, pale skinned man came into view. He was dressed in all black and had a wide grin on his face.

  “Aden!” I hushed my excitement the best that I could. I’m sure I looked like a child jumping up and down in my place where I stood.

  “None other.” He smiled. But we all stood still in our spots listening to the noises around us. There would be plenty of time later for Aden and I to have our reunion.

  There was a howling coming from the lakes edge and the wind started picking up. Lightning was illuminating the sky and the thunder seemed to have shaken the ground below us.

  “We need to keep looking. Lets head back towards the lake. You three can have your reunion later.” Rayna said turning away starting a jog out of the woods.

  “Keep looking where? We know where she is. Why can’t we just go get her?” I asked.

  “If you want to die so badly then go. We’re not holding you back.” Micah said eyeing the three of them.

  “Just stop!” Rayna’s growl came at us in the wind.

  Kane nodded and started walking towards where Rayna had gone. The rest of us followed.

  “The Six are calling.” Micah said.

  “The Six?” Aden asked.



  I Want the Truth!

  Present Time.

  “The Sins of the father are to be laid upon the children.”

  -William Shakespeare

  All I want to know is the truth. Who I really am. What I really am. What really happened to my father. I just want the truth about everything. Even if it’s difficult to hear, just say it to me. No more of this sugar coating crap and cryptic nonsense that I’ve been spoon fed throughout my whole life.

  The lightning now lighting my way to the mansion. The grounds seemed to be shaking every time the thunder crashed up above.

  After wandering in the rain, the trail I took finally brought me to the gates. The gates of the Vampyre mansion. There were two towers and a large stone wall around the perimeter. Above, all I could see there was the guards watching me. I didn’t care. I kept walking forward briskly. They opened the gates for me and let me in.

  There was this part of me that honestly did not care if I was walking into some sort of trap. As long as I had gotten some answers before my death, I wouldn’t care. At least I would leave this world almost whole.

  The front doors opened up.

  “Angel.” Akuma’s voice sang out from inside. He stood at the top of the stairs.

  “Akuma. Long time no see. How’d that wound heal?”

  He scowled.

  “Where is he?” I asked. Or demanded more like it.

  “Where is who?” He asked.

  “My so called grandfather.” I sniffed the air. “I can smell old blood.”

  “My dear child…” A deep, cold, intelligent and wise voice came from the darkened doorway from behind Akuma. I took a few steps up closer towards Akuma. He stood his ground.

  I loo
ked inside and noticed a big room behind him.

  “Come.” The King of Vampyres said.

  Akuma led me in, though I could tell he didn’t want to. The big room I had seen from the front doors, as I entered, reminded me of a ballroom. Bright silver and gold tones were all over the room’s walls and floors. There were no paintings or sculptures anywhere to be seen. The room was, to say the least, plain. There were painted gold vines going up the silver pillars that stood all around the room. That was the only art that I could see. And the floors were marble. Easy to clean up, in case of a blood bath I suppose. I looked up at the head of the room. A high marble like chair with carvings in the back. And in it, Lazarus.

  He stood looking down at me.

  I came a little closer. “Lazarus.”

  He may be old, but he still had the good looks of someone in his late thirties or early forties. He had short and almost curly black hair, slicked back against his head. His eyes were a bright blue, and green, almost like an abstract painting. He was very tall and had an intimidating appearance to him. He was dressed in all black with a robe of a midnight blue. Velvet. A silver chain holding the robe up, attached at his shoulders. There was silver embroidery designs on the robe, a lot like the vine design on the pillars in the room. He was wearing a medallion around his neck that hung long past his chest. No wolf teeth this time, like before all those hundreds of years ago, when I had seen him near London. On each hand he had three silver rings with stones of different colors. He moved with such grace and elegance. He never took his eyes off of me while he was standing there and I moved towards him. He sat down finally in that hard chair. A hard chair to match the man sitting in it.

  “Why did you have my father killed?” I came right out and asked him.

  “Is that what all the howling is about?” Akuma asked and then looked towards Lazarus.

  “I’ve only just arrived tonight.” Lazarus said.

  “That doesn’t mean anything.” I stated.

  “What is it you want to hear? That he hired assassins to kill your father before he came into the area knowing full well the amount of Werewolves over there. A grand entrance if you please.” Akuma’s teeth shining.

  “Enough.” Lazarus raised his hand in gesture to Akuma. “Enough.” He looked down at me. “You look just like her.” He sighed.

  I felt these strong emotions stir inside of me. The child in me wanted to run to my long lost grandfather and have him hold me. But the monster inside of me begged to differ. That monster wanted to tear everyone apart in this room to little shreds. And I knew that I was still angry for everything that had happened in the past.

  “You’re the one who commanded her death.” I said biting my lips and making it bleed. I sounded like an angry child.

  “And everyday since then I have regretted it.” There was a seriousness to his voice and in his eyes, sadness.

  “Sounds like a personal problem to me.” I said.

  “We’re in the same boat, you and me.”

  “Doubtful.” I said crossing my arms.

  “Everyone leave us.”

  “Sir?” Akuma said.

  “You can stay if you can shut up.” Lazarus said. Akuma nodded and then stared at the ground.

  Lazarus’s eyes never left me. I was looking around seeing everyone leave. It was just the three of us in this big room.

  “Draven. Glad that you could make it.” Lazarus smiled. Draven walked in the same way that I had.

  It was now the four of us in this big room.



  Forever Gone.

  Year: 1650.

  I regretted leaving that forest and all of those faces. I’d actually regretted leaving Scarlet behind, and Kane. It felt like I had this huge hole inside of my heart, or lack there of.

  It had taken about two months to get back home to the states. It was a long exhausting boat ride, but at least I was rested up enough to run home when I got off the ship at the port on the Eastern side of the states.

  I’d definitely say it was an interesting boat ride, I had met a Vampyre on the boat; who seemed very interested in getting to know me, and claims that he didn’t know who I was. That was a relief. Till I had told him who I was.

  “You’re not.” He said.

  “Sure am.” I don’t know why I even told him.

  “Wow. I mean I had heard of you, but didn’t really take it all to heart. I’m a Vampyre yes, but I’m out on my own. For now.”

  “A rogue?” I asked.

  “No. I’m not a rogue. Just a lone Vampyre searching the world and having fun.”

  “What is your name?” I asked.


  “Just William?” I asked.

  “Just William.” He smiled.

  “Well alright.” I smiled back. “Where are you headed?”

  “I’m not sure. I heard the states were a great place to be…when we dock I’m just going to get off and go. Go wherever my feet take me.”

  “I wish I could be carefree like that.” I was getting a little friendly with this Vampyre but it was going to be a long boat ride and I needed to chat with someone, and he was very entertaining.

  “You could be, Angel.” He patted my arm.

  “No. Too many duties I have to do.”

  “Performing like a monkey in the circus is no way to live. When someone says ‘jump! Dance! Spin! Play dead!’ You do it?” He asked.

  “Well…” I had to think on it for a moment. “Kind of. But not really. It’s hard to explain.” I tried to smile.

  “You’re beautiful. You know that.”

  I looked up at him, and it felt right at that moment. The boat trip I won’t forget. The extra rocking that we added to it. The sounds, and the partial broken wall in the cargo area that we didn’t mean to break. But hey, when you’re in the heat of the moment, you have to do what you have to do.

  Thank the Gods that the run home didn’t take as long as the boat trip. It only took two hours, compared to the two months.

  “Daughter.” My father’s voice rang out to me from the shores as I returned home. He was standing there, waiting. He was a truly beautiful man. Dark skin, and dark eyes, dark hair and very tall. A pure blood Native American. There I was standing in the clothes I’d worn most of my journey, probably smelling like death, and covered in dirt. I had my jacket held in my arms and my boots I had taken off after I had gotten off the ship and parted ways with William. So there I was, bare foot, dirty and looking into my fathers’ eyes.

  “Daddy.” My voice was excited as I ran up to him embracing him tight.

  “Oh my baby girl.” His face was buried in my neck. “How I have missed you so.”

  “I missed you too daddy.” We let go of one another.

  “It’s been too long my child.”

  “I’m sorry. I had to find myself.”

  “And did you find yourself?” He asked, holding my chin in his big hand.

  “Honestly. I don’t know what I found. Maybe some more confusion to add to my already confusing and frustrating thoughts.” I gave him a half of a smile trying to avoid looking into his eyes again. He has always had this way, this gift, of looking into peoples eyes and seeing their very soul and all that they hide inside.

  “Well, you can at least tell me details of this trip that has taken all these years away from us.”

  We sat on the big rocks on the shore for hours and talked over the whole trip I had taken, down to the last detail. All of the creatures I had met and all of the different people.

  “That’s a lot of blood on your hands.” He laughed, but in a disapproving sort of way. “This Scarlet…she sounds like she was a handful.” We laughed.

  “She was, and, I think will always be.”

  “And what of love?” He smiled putting his arm around me squeezing my arm.

  “What?” I looked over at him.

  “I see it in your eyes and feel it i
n your heart.” He put his hand over his own heart.

  “It was nothing.” I looked away.

  “You dare lie to your father?”

  “For now.” I smiled at him.

  He smiled back. “He must have been something pretty special to win your heart.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked him.

  “You’re a tough one. It’s going to take someone brave to try and steal your heart.” His hand went to my shoulder and squeezed.

  “I learned from the best.”

  “Did you now?” He asked. “Then you’d better stop going over to Huyanna’s.”

  “Dad!” I said in a surprising tone.

  “Kidding. Of course.” He laughed. “You may look like your mother, but you act just like me.” He paused. “Well, you had better go and get cleaned up.” He had finally took a good look at me and the state that I was in.

  “Why?” I asked curiously.

  “First, Huyanna wants to see you. And tonight is a ritual.”

  “What are we celebrating?” I asked.

  “You have been gone that long you don’t remember what we do here any more?”

  I smiled.

  “Your return and the Harvest moon. We give thanks to all that has been given to us these long days.”

  “My return is nothing special.” I stated.

  “You’re everything that is special. I’m your father and the Chief to this tribe, what I say goes. You don’t argue with me.”

  “Yes sir.” I stood up and saluted him. “Is the house still in the same place?” I asked him.

  “Yes.” He stood up. “Come.” He wrapped his arm around me holding onto me tightly. “You’re not going to take off again anytime soon are you?”

  “Not for a long time, unless I absolutely have to.”

  “Good.” He smiled. “There are some things that you should know about though.”

  “I know about the Vampyres.” I said.

  “Huyanna came to you didn’t she?”


  “And I thought you came home to your own accord.” He chuckled. “There hasn’t been any trouble yet with them, and the Elders have set up a protective shield around our borders that will hold them out.”


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