Mission Origin View (Final Days Trilogy)

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Mission Origin View (Final Days Trilogy) Page 17

by Knox, Barry

  Steward agreed with a nod.

  Xia pulled a nano bandage out of his belt kit and tossed it to Carrie and then looked at Gideon. “Sir, I’ll stay with you. My CO2 scrubber was knocked out by another laser hit. It’ll be cutting it close getting to Bernice before I suffocate. Anyway, with my leg the team has a better chance if they don’t have to help me along. They already have to carry the captain.”

  “Negative, Gunny. You’re going with them,” Gideon said, then turned to Sergeant Manelly. “Sergeant, have Sipes come in. He’ll carry Gunny.”

  Xia said, “Sir, I’m not going! I’d rather die than have that idiot carry me!”

  “At ease, Gunny! I’m not just thinking about your survival. Captain Neubauer once told me that you were the best fighting marine he had ever served with. I need your experience out there if the team runs into another CTU force.” Gideon addressed Xia in an authoritative voice that didn’t usually come from a lieutenant. Then he asked, “Understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” Xia responded.

  “You wanted me, sir?” Joseph said after he entered the biosphere.

  “Yes, Sipes. Stand out of the way for now,” Gideon said and pointed to a spot just to the left of the breach hatch.


  Joseph walked to the spot. He looked around, saw the destruction that surrounded him, and heard the firefight between the GFF and CTU. He’d been listening to the transmissions over the team channel, and had an idea of what was happening, but had never imagined the devastation he was seeing. He then noted a woman dressed in a thin armor insert and a man in a gray jumpsuit help Commander Steward lift a body off the ground and place it on the commander’s right shoulder. He realized the body was Captain Neubauer and he shuddered.

  This can’t be happening, he thought. He’d been told in his dream that he was there to save people. Why was the captain dead?

  “Where’s Gault?” Gideon asked Manelly again.

  “He said he’d be here by now,” Manelly answered.

  “What’s he doing?” Gideon asked.

  “I don’t know, sir,” Manelly responded.

  A second later Gault appeared with a suit of CTU armor draped over his left shoulder. He walked to the breach and dropped the suit.

  “Figured you could use this, LT, to get out of here. I found its previous owner lost in an alley just after the resistance attacked, and I convinced him to take it off so I wouldn’t have to put a hole in it and in him. He was happy to help,” Gault said with a grin.

  “Good man,” Gideon said as he picked up the armor and began to examine it. “There’s a rip just above the right knee.” Gideon poked two fingers in the hole.

  “Sorry, LT. I figured if the guy was walking, the suit would be okay,” Gault said disappointed.

  “I’m sorry too, Corporal, but thanks for the thought,” Gideon said as he dropped the armor.

  “Manelly, take Gault and the commander out now. Link up with Kindle if you can and get back to Bernice. Sipes and Gunny will be right behind you,” Gideon ordered.

  “Yes, sir,” Manelly responded.

  The men opened the breach, and seconds later they were on their way.

  “Sipes, carry Gunny to Bernice. He’ll tell you which way to go. Do whatever he orders,” Gideon said.

  “Sir, I can repair the armor you were just looking at,” Joseph said.

  “What?” Gideon asked.

  “I can fix the rip in that armor. It looks like the same type of armor I was trained to repair in tech school before the self-sealing armor was used,” Joseph said.

  “Do you need special tools?”

  “No, sir, just some type of metal and heat. This type of armor is made with a resin already in the armor, so it will adhere to most types of metals. It’s like soldering two metals together.”

  “If you had heat and metal, how long would it take to repair it?”

  “Seconds,” Joseph said.

  “Can you use the heat generated by a particle-beam weapon?” Gideon asked.

  “That’ll work perfect, sir,” Joseph said and added, “All we need is a piece of metal.”

  “How about this?” Carrie said as she held out her knife.

  “That’ll work,” Joseph said as he took the knife and examined it. He lowered himself to one knee, picked up the armor, and slid his hand into the leg to find the rip.

  “Sir, would you hand me that jumpsuit by you?” Joseph requested.

  Gideon looked down and picked up the gray CTU jumpsuit Dr. Harper had taken off and handed it to Joseph. Joseph withdrew his hand from the leg, took the gray jumpsuit, and pushed it into the leg under the rip.

  “That should keep the metal in the knife from adhering to the back of the armor leg,” Joseph said as he withdrew his arm. He then placed the knife blade over the rip. “Sir, melt the blade with the particle beam. I’ll have to press the blade onto the armor using the handle while you’re melting the blade so it’ll stick better to the armor.”

  Gideon set his weapon to particle beam, narrow beam, and continual fire. Then he aimed at the knife blade and fired. In a few seconds the blade began to melt.

  As the blade melted, the heat conducted through the blade into the knife handle and began to burn Joseph’s hand. He should have used something to insulate his hand but forgot. Instead of stopping, he gritted his teeth and continued to hold the handle until the rip in the armor was sealed. Once the metal from the knife began to “soak” into the armor, Joseph slowly pulled his hand away as he continued to grip the knife handle. The handle slowly separated from the molten blade.

  “That’s enough, sir,” Joseph said.

  Gideon stopped the particle beam as Joseph dropped the knife handle and looked at his hand. Skin from his palm and fingers had adhered to the knife handle, and his hand looked like raw meat oozing blood.

  “Gunny, I need a nano patch,” Gideon said when he saw Joseph’s hand.

  Xia retrieved a nano patch pouch from his kit and tossed it to the ground beside Joseph. Joseph picked up the pouch with his good hand and used his teeth to tear it open. He then wrapped the patch around his hand, and it started to automatically shrink to seal his wound.

  Joseph then pulled the jumpsuit out of the leg of the armored suit and examined the repair. It looked fine.

  “Here you go, sir,” Joseph said as he stood and handed the suit to Gideon.

  “Why didn’t you tell me your hand was burning?” Gideon asked as he took the suit and began putting it on. “I would’ve stopped,” Gideon added.

  “Didn’t want to waste time, sir. I want to get us out of here before that firefight gets closer,” Joseph said.


  Before going through the breach, Gideon turned to Carrie and Colonel Zuesna, “There’s a communications bug planted on the CTU network infrastructure. It continually and passively listens for specific preprogrammed information and utilizes normal CTU communications traffic to embed intelligence messages that can be picked up on any device that can tune to CTU communications channels.” Gideon paused as he handed Zuesna an electronic note card he had gotten from Xia, on which he had entered some information. “This has the procedures of how to access and use the device.”

  “Thank you, Lieutenant,” Zuesna responded with a smile.

  “Sergeant, we couldn’t have made it without you,” Gideon said. Then leaned over and kissed Carrie on the cheek. “Thanks for your help.”

  “You’re welcome, sir,” she said as she blushed. Then she asked, “You wouldn’t happen to have something to read on you, would you, sir? The CTU has destroyed all but sanctioned CTU propaganda-reading material.”

  “Sorry, Sergeant,” Gideon said.

  “I have something for you,” Joseph said as he unzipped a pocket on his environmental suit and pulled out a data card. “This is a book I read every day. I take a copy with me everywhere I go in case I get a chance to read. I think you’ll like it because it has a lot of good stories.”

  Carrie took the card and
thanked him.

  Gideon, Joseph, and Xia secured their suits, and Joseph picked up Gunny Xia and draped him over his shoulder. Gideon opened the breach hatch, and they left the Canton Mie biosphere.

  Carrie and Colonel Zuesna waited until the door was closed, then hurried toward the firefight.

  Science Division Building, Canton Mie Biosphere

  2205—February 21, 2372

  Director Buru sat at his desk, desperately trying to figure out what was happening and what he should do next. A major battle with the GFF was taking place in the northeast part of Canton Mie, where Dr. Kastriva had been last sighted. Also, the escaped Earthers seemed to be heading to their VTOL at the spaceport and kept slipping through his hands. They were now somewhere in the spaceport. How could this have happened?

  “Director Buru.” A communications request interrupted his thoughts. It was Assistant Leeward. “The GFF have broken contact. The battle is over, and the police and soldiers have control of the area. No sign of Doctor Kastriva, but a breach hatch was discovered attached to the biosphere, and a patrol outside Canton Mie reported seeing an armored man carrying a CTU armor suit and a United States Navy environmental suit. The lone armored man flanked them, took some shots, and disappeared. He left the suits behind.”

  Buru said nothing for several seconds and finally responded. “Send more troops outside and have them comb the area where the lone man was detected. Also, have the forces inside continue their search. It looks like the GFF tried to get Doctor Kastriva out of Canton Mie and sell him to the Earthers but were stopped by our patrol outside.”

  “Yes, Director,” Leeward answered, then added, “The escaped envoy team is still somewhere in the spaceport, but they haven’t been sighted in the last hour. Any orders?”

  “Double-check the IDs of every passenger departing on other ships and retract the environmental ramp to the Earthers’ VTOL. Also, have soldiers outside the spaceport surround their VTOL. I want to make sure they don’t escape,” he responded.

  “Yes, Director,” Assistant Leeward said. Then Buru cut the connection to her.

  Buru continued to sit behind his desk, considering how he could use the events that had happened over the last few hours to his advantage. He was confident the escaped Earthers were somewhere in the spaceport and would be found soon. Dr. Kastriva was probably still in Canton Mie, being hidden by the GFF. The only thing that bothered the director was how the Earthers planned to get the doctor to their ship. Did the GFF have access to an orbital VTOL? No matter. CTU space forces would detect and intercept any orbital VTOL before it got to the Earthers’ ship.

  “I’ve foiled their plans,” he mumbled to himself and smiled. “Tomorrow, after I’ve captured the Earthers in the spaceport, I’ll line them up against a wall and contact the Earth ship captain. She’ll watch as I kill her team one by one until she hands over her ship. If she still resists, I’ll order the CTU space forces to take the ship from her and kill everyone on board! I’ll have the ship and its technology, and then I can rid myself of the lady commissar. It’ll be easy to blame the old woman for the failure in not knowing the strength of the GFF.” Director Buru thought he had it all figured out.

  Marine Assault VTOL Bernice, LZ-3, Planet Gliese

  2234—February 21, 2372

  “Tidwell, we’re about eighty meters from you. Sipes and Gunny Xia shouldn’t be far behind. We were short an environmental suit so Lieutenant Klaxton is still in the biosphere,” Manelly reported as he and his small team approached Bernice.

  Leading the way, Manelly was now carrying Captain Neubauer’s body since Commander Steward was exhausted. They’d rendezvoused with Sergeant Kindle, who had slipped away from the CTU patrol. Gault trailed several meters, bringing up the rear.

  “Affirmative,” Tidwell said. “I have you on sensors.”

  “Commander, take the captain’s body into Bernice when we arrive. Kindle, Gault, and I will take up defensive positions around Bernice until Sipes and Gunny arrive,” Manelly said.

  Everyone chimed an affirmative.


  “We have company behind us; estimate one hundred twenty meters. And it looks like they’re trailing us,” Gideon transmitted to Xia and Joseph, using low power to limit the distance a message could travel. “Let’s pick up the pace, Sipes.”

  “Yes, sir,” Joseph said as he began a slow jog.

  “Tidwell, do you read?” Gideon transmitted over the platoon channel as he, Joseph, and Xia neared Bernice.

  “I read you, sir,” Tidwell replied. “Are you still in the biosphere, LT?”

  “Negative, I’m with Sipes and Gunny Xia,” Gideon replied. “We’re approximately one hundred twenty meters away. We have CTU on our tail. Be ready to depart as soon as we arrive.”

  “Yes, sir,” Tidwell replied

  “LT, this is Manelly. Glad to hear you’ll be joining us. We’ve taken up defensive positions to cover your entry into the LZ,” Manelly added over the platoon channel.

  “Copy,” Gideon said.

  Just meters from Bernice, the CTU trailing Gideon, Xia, and Joseph opened fire. Joseph ducked behind a rock with Xia, and Gideon dove into a small depression in the ground. The depression was just large enough to protect him from the lasers being fired.

  “Covering fire!” Manelly ordered as he opened fire using his mag rail, followed soon by Kindle and Gault.

  “Let’s move it, Sipes,” Gideon yelled over the platoon channel. He jumped from the depression and ran toward Bernice as the hostile fire slackened. Joseph grabbed Xia around the waist, hoisted him again over his shoulder, and ran. Tidwell lowered Bernice’s cargo ramp when he heard Gideon and Sipes were on their way.

  “Manelly, cover us until we’re on board and then withdraw,” Gideon ordered as he ran.

  “Yes, sir,” Manelly said.

  Gideon made it to the bottom of the ramp just moments before Joseph arrived with Xia. Gideon pushed Joseph up the ramp.

  “Put me down!” Xia yelled to Joseph when they were in the cargo bay. Joseph put Xia down, and as soon as Xia was free from Joseph, he crawled to the edge of the cargo bay door and began covering fire. Joseph lay down on the cargo bay deck.

  Gideon kneeled to one knee and started firing. “Everyone on board now!” he yelled over the platoon channel.

  As Manelly, Kindle, and Gault stopped firing, Tidwell started Bernice’s engines. Dust began blowing everywhere around Bernice, inadvertently covering the team’s withdrawal into the ship. Manelly and Kindle arrived and ran up the ramp. Suddenly Gideon felt a sharp pain on his left forearm and heard air rushing out of his armor. “I’m hit!” Gideon reported over the team channel.

  Without hesitation Joseph was up and down the ramp to help Gideon as Manelly, Kindle, and Xia continued to fire.

  “I’m hit and down!” Gault then yelled in pain over the team channel.

  “Where are you, Gault?” Gideon responded as Joseph began pulling Gideon on board.

  “Port side under the wing,” Gault struggled to answer. “I…I…I can’t move my legs!”

  “Sipes, let me go and find Gault. He’s over there!” Gideon said as he pushed Joseph away from him and pointed to where Gault should be. Joseph released Gideon and headed to where Gideon had pointed.


  As dust swirled around him, obstructing his vision, Joseph went to his hands and knees and began reaching out his hands to find Gault. Moments later he felt Gault, grabbed a hold of Gault’s leg, and began dragging him back to the ramp.

  “I have him, sir!” Joseph yelled as adrenaline flowed through his veins.

  With his good arm, Gideon helped Joseph drag Gault up the ramp.

  “Let’s go!” Gideon yelled to Tidwell as soon as they were on board.

  Tidwell lifted Bernice off the ground as the ramp began to close. The team members who weren’t wounded helped those who were hurt get into seats, strapped them down, and then secured themselves. As soon as the ramp was sealed, Tidwell increased power and
enabled stealth mode. The CTU soldiers on the ground continued to fire until Bernice disappeared.

  Science Division Building, Canton Mie Biosphere

  0013—February 22, 2372

  Director Buru was furious. Assistant Leeward had just notified him that a stealth VTOL had just taken off, and more than likely, Dr. Kastriva was aboard. Although this was a setback, he was sure he could still get Kastriva back or at least make sure the Earthers wouldn’t get him when he captured the Earth ship; surely that’s where the VTOL is headed. As far as the Earthers at the spaceport went, it was only a matter of time before they would be caught.

  “Assistant!” Buru demanded as he selected a communication link.

  “Yes, Director?” Leeward replied as she appeared.

  “Contact the space command commander in charge of taking the Earth vessel. Advise him that a stealth VTOL will try and enter the vessel’s hangar. He’s ordered to prevent the VTOL from entering the hangar, even if it means destroying the VTOL. As soon as he’s either captured or destroyed the VTOL, have him begin operations to take the Earth ship,” Buru ordered.

  “Yes, Director,” Leeward said.

  “And Assistant, have the soldiers who let the VTOL escape arrested and shot!” Buru said. He felt better as soon as he issued the order.

  Assistant Leeward hesitated only a moment, then said, “Yes, Director.”

  Buru cut the communication.

  At least it’s late, and the old witch doesn’t know what’s going on, Buru thought, referring to the lady commissar. She’s been in bed for hours, and she had issued standing orders never to be disturbed. Guess she wants her beauty sleep; she certainly needs it. Buru smiled at the thought. He raised his arms over his head as he sat and stretched. He wanted to have everything done in a few hours; he needed some sleep before he personally killed the old hag and took her position.


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