Mission Origin View (Final Days Trilogy)

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Mission Origin View (Final Days Trilogy) Page 37

by Knox, Barry

  “There has to be another way. There has to be something you can try,” Senator Rimms pleaded.

  “Sorry, Senator, there’s nothing else we can do,” Dr. Layton said as he sat down at the conference table at Mount Mitchell.

  “Doctor Qasim, where is Lieutenant Klaxton?” Mary asked after noticing that Gideon hadn’t returned.

  “I haven’t seen him, Captain,” Qasim answered as she was looking over Dr. Kastriva’s shoulder at the status displays.

  A second later Gideon entered the MCC and stood just inside the door.

  “Data transmission completed,” Kastriva reported.

  “How much time does Stephen have before he loses power?” Dr. Harper asked.

  “One minute, twenty-five seconds,” Kastriva said.

  “Stephen, do you hear me?” Dr. Harper asked.

  “Yes, Doctor,” Stephen answered over the intercom now that he was no longer busy.

  “Why…why…didn’t you stop when we ordered you to stop transmitting?” Dr. Harper asked.

  “I had to transmit the data because it wasn’t going to be shared with the billions of people who need to hear, see, and read it,” Stephen said.

  Gideon took a few steps forward and asked, “Stephen, why do these people need to hear, see, and read it?”

  “It is written, ‘When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest! Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out,”’” Stephen answered.

  “What does that mean?” Senator Rimms asked.

  “I am a stone!” Stephen answered.

  A second later Stephen completely lost power, and his neural memory was erased and the QMAC connection terminated.

  “Dr. Qasim, reconnect the power. I have to have a computer to operate my ship, and we need to communicate with Mount Mitchell,” Mary ordered, now concerned about the safety of her ship and crew.

  “Yes, Captain, of course. I’ll reapply power and create a basic AI to operate the ship,” Dr. Qasim answered, turned, and slowly walked out of the MCC.

  “Lieutenant Klaxton, throw Sipes in the brig,” Mary ordered.

  “Yes, sir,” Gideon said.

  Earth and the Colonized Planets

  1000—March 15, 2372

  Over the next few hours, every type media device connected to a communications network on Earth and colonized planet was suddenly taken over, and the owners of the devices either watched, listened to, or read the accounts of God’s creation of the heavens and the earth, as the scientists aboard the Stephen Hawking had recorded and reported.

  Some believed, some refused to believe, and some questioned. Those who questioned began reading the attached Holy Bible for answerers.

  Within hours, the gospel was spread throughout the nations.

  Ship’s Brig, SRS Stephen Hawking

  1505—March 15, 2372

  “Petty Officer, just what did you think you were doing when you entered an ultra top secret meeting without authorization?” Mary asked through gritted teeth.

  “Captain, I recognize and honor the authority of the government of the United States over me as commanded by God. But when the actions of my government contradict the authority of God, I must honor God’s authority first,” Sipes answered calmly.

  “Sipes, you’re going to be court-martialed and probably executed for what you did,” Gideon said, hoping Joseph would try to come up with a better defense than “honoring god” during his court-martial.

  “You must do what you must do. I will honor my government’s decision,” Sipes responded, this time with a smile.

  “How can you say that and just smile? Good grief, Joseph. Please help us help you. I don’t want to see anything happen to you,” Mary pleaded with a tear in her eye.

  Not until this moment did Gideon realize how attached Mary had become to the only crew member permitted to address her as “ma’am.” Gideon also wanted to help. Joseph was now truly his friend.

  “I now fully understand why I’m here, and I’ve completed God’s mission for me to help save people. My time here may be short because what happens to me next will be decided in a court-martial,” Joseph said. He paused and then added, “It is written, ‘For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.’”

  “Joseph, I’ve read the Bible. It tells us about creation, how to obtain salvation, and what’ll happen in the future,” Gideon said. He hesitated for a second and continued. “How long until the end-times?”

  “The end-times are here,” Joseph said as he stopped smiling. Then tears began streaming down his face. “I beg you both to prepare now and believe!”

  The White House, United States

  1906—March 15, 2372

  “What do you mean, the AI couldn’t be controlled?” President Clayton yelled at the people he saw on his holographic display connected to Mount Mitchell. “Every nation on Earth and on every colonized planet has just demanded that the United Nations and Planets take some type of actions against the United States. The data that was transmitted from the Stephen Hawking is being viewed as a plot by the United States to incite violence and encourage chaos in lieu of some type of attack from the United States using the advanced technology we created during Mission Origin View! We may be at war with every nation within the next few hours if we don’t do something and do it now!”

  “Make an official statement that the SRS Stephen Hawking was taken over by Christian terrorists and they transmitted false information to promote their insane belief in a god,” Senator Rimms offered.

  The president seemed to calm down a bit as he thought about the senator’s suggestion for a few seconds and then said, “I like that! I’ll also add the United States Navy has been ordered to seek out and destroy the Stephen Hawking.”

  “Mr. President, the Stephen Hawking will sooner or later receive your public statement on their return to Earth. With its stealth technology and speed, the navy will never be able to catch it much less destroy it,” Dr. Layton said.

  “We’re not really going to destroy the Stephen Hawking and crew, Doctor; we just want everyone to think we are,” Admiral Frank interrupted.

  “Admiral, will Captain Bowser obey your orders without question?” President Clayton asked.

  “Yes, Mr. President. Captain Bowser will follow my orders to the letter,” Admiral Frank answered.

  “Good, when we reestablish contact with the Stephen Hawking, inform Captain Bowser that my official statement about the Stephen Hawking being hunted and destroyed is a ruse to pacify the United Nations and Planets to prevent a war. And then order her to return to our secret base on Phobos as soon as possible,” President Clayton ordered. He paused and added, “Then have the destroyer Roger B. Chaffee intercept the Stephen Hawking at Phobos and destroy it.”

  “Sir. You mean, have the Chaffee escort it?” Admiral Frank corrected.

  “No, Admiral, the ship and crew will be sacrificed. We already have the technology and can build another ship. I want the Chaffee to attack the Stephen Hawking and record its destruction so we can release an undisputable report that the ‘Christian terrorist ship’ has been destroyed,” President Clayton said slowly, firmly and then added, “Do you understand, Admiral?”

  “Yes, Mr. President, I understand perfectly,” Admiral Frank said.

  Mission Control Center, SRS Stephen Hawking

  0719—March 16, 2372

  “As a result of the unauthorized transmission of data by the Stephen Hawking AI, every nation on Earth and on every colonized Planet has just demanded the United Nations and Planets take some type of actions against the United States. The data is looked upon as a plot by the United States to incite violence and encourage chaos in lieu of some type of attack fr
om the United States.” Senator Rimms was explaining what had been happening on Earth and the colonized planets since their last QMAC communication with the Stephen Hawking.

  “To avoid United Nations and Planet sanctions and war, President Clayton will be making an official statement that the Stephen Hawking was taken over by Christian terrorists and the terrorists transmitted false data to promote their insane belief in a god. President Clayton will also state that the United States Navy has been ordered to seek and destroy the SRS Stephen Hawking. This statement will, of course, be a ruse to pacify the United Nations and Planet while the Stephen Hawking returns home safely.”

  “Your orders, Captain Bowser,” Admiral Frank began once Senator Rimms had finished, “is to return to Phobos as soon as possible. From there, the crew and scientists will return to Mount Mitchell for debriefing and reassignment.”

  “Admiral, repairs have been completed, and we’ll depart at thirteen hundred today,” Mary said. “It was also brought to my attention by my ship engineer, Doctor Harper, and Doctor Qasim that our return to Phobos will take approximately two months because the new ship’s basic AI system cannot handle the navigational systems and control the ship’s propulsion systems as efficiently as Stephen could.

  “We’ll have to drop out of the time-speed dimension every forty-eight hours so the basic AI can gather navigation data and recalculate our course. Also, the basic AI is only able to safely control and use forty-eight percent of the power for our propulsion systems.”

  “Understood, Captain. Contact us again in two days when you drop out of the time-speed dimension and give us a status report while there,” Admiral Frank said.

  “Yes, sir,” Mary said, and the QMAC link terminated.

  Mary then relayed the information about the president’s official statement and the admiral’s orders to the crew using the ship’s intercom. The crew was glad to be going home and accepted the pending release of the president’s official statement without question.

  Combat Control Center, SRS Stephen Hawking

  1151—March 16, 2372

  Mary sat alone in the Tripe C, waiting for Commander Steward and Lieutenant Klaxton. Mary’s Anna had received an encrypted message from Admiral Frank during the QMAC connection. Mary was shocked when she read the message, and after calming down and deciding what to do, she was now ready to discuss it.

  A few minutes later the men arrived and sat with Mary at the small Triple C conference table.

  “Gentlemen, we have a change of orders,” Mary said. “I received an encrypted message from Admiral Frank. I’d like you to read it and give me your thoughts and suggestions on a course of action.”

  Mary selected an option from her holographic console on the conference table and secured the room so no one could enter. Then she displayed the message on the Triple C’s main display.

  To: Captain Bowser,

  Captain, SRS Stephen Hawking

  From: Admiral Frank, USECC Mount Mitchell, North Carolina

  United States Navy, Naval Intelligence Command

  Subject: Change of Orders

  The President of the United States has ordered the destruction of the Stephen Hawking and its crew upon its arrival at Phobos.

  As I have taken an oath to the Constitution of the United States of America and not to the president, I find these orders do not support or defend the Constitution. You are hereby ordered to:

  (1) Continue to communicate with Mount Mitchell every forty-eight hours during your return to Phobos.

  (2) Do not discuss this change of orders with any other services in the United States military, government agencies, or any elected governmental officials.

  (3) Await more encrypted orders from me during regular QMAC communications.

  (4) If for some reason you do not receive any other orders from me, you are ordered not to sacrifice your ship and crew and use your own discretion to perform such actions as to comply with the Constitution of the United States of America.

  Commander Steward and Gideon read the message and just sat there, not sure how to react. Finally Commander Steward said, “Sir, does the admiral have the authority to disobey the president?”

  “Technically, yes, but exercising the authority is not that easy. As you know, every United States military-commissioned officer has taken the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The oath says nothing about the president,” Mary answered. She paused and added, “But all of the enlisted have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; and obey the orders of the president of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over them. It seems our enlisted crew members will have to determine who commands them when the time comes—the president or the ship’s officers.”

  “Maybe we are trying to overanalyze this,” Gideon said.

  “What do you mean, Lieutenant?” Mary asked.

  “The president of the United States hasn’t given us any orders. All the orders you’ve received came from Admiral Frank. My opinion is that we don’t have any other option but to follow Admiral Frank’s orders,” Gideon answered.

  “Well, Lieutenant, it took me hours to come to that same conclusion. I wanted to know if you would agree,” Mary said with a slight smile.

  “I’m a genius. Remember, it doesn’t take me long to figure things out,” Gideon said as he returned her smile.

  “Commander, your opinion?” Mary asked.

  “Follow Admiral Frank’s orders until, or if, we receive orders from the president,” Commander Steward answered. He paused and then said, “And then we’ll have to determine if the president’s orders support and defend the Constitution.”

  The three discussed the orders a while longer and agreed they would follow Admiral Frank’s orders and that sharing the change in orders with the rest of the crew wasn’t necessary at this time. Also, it was decided if they didn’t receive further orders from the admiral, they would meet again and discuss what they would do before arriving at Phobos.

  At 1300, the Stephen Hawking’s new AI set a course to Phobos, and Mary ordered the AI to engage its propulsion systems. The ship entered the time-speed dimension.

  The ship would travel for two days and then exit the time-speed dimension to obtain navigation data and adjust their navigation course.

  Ship’s Brig, SRS Stephen Hawking

  2113—March 16, 2372

  “Heavenly Father, thank you for my salvation through your son, Jesus, and for the many blessings you have given me. Thank you for using me as your instrument to spread the gospel and reaching those who have been saved and those who will be saved. Though I was saved by grace and have believed since a child, thank you for opening my heart and filling it with the Holy Spirit and opening my mind to understand the things I did not remember and understand as a child. Lord, I now ask that you watch over my friends and be with them through the challenging times to come. Continue to burden their hearts until they accept and believe. All these things I ask in Jesus name, amen.” Joseph prayed as he kneeled on the floor by his bunk with his hands clasped together in front of his face; recalling it was the way his grandma had taught him to pray as a child.

  Before Joseph could stand, he felt a hand on his right shoulder and turned his head. He saw Michael standing there, dressed in what looked like an ancient-style armored breastplate with his black robe draped over his shoulders and his hood covering his head.

  As Joseph stood to face Michael, Michael slid his hood off his head and said, “Joseph, my friend. Take comfort in the knowledge that I will help your friends through what they must endure over the next seven years. As it is written, ‘At that time Michael, the great prince who protects God’s people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then.’”

  “Thank you,” Joseph said with tears in his eyes.

  “Do not thank
me, my friend. Thank God and give him the glory!” Michael replied with a deep, commanding voice, and then the archangel disappeared, leaving Joseph standing in his cell alone.

  En Route to Phobos, SRS Stephen Hawking

  2113-March 28, 2372

  The Stephen Hawking continued to exit the time-speed dimension every two days to obtain navigation information, recalculate its course, and communicate with Mount Mitchell via QMAC. Mary asked for and was given permission to download news media reports from Earth and the colonized planets for the crew during the QMAC connection. Once back in the time-speed dimension, the crew could browse the news and keep up with current events.

  The news reports were about a series of worsening events occurring on Earth and the colonized planets: wars, social unrest, massacre of ethnic groups, assassination of political leaders, and natural disasters.

  Though the United Nations and Planets (UNP) and world nations, had ceased their threats toward the United States after President Clayton gave his official statement concerning the “Christian terrorist” aboard the Stephen Hawking, the news media continued to link every bad news report to the creation report Stephen had transmitted.

  Mary had not received any new encrypted orders from Admiral Frank since the change-of-orders message. She thought about sending him a connection test message to make sure their encrypted connection was operational but decided against it in case the connection had been discovered and was being monitored.

  Gunny Xia had been released from sick bay and returned to light duty. Gideon ordered Xia to say away from Joseph, and Xia told Gideon he didn’t plan to see or interact with Joseph, unless of course he was ordered to.

  The ship’s crew, marines, scientists, and civilian passengers had settled into a somewhat normal daily routine. One activity, that could be considered abnormal, was the evening Bible study meeting in the hangar. Corporal Gault led the meeting because Joseph was in the brig. Mary refused Gault’s request to allow Joseph to attend but did, however, allow Joseph to participate via a portable communication console. Regulars to the meetings were, of course, Gault, Joseph, all of the children, and the old women. Most every enlisted and commissioned crew member had attended at least one of the meetings, but only a few had become regulars.


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