Spark (Electric Series #2)

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Spark (Electric Series #2) Page 18

by E. L. Todd

  “It sounds like any boyfriend you ever have will always be second place.”

  “Isn’t that how it should be? Your friends before your lovers?”

  “Yeah…until you get married. And then it switches.”

  “Well, I’ll need a man secure enough to put up with it.”

  She laughed into the phone. “Good luck with that. No guy’s going to want some dog sniffing around his woman.”

  “I can assure you there’s no sniffing going on.” The door creaked and then it clicked when it shut against the panel. I was lying on my stomach on the bed so I glanced over my shoulder to see who was there.

  But there was no one.



  “Where did you go?” Sara asked.

  “I thought someone came inside, but I guess I’m hearing things. Anyway, are you seeing anyone?”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I can’t live without him.

  He makes me laugh, makes me smile.

  If I had to be locked in a room with someone, he’s the first person I would choose.

  I had no idea she felt that way about Sage. I assumed he was some guy she was casually seeing. From the way she talked about him, it was like she loved him. Maybe she didn’t tell me the truth because she didn’t want to hurt my feelings—to let me think I was the reason she lost him.

  I walked back into the kitchen and felt my mind swirl in a whirlwind of information. Taylor was talking to someone on the phone, probably Natalie, and I heard a conversation that was none of my business.

  I’m pretty sure she didn’t notice I was there.

  “You alright, honey?” Taylor’s mom set her knitting stuff on the counter before she walked up to me.

  “Oh, I’m fine.” I shook off the despair that ransacked my heart. “Just need some water before I hop in the shower.”

  “Allow me.” She grabbed a cup and filled it with ice before she hit the pad on the fridge and filled it with water. “Had a good day today?”

  I kept thinking about Taylor. She spilled her heart out, saying how much she missed Sage. She seemed sad on the plane and when we were in bed together, but I didn’t realize just how down she was. “It was beautiful. Your husband is quick on his feet.”

  “He’s definitely an outdoorsman.”

  “I’ll say.” I downed the entire glass of water before I set it in the sink.

  “Volt, can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.” I turned back to her, trying to seem calm and rational. My mind was going haywire with everything I heard, and it wouldn’t slow down.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and examined my face like she would find the answer there. “You love my daughter, don’t you?”

  I assumed she was going to ask me to take out the garbage or help her with something around the house. A point blank question like that shattered my brain. I couldn’t even keep a straight face.

  “Because you should tell her. Everyone sees it except her.” She gave me a smile before she drifted away. She grabbed her knitting supplies off the counter and returned to the living room. I Love Lucy playing on the TV screen.

  Stunned, I just stood there.


  Our plane was about to touch down in New York, and I was eager to be home. I had a lot on my mind, and I needed space to sort everything out. My relationship with Taylor wasn’t what I thought it was. She was the animal, and I was the tick. I was sucking her dry until nothing was left. I was the reason she was unhappy.

  I was the reason for her despair.


  “Hmm?” I turned to her and tried to desensitize myself to her beautiful face. No matter how many times I looked at it, I fell harder. Her eyes were a little brighter, her lips a little fuller. Every detail of her face was exquisite, and my eyes drank her in like drops of rain in a desert.

  “Everything alright? You’ve been quiet for the past few days.”

  I didn’t know how to act anymore. I kept a void of distance between us, a gaping hole bigger than a crater. Anytime she got close to me, I hurt her. “I think I got a bug. Haven’t felt like myself lately.”

  “I haven’t heard you cough or sneeze.”

  “I’m good at holding it in. You know, since you hate sick people.” Keeping it light was the best tactic.

  “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, I’m good. I have a lot of work to catch up on at the office. I’ll probably be busy for a while.” And I wouldn’t take any of her phone calls or return them.

  “Well, I hope you had fun in Washington. It was nice to be home.”

  “I had a great time.” Until I realized how big of an ass I was. “Thanks for bringing me along.”

  “Thanks for coming.”

  The plane finally landed and taxied to the terminal. I couldn’t wait to get off the damn thing and get out of there. The longer I was with her, the more difficult it became to be near her. I was poison to her, and she didn’t even realize it.

  “Are you sure you’re alright?” She examined me with her smart eyes, catching something I kept trying to hide.



  As much as I hated this, I had to do it.

  There was no other way.

  Taylor was miserable because of me.

  And I had to make it right.

  I ruined whatever chance I might have had with her, and I probably would never get the opportunity to be with her again.

  But that was how it had to be.

  I had to say goodbye to her.

  And our friendship.

  Sage opened the front door and didn’t hide his surprise when he saw me. He narrowed his eyes, suspicious. He kept one hand on the door so he could slam it if necessary.



  “I want to talk about Taylor.”

  The mention of her name made him more irritated. “Had a good holiday?”

  I deserved the jab. I knew it. “Give me five minutes.”

  “Fine. Go.” He didn’t invite me inside, keeping his body in the way.

  “Give Taylor another chance. Please.”

  His formidable expression never changed. “She made her choice. She picked you.”

  “But she didn’t want to.”

  “No. She made it pretty damn clear.”

  I wasn’t walking away until I got what I wanted—what Taylor wanted. “I understand why you’re threatened by me. I’m always around and—”

  “You’re obsessed with her. You’re hung up on her. You date beautiful women in an attempt to forget her.”

  Damn, he was good.

  “I’m not the jealous type, but I can’t handle that.”

  “I agree,” I said. “So, I’ll disappear.”

  Not understanding what I meant, he cocked an eyebrow. “What?”

  “I’ll go away. I’ll ignore her and dodge her left and right until she forgets about me.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because she misses you. Because she can’t live without you. Because she wants this to work.”

  He didn’t believe a word I said. “Where are you getting this from?”

  “I heard her say it.”

  “To you?”

  “To a girlfriend on the phone.”

  He shook his head slightly. “She must have been talking about someone else—probably you.”

  “I heard her say your name.” There was no mistaking it. “Please give her another chance. I’m bowing out. You can have her.”

  “At least you admit it,” he said darkly. “I’ve been telling her that for months, but she never believed me.”

  “She sees what she wants to see.”

  He leaned against the door, his poker face still on.

  “I’m out of the picture now. She’s yours.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the ground.

  I patiently waited for an answer.

  When our eyes met, he wore a look of resignation. “No. She’s not.”

  “I give you my word I’ll back off. You won’t see me again.”

  “No, she’s not mine,” he said. “She was never mine.”

  “Not true, man.”

  “I believe you. I’m sure you would make good on your word and leave us alone. But that’s not the problem.”

  “Then what is?”

  He chuckled under his breath. “You don’t get it.”

  “Get what?” I asked in frustration. “I’m giving you what you want.”

  “But I’m not what she wants. You are.”

  The blood drained from my face. I could feel it leave my lips.

  “She can deny it all she wants, but I know you’re the man she wants. You’re the one she’s in love with. You’re the man she can’t live without—not me. Despite how much I like her, I can’t be with a woman when I know she prefers someone else over me. I can’t compete with you. Even if you disappear, you’ll never really be gone. Because she’ll never forget about you. So, I’m done. I’m the one bowing out.”

  Nothing he said was true. “I heard what she said—”

  “You heard her wrong.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “She and I will never work out. It’s a nice gesture to try, but it’s a waste of time.”

  As much as I wanted to believe what he said, I couldn’t. It was too good to be true.

  “The ball is in your court, man. Because I’m never going to change my mind.”

  I failed. I didn’t fix all the damage I caused. Now Taylor would be sad for months.

  “Volt, I really mean this...”

  I looked up at him, unsure what he was going to say.

  “You two are meant for each other. And I hope you get her.”

  The story continues in Burn, Book 3 of the Electric Series.

  Available Now.

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading Spark. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you could leave a short review, it would help me so much! Those reviews are the best kind of support you can give an author. Thank you!

  Wishing you love,

  E. L. Todd

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