“You do realize they’re just babies,” she says, before she kisses me. “Relax. We don’t have to worry about this for a long time. Okay, Mr. Protective?” She’s right. I calm myself. I guess it is a little early for me to worry about this. “Let’s cross that bridge once we get there. For now, let’s enjoy our brand new baby girl.”
I exhale a breath, and kiss my daughter on top of her head.
Then, that’s just what we do. We lie there, and we enjoy our baby girl.
Thank you for reading the Bad Boy Reformed Series! Join my email list, and checkout my facebook page, to stay posted on Story and Jax’s story, as well as my future books.
Read other books by Alyssa Rae Taylor
Gosh! There are so many people to thank. If I leave anybody out, please don’t be offended, and know that it isn’t on purpose. First and foremost, thank you to God for blessing me with so much more than I deserve. To my ‘Darling Dolls.’ Thank you for your consistent loyalty, and for believing in me from the very beginning. I love you all dearly! Thank you to my family for putting up with my absence on many occasions, so that I could finish the series. Thank you to my husband for taking care of our children while I was zoned out on the computer for several hours at a time. Thank you to Camryn and Rachelle for critiquing each chapter of Breaking Ryann, and giving me your input. To Alex Michael Turner for allowing me to use you for my beautiful cover photos. I’m sure my readers thank you too. To Madison Seidler for editing my mistakes, and to Sarah Hansen for your wonderful cover art. To Emily Tippetts, for making the pages of my story pretty. A special thanks to all of you bloggers who have taken the time to read, review, and spread the word about my books- Please know that I appreciate you for all that you do. To Brandi, Lynn, Amy, Cris, Kerye, and several others- I SEE YOU. Thank you so much for putting my teasers out there, and for being the selfless women that you are. I can’t express how grateful I am to have your support and friendship. Last but not least- thank you to every single reader for taking a chance on my stories, and thank you all for your patience with me on completing the series.
Wife. Mother. Writer. Reader. Dreamer.
For more information on Alyssa Rae Taylor and her up and coming projects, you can visit her here:
Copyright © 2015 by Alyssa Rae Taylor LLC.
All Rights Reserved.
Cover art by Sarah Hansen/Okay Creations.
Copyediting by Madison Seidler (madisonseidler.com)
Design and formatting by E.M. Tippetts Book Designs.
This is a work of fiction. Except for the work created by the imagination of the author, all names, places, songs and song titles are the property of their trademark owners. The use of these trademarks in the publication is not authorized, associated or sponsored by their trademark owners.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Books by Alyssa Rae Taylor
About Breaking Ryann
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
About the Author
Copyright Notice
Breaking Ryann Page 17