Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1)

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Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1) Page 2

by Samantha Clarke

  “What are you doing? The trail didn’t end, Colin,” She asked, bewildered.

  Colin glared at her, “It’s the territory line, young one. You would know that had you been paying attention earlier. We can’t cross into another territory. It’s the other pack’s problem now,” He snarled in response.

  “And what if these wolves are dangerous?” Samantha growled, “Are we just going to let the other pack be surprised, and potentially harmed?”

  Colin sneered, “Heather harasses you, and you want to protect her pack?”

  “Her pack has nothing to do with how she treats me, how dare you hold that against them! I’m sure that her parents don’t condone her behavior…” Samantha scowled, and followed the trail with her eyes, “I’m following that trail.”

  “No, you are not. And that’s an order, youngling.” Colin snapped angrily. The rest of the pack watched, helplessly waiting to see how this exchanged unfolded. All eyes were on Samantha, anxiously observing to see how she responded.

  All of her muscles tensed up for just a moment. It was almost impossible for a wolf of her unique nature to disobey orders from the pack leader. Samantha slowly shook her head, forcing herself to move against Colin’s will and her instinct. She took a shaky step forward, towards the territory line. Colin snapped and all eyes turned to him.

  “If you dare cross that line, then you are on your own. Especially if you get caught.”

  Samantha turned her eyes to the pack, then to Colin. She sighed softly, “Fine,” was her simple reply. She stepped onto the territory line.

  “Don’t you dare, youngling!” Colin growled and snapped viciously.

  Samantha ignored him and crossed over the territory line completely. She turned back to see the rest of the pack was following Colin away in the other direction. Riley had begun to follow her very slowly, but Colin snarled and ordered him to go home with the rest of the pack. Riley whimpered and whined like a little puppy, but turned and unwillingly followed his father without further disobedience. Samantha huffed as she watched them disappear into the thick underbrush of the forest. She sighed, but she continued to follow the trail on her own. She prayed silently that there were no members of the other pack out on patrol, growing worried about the possible consequences if she were caught.

  Long minutes passed, Samantha jumping at the slightest ruffling of leaves. She kept her nose pressed to the ground and her eyes down. Again, there was another ruffling in the leaves behind her and she whipped around, growling and putting her hears back, flat against her head. There was nothing there, that she could see, but she felt as though she was being followed. She hesitantly went back to following the trail, her nose pressed into the dirt once more. She nervously followed the trail even deeper into the territory which she was trespassing in.

  Another wolf, about Samantha’s size, came barreling out of the bushes. He slammed right into Samantha’s side, knocking the wind out of her and causing her to fall over. He jumped on top of her, snapping at her face. She pushed him off quickly and rolled to her feet. She got low to the ground, snarling and baring her teeth.

  “Why are you in my territory?” The wolf snapped.

  “You’re hardly an alpha, so the territory is not solely yours. I’m trailing rogue wolves that passed through my pack’s territory. I mean you no harm.” Samantha replied frantically.

  “Bull shit…” He growled. He dived at Samantha, but she quickly maneuvered out of his way. He almost ran into a tree, but he skidded to a stop and turned to face Samantha quickly, snarling. Samantha could tell that he was clumsy in his wolf form and she guessed that it was only his second or third time phasing on his own will.

  She snarled, “I mean no harm to you are your pack. I only want to help.”

  “My pack doesn’t need your help. Get out of here, mutt!” He snarled and snapped at her.

  Samantha snorted and huffed, but she turned, knowing that it was time to walk away before the younger wolf did something rash. She bolted back into her territory and to the meeting point where the rest of the pack was waiting for her already phased. Melody handed her belongings to her, and she hid amongst the trees again, changing back as quickly as she possibly could. When she stepped out from behind the trees Colin stepped forward, with his arms folded across his chest.

  “I took it upon myself to call the Head Alpha and inform him that you felt it was absolutely necessary to disobey my orders.” He announced. His voice was cold and harsh, like a parent that was overly disappointed in one of his children.

  Samantha swallowed hard. The Head Alpha was in charge of all of the packs within the district. Even pack alphas had to answer to him. Above the Head Alpha were Master Alphas, who ‘governed’ entire states, Master Wolves, who were in charge of a handful of states at a time and the Absolute Alpha, whose lineage could be traced back to the very first person who could shift into a wolf – or bet moun – as many of the elders preferred to call themselves. The Head Alpha was only called upon by a pack alpha in an emergency or if there was a situation that the pack alpha felt that they could not handle on their own; typically in cases where severe punishment was necessary.

  Colin continued, “He told me that he would inform the other alphas and that we will all be having a meeting in the morning about the incident.” Samantha didn’t reply, she simply looked down at her feet, scuffing her heel in the dirt. “Now get out of here. I’m extremely disappointed in you.” Samantha began to walk away with her head low. “You’re also ban from all pack related activities until I say otherwise,” Colin added.

  Samantha whipped around, “What?” She exclaimed in shock.

  “Dad! That isn’t fair!” Riley protested. Colin shot him a warning glance and he quieted down, looking down at his feet.

  “Is that understood, youngling?” Colin asked in a harsh voice.

  Samantha’s nostrils flared, eyeing the pack who quietly watched, “Fine…” Samantha grumbled. She turned and stormed off towards her home, without waiting for her aunt to follow.


  Samantha awoke to the sound of birds chirping. She groaned and rolled over to look at her clock. It was seven in the morning, and on a Saturday no less. She curled up in a tight ball and pulled her pillows over her head in aggravation.

  “Damn birds…” She growled to herself. She hadn’t slept well the night before, her anxiety about meeting with the Head Alpha and bad dreams about her parent’s untimely death had kept her up. She sighed, she almost forgot about the meeting with the Head. She buried her face in her sheets and closed her eyes, forcing herself to fall back to sleep. She had begun to drift into a light slumber when Melody knocked on her door and stepped inside without waiting for a response. Samantha peered at her from under her pillow.

  “Your meeting with Colin and the Head is at nine, dear,” Melody muttered softly.

  Samantha sighed and sat up, “Alright, I’m getting up…” she grumbled.

  “Good, I’m making pancakes, you better eat before you leave,” Melody prompted before leaving the room.

  Samantha slowly got out of bed and went into her bathroom. She was often very thankful that she had her own bathroom and could take as long as she wanted getting ready. She brushed her teeth, then got in the shower. After cleaning up she stepped out and wrapped herself in a towel and washed her face with an anti-acne scrub. Thirty minutes later she was walking down the stairs to get breakfast. Melody already had a plate made for Samantha, and she sat down and ate in silence.

  At eight twenty Colin pulled up in front of the house and Samantha went outside, getting in the car. Much to her relief Riley was sitting in the car, as well as Alex. Samantha smiled at them and Riley gently touched her arm. Samantha buckled her seat belt and Colin pulled away from the house, without saying a word.

  The almost forty minute drive to the Head’s mansion was completely silent. Colin gave off the impression that he was still incredibly angry and Samantha, Riley and Alex were not about to say something that could
potential make him even more upset with only ten minutes left before the meeting. Colin took the turn onto the road that lead out of town. The road was long and winding, with many dirt roads and trails branching off from the main one. Half way down the road Colin took a sharp left turn onto one of the dirt roads. Trees surrounded them on either side of the road and Samantha watched out the window for signs that they were nearing the mansion. After a few moments there was an oversized clearing with a mansion in its center, but Colin drove passed it, as well as four more houses like it before they neared a fifth clearing that he slowed down for.

  In the middle of the clearing was an enormous and glorious mansion that stood two stories high and long enough to fit at least four of Samantha’s house. There was a long drive way leading up to a garage that was separate from the house. The lower level of the house was made from clapboard siding that was painted an elegant looking pearly white. Vines clung to the sides of the house, hanging low. The covered porch wrapped around the left side of the mansion. There was a gigantic arch over the steps that left to the porch and the front door was made entirely out of glass. There was a huge turret extending a story over the rest of the home, on the right corner of the building. The window on the top of the turret had a miniscule porch and Samantha wondered of anybody made use of it. The roof was a mansard styled roof, with several dormers on the front alone.

  In the front yard there was an oversized rose garden that looked very well kept. Tall bushes surrounded the property lining the driveway and front walkway. In the middle of the supersized front yard was a patio set made completely out of stone that although looked regal seemed very uncomfortable. The garage and carriage house were both made from the same stone as the lower levels, with just as many ivy vines climbing up the sides.

  Samantha stared at the marvelous architecture in awe, and almost didn’t realize that Colin had put the car in park and that everyone else was getting out. She quickly undid her seat belt and hoped out with the rest. She walked up to Riley who grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. They all walked up the front walk together and Colin rang the doorbell. Almost immediately a young girl, probably about thirteen years old, answered the door. She smiled wide, exposing metal braces and Samantha wondered why she didn’t have more expensive, and less conspicuous, dental wear.

  “Mr. McLaughlin?” She asked in an innocently sweet voice.

  Colin nodded, “yes, young one. I have a meeting with your father.”

  “He told me, sir. Follow me, I’ll show you to his office,” the girl squeaked. Colin nodded and she stepped aside to let the group in.

  The entrance was almost as magnificent as the exterior of the house. There was a double staircase that led to a long hallway that split into two separate wings. The floor and staircase were made entirely out of marble, the railings made out of mahogany. The walls were clad with alabaster wall paper and old paintings that looked as though they belonged in a museum. In between the staircases was a double door that led to the rest of the first floor.

  Samantha stared in wonder at her surroundings as she followed the rest of the group. The young girl led them through the east wing, down a long hallway, and to another flight of stairs. As they walked through the home the grouped passed several house keepers, and Samantha noted that they were all female. They walked briskly up the flight of stairs, which led to a landing with a single door. The young girl knocked, and opened it a crack.

  “Father, Mr. McLaughlin is here,” she exclaimed.

  “Very good,” a booming, commanding voice replied, “Send him and his group in.”

  The girl stepped aside and the group filed into the room, the Head’s daughter smiling at them all the while. She closed the door behind them, and Samantha heard her trot down the stairs rather noisily.

  Once again Samantha was amazed by the room. Directly across from her was a grand glass door that lead out to a petite balcony, and she realized that the Head’s office was in the top of the turret. From floor to ceiling all around the circular room were bookcases, willed with an exorbitant amount of books, more books than one person could read in a single lifetime, Samantha guessed. In the middle of the room was a hefty mahogany desk, and immediately to the left were two love seats and a glass coffee table. Sitting at the desk was a man who had to be at least forty, smiling warmly at the group.

  “Hello, Colin…” Malcolm said in greeting as he stood. He then turned to the children, “you look so much like your mother. You must be Alexandria, a charm to meet you, young one,” he declared taking Alex’s hand in his and shaking it firmly. Alex smiled softly and whispered a thanks. He then turned to Riley, “and you, young man, must be Riley. You look like an outstanding fellow.” He turned back to Colin, “You have very promising children, Colin. I can see it in their eyes.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Colin replied, beaming like a proud father.

  Samantha shifted awkwardly and she looked down at her feet. Riley put his hand on her back and gently rubbed it, looking down at her. Samantha peaked up at him and smiled softly. He smiled back and ran his fingers through her hair.

  Malcolm turned to Samantha, seeing the movement out of the corner of his eyes. He had almost forgotten that she was there, “and you, young one. You must be Elizabeth Carvahlo’s daughter. She was a…unique young woman, as I’m sure you are as well. She also had quite the knack for breaking rules. She was here in this very office rather often, especially right before you were born. She had a remarkable rebellious streak. I was wondering how long it would be before I was graced with the chance to meet you.” He chuckled lightly.

  Samantha frowned; she wasn’t sure if he was mocking her and her mother or being sincere, “I’m not quite sure how to take that, sir…” She mumbled.

  Malcolm’s face hardened a bit, “now, don’t be pert, young one,” he replied, his voice becoming stern all of a sudden.

  “I… Didn’t mean to be, sir. I apologize…” was Samantha’s soft response.

  “Hold your tongue, now, until I tell you otherwise. Now, am I to understand that you crossed territory lines to follow rogue wolves that could have been long gone?” Samantha nodded, but she obeyed his order and did not say anything. Malcolm continued, “Did Colin not make the rules regarding boundaries and territories clear?” Samantha remained silent. Malcolm grumbled, “You can speak child.”

  “No, sir, he made the rules clear…” Samantha answered, knowing Colin had told her and that she had just opted to ignore him. She looked at the floor and shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

  “So then explain to me why you crossed territory lines?”

  Samantha took a deep breath, “I felt as though potentially finding the rogues and protecting another pack was more important and worth any punishment that is to be given.” She replied.

  Malcolm raised his eyebrows, unsure if her response was sincere or if it had been rehearsed. He stared at Samantha for a long moment, attempting to read her face. She stared back at him blankly, not giving away how she felt. He rubbed his forehead, defeated.

  “Well, as is custom, it’s up to the party that you wronged to decide what punishment would be best,” He stated after a moment.

  Samantha nodded, but was silent once again.

  “The three of you can sit right over there,” Malcolm pointed to the loveseats on the left side of his desk, “While Colin and I go fetch the Armstrongs. Is that understood?” The children simply nodded in response, and then took the seats as they were instructed.

  Samantha let out a long sigh as Colin and Malcolm closed the door behind them. She held her head in her hands and Riley rubbed her back slowly. Alex took a mint out of the bowl on the glass coffee table.

  “It’s going to be okay… Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are fairly reasonable people, they’re very magnanimous,” Riley assured, kissing Samantha’s head gently. Samantha wasn’t even sure what that word meant, she was certain he had overheard his father saying it and was using it in the wrong context.

ex rolled her eyes, “Well, we think they are, anyway. We don’t know how they treat their pack, and you are an omega,” Alex interjected. Both Riley and Samantha shot her cold looks as she popped another mint in her mouth and shrugged.

  “Just be honest with them… What’s the worst they can do to you, babe?” Riley said gently as he ran his fingers through Samantha’s hair.

  “I don’t know…” Samantha replied, her voice barely audible. She was uncontrollably nervous and she wasn’t quite sure why. She knew that Riley was right; what was the worst they could do? Riley touched her cheek and kissed her head gently.

  It felt as though the wait lasted forever, but finally Malcolm and Colin walked back into the room with Heather and her family. Heather sneered at Samantha, but she ignored her, keeping her eyes on Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong.

  “Young one,” Malcolm began, “This is Carla, Darien, and their children, Heather, Jessica Elliot and Caiden.”

  Samantha nodded in polite acknowledgement. Jessica, Heather’s twin, had curly blonde hair and pale blue eyes to match Heather’s. She used to attend Greenwood High as well, but she had dropped out a little less than three years ago after falling mysteriously ill, and had obtained her General Education Degree from the local community college. Unlike Heather, Jessica’s demeanor was sweet and she smiled and nodded at Samantha in greeting. Samantha turned her eyes to the two boys, studying them. Elliot looked to be around fifteen-years-old, and he seemed as though he couldn’t have been less interested in the meeting, checking his watch multiple times in the short time he had been in the room. Caiden couldn’t have been any older than thirteen. His gaze met Samantha’s and she quickly realized that he was the one who had caught her trespassing. He snarled at her, but Samantha wasn’t very intimidated.


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