Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1)

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Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1) Page 5

by Samantha Clarke

  Samantha almost called after him, but she decided that it was not a good idea. She knew for a fact she was no longer in her territory and she was unsure if it would be considered trespassing since she had not phased. She sighed and tried to stand and walk once more, but she only made it a couple of feet. She whimpered and leaned against a tree. She reached into her pocket to grab her cell phone, but it wasn’t there.

  “God damn it…” She grumbled to herself. She turned to look behind her. It had probably fallen out of her pocket when she fell into the greenbriers. Caught up in her thoughts and worries she didn’t realize that the young man had returned. He stepped on a small twig and it snapped, scaring Samantha half to death. She turned in the direction of the noise, a scream catching in her throat.

  “Hey, it’s okay…” He promised in a strong deep voice. Samantha didn’t say anything, “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing this deep in the forest this late at night?”

  Samantha’s voice quivered with fear and apprehension, “I… I was taking a hike and got lost…” She responded, not taking her eyes off of him.

  “And what happened to your leg?” He asked delicately. Samantha furrowed her brow and tilted her head to the side, not sure how he could possibly know about her injured ankle, “I noticed you’re favoring it…” He clarified.

  Samantha looked down at the ground, “I just twisted my ankle… I’ll be alright…”

  “Come with me… I’ll take a look at it…” He offered, holding out his hand.

  Samantha hesitated, and for good reason. She didn’t know this man, even though he was a fellow wolf he could be a rogue, and rogues were quite dangerous.

  “Come on, I’m not going to hurt you. You can trust me.” He cooed.

  Samantha frowned but she took his hand. He smiled and helped her up, quickly pulling her into his arms, carrying her. He moved through the forest quickly and Samantha could tell that he was well adapted to the environment around them. He carried her for about another hundred yards, and then an old nineteen-fifty’s, she wasn’t sure of the exact year, pickup truck came into view. In the bed of the truck was the deer he had caught.

  Once they reached the truck the young man opened the passenger side door and placed Samantha in the seat. He reclined it for her and helped her fasten the seatbelt.

  “Try to rest. I’ll wake you when we get where we’re going.” He prompted. Samantha nodded slowly, her eyes already feeling heavy. He went around to the other side of the truck and got into the driver’s seat, driving away. The low roar of the engine slowly lulled Samantha to sleep. She dozed in and out of wakefulness while the young man drove, and in what felt like mere seconds to Samantha, he was carrying her out of his truck and into his home.

  He carefully placed her on his couch once they were inside and he turned on an undersized lamp that was on a side table. Exhausted Samantha just let him remove her shoe and sock in order to examine her injured foot. He gently used his hands to assess the injury and Samantha watched him, bleary-eyed.

  “What’s your name?” She asked after a very long and awkward silence.

  “Kedar, but you’re welcome to call me Kit…” He replied.

  “Kit?” Samantha asked, “That’s an odd nickname.”

  “It’s what everyone has called me since I was a kid,” Kedar responded. He looked up from Samantha’s ankle, “It looks like it’s a minor fracture. I’ll splint it for you and it should be fine in the morning. Or you’ll at least be able to put weight on it.”

  Samantha nodded slowly, “Alright, thank you, very much.”

  Kedar shifted, “It’s very late. I’m sure your pack is wondering where you are, but you should probably stay put for the night. You don’t look like you’re going to take up much space anyway,” He observed with a slight chuckle, “Let me get that splint.”

  Samantha nodded in response, but didn’t say anything. Kedar left the room quickly and Samantha looked around at her surroundings. All of the furniture was made of wood, very obviously handcrafted, including the couch that she laid upon. The television was old with rabbit-ear antennae and a VHS player was hooked up to it. It seemed as though the room belonged in an older gentleman’s home and not a young man’s, especially one who looked as though he was barely out of his teens. Samantha frowned, wondering why such a handsome young man didn’t have more age appropriate décor.

  Kedar came back into the room with an ace bandage and an ankle brace. He smiled sheepishly as he knelt down in front of Samantha.

  “I don’t have an ankle split like I thought, however, I do have these. They should work fine, since you’re going to be off of your feet. Unless you’re a sleep walker, that is.” He laughed heartily.

  Samantha laughed lightly along with him, “I don’t sleep walk. But thank you, I appreciate it.” She responded smiling softly.

  Kedar smiled and began to wrap her foot and ankle, keeping the ace bandage taught as to completely immobilize the joint. They sat in silence as he bandaged her foot and fastened the brace. Once he was finished he sat on the couch beside her.

  “So…are you hungry? Or thirsty?” He was quiet as he asked his question, as though the words were so delicate they would break in his mouth.

  Samantha glanced at the oversized grandfather clock that sat in the corner of the room. It was a quarter to midnight. She looked back at him and smiled softly, “This late?” Her voice was quiet as she pondered his question. Then she shook her head, “I’m all set… But thank you for asking.”

  Kedar nodded and then looked around the room slowly, “if you would like you’re welcome to sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep down here.”

  Samantha furrowed her brow and frowned, “No, it’s fine. Thank you. I’ll sleep down here,” She responded, slightly shocked that he had made that offer.

  “Are you sure? It’s not a problem at all…” Kedar pressed.

  “I’m more than sure. I’ll be perfectly comfortable down here,” Samantha insisted. She wondered to herself why someone whom she had just met was so keen on being a gentleman.

  Kedar nodded once more and he hesitated momentarily before asking his next question, “Do you want something more comfortable to wear? I’m sure I have something that you can borrow.”

  “No…it’s fine, really. You’ve done far more than enough for me. I’m fine sleeping on the couch in what I’m wearing. You don’t need to do anything more than you already have.”

  Kedar frowned slightly but he nodded again in understanding, “Alright then. I’ll get you some blankets and a pillow then…” And with that he exited the room.

  Samantha was silent as she looked around again. She wondered where she was exactly and how far away from home it was. She wondered if the pack was out looking for her and whether or not Riley felt guilty for what he had said. Then she frowned. Melody must have been worried sick. Samantha felt her stomach drop, knowing that her aunt wasn’t going to sleep while she was unsure of Samantha’s whereabouts. Samantha sighed and held her head in her hands.

  I’m an awful person… She thought.

  Kedar’s footsteps roused Samantha from her thoughts and she turned to look at him. In his arms he carried a bundle of blankets and two pillows. He smiled at Samantha warmly, exposing white sharper-than-usual teeth. Samantha smiled back at him as he placed the bundle on the coffee table. On the top was a large t-shirt and sweater. Both looked as though they were a size bigger than what Kedar needed.

  “I brought you these in case you changed your mind about changing into something more comfortable,” Kedar explained as he took the shirt and sweatshirt and set them aside, “And here are some blankets and pillows,” He continued as he handed the rest to Samantha.

  “Thank you…” She whispered, gratitude in her voice.

  “Please get comfortable. If you need me for anything I will be right upstairs. Don’t be afraid to holler.” Kedar instructed, the benevolent smile still on his face.

  It was Samantha’s turn to nod. She looked up at
him, mirroring his smile, “Of course… Again, thank you, so much.”

  “Not a problem… Try to get some rest.” With that Kedar exited the room once again.

  Samantha smiled to herself and arranged the pillowed on the couch and covered herself up. After a few moments of tossing and turning she realized sleeping in a pair of skinny jeans was not the least bit comfortable. She sat up and pushed the heavy blankets off of her. She removed the brace carefully and slid off her pants. She continued to strip down to her underwear. She pulled on the enormous shirt and she sat. She folded her clothes delicately and placed them down on the coffee table. She refastened the brace and laid down, wrapping herself in the warm blankets. She could hear the wind howling outside and she wondered if there was a storm. It had yet to snow the whole year and she was hoping that it would stay that way. She took a deep breath and drifted off to sleep immediately, exhausted from her long day.


  His skin was soft against hers and his breath was sweet. He ran his fingertips down her sides and she placed her trembling hands on his bare chest. He pressed his lips carefully against hers and pulled her closer to him. She melted in his embrace and kissed him back without hesitation. Before she knew it she was laying on silk sheets, fluffy pillows cushioning her head. He kissed down her neck, between her breasts and all the way down passed her naval.

  Samantha woke with a start, sweat soaking the shirt she wore. She almost fell off of the couch but she caught herself and she sat up. She looked around the room and remembered that she wasn’t at home. She ran her fingers through her hair, her hand trembling. She stood shakily, looking around the room once more, trying to gather her bearings. She took the sweatshirt off of the table and she pulled it on over her head. She slowly walked around the room, examining the decor of the room more carefully. She ran her fingers over the delicate and intricate carvings in the sides of the bookshelf. Then she stopped and surveyed the books. There was a large selection, ranging in genres with many great classics. The books were organized by author, title and size. Some of the books included in the selection were Wuthering Heights, The Great Gatsby and Pride and Prejudice. Samantha smiled warmly; Pride and Prejudice was her favorite book. She had read it more than a dozen times. As she reached to pick it up, another book caught her eye; Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. Melody owned a copy and Samantha often caught her reading it in the late hours of the night. Samantha carefully picked it up off the shelf and turned it over in her hands, feeling a pang of sadness.

  “But then my mind was struck by light that flashed, and, with this light, received what it had asked. Here force failed my high fantasy; but my desire and will were moved already – like a wheel revolving uniformly – by the Love that moves the sun and the other stars…” Kedar said from behind her.

  Samantha whipped around, startled. She blushed a bit and smiled sheepishly, “…What?” She whispered, clearly confused.

  Kedar pointed to the book in her hand, “It’s a quote, in the Divine Comedy. It’s in Paradiso, to be exact.” He responded, walking up to the bookshelf in order to stand beside Samantha, “I’m guessing you haven’t read it, then?”

  She shook her head slowly, blushing in embarrassment, “No, I haven’t…” She admitted.

  Kedar smiled a handsome crooked smile and Samantha couldn’t help but turn a dark shade of red, “You can borrow it. I thought it was excellent. Did you know that Dante is considered the father of the Italian language?”

  Samantha shook her head, “No, I didn’t…”

  Kedar smiled more, “Well, you learn new things every day. Do you like to read?” He asked in a soft voice. His smile lit up his entire face and it gave Samantha an odd feeling in her stomach. She couldn’t help but smile back at him, although her hands trembled for reasons that she couldn’t explain.

  “Yes, I do. Very much so…” She admitted almost sheepishly. Riley had never been supportive of her love for reading. He often called it a pointless hobby. It had been a long time since Samantha met someone who enjoyed reading like she did.

  “That’s good. Reading is extremely important. My grandfather always stressed that I needed to read more when I was growing up. He constantly told me it would help my mind develop. And he was right.” Kedar smile soften as he recalled the memories.

  “Your grandfather sounds like a very intelligent man,” Was Samantha’s soft reply.

  Kedar nodded, “He was…” He was quiet for a moment and then he sighed, “Anyway, what’s your favorite book?”

  Samantha’s face lit up instantaneously, “Pride and Prejudice,” her response was without hesitation, “My aunt bought me a copy a long time ago and ever since no other book has peaked my interest as much as it did. It’s a wonderful book.”

  “I haven’t read it yet…I’ll have to take your word for it.”

  “You should read it. You’ll definitely be glad that you did.”

  Kedar looked at her and smiled again, causing a twinkle in his eyes. It made Samantha’s stomach feel odd again and she averted her eyes. He cleared his throat, “Maybe I will. You should go clean up, I washed your clothes for you and brought them upstairs. The bathroom is on the second floor, immediately to the left of the stairs. If you’re hungry I can quickly throw something together while you shower,” He suggested softly.

  Samantha slowly shook her head, “No, that’s fine, I don’t normally eat breakfast…” She explained.

  “Alright, well go get cleaned up. Take your time.” Kedar smiled warmly.

  Samantha smiled back at him and she headed up the stairs, feeling overly self-conscious. The second floor was decorated the same as the first, but, she didn’t take the time to look around. She went straight into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Her clothes were neatly folded on a towel on the counter. She smiled, turned the shower on and undressed. She carefully folded the shirt and sweater and put them down next to her clothes. She stepped in the shower, letting the hot water run over her body. She couldn’t help but let her thoughts wander back to Kedar downstairs…

  She shook her head as she silently scolded herself. She quickly finished washing her body and jumped out of the shower. She dried herself and got dressed quickly, brushing the knots out of her hair with her fingers. She made her way down the stairs and looked around for Kedar. She didn’t see him so she grabbed her jacket and headed outside. She needed the fresh air to clear her head. About twenty feet from the door Kedar was chopping wood, shirtless. There was a light dusting of snow on the ground and there was a nip in the air, but his sweatshirt was tied around his waist. He looked up towards Samantha and smiled his handsome, devilish smile and Samantha couldn’t stop herself from blushing but smiling back at him simultaneously.

  Kedar set the axe down and wiped the sweat from his brow. He made his way over to Samantha, the smile still on his face, “did you want to stay a bit longer, or would you like me to take you home now?” Samantha could tell that although he offered to take her home he really wanted her to stay by the tone of his voice and the look in his eye. She guessed it had been a long time since he had company.

  Samantha was quiet for a moment, thinking. Finally, she replied, “I would like to stay a little while longer, but I should probably head home…I’m sure my pack is very worried about me…”

  Kedar’s smiled waned a bit, and Samantha swore she saw a twinge of sadness in his eyes, “understandable…” He said, not hiding the disappointment in his voice well. “I’m going to clean up…” He continued, “Feel free to help yourself to anything you’d like while I get ready.”

  “Alright…” Samantha smiled as she responded. With that she followed him back into the house.

  Kedar went up the stairs and Samantha went into the kitchen. She looked through a couple of cabinets where she found the cereal and bowls. She poured herself a half bowl and sat, eating it without any milk. She wasn’t very hungry but she just knew that Kedar wouldn’t be satisfied unless she had something to eat. While she ate she quietl
y wondered about Melody. She was sure she must have been worried sick. It wasn’t right that Samantha had run away without contacting her aunt to tell her that she was okay. It wasn’t fair. Melody housed and clothed Samantha since her parents were killed. She could have said no and gave her to another family member. She was going through a divorce when Samantha’s mom passed. Samantha couldn’t be mad at her for keeping her from her father. She was just following orders.

  Samantha finished the cereal and stared at the empty bowl for a moment. She heard Kedar’s footsteps behind her and she turned. He stood leaning against the doorway, his charming crooked smile lighting up his face again. Samantha found that, once again, she couldn’t prevent herself from smiling back at him as her blood rushed to her face. Kedar walked up to her and sat next to her.

  “Are you sure you have to go?” Kedar asked, his voice soft.

  Samantha slowly looked him up and down. He was wearing a tight shirt with a black sweater and baggy jeans. Around his neck he wore what resembled a dog’s chain collar. She raised her eyebrow and reached out to touch it.

  “A dog collar?” She said, avoiding his question. She knew she had to go, but something inside of her was compelling her to stay, “Isn’t that sort of cliché?”

  Kedar shrugged, “Do vampires wear capes?” Samantha laughed lightly and shook her head, “Then a werewolf shall wear a dog collar and no one shall expect.” Then he looked at her bowl, “No milk? Isn’t that the point of having cereal?”

  “I don’t like cereal with milk, I prefer it dry. It’s easier to eat this way and less of a mess to clean up,” Samantha replied, very as-a-matter-of-factly.

  “Well, I’m more of a cereal and milk kind of guy,” Kedar said. He stood and poured himself a bowl of cereal with milk and sat again, eating. He looked at her and jokingly said, “Mm… Milk. So yummy.” Samantha smiled and laughed lightly, “try some with milk for me?”


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