Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1)

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Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1) Page 21

by Samantha Clarke

  “Please don’t lie to me…” She moved away from his kisses and caressed his cheek, stubble rough against her skin.

  Kedar grew frustrated and moved her off of his lap. He hadn’t forgotten how quick he was to anger once he had been drinking, “I’m not lying.” He snapped, looking away from her.

  Samantha sighed and she stood, turning her back on him. She was silent for a brief moment. There was obvious pain in her voice, “I’ll be upstairs when you decide you want to talk…” She responded unsure of what else she could do.

  “Why would I want to talk? I already fucking told you that I’m fine…” He started to lose his temper.

  “Clearly you’re not. I get here and you’re passed out drunk on your couch. So I go upstairs and go to sleep for a couple of hours and when I wake up you have another damn beer bottle in your hand. You know that alcohol doesn’t solve all your problems right? You know it’s just going to make you feel worse!” Samantha snapped as she turned around and stormed up to him.

  “If I never stop drinking I’ll never feel worse…” He said as he grabbed the beer bottle and spitefully lifted it to his lips. Before he could take a sip Samantha snatched it from him and slammed it down on the coffee table.

  “Knock it off! Just talk to me, damn it!” Samantha snapped.

  “Why should I?” He snapped back, stepping closer to her, “You’re just going to fucking leave me like everyone else did anyway!”

  “No I’m not, Kit! I fucking love you!”

  He stopped. She had never said the ‘L’ word to him before. He hadn’t said it to her either, not even in moments of heated passion, and he was shocked that she had said it before him. His shock turned into elation and he quickly picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. He crushed his lips to her hungrily and in seconds they were on the couch, her fingers tangled in his hair while his hands explored her now too thin body. He unhooked her bra and threw it aside, moving his lips to her clavicle. This was his way of telling her that he loved her too, but he wasn’t ready to say the words. She stopped him however and made him look at her.

  “Tell me…” She begged.

  He leaned his forehead on hers. “Fuck…” He whispered. He sat up and gave her the quilt to cover herself. He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. Samantha would be the first person that he told about what had happened between Heather and him. He figured it would be best to start from the beginning. He took a deep breath and glanced at her. She sat waiting patiently, holding the quilt closed around her.

  “About two and a half years ago… A little closure to three years, actually… I was part of Heather’s pack. We were romantically involved. She started to treat me… Poorly. She acted more like my warden and less like my girlfriend. I began to have an affair with Jessica, who I’m sure you know. Well… Heather walked in on me and Jessica at an… Inopportune moment, and her father had me exiled. Members of the pack jumped me when I was hiking, beat me to within an inch of my life and left me for dead. If it weren’t for other hikers I wouldn’t be here right now. I had wanted to leave Heather for Jessica, and I guess Heather’s thinking was that if she couldn’t have me, nobody could. Anyway, I woke up in the hospital alone and confused. I discovered that Jessica went away to boarding school and Heather visited me daily.” He sighed.

  Samantha reached out and rubbed his back, feeling his scars. The scars from being betrayed by his pack members. He looked at her and she smiled softly.

  “Heather and I tried to make it work, but when I got well enough to go home she told me that it would be better if we remained ‘just friends’. We did, for a while, anyway…” He sighed loudly before he continued, “I went to speak to Heather today regarding some things I learned while on the hunting trip. She pulled some bullshit story about how she’s jealous and still cares about me, yada, yada, yada. Then I found out that Jessica was still home, that she never left, in fact, and the whole pack was just lying to me and well…” He sighed loudly, glancing at Samantha, who still was listening attentively, “That I have a son who she gave up. Then I came back home and well, you know the rest of the story…”

  Samantha didn’t know what to say. She continued to rub his back slowly and he just sat there for a moment. The silence that followed was almost unbearable. The pain in his voice killed her, and she wished she could make it better. She moved closer to him and put her head on his shoulder. He turned to her.

  “I’m really glad I didn’t work with Jessica or Heather and that I met you instead, though.” He whispered after a long moment.

  “Me too…” Samantha agreed.

  He leaned towards her and kissed her slowly, moving her so that she was laying on her back and he was on top of her.


  Samantha woke to her phone ringing. She rolled over and sighed as she picked the phone off of the night stand. She wrapped the quilt around her and pulled herself out of bed. She silenced the phone and looked towards Kedar who laid there sound asleep. He was sprawled out, sleeping on his stomach, one arm outstretched from holding her. The events of the previous evening had been painfully awkward. She was not expecting to find out that Kedar had a child, nor did she expect him to recount to her in detail his relationship with Heather and Jessica. She hadn’t known what to say to him all night, so she had stayed quiet.

  She closed the door behind her and answered her still ringing phone, “Hello?”

  “Sam?” It was Riley. She told herself that she needed to learn to check caller ID.

  “What?” Responded Samantha in an exasperated tone.

  “Where are you?” He asked.

  She resented his tone, “I’m at Kedar’s house. Why?”

  “Alex called me. Melody is being discharged, but since a wheel chair can’t fit into your car Alex is going to bring her to our house. Then we’re all supposed to meet with Malcolm. All pack members are expected to be there.” Riley’s voice became soft, knowing that Samantha had spent yet another night with Kedar.

  “Wait… A wheel chair? Melody is in a wheel chair?” Samantha’s asked, fear boiling up inside of her.

  “Alex knows all of the details. You can ask her at the meeting.” Was Riley’s response.

  “Is Kedar included in the ‘all pack members’?” Samantha asked, looking back towards the bedroom door.

  “I don’t know. Meeting is in an hour.” He hung up.

  Samantha groaned and went back into Kedar’s room, sitting on the edge of the bed. She ran her fingers through his hair, causing him to stir. He opened his eyes and moved over groggily, smiling up at her. She smiled back and he sat up, leaning against his headboard. He reached out and gently caressed her cheek with his thumb.

  “There’s a meeting at Malcolm’s…” She said softly, “I’m not quite sure what about but I guess it’s mandatory.”

  Kedar huffed and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, placing his feet on the floor. He turned back to Samantha, “I guess we have to get up now then?”

  Samantha nodded as she placed her hand on Kedar’s.

  He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, “Alright, then let’s go.”

  An hour later they were walking into Malcolm’s manor, following close behind Colin. They walked into the den where the rest of the pack was waiting. Samantha walked up to Melody briskly. She was sitting in her wheelchair off to the side, looking particularly weary. Samantha gave her a loose hug.

  “Are you okay, Auntie? Why are you in a wheel chair?” She asked, concerned.

  “I’ll be just fine. The vampire venom did some nerve damage, but Dr. Gardner is confident that I will be walking again by the end of the summer.” Melody replied in a tired voice. Samantha smiled weakly.

  Kedar stepped up to Melody, lightly placing his hand on her shoulder, “It’s good to see you, Mel…” He said as he lightly squeezed her shoulder in affection.

  “You as well, Kit,” She responded as she placed her hand lightly over his.

  Samantha and Kedar stood on e
ither side of Melody, waiting for the meeting to begin.

  Malcolm came into the room followed by his wife and children. They took their seats quietly, but Malcolm remained standing. He looked at Melody and a small smile crept unto his lips. “It is wonderful that you are alive and well, Melody.” He said warmly.

  “I’m not quite well yet, Malcolm.” Melody responded quickly.

  Malcolm chuckled, but he cleared his throat and his demeanor turned serious, “Before we start the meeting I would like to discuss your attack with you. Is that alright?”

  Melody nodded, “Its fine.”

  “Good. Can you just tell me what you remember from that night? About the attack?”

  Melody sighed, “I was walking to the meeting point with the pack’s belongings. I was ambushed by two vampires. They attacked from behind. I was hit with something on the back of my head, probably a rock or something but I’m not too sure. One of them bit me, he looked older with darker hair, but his demeanor told me that he was a fledgling. The other younger looking one had been instructing him on where to bite me and how much blood to drain. He then explained to me that to complete the transformation that I needed to accept their blood. He made the dark haired one cut his skin and offer the wound to me. I wouldn’t accept his blood and he tried to force me too, but I fought back. He then began to choke on what appeared to be nothing and he ran into the trees. The lighter haired one followed him. I got a good look at both their faces.”

  “Zachary told me that if you could give him a description he would eliminate the vampires who attacked you for us,” Charlotte stated, eager to help.

  Melody turned to look at her, her face grave, “Child, the younger, light haired vampire was Zachary. I’m sure of it.” Charlotte turned white with shock and Samantha clenched her fists.

  “It was Zachary? He was instructing the other vampire to turn you?” She hissed. She looked towards Charlotte, who stood bewildered. Samantha clenched her fists so hard her knuckles began to turn white and her nails dug into her skin.

  Melody nodded slowly, “And he said the only way to turn into a vampire was for me to drink the blood of one as well… The transformation only occurs if you’re willing. If not the vampire poison simply kills you.”

  Charlotte shook her head slowly in disbelief, “That’s not possible. That can’t be possible…”

  “Are you calling my aunt a liar?” Samantha snapped accusingly.

  “It couldn’t have been Zach though!” Charlotte exclaimed.

  “Enough!” Malcolm bellowed, “It does not matter! What is important is that Melody was attacked and she almost died. We need to make sure there are no more adverse side effects to the bite. Someone needs to be with her at all times until she is well again.” He turned to Katarina who was seated on the opposite side of the room, “Katarina, would you be willing to extend your stay here to care for Melody?”

  Katarina nodded, “My husband must return to work in New York, but I can stay behind and care for her for the time being.” She responded. Samantha rolled her eyes.

  “Very good. As far as I know vampire venom is typically deadly to our kind. Just because Melody is doing better now does not mean she is not going to get ill again. The accusations against Charlotte’s pet will also be investigated. Charlotte, child, I think you forget sometimes that he is a vampire. He could very well be responsible for the attack. And until we know for sure Zachary is not allowed to come anywhere near any of the packs. If he is spotted in the territory he is to be killed on site. I will make the other alphas aware of this.” Malcolm’s voice was hard as a rock.

  “But…” Charlotte whispered, her bottom lip quivering.

  “There will be no buts, Charlotte. If Zachary is proved innocent and we can get our hands on exactly who attacked Melody they will be the first eliminated when we wipe out the brood. On that note the master Alpha is returning from his trip in France. He has been made aware of this situation and will be here during the second week of February, three weeks from now. During that week we are going to ambush the brood, and God willing, eliminate them. They have murdered plenty of innocent people, including tourists and sex workers. We are not to show them any mercy. The other packs have already been informed. I need all of you to ready yourselves for this. Do you understand?”

  The group nodded slowly.

  “Wonderful. Charlotte, I need you to tell Zachary he is to meet me here, alone. If he is followed, I’ll assume he’s guilty of attacking Melody and he will be killed. Get out of my sight and make sure your blood sucker understands.” Charlotte nodded and she ducked out of the room quickly.

  “The rest of you are dismissed as well.” Malcolm said once he heard Charlotte clamoring down the front stairs hurriedly.

  Kedar moved behind Melody’s wheel chair, pushing her out of the house and down the handicap ramp. His muscles were tense and he kept glancing beside him to look at Samantha. She walked along beside him with her hands stuffed into her sweatshirt pockets, fury in her eyes.

  “You’re sure it was Zachary?” Kedar growled to Melody with malice in his voice.

  “Very sure.” Melody responded.

  Kedar pushed Melody up to his truck and he helped her inside, putting her wheel chair into the bed. He turned to Samantha, “Take her home.” He ordered.

  “You stay with her, I need to go for a walk.” Samantha defied him.

  “You’re not going to go after the vampire alone, are you?” Kedar growled.

  “If I happen to cross paths with him then I do. But I am not going to seek him out purposefully. I just need to clear my head.”

  “Are you going to be safe, sweetheart?” Melody asked from the back seat of the truck.

  “Of course, Auntie.” Samantha nodded, “I’ll see you both at home.” She stood on her toes to kiss Kedar on the cheek and then she headed into the forest.

  She walked through the forest aimlessly for what felt like ages. Her legs were tired and she decided to turn around, letting her sense of direction lead her home. She was still so angry she didn’t know what to do with herself. She sat on a tree stump and rubbed her temples, gathering her thoughts and figuring out which direction would be best for her to go in. She heard voices in the distance. She crept closer, being careful to stay hidden amongst the underbrush.

  “Do they suspect that it was you?” A female voice said.

  “Of course they do. I told you it was a terrible idea to attack that girl’s aunt.” It was Zachary.

  Samantha peered through the bushes. The female Zachary was speaking to didn’t look a day over sixteen. Her skin was pale, as were her eyes. She had long flowing black hair and her lips were blood red. When she spoke long fangs poked out from behind her lips, both on the top and the bottom. She smelled of death, probably fresh from feeding. She hissed at Zachary and paced back and forth.

  “You also told me that mother said that drinking from a damned wolf wouldn’t kill a vampire. Last time I checked, it apparently did.” There was obvious sarcasm in her melodic voice.

  “I didn’t know that it was toxic to us! I did as your mother said!” Zachary yelled.

  She moved close to him swiftly, as if she were gliding on air. She covered his mouth with her pale hands and hissed once more, “Shut up. Someone could hear us!”

  “Bianca, she didn’t drink from him. She’s recovered and she told her pack it was me. Charlotte won’t tell me what’s going on except that their Head Alpha demands that I speak with him alone.” Zachary said as he moved away from her hand, his voice quieter this time as he spoke.

  “Are they going to kill you?”

  Zachary shook his head slowly, “I won’t let them…” He reached out and caressed her cheek, “Go back to your mother, and tell her what’s transpired. I’ll be back tonight.”

  Bianca nodded slowly and began to walk away from Zachary, towards Samantha’s hiding spot. She crouched lower to the ground, careful not to break any twigs. There was plenty of snow and it was beginning to seep through he
r boots and through her jeans. She watched as the woman walked away and she turned, making sure Zachary was a safe distance away. Once she was satisfied with his distance she sprung forward, grabbing her from behind. She covered her mouth with one hand and held her in a headlock with her free arm.

  “If you don’t scream then I’ll let you live… I just have a few questions…” Samantha whispered. The woman nodded and Samantha pulled a dagger from the holster on her leg. She showed it to Bianca, but uncovered her mouth. She didn’t scream as Samantha had anticipated. Bianca turned to face Samantha, who brandished the dagger again. “It’s been blessed with holy water. I wouldn’t act foolishly if I were you.” She warned, her voice cold as an Alaskan winter.

  “Who are you? What do you want?” Bianca demanded to know, panic bubbling in the undertones of her voice.

  Samantha began to spin her tale, “I’m a rogue wolf,” She lied, “I’m looking for some information. I could smell that you’re a vamp from a mile away. What’s your name?”

  “Bianca, Bianca Cortaux…”

  Samantha pressed her lips together in a thin line, “My name is Emelia.” She continued to lie.

  “And you’re a rogue?” Bianca clarified as she rose an eyebrow. It was clear she was familiar with the growing rogue population.

  “Exactly. Now would you mind giving me some answers?” Samantha asked, thanking God for blessing her with a knack for acting.

  “What would you like to know?” Bianca sneered, folding her arms across her chest. Her muscles were tight, it was clear she did not trust Samantha.

  “It would greatly benefit the rogue agenda if I had… Special abilities. The others who I’ve joined with would also find it beneficial I’m sure.”


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